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Hello, C++!
@Code-Guru C++ says hi back
@AndreiTita Co-procedures trump preemtive threading for that
@rhalbersma I am still writing my answer, and that makes me think more deeply and carefully about the issues: I am not sure that SFINAE is mostly for library writers. There is a conflict between some conveniences and some other conveniences here, and you cannot have your convenience and eat it too :'( — R. Martinho Fernandes 11 hours ago
^ So that's what happens when a robot thinks to much. "you cannot have your convenience and eat it too" - srsly :) (/cc @R.MartinhoFernades - I suppose you skipped the answer?)
I like that he's apparently really taking his time to write that answer. It's going to be epic.
A: How to define a constexpr double at namespace scope with external linkage?

Lightness Races in OrbitYes; you can use extern: [C++11: 3.5/3]: A name having namespace scope (3.3.6) has internal linkage if it is the name of a variable, function or function template that is explicitly declared static; or, a variable that is explicitly declared const or constexpr and neither explicitly...

This is right, right?
@AndreiTita Nope. I think he'll skip it because the answer is around on the nets, and probably even SO
@LightnessRacesinOrbit I don't see why not.
@sehe Good. I couldn't be bothered to check it by loading up a dev environment.
@LightnessRacesinOrbit Well, neither have I, so, nothing gained.
Assumptions... Here's more:
"A good software developer looks both ways before crossing a one-way street" < Turns out you also need to look up and down.
@sehe Was being sarcastic. It's a good question, though - I wondered about that when I saw Scott's list.
I'm le hungry
Time to sleep.
Speak to you tomorrow.
@LightnessRacesinOrbit Why the "extern" on the definitions?
Fuck you now I'm also hungry. :(
@AndreiTita Read the question, and the answer...
@sehe never know when a meteor is going to fall or an earthquake happen
But I can't figure out how one would use such a constexpr
@Zoidberg Damn. I have a relevant quote and I can't remember what the source was.
I could go for an English breakfast right now.
Minus the hash browns. I not only dislike them but I don't even know what they are made of.
@Zoidberg mmmmmmmmmmmmmmm
@AndreiTita Potato.
@LightnessRacesinOrbit Yeah, just went to wikipedia.
omg that breakfast looks amazing
I went to google yesterday
and it's 00:18 so I have literally zero chance of getting one right now
I like potatoes in all other forms though.
storing the image though for inspiration tomorrow
@LightnessRacesinOrbit That beans look okay, but the rest... meh.
@LightnessRacesinOrbit Aren't you English? Just cook your breakfast early.
@FredOverflow I was thinking more of the opposite
@doug65536 I'll take the beans then, and you get the rest?
@FredOverflow deal
@AndreiTita Ingredients required
I have no bacon, bread, eggs, tomatoes or sausages in
I could manage a bowl of beans and that's it
I have bacon.
and eggs
hmm there must be some place around here that is open all night and does it
maybe a motorway service station
@Code-Guru WELL DONE
Q: c# Multidimensional Array to std vector

user522745How to convert C# Multidimensional Array to c++ std vector for example : var Number = new double[2, 3, 5] { { { 12.44, 525.38, -6.28, 2448.32, 632.04 }, {-378.05, 48.14, 634.18, 762.48, 83.02 }, { 64.92, -7.44, 86.74, -534.60, 386.73 } ...

huh, cached
> I would like to do the same in C++, but do not know how and have not read my C++ book.
What does that mean?
While I appreciate the fact that he links to The List, erm.... what?
Oh, wait.
@LightnessRacesinOrbit You did this.
@LightnessRacesinOrbit what happened to the indents there
@doug65536 I fixed them.
hi, can somebody answer this lame Q: Why is alexandrescu "inventor" of PBD? Isnt it similar to what STL does, for example with allocators
I was wondering what was going to happen next, as I reloaded each edit
how do I make a stream convert a number to a fixed number of digits? (specifically, I want 7 to be displayed as 07)
I'm sure I've done that before but I can't recall it.
What is PBD?
policy based design
@doug65536 Six seasons and a movie
point-blank delivery
@AndreiTita just fill from front :)
@AndreiTita std::setw
@doug65536 That adds a space, not a zero :)
@NoSenseEtAl Who says he invented it?
you want leading zeros?
@LightnessRacesinOrbit Someone who asks lame questions?
std::setfill(char) => std::setfill('0')
@doug65536 I've stated that, yes.
Arguably the Standard Library, and the STL before that, utilises PBD in a small way for its Allocators and such.
Alexandrescu then "popularised" the approach in his 2001 book, demonstrating its wider uses.
@doug65536 Cheers.
Personally I try to avoid these "design pattern" buzzwords
So non-stop timetravel wasn't non-stop after all
It was first popularized by Andrei Alexandrescu with his 2001 book Modern C++ Design and his column Generic<Programming> in the C/C++ Users Journal.
@DavidGiard what’s better: no source control or VSS?
@LightnessRacesinOrbit yes you are right
^ too true (experiencing that everyday, FML)
@sehe I merely time travelled to a point before my name became Non-Stop Time Travel. There is a 90% chance that one day I'll travel to the other side of that line, once more because, indeed, I am still engaged in non-stop time travel.
@LightnessRacesinOrbit PBD?
btw do you use pbd... seems cool to me, like ortogonal stuff is generic squared, but I have trouble seeing where i need it . :D
@DeadMG policy based design.
@DeadMG Scroll up
like, just a tiny little bit
@NoSenseEtAl Then you don't.
@LightnessRacesinOrbit my Q is am I blind/bad, or it is not often used for non lib code
@NoSenseEtAl the answer is "don't worry about it; when you need it you'll know"
simultaneously voting to close as non-constructive
I don't have a habit of using PBD.
btw talking about constructive... watching boostcon clips
nor traits, actually.
why oh why std regex doesnt have option that . captures newline also... damn you std committee... Herb you did this on purpose to torture me. :P
@NoSenseEtAl He says "yes"
btw near place I work there is a place
called Herb Shop :D
lol @ vss Initial release 1994
Stable release 2005 (8.0.50727.42) / October 2005
@sehe lol, nice. One company I worked for used winmerge to manually merge developer copies. It actually wasn't too bad.
gave you one last skim over each change as you put it in.
@doug65536 I always do a diff before committing.
So that's not dissimilar
btw one thing that I cant ask on SO because it will get closed... Anybody here that prefers Vim/Emacs to VS+VA? I ask because one really smart guy that I knew used Vim a lot and I really hate non IDE solutions... so me wondering if me ignorant, or just he never tried VS+VA glorious combination
@LightnessRacesinOrbit and triple check that you didn't forget to add a file you added
@doug65536 No, I include "unversioned files" in the status list, and investigate each one
Q: Counting a String within a string

TazI'm told to ask the user for a string ( a sentence). Then the user is asked to input another string to search in string 1 (the sentence). The program has to count the number of times the second string shows up in the first string. I'm not getting any errors but it's is not counting the letters. T...

Oh the nonsense :(
@LightnessRacesinOrbit his loop isn't doing anything
like, literally nothing
yet no one is saying this
@doug65536 I'm actually doing most of the merging these days. i have been running git (full guerilla style) for 2 years now, and I have all the works.
I use tortoisemerge. It is really quite the nice tool. But I'd never merge just based on VSS repositories (unless your branches are really stable, like, you know, tags)
2 mins ago, by Lightness Races in Orbit
Oh the nonsense :(
@doug65536 The last skim is after the merge, the re-double-check of the net changes you are committing to the target branch
Oh, and I get the devs of the changes to sit with me if possible. They have the context. That makes all the difference
@Xeo @Stacked If you're around, we're starting a campaign on Anime.SE to seed as many questions in our genres as possible - to break the trend of nothing but Naruto.
@sehe worth all the effort though - I think source control "overhead" is worth every second of time
@Mysticial only way to do that is through sharing Anime.SE to other anime communities which.. well can backfire.
@doug65536 Depends :) I'm not sure what you are referring to. I prefer having this a low effort task (like, you know, everyone can merge his/her own work immediately). But that's probably just modernist
@Rapptz We had a huge discussion about that today. (with all the mods as well)
First were going to seed enough questions in our genre - leave them largely unanswered.
And then we will share it in other places.
Anime.SE is full of unanswered questions right now
@doug65536 Oh right. I live and breath with source control. It's the best kind of control :) I just hate sourcesafe. And serena dimensions. And CVS. And subversion (a little).
Well the front page anyway
@sehe you hate perforce? why? (if you can think of a specific thing :)
@Rapptz That was partly the result of the discussion today.
Furthermore, all those questions are in our genre.
And not Naruto questions.
@doug65536 By proxy. You picked the one I haven't actually had much hands-on experience with. Lemme strike it
Well, for one thing, they're mostly needlessly commercial in the light of git, bazaar, darcs, monotone, mercurial etc.
Well, I'm going to just say that the rush of naruto questions will never die out. It's popular so it's bound to get a lot of questions, the same is true for any tag in SO.
Another thing -- I haven't been on anime.se for a while and funny enough one of my favourite animes still has only two questions.
One of which I asked myself.
I had to add this at that YT vid:
@sehe "(I hate) subversion (a little)" lol. They should put that as a testimonial on their website
@doug65536 yeah. I used to love SVN. That was when I was happy to replace CVS/SourceSafe with it. Yeah, I'm old
A: Counting a String within a string

Brian JUse TypeOf similar to instanceOf in Java Eg, x.GetType()==y.GetType();

yeah but mine's linking to a shitty answer!
@Rapptz Better
lol his edit
hi everybody, who'll talk with me about the data sharing in multi-thread program
@bbg sharing is easy, it's when you modify it that it gets tricky
@bbg In other words, reading is safe. Writing isn't (inherently).
@Mark You are right.
Firstly, my problem is like this:
class UserInfo{};
class ConfInfo{};
@bbg Then...
class ClientEntity{};
class ClientEntity{ UserInfo ui_; ConfInfo ci_;};
the ClientEntity object can been shared between different threads, and the ClientEntity object maybe destroyed when the program is running.
how can design this class to destroy the object safely?
It's already pretty much safe, since the class is entirely empty.
@LightnessRacesinOrbit Amazing advice.
@bbg You should use a singleton in a multi-threaded program. It's funnier that way.
does anti-matter make the same structures as matter?
@Lightness No, i have not writed the class member.
@Crowz Somewhat.
You should use pointers.
@LightnessRacesinOrbit whatcha mean?
@Crowz It's assumed it would. (ofc, the charges are reversed)
In particle physics, antimatter is material composed of antiparticles, which have the same mass as particles of ordinary matter but have opposite charge and quantum spin. Antiparticles bind with each other to form antimatter in the same way that normal particles bind to form normal matter. For example, a positron (the antiparticle of the electron, with symbol ) and an antiproton (symbol ) can form an antihydrogen atom. Furthermore, mixing matter and antimatter can lead to the annihilation of both, in the same way that mixing antiparticles and particles does, thus giving rise to high-ene...
Does the fact that it's the opposite charge mean anything significant, though?
Well it's pretty fucking significant, yes.
If you're asking whether antimatter may form atoms and molecules then the answer is (essentially) yes
@Crowz Only if you mix them.
"essentially" because atoms are generally understood to comprise neutrons, electrons and protons, which do not exist in antimatter.
however, their antimatter equivalents may form equivalent structures.
Who can give me some suggestions?
the class ClientEntiy has many objects
so, i cann't use the singleton pattern
@LightnessRacesinOrbit oooh I see. So... is anti-matter like, actually anywhere? Sorry if that sounds stupid
@bbg Look into mutual exclusion.
@Crowz Seriously, read the Wikipedia article. It's all there.
@Crowz Some metaphysicists theorize that the universe has equal "number" of matter and anti-matter.
The baryon asymmetry problem in physics refers to the fact that there is an imbalance in baryonic matter and antibaryonic matter in the universe. Neither the standard model of particle physics, nor the theory of general relativity provide an obvious explanation for why this should be so, and it is a natural assumption that the universe be neutral with all conserved charges. The Big Bang should have produced equal amounts of matter and antimatter, as such, there should have been total cancellation of both. In other words, protons should have cancelled with antiprotons, electrons with antiel...
@MarkGarcia But it'd have to be separate than matter, wouldn't it?
As in, the matter and anti-matter could never be near each other
@Crowz They could co-exist, as long as they don't make contact with each other.
The main problem with the Baryon asymmetry, in my view, is scientists' assumption that the Big Bang should have produced matter and antimatter in precisely equal quantities, and they focus on trying to figure out what happened to the antimatter. But how the fuck do they know what the Big Bang "should" have produced
Especially when it, y'know, didn't
@Crowz When they do, your dead.
@Crowz Will you please read the material? The news article I linked you to almost completely answers everything you've asked so far.
I wonder if anti-matter will ever be a viable energy source...
@AndreiTita, when the ClientEntity Object is created , it will not been modified, so i do not use the mutex
@LightnessRacesinOrbit The fact that observations differ from theory simply shows the theory is incomplete.
@Crowz They are.
@MarkGarcia Not for the costs right now haha
@Crowz 200% efficiency!!!
@AndreiTita Or that the base assumption is flawed
Or that the existing theory is incorrect
@Crowz Use e=mc2 with m as the sum of the matter-antimatter masses.
@MarkGarcia Well I'm not that smart
@Crowz That could mean that when you turn two atoms into "pure energy", it could pop a peanut apart.
@Crowz It's pretty easy. The more matter you annihilate, the more energy you produce. For example atom bombs produce bigger booms per weight because they annihilate more matter than conventional bombs. In a matter-antimatter collision, all the mass is annihilated.
@Crowz Imagine billions of matter-antimatter combination of atoms.
@MarkGarcia "In 2006, Gerald Smith estimated $250 million could produce 10 milligrams of positrons"
For some reason, I don't think it's worth it for 250 million dollars...
In E=MC^2... isn't C the speed of light? Why is it C then? Why not a constant? Does the speed of light change in any cases?
The main challenges of producing energy with matter-anitmatter reactions is on the production and confinement of antimatter.
yes, the speed of electromagnetic radiation propagation is slightly reduced when it interacts with matter
@LightnessRacesinOrbit What I was saying was that under the current theory equal amounts of matter and anti-matter "should" have been produced, so that's how they can tell. The fact that it doesn't appear to be the case may signify that the theory is incomplete or wrong (but we don't have a better alternative yet, apparently).
@Crowz The speed of light is like the ratio of space and time.
@Crowz c is the speed of light in a vacuum and it is indeed a constant.
How do you people know so much about everything? Haha
@Crowz It's always constant. It's only our perception that makes it's speed change.
@MarkGarcia Not constant if it changes mediums.
it's common knowledge that the speed of light is slower in matter. that's why they say the speed of light "in a vacuum"
@Crowz If your pass time is reading...
@AndreiTita Of course. But that is because of there is transfer and transformation of energy that's happening.
@MarkGarcia I like reading medical mysteries and biographies haha
it's the speed that changes can propagate through the universe. if the sun vanished, we wouldn't know until the (lack of light and gravity) makes it to Earth
@Crowz C is a constant. It gets a name for the same reason we don't spread magic numbers all over our programs.
@AndreiTita Just light passing through glass. Light is transferred through the "energy exitation and discharge" of electrons in the atoms.
e.g. CHAR_BIT instead of just 8
@LightnessRacesinOrbit It just seems more simple to do the squaring right there and save people some time
@LightnessRacesinOrbit ...hmm, yeah, we don't do that, ever. * whistles *
note the subtlty there that may one day it will change... muahaha
@Crowz Why's that?
everyone insistent on saying it is constant, why don't you lookup the scientists that slowed it down to a couple of hundred km/h (if memory serves correctly)
@Crowz This is common knowledge, tbh.
@LightnessRacesinOrbit 'cause it's a pain to look up the speed of light... what is it, 186,000 somethings per second?
@Crowz You're not writing code. You don't need to cache c^2 ;)
@doug65536 IIRC that was later refuted
yeah? I always found it hard to believe anyway
@Crowz Right, which is why we have a nice letter for it, instead of having to remember to write it precisely in every single formula that ever deals with the speed of light
It's only because there is transformation of energy, which takes time.
@Crowz Seriously, why would we want that?
"the refractive index of air for visible light is about 1.0003, so the speed of light in air is about 90 km/s slower than c."
@doug65536 that says nothing about c itself, which is the speed of light in a vacuum, and is a constant.
Look at all those @Crowz
> In September 2011, physicists working on the OPERA experiment published results that suggested beams of neutrinos had travelled from CERN (in Geneva, Switzerland) to LNGS (at the Gran Sasso, Italy) faster than the speed of light.[47] These findings, sometimes referred to as the faster-than-light neutrino anomaly, were subsequently determined—subject to further confirmation—to be the result of a measurement error.
Maybe that's what you were thinking of.
Why is it that things can't travel faster than light?
@LightnessRacesinOrbit Yes. There are evidence that neutrinos travel faster than light.
@MarkGarcia Read the whole quote.
@Crowz Duplicate of Where can I get a university degree in physics?
@LightnessRacesinOrbit what do people even do in physics anyway?
@Crowz Because there is no speed limit in the universe, at least there still isn't a law for overspeeding.
"When the atoms are slowed to a modest 100 miles an hour or so, the experimenters load the atoms into what they call "optical molasses," a web of more laser beams."
@Crowz Physics is pretty big.
There are a lot of subjects that physics as a whole encompass -- nuclear, motion, particles, electricity, heat
@Crowz They use programmers to do most of the calculations.
@Crowz We don't really know, but you'll find many wrong answers on the Internet.
@AndreiTita I wonder what physicists also think about what programmers are doing.
How do people make money doing research? Do investors actually pay for that? Do they get return on that?
@Crowz Weird math and the occasional unexciting experiment, unless you work at CERN.
@Crowz Look into research grants.
so yeah, c is constant. not denying that. the actual speed of light is variable
@MarkGarcia "We don't really know, but you'll find many wrong answers on the Internet."
@Crowz Defense contractors, the government, educational funds, etc.
@AndreiTita This is wrong.
@Crowz Governments allocate money.
@MarkGarcia Actually my answer was to a different thing but sure that works too.
@doug65536 No, it's not.
@LightnessRacesinOrbit What government has enough money to make something like CERN? Like, who paid for that?
@doug65536 Oh, without "in a vacuum", sure.
The European Organization for Nuclear Research ( ), known as CERN or Cern (; ; see History) is an international organization whose purpose is to operate the world's largest particle physics laboratory. Established in 1954, the organization is based in the northwest suburbs of Geneva on the Franco–Swiss border, () and has 20 European member states. The term CERN is also used to refer to the laboratory, which employs just under 2,400 full-time employees, 1,500 part-time employees, and hosts some 10,000 visiting scientists and engineers, representing 608 universities and research facil...
@LightnessRacesinOrbit absolutely, in a vaccum it's constant
@Crowz Seriously, what's up with your web browser today?
@LightnessRacesinOrbit Huh?
@Crowz Money is not the issue, it's the energy that runs CERN. And EU has enough energy for that.
@Crowz You are failing to do any research. The way these projects are funded is trivially determined via a quick Google search, or by reading the top-level Wikipedia articles.
@Crowz Multiple governments.
@Rapptz Possibly. I'm not a physicist. I just read all those wrong things on the Internet, and try my best to figure out which is less wrong.
But WHY?
@Crowz Why do governments fund scientific research?
Research funding is a term generally covering any funding for scientific research, in the areas of both "hard" science and technology and social science. The term often connotes funding obtained through a competitive process, in which potential research projects are evaluated and only the most promising receive funding. Such processes, which are run by government, corporations or foundations, allocate scarce funds. Most research funding comes from two major sources, corporations (through research and development departments) and government (primarily carried out through universities and sp...
@Crowz They want to be technologically superior! They want to have the next Manhattan Project!
@Crowz I'm not sure if you're serious but if they didn't I'd be out of a job and so would many others.
> Critics of basic research are concerned that research funding for the sake of knowledge itself does not contribute to a great return. However, scientific innovations often foreshadow or inspire further ideas unintentionally. For example, NASA's quest to put a man on the moon inspired them to develop better sound recording and reading technologies. NASA's research was furthered by the music industry, who used it to develop audio cassettes.
> Audio cassettes, being smaller and able to store more music, quickly dominated the music industry and increased the availability of music.
...also, academics are really, really good at begging for money.
Science policy is an area of public policy concerned with the policies that affect the conduct of the science and research enterprise, including the funding of science, often in pursuance of other national policy goals such as technological innovation to promote commercial product development, weapons development, health care and environmental monitoring. Science policy also refers to the act of applying scientific knowledge and consensus to the development of public policies. Science policy thus deals with the entire domain of issues that involve the natural sciences. In accordance w...
I'm not responding to you any further until you read the basic articles that cover all this in full depth.
@MarkGarcia that... that actually sounds absolutely terrifying
@Crowz No. It isn't. They wouldn't use that for war. War is bad for business.
@MarkGarcia: surely that depends on what business you're in.
War causes technological advances.
Rule of acquisition #35: Peace is good for business
Rule of acquisition #34: War is good for business
A lot of common things we have today come from funding through war.
Also god damn it Crowz.
@Rapptz: correlation is not causation
@Rapptz Yeah, they hasten the advancements. For destruction purposes only.
@rici I know that phrase too well -- since I'm in academia.
However I'd like to hear the rebuttal :)
@rapptz: fireworks
@Rapptz Eh?
@rici Fireworks were made by accident.
If I remember correctly anyway.
@Rapptz Yeah. And in the kitchen.
@Crowz I can't believe you actually asked "Why do we fund science"
@Rapptz I asked what is the return for the people funding it
Capitalism... and... stuff
@Rapptz: everything was made first by accident.
@rapptz, crepes suzette, for example
@Crowz They become part of the Great Technological Innovation.
However, lots and lots of people did lots and lots of research into making cooler and better fireworks
because, they're really cool.
if you could blow up a terrorist with a cancer cure, cancer would be cured
I don't understand what fireworks and crepes suzette have to do with war :|
@MarkGarcia but lose money, which is far more concrete
and of course they became an export technology for china
@Rapptz: the point is, they're explosives
@Crowz No. They need an outlet for their overflowing riches.
@doug65536 "Cancer cure" is a misleading term.
@rici So? There are many chemical reactions that are explosive.
but they were technologically advanced for centuries because they made great entertainment, not war.
so what you're saying is that technological advancement in firework production is not interesting? why not?
because you're convinced that only interesting advances are warfare related, perhaps'?
I am talking about modern technology that came through as a result of funding through war -- for example: radar, GPS, the internet, nuclear physics, satellites, the entire cold war debacle.
@rici They just mix in every chemical and substance they want and see if it turns out cool.
@rapptz, if you're confining your observation to our current war-obsessed culture, i'll agree with you. but not if you're attempting to state a historical invariant.
I am strictly talking about modern technologies.
@rici war-obsessed culture? CURRENT? where did you get that? try the 10th century or so.
also, war funding is a great way of getting money for stuff. the internet was built with it. so was the us interstate highway system
@rici Which is what I'm saying.
@Rapptz Most of our current "cuttin-edge" technologies are just elaboration of the tech made in the 90s.
@MarkGarcia Hm? Examples?
rapptz: you said "war causes technological advance." that's different from "funding labelled war is spent on technological advance."
@Rapptz Computers. Programming languages. Even the god damned cellphone!
@rici I suppose, though the latter was part of my point.
@Rapptz Oh, I mean't that as 1900s.
@rapptz: different category. bankers funded a lot of art, but would you argue that "banks cause art"?
or "banks cause artistic development"?
Hm, no.
Though I don't know much about art to argue one point or another.
why let that stop you
because the question seemed like a loaded question
i don't really need an answer to it. it was socratic
I still believe that war causes technological advances -- not all of them though obviously.
any way to get this code to call the 1st overload when they have that stupid typedef unsigned int flag and the enum? I'm trying to get boost regex to work while still passing 'optimize' to complete implementations
@Rapptz But I believe post-war tensions does most of those advances.
for some reason I can't make a minimal case that repro's
@rici really?
> socratic, adj. of or relating to Socrates, his followers, or his philosophical method of systematic doubt and questioning of another to elicit a clear expression of a truth supposed to be knowable by all rational beings
@MarkGarcia Could be argued. Astronomical advances haven't been funded as much ever since the cold war.
@LightnessRacesinOrbit perhaps the expectation was too high?
@Rapptz Many believe (including me) that they're mostly done in response to the Soviets active space programs.
@doug65536 Abandon the enum and use an enum class instead. They were created to fix this problem :)

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