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What poorly designed function signatures
yeah I know, but it's boost regex, you saying I should start modifying it?
@rici Possibly.
@doug65536 Report a bug. This is poor code. Are you sure this is the most recent version?
just downloaded newest and installed today
What is the real function name? Search to find out whether someone already bitched about it.
boost::regex constructors - technically basic_regex, you know what I mean
@MarkGarcia What was? Astronomical funding?
@doug65536 What about std::regex?
Isn't it supported in MSVC11?
the constructors have an ambiguity caused by a zero value for flags. see my ideone
it says success but I've carefully investigated and can't figure out how to repro in ideone
What's the real code because you're doing something wrong
the ambiguity is that it doesn't know if the unsigned int flags is a null text2, or the first constructor
I'll put up real code.. 1 sec
Also enum class wouldn't help because it's a bitmask not plain enum
if you don't comment out those 2nd parameters in the constructors (in SimpleOSM constructor), it has ambiguity error
This would make a good SO question. It'll be good to be able to refer to it in the future. I can't find any existing issue noted online.
they cut corners in the implementation so the 'optimize' flag and 'normal' flag all end up as zeros, creating the ambiguity
I have a hard time believing they screwed up boost like that too - they're smarter than that
ooh, 1,000 for a gold badge, right? I'm <60 rep off gold badges for both and :D
about time
They should get rid of the 200 min. requirement.
unfortunately, it's really difficult to care about any questions in either tag
@Mysticial the 200 cap per day, you mean?
200 answers limit
@LightnessRacesinOrbit No, the 200 answers needed to get the badge.
OK I'm still in the clear for both :)
300-odd and 500-odd respectively
1037 in ; fuck me...
I have like 9 tags with over 1k. But only two gold tag badges.
@Mysticial show off
@LightnessRacesinOrbit :P
@rici I know. I mentioned that I can't minimally repro it
Jesus christ.. how did you get 21 golds in under two years.....
What am I showing off? I only have two of the gold tag badges? :P
@LightnessRacesinOrbit That's nothing. Jon Skeet has over a hundred.
having 9 tags over 1k
@Mysticial You are not Jon Skeet
D:\Code\vcngl4\Engine\World\mappreproc.h|1560|error: call of overloaded 'basic_regex(const char [44], int)' is ambiguous|
well shit, I'm on my own google chat thing
oh, you keep answering those "super-famous" questions, that's why
I don't have much in the way of quantity. So I'm never gonna get those tag badges.
@doug65536: what if you cast the | expression to unsigned?
ugly, i know
I keep trying to figure out how to do SetStreamSource, DirectX 11 style, and keep getting lost. =[
@LightnessRacesinOrbit It's ridiculous I have 8k in . And I don't even have the silver badge for it.
@Mysticial Silver badge for performance: "Earned 400 upvotes for at least 80 answers in the tag". You have only 65.
And I haven't answered a question in like 3 weeks. So I don't think I'm getting to 80 any time soon. lol
Q: JS loop only works when matching to the last element in an array

coryrwestI cannot get the loop to work in my simple js login script. When i try to login with any login other than the last one in the array (user3 and pass3) it returns false. What am I doing wrong? I have tried both == and ===. var userLogins = [{user:"user1", password:"pass1"},{user:"user2", passwor...

This is why it's difficult to pick up rep in
Ok. Done.
wait what, 36 mins ago?!
something went funny with timestamps. that question and the other answer were brand new a minute ago! In fact, I thought my answer was newer by approx. 15 seconds :/
@MarkGarcia lol thanks :P
Thanks for reminding me JavaScript is awful.
Forgot to take my daily dose.
@Rapptz I saw "inline string to_string(int _Val)" in VS string header file
It was fixed in the November CTP
@Rapptz They included some libraries?
yes, I have Nov CTP installed
@MarkGarcia No, they added overloads.
@Rapptz Ah. Still, no intellisense!!!
@MarkGarcia :( intellisense could be better.
@Rapptz But it saves me a lot of time. And I like that most of its messages are the same with the compiler messages. (I hope they put warning messages on the next updates).
If it was like C#'s intellisense it sure would be lovely.
I don't really dislike it though.
@doug65536: or, slightly less ugly but a lot wordier, RegexImpl::regex_constants::syntax_option_type(RegexImpl::regex_constants::optim‌​ize | RegexImpl::regex_constants::ECMAScript)
@doug65536: That's seriously much ado about 0
@rici I'll try that, thanks
Time for C++ Query!
yuck javascript tag really is horrid. I wanna get my gold badge then gtf out of there
@LightnessRacesinOrbit I'll help you. (I'm really so bored right now)
@LightnessRacesinOrbit I'll do +1 comments until I get banned.
those would get reversed
@LightnessRacesinOrbit: changed your name again?
@MarkGarcia lol
@MarkGarcia I genuinely can't find any questions that interest me in the slightest
@Borgleader reverted
@LightnessRacesinOrbit Just tell me and you'll save me from this boredom hell!
Q: Center Align Title Google Chart

Turnercj65How can I center the title in a Line Chart from Google Charts API (Not Google Chart Images) I don't see any options like titlePosition: 'center' Thanks! function drawVisualization() { // Create and populate the data table. var data = google.visualization.arrayToDataTable([ ['xValues',...

I answered that one
and now I'm going to stop browsing as it is making me feel unwell
+1 That also helped a LOT! And really good answer, BTW. — Mark Garcia 18 secs ago
damn it mark
Why am I laughing!!!
are you on drugs
@LightnessRacesinOrbit Thank you!!!
this feels like sock puppetting
2 days ago, by Rapptz
is everyone in here smoking something today?
"jiff"? "JIFF"????
@Rapptz I think its the cough syrup.
@Borgleader Dat suave motherfucker.
@LightnessRacesinOrbit GIF
@LightnessRacesinOrbit That's the joke.
thank fuck for that
again :)
> Hai friends How we can add class like the code below
hai friends
Hiiiii friends
I would like to answer the question of someone so friendly. :D
You don't even post on SO.
I totally do. D:
I had to upvote you twice
like a week ago
They weren't bad answers!
and your rep has not changed since then
I picked random ones, I didn't even read them
Why u do dis now i feel like I didn't earn 100 q_q
because you didn't
Wow one of them is an advertisement
A: WPF<->XNA - how to combine these two technologies?

ThePhDI posted this in another question, but there seem to be a lot of questions about how to integrate an XNA-like control in WPF. I read Nick Gravelyn's Blog and the Arcane.Xna post, and managed to develop something similar to both that completely parallels Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Game while providin...

Hey, I'm allowed to advertise. D:
Especially if it's relevant to the question at hand.
It's not like I'm just drive-by linking. D:
@rici it worked! thanks
@EtiennedeMartel He'll be playing Bastion on Friday (for like 6 hours or so)
@Borgleader My penis shall become erect.
@EtiennedeMartel Nice to know?
> Orgasm in a game-shaped package
That was my Steam recommendation for Bastion
I just think it's nice to see Day9 play something else than SC2 once in a while.
But he should play Spec Ops: The Line.
A game that you all should play as well.
The other day he played FTL. It looked really fun so I bought it and damn that's a bunch of fun.
Bastion was fun.
Are you fucking kidding me. @Mysticial smiles and he gets 3 stars? I always have to work for mine...
Wait what? I got starred?
looks at the starboard
@Borgleader Hey it was a special smile
@doug65536: cool. That automatic conversion to a null pointer can be a real nuisance.
Anyone here bought Visual Assist X?
it's $250
@Rapptz Interesting fact, but you didn't answer the question.
@LightnessRacesinOrbit uh I know @JerryCoffin bought it.
@Rapptz Now you answered the question.
@LightnessRacesinOrbit Can't say I cared about the question.
Why is it starred?
@Rapptz Good question.
@Rapptz The academic license is 50$. But the thing is I code as much on my laptop as I do on my desktop so I'm guessing I have to buy 2 licenses?
Kindof annoying
Why don't you download the free trial
I always thought that per-user rather than per-machine licences were far more fair because, just in the same way multi-car insurance policies work, you're likely to be splitting your time between the two installations rather than using them concurrently.
and try it out and then see if you like it
However, this is not as clearly true in the case of software as it is in driving a car. It's also intractible to enforce per-user licences, whereas per-machine licencing is largely feasible.
> I want to use Visual Assist X on my desktop and my laptop. Do I need two licenses? No. Visual Assist X is licensed per user; you are welcome to use our software on more than one machine under your exclusive control using a single license.
Well, there you go.
fuck markdown
Buying the shit out of it tomorrow
Installation licenses are annoying
@Borgleader Read this
Since you didn't earlier.
Didn't see it :(
Yeah it's intuitively placed in the Purchase tab.
Q: Can I use Visual Assist X on more than one machine?

Lightness Races in OrbitA copy of the Visual Studio plug-in Visual Assist X costs US$250, or US$50 for an academic licence. However, I code as much on my laptop as I do on my desktop, so I'm guessing I have to buy 2 licenses?

*whistles innocently*
Aren't those the type of questions you hate?
You.. you hypocrite.
I have no problem with self-answered questions
Admittedly this one shows no research effort in the question
I guess the fact that I answered it myself is the research effort
So I let myself off
Alright, let's make something clear here: error reporting with HRESULTs sucks balls.
^ This
When I get an "invalid call" error after a call, how am I supposed to know what went wrong?
My bittorrent client won't open.
@Rapptz The FBI is after you.
@EtiennedeMartel Use HCRYSTALBALL
Error codes are always awfully limited
I guess I should stop seeding.
@CatPlusPlus I don't have that. Does that come with Visual Studio 2012 Legenday Edition?
There's a Legendary edition?
@EtiennedeMartel Heh, I got a "Parse Error" from a call to D3DXLoadMeshHierarchyFromX
Psychic Edition
And at least Microsoft stuff tends to have somewhat decent documentation.
Yeah MSDN isn't so bad.
Could be worse. I could be stuck with some barely maintained C library.
"This function returns NULL in case of error"
That means that the function always returns NULL, just in case you'd cause an error otherwise.
MSDN quality ranges from decent to absolutely hilariously terrible
mostly tending towards the latter, IME
Oh, right, I can always enable the debug runtime....
Why do you guys keep using IME
@Rapptz Being insane will do that to you.
Because we're secretly Japanese
@CatPlusPlus Well, you're a cat, so it isn't quite a secret in your case.
Why are people commenting on my two-year old answer
I haven't cared about it for about two years
Because they love you.
> Invalid format specified for texture.
Well, now we're getting somewhere.
How cute, the cat thinks he has outgrown his old answers...
@EtiennedeMartel: You're working at 11:30? Crunch period is it?
@Borgleader Side project.
Messing around with sharing stuff between D3D11 and D3D9.
I managed to get a shared handle out of my D3D11 texture, and now I need to create a D3D9 texture with said handle. But the texture creation fails.
(Context: D3D11 rendering on a WPF D3DImage)
@Rapptz Is there some reason we shouldn't be?
@CatPlusPlus Which one?
The one that has 203 points for some inexplicable reason
I think I goooot it
What, an URL would kill you?
A: Python datetime to Unix timestamp

Cat Plus PlusAnother way is to use time.mktime: future = datetime.datetime.now() + datetime.timedelta(minutes=5) return time.mktime(future.timetuple()) It's also more portable than %s flag to strftime — latter is not supported on win32.

Yes, I'm lazy
Play the FFVI victory fanfare, I did it.
@LightnessRacesinOrbit an?
Don't tell me you say "earl"
@Rapptz I oscillate
Come on people. It is a poorly-asked question, but it's hardly worthy of closure, since there's clearly plenty we can comment on regarding his code. — Lightness Races in Orbit Jun 13 '11 at 0:23
Oh how times have changed...
It's okay Tomalak.
StackOverflow changed me too.
@Steve When you are questioning whether closing a question was the right thing to do, ask yourself. "Can this question be useful to others?" Does its title make it searchable? Does it cover a topic not already in SO. SO isn't here to just answer every single question. But to be a Q&A archive to help people find the information they need. If a question is only beneficial to the OP. It needs to be modified, closed, or deleted. In no way is "What's wrong" help anyone. "Why does my string print incorrectly" would be far more beneficial. However, we're not sure if that's the OP's concern. — Lee Louviere Jun 13 '11 at 17:45
I'm more like this guy now.
@LightnessRacesinOrbit I just saw you use using namespace std;, you monster.
Actually I was modifying only selected lines from the OP's code!
I'm pissed off by these ugly posts.
Your mama is pissed off by your ugly face
@LightnessRacesinOrbit I do not mean the posts here in this chatroom. The questions!!! Filth!
the project contains modulules..it clean successfully but error while building..i don't knw where's the error..when i build the module i get the following above error.. — Sourabh Grover 37 secs ago
Someone proposed an edit that changes "I" to "i". What.. the.. fuck.
@LightnessRacesinOrbit link?
Also, when will this code tag abuse end? Seems to be Indian users solely?
He plonked code tags around arbitrary phrases, and added "Enjoy !!" at the end :(
@LightnessRacesinOrbit I think Indian users seem to be making the large amount of shitty edits.
and two people approved it
@Rapptz It does seem that way.
My empirical observation is that a large proportion of the shite formatting that I've seen overall on SO over the past two years has come from Indian users.
I'm Asian, and most english-knowing Asians are very careful in their grammar. But for these guys, me-not-know.
@MarkGarcia Again frankly over my life that has not been my observation. Of course that does not constitute "most english-knowing Asians", just "most" out of those with whom I've had contact.
It's not been not knowing grammar, which is understandable for non-native speakers; it's the apparent nonchalance to communicating in a generally tidy fashion. Actually it's extended to the approach taken to code and design, too. "Just get it done, just solve the immediate problem, who cares about neatness and robustness and long-term use?"
imo anyway
@Rapptz That's an excellent edit
Perfect, even.
@LightnessRacesinOrbit I agree.
> Thank you for reviewing 20 Suggested Edits today; come back in 17 hours to continue reviewing.
Are you fucking joking?
Yeah it's fucking retarded
I searched through meta -- it seems that it's mostly there for badge control and because "if there was no limit then there would be nothing to review since too many people do it at a time"
"fixed grammar"
> I have following code
I am currently using java sdk version 7 update updated to 11
moron edit!
damn I didn't catch that when I edited it
No, you didn't.
> Thank you for reviewing 20 Suggested Edits today; come back in 16 hours to continue reviewing.
Hmm.. I guess time flies when you're waiting to continue reviewing.
I think we might have made that post easier to community wiki
Or are questions exempt from that?
I'm not sure
Q: What happened to the tone of the community on Stack Overflow?

Chris Sobolewski Possible Duplicate: Could we please be a bit nicer to the n00bs? Are Stack Overflow people still nice? I've been away for a while, so maybe I'm looking at it with rose colored glasses, but I seem to recall that when I was last active in the community, people were generally helpful an...

You know a question is horrible when the first 3 comments are basically saying "Wtf is wrong with your code?"
My advice is to stay away from the [c++] and [php] tags. Those guys are meanies. — Won't Mar 1 '12 at 14:37
@LightnessRacesinOrbit I'm surprised about said commenter mentioning the tag.
@Insilico Me too tbh. My response feigns agreement with its inclusion.
@Rapptz Erm, that should absolutely be an answer. And the edit is fine as long as palindrom informs the OP.
@LightnessRacesinOrbit That answer is a comment to an existing post
@Rapptz No, it's the final solution to the original problem.
It's basically saying "Hey thanks to the answer you provided on my question here is the code I ended up with"
How is that an answer?
Arguably the "thanks @palindrom" could have been elsewhere, but that's minor in the scheme of things
@Won't: I'm sure it's deliberately ironic that those tags tend to be the only remaining SO tags attracting any decent-quality questions! — Lightness Races in Orbit 3 mins ago
If you ask a question, someone tells you something then you go further than that something to find the final solution yourself, we want you to post that solution as an answer.
Is PHP really still attracting quality questions?
2 mins ago, by Lightness Races in Orbit
@Insilico Me too tbh. My response feigns agreement with its inclusion.
I mean the C++ arguably is still okay.
I still don't think that should be an answer
@Mysticial Well, DeadMG does make all of us look like the nicest people on the tag. :-P
@Rapptz Well, you are wrong. Often it's a battle trying to get the OP to write their final solution as an answer and not edit it into the question, when the final solution isn't exactly what existing answers say but go beyond those answers. It's great to see someone doing it.
@Insilico No, he even makes meta look nice.
You're biased. You like self-answered questions.
Granted -- I don't dislike them but if every single OP ended up posting their final solution as an answer I wouldn't like it.
It's just noise, why can't you just include it into the question?
Especially if answers in your own question helped derive you to the final solution.
(is it in or on here..? I'm more included to say it's "on" but I don't know)
@Mysticial Did it ever?
@CatPlusPlus good point
I stand corrected.
> Thank you for reviewing 20 Suggested Edits today; come back in 16 hours to continue reviewing.
@Rapptz I'm biased towards my own opinion, because of my opinion? Yes!
@Rapptz Answers are not questions. We have questions, and then we have answers. Answers go in answers, not in questions. Questions are for questions.
@Rapptz (I'd say "on", probably. Or "to", better.)
@Rapptz If it helps, stop thinking of answers as "replies" to the question. They are not "replies". They are answers. They are the resolution that terminates the problem that caused the question.
I never thought of them as "replies" though
Remember, SO is not a message board.
@Rapptz Then you're half-way there!
It's pretty obvious they're "answers", I think I know how to read.
@Rapptz Then why are you advocating placing them in questions, rather than posting them as answers?
Because of the way StackOverflow inherently works. It's built on having people help you solve your problem and then accepting a solution that helped you derive to that solution.
Wow. The question's title's... wow: stackoverflow.com/questions/14620596/…
It's bad posts all the way down
If the OP starts answering their own questions using something that helped them get to that solution and then accept their own answer then it ruins what I believe is the flow of how SO works.
It's prone for abuse and rep farming.
morning all
@thecoshman morning.
@MarkGarcia It's not THAT bad...
@Rapptz No, because that gets detected and shut down really fast.
I like the nuclear itunes one.
@MarkGarcia Actually that's probably one of the best questions I've seen from a "low-rep" user in a while now (which really isn't saying much).
Q: Gaming the system? Or am I just paranoid

CthulhuI had answered this question 2 days ago. The user had accepted the solution to my question. Today, he unaccepted it, and has marked a new answer (posted recently), which has some of the same wording my answer has! (Note the usernames) So I went on and find he does this on a majority of questions...

@Mysticial There is literally nothing good about that question
@CatPlusPlus Well, there are worse questions out there.
@LightnessRacesinOrbit I fail to see how that is considered "fast" for you, it took about 2 days to handle a single case.
@Rapptz Sure, if someone takes a 99% solution, adds a few letter changes and re-posts it as their own answer, then accepts it, then that's unfair. But that's going to get called out by the community really quickly, and I've only seen it once or twice. It just doesn't tend to happen.
@Rapptz Oh noes!!! I'm sure many kittens died whilst waiting.
Damn right they did.
You must be of this new younger generation that does not possess the concept of patience?
Young consumers nowadays are spoilt rotten by speed.
@Mysticial Not really
ad hominem?
I fail to see what mentioning that succeeds at.
@Rapptz Oh, I wasn't using it for my argument. I was just observing it.
@Rapptz It makes me feel better
But just so we're clear -- I'm quite a patient person.
Or at least I like to believe I am.
@Rapptz You must be :)
Back to the point: if someone posts the answer to their question as an answer, please do not discourage them for it!
Here's a good bad question:
Q: php does not remove from memory

user1288999php at work is not immediately swapped out a script, and is waiting for a while in case of re-run the script. If the script is large it eats up all your memory. Tell me where it is turned off.

We want to promote such behaviour
@Mysticial That is delicious
where the fuck was I
@Mysticial That's not even a question.
Hah, I've checked, and I was out of town :)
8 hours ago, by Lightness Races in Orbit
@AndreiTita I don't think I ever "snickered" at it.
I guess you don't sneeze at this either then:
(a fivesome or a quintet, that needs a porn niche of its own, really)
Sorry. Again
@Rapptz ?
@MarkGarcia It won't compile -- try it yourself.
A: How does one declare a variable inside an if () statement?

Lightness Races in OrbitNo. You can either declare a variable: if (int x = 5) { // lol! } or you can do things with one: int x = foo(); if (x == 5) { // wahey! } You can't do both! You can cheat a little where the only thing you need to do is compare with true, because the declaration itself evaluates to...

"the truth probably made a mistake"

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