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@Zoidberg that's facebook right?
@bamboon Google, you fool. Read the text in the image.
I haven't played minecraft in most of a year, I'm not sure the lounge is worth updating and modding it out. :(
It isn't.
@MooingDuck We already got a server running.
Hi guys
Me and @LucDanton played a bit yesterday.
@Zoidberg right, I missed the colorful tubes from google
@EtiennedeMartel irrelevant
@MooingDuck Come on, little ducky.
Imagine there's a flood in the data center.
Boom everything's broken.
There's a Minecraft server? Where?
@EtiennedeMartel also (A) I don't have a lot of gaming time right now, (B) I'm about to get a new pet in addition to that, (C) by the time my gaming time comes around, you lot have all gone to sleep.
And now pin because a thousand people have asked it already.
@EtiennedeMartel my gaming time is usually 5a-6a GMT.
@Zoidberg also of interest might be what mods are needed to join the server
I finally have a reason to install Java. It makes me so happy.
I'll join next week.
On wednesday.
Why so accurate?
@EtiennedeMartel Maybe his wife made him a schedule of his day
@Rapptz zoidberg doesn't have a wife to my knowledge
@Rapptz He's got no wife. I'm not even sure he can legally get married.
Isn't he still a child?
Oh I thought you were referring to MooingDuck's game time.
@EtiennedeMartel Even if so, he probably shouldn't.
No, we're talking about the resident underage lobster.
Also, the minecraft exec takes you to a page where you can download a downloader which downloads the installer.
@kbok Downloadception
@kbok like blizzard. you can download a downloader for the downloader for Diablo 3. always irked me a little.
Yeah, it's strange. You don't need a downloader for a few megs -.-'
If you overload the post-fix operator, I can skip making copies right?
@kbok the last downloader is pretty big, not sure why the first downloader is needed.
ThePhD thinks I should make it return a copy just like normal post-fix.
@Rapptz which post-fix?
@MooingDuck if you want to look at overengineering at its best, try to read the msi documentation
i++ and i--
It wouldn't be a post-fix if you return the original. ._.
@Rapptz it's better to do "normal" things with operators. But you can do whatever you want with them
Q: Resharper: convert ternary operator to if/then/else

numberwangIn the Cleanup code function, can Resharper convert all ternary operator statements to if/then/else? Resharper 7.1

I noticed that one of my gcc flags warns me if I have operator= return void.
@MooingDuck Wait, there's 3 downloaders?
Is this off topic?
@EtiennedeMartel No. Falls under "tools programmers use"
int i = 0;
int j = i++; // j is zero
std::cout << j << " is zero, and " << i << " is one, right?" << std::endl;
@kbok The third one is a download/installer hybrid thing. And the first one is like 1k. So yes.
@EtiennedeMartel Still a shitty question.
@MooingDuck Oh ><
i++... if it was ++i would j be 1?
@Crowz oh, yes.
BigInt i = 0;
BigInt j = i++; // j SHOULD BE ZERO DAMNIT, but self-modifying means ITS ONE NOW !!!
std::cout << j << " is zero BUT WAIT IT'S NOT OH GOD, and " << i << " is one, right NO WRONG JESUS CHRIST THE WORLD IS DESTROYED" << std::endl;
You break the world.
By the way the Blizzard install system is totally awesome, with that playable-with-minimal-assets and stuff
@ThePhD damn it man, returning a copy is retarded
Also the game which downloads itself while you play it
@Rapptz You have to. :c
@kbok well, that part is awesome yes
Immutable objects are the best objects
Prefix if you must.
@Rapptz so don't call that function
1 is the best number
urxvt y u no transparent.
@MooingDuck fine fine.
@kbok But 2 is better than 1, so what does that make it?
Why am I using this crappy terminal emulator.
@ThePhD It's bigger, not better.
hmm, just dawned on me that SBO probably isn't a bad idea for a bignum class. It's probably a very good idea.
Wish std::vector allowed SBO. (SSO but for non strings)
Small Bowel Obstruction?
@Rapptz small buffer optimization
Close enough.
There is one in LLVM.
Native int to bigint promotion when the result is too big is one of the useful promotions
I will ninecraft on Saturday
Feel free to steal mine if you want.
@R.MartinhoFernandes bignum?
@R.MartinhoFernandes For what?
@R.MartinhoFernandes steal your what? do you have a bignum?
@MooingDuck Vector with SBO. Is powering ogonek's composition iterators.
@R.MartinhoFernandes oh, that's cool too
@MooingDuck His heeeart oh baaabby~
Oh, that.
Boring. :c
Turns out I need to be whitelisted on the MC server.
I need to write down what I have learned in this project for school.
@R.MartinhoFernandes where can I find that in wheels? Would be interested in the implementation if it is not too cluttered with TMP.
> I have learned how fucking terrible Java is.
@kbok What's yer MC name
I wonder what my minecraft name is
@CatPlusPlus "kbok"
@Zoidberg Another soul Saved.
@bamboon implementation of SBO is nothing special
MooingDuck for 200.
> I have learned nothing in this project.
Damn this Mindcrack Pack loads long
@bamboon It's in a detail namespace in ogonek. I might move it to wheels if I get time to implement the rest of the vector interface.
My boss has been calling me "kbok" IRL since he saw my twitter handle. It's disturbing. Also it's not meant to be pronounced.
The implementation is pretty simple.
@kbok "kay bock"?
That's how I say it.
@MooingDuck might be true, but I just never saw one
Why would you say it.
> Added kbok to whitelist
But yes.
Who else needs it while I'm logged in
@ScottW I checked, it's not
@CatPlusPlus I'm seeing if I can change my MC name to MooingDuck
hmm, can't
@bamboon Also, I am not sure if I have nice exception safety. It is restricted to PODs so far (which is what I need), which is another reason I haven't moved it to wheels.
What the hell is FML
Fuck My Life.
@CatPlusPlus minecraft? hockeyc
is there a reference somewhere for whatever mod nonsense got installed?
Also, minecraftforge is down?
@kbok Combination of F# and ML.
@CatPlusPlus I guess I'm "Ambeco"
I'm pretty sure std::swap is not specialized for ints. Why would it be? The normal template is as efficient as it gets. Also, the signature is std::swap<int>(int&, int&) (note the references). — FredOverflow 29 secs ago
@FredOverflow did he remove what you're referring to there?
@Collin yes
ah yes, I keep forgetting I can see edit history
Anyone else
Please note that your swap will fail if you try to swap a variable with itself. For example, int i = 42; swap(&i, &i); will set i to 0, which is wrong. The funny xor trick can be used for stupid interviews, maybe. It has absolutely no value in the real world. — FredOverflow 1 min ago
@CatPlusPlus Am I there? I should be, I think.
Will someone please travel back in time and shoot the guy who invented the stupid swap-with-xor trick?
@FredOverflow and Java.
@FredOverflow And the SCART plug please
@EtiennedeMartel Yeah
@MooingDuck Yeah, I got 26 of those.
> Added a link to FredOverflow's second answer since the non-accepted answers are sorted randomly.
They are? Is this new?
@FredOverflow I think it's been there for a while.
They're sorted by highest score, not random
What are you sorting by, they're not random
@FredOverflow I don't think they're random....
@Rapptz What about answers with equal score?
yeah those are random
@Zoidberg If you kill James Gosling, someone else will invent Java.
but Fred's answer has like 62 votes, I doubt it'd be beat.
> -1 answer too long
@FredOverflow :P
I think I deserve the world peace price: The semester is practically over, and I haven't taught my students using namespace std; yet. And I never will. Muahaha!
yeah I edited with the correct score
@FredOverflow It's essentially the same situation as Hitler's Time Travel Exemption Act.
Hey everyone, I decided to learn C++ (Java just isn't as good for certain things) and I am having problems now
get a book, etc etc
(should I leave the lounge and go to some other chatroom? I'm not sure)
read the rules, etc etc.
@Rapptz No, problems with Eclipse and MinGW setup
Q: The Definitive C++ Book Guide and List

grepsedawkThis question attempts to collect the few pearls among the dozens of bad C++ books that are released every year. Unlike many other programming languages, which are often picked up on the go from tutorials found on the Internet, few are able to quickly pick up C++ without studying a good C++ book...

> Let's not call it a problem. Let's call it an opportunity -- to solve a serious problem.
@Doorknob Oh dear.
@FredOverflow No no, problems with Eclipse/MinGW setup. The programming part isn't a problem.
@Doorknob Your problem is learning C++
@Doorknob I don't know if anyone uses eclipse here, you'll have to find a guide online somewhere
@CatPlusPlus No, setting it up.
@FredOverflow Thanks, watching
lol, the C++ book question has more faves than upvotes :)
@MooingDuck I use Eclipse for Java and the occasional Scala. I have never managed to get it to run even the simplest C++ hello world example.
But hey, you can get Visual Studio Express for free, so what.
You can also get vim for free
Okay this minecraft shit is not working at all
can't these guys build a fucking installer FFS
The launcher is the installer
I was talking about the mod
@kbok Erm, it worked first shot on my end.
Maybe you just suck.
Do you need me to make pictures of how to do it
Launch FTB, select MindCrack, click "Launch", wala.
We should probably have a wiki page for this anyway
I'm trying to install FML and there's a bunch of idiot jar tweaking involved
@kbok Do you mean SFML?
But I may have the wrong approach
@FredOverflow So, bonus points! Double kill.
FML is just one of the mods, you need an entire pack of 'em
ah, snap
Oh Minecraft with mods.
Okay, so.
We're really gonna need instructions, because I swear it's not the first time someone asks the exact same questions.
I'm doin' it
Okay, this is simpler indeed
Don't forget that the goal is to crash @sehe's server, so the more people, the better.
I tried to connect with the vanilla client first
Can @CatPlusPlus whitelist me? My username is ubergeekkiller. XD
@Zoidberg I think it will be @Cat's pleasure to whitelist you.
28 mins ago, by Cat Plus Plus
Who else needs it while I'm logged in
Oh hey, Chivalry is free this weekend
Fans are running 3500 RPM.
Stupid Minecraft. xD
It smells like hot air.
Is your computer lifting off?
Fans were blocked by blankets.
I should play Minecraft on my desktop instead.
@FredOverflow Thanks, that helped a lot :)
@Zoidberg Yeah, right, blame Minecraft for your own ineptitude.
Of course. It's written in Java.
Everything that's written in Java can always be blamed for anything.
Is it Java that makes it slow, or just sloppy programming, or just the way it works?
Isn't it the stuff going on in the background, the JVM too?
Like I would think the garbage collector would slow it down some
@kbok Sloppy programming.
notch is not a good programmer.
@Doorknob To be honest, I have never watched that video, I simply googled for "Eclipse C++" videos :)
@FredOverflow Oh, apparently you're a better Googler than me :P
Depends on what you call good I guess.
Well this is awkward. Like one of my favorite bands called "Columbine" on facebook
Then it shows up on the news feed out of context
FTB crashed.
@kbok Eh.
> Besides Cyanide & Happiness, I'm also self-employed as a party stripper. People keep calling it a small business, it hurts my confidence.

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