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@MooingDuck You have way too much time on your hands ;-)
@R.MartinhoFernandes @DeadMG From the aliasing questions and answers I think an underlying principle seems to be that an object can be accessed by its type interface or as binary data (char*). A secondary type-view is not allowed. Right/
Seems kind of obvious in retrospect. Does this make sense @R.MartinhoFernandes @DeadMG?
@netcoder I did a search for "[C++] inline vs macro", and it was virtually the entire first page of search results. A matter of moments
Eh... I can't seem to tackle this LNK2019.
I'm going to take a break.
Eat something.
Can we get some help clearing out the spam on this?
Q: PHP expresses two different strings to be the same

AndyWhy does the following statement return true? "608E-4234" == "272E-3063" I have also tried this with single quotes around the strings. The only way I can get it to evaulate to false is by using the === operator instead of == My guess is PHP is treating it as some sort of equation but it seems...

@StackedCrooked Basically.
@Mysticial Done.
@Mysticial I've voted on a couple, but had a hard time being sure when to stop -- I find it hard to differentiate between spam and "legitimate" PHP.
@JerryCoffin hehe :)
@JerryCoffin Erm, the ones with innuendo are not PHP. Simple.
@Mysticial what the
@R.MartinhoFernandes But even the question has not just innuendo, but a clear statement of things so nasty and dirty they shouldn't be discussed in public (much less enshrined in a programming language).
@JerryCoffin "I my name is Kimberly Baram I'm a teacher at a high school as well as a part time stripper at Hooters. Can i get some love in this club?" is not a legitimate PHP answer
@Mysticial I also flagged asking for an user ban.
@MooingDuck He was joking.
@MooingDuck Well, that one I did figure out -- I know the Hooters girls don't strip (unfortunately).
@R.MartinhoFernandes ...seriously what's wrong with me. How do I just miss all the sarcasm in this room. Me and my friends speak nothing but sarcasm at home, but when I come in this room... wooosh
Oh, right, Jerry confirms it.
@JerryCoffin Actually if you pay them enough...
@jornak girls like trinkets
@MooingDuck You mean like the one in your pants?
@jornak Yes, but the problem is with the definition of "enough". A mugger demands your money or your life. A woman demands both.
pandora needs more video game/movie soundtrack music. It just plays LotR, Halo, and Star wars :/ A little Skyrim.
But if you offer the mugger your life he'll also take the money.
And Super Mario Galaxy, but that's just terrible.
@ThePhD Why? Because something bad happens if you make a second ray?
@MooingDuck :
@R.MartinhoFernandes For the speed of only having a single ray. Less instantiation up and down the stack, avoiding doing multiple 1 / direction computation, etc.
@ThePhD One object != Singleton.
@jornak thats even worse than I imagined
Why forbid making a second ray?
@StackedCrooked Probably -- but he does it expeditiously, where a woman can make you miserable for years with it...
@ThePhD Also, that speed improvement is questionable (how big is a freaking ray?).
@ThePhD singletons usually make it impossible (or useless) to make a second instance of the class
@R.MartinhoFernandes @MooingDuck Ah. Alrighty.
I hate you, LNK2019.
> This guy gets pussy every day
Burn in hell.
@JerryCoffin You could say the mugger is more humane :)
@ThePhD you know how to fix it right? It's a pretty straightfoward error most of the time in my experience.
@R.MartinhoFernandes Did you guys flag that account? Because it's not deleted yet.
More importantly, if you shoot the mugger, you may get away with claiming self-defense. If you shoot your wife, you're pretty much fucked.
7 mins ago, by R. Martinho Fernandes
@Mysticial I also flagged asking for an user ban.
@R.MartinhoFernandes Ah, Ok. Didn't see that.
@StackedCrooked You certainly could.
Damn, I spent too long editing one message.
Hmm, I need to get up at 5:00 tomorrow, so I can be at the airport by 14:30. FFS.
@MooingDuck @R.MartinhoFernandes The Vector3 can be a float or a double, so that's 3 * 4 or 8 bytes for the direction and origin. Then, when doing Hit Testing, you have to usualyl compute 1 / ray.direction for each slab you're testing against any kind of Separating-Axis testing you're doing (for box-like/polyhedra(sp/term?) objects)
@ThePhD OMG 48 whole bytes.
@ThePhD and why is Vector3 programmed to not allow more than one instance?
Vector3 as a singleton is a pretty dumb idea.
@MooingDuck @R.MartinhoFernandes You can actually achieve significant speedup by front-loading the division parts into the Ray, and then using only a single global ray for the entire duration of the ray tracing process.
That's almost like saying that int should be a singleton.
Also, I just found a way to bypass Pandora's country restriction without a proxy
Damn, it got warm again for the last two days (>20°C), and now the flies, which were already hidden somewhere to survive the winter came out again. There's three here in this room (I think), and there's always one of them crawling over my display. Makes me want to constantly slap the thing.
@ThePhD that doesn't explain why the ray is programmed so that it's impossible to make a second
Erm, won't you need to recompute the divisions once the ray changes anyway?
@MooingDuck It's not impossible to make a second, you just never instantiate more than one for the duration of the program. Isn't that what a Singleton is supposed to be?
@TonyTheLion Oh I wish my kid had been that cute today. Well, to be honest, he's still cute.
@ThePhD no, a singleton is a class where it's impossible to make a second instance of the class
Seriously, allocating 48 bytes on the stack is as inefficient as SUB RSP, 30h
@MooingDuck Oh well then nevermind.
This is premature optimisation.
@ThePhD right
@MooingDuck Have you ever gone to a Video Games Live concert?
@Xeo animated gif?
@jornak yes
Death to the animated GIFs!
@MooingDuck Was it enjoyable?
But the kid's decided to develop a ondesided deafness of sorts over the last few days and it's getting really conspicuous. So, there were brief episodes of war
I wonder if variadic templates could help to generate code that is more likely to make use of SIMD capabilities. E.g. sum(args) -> sum(sum(left_half(args)), sum(right_half(args))); vs arg0 + arg1 + arg2 .... (The latter is not associative according to C++'s evaluation rules.)
@jornak it was good, but they were avoiding all the songs they played the previous year, which was all teh best songs, so....
@R.MartinhoFernandes The colon is a good tension builder there
@jornak it was cool seeing Lindsey Stirling live
@MooingDuck Ah...
@jornak still good though
@R.MartinhoFernandes I would've removed it myself shortly after, if @Etienne didn't
@MooingDuck Ooooh, is that that hot red-headed electric violinist?
@StackedCrooked I need to merge my brain with Mysticial so we can come up with an answer.
@jornak yes
Brain merge. I wish it could.
@sehe It's a capital period.
@MooingDuck Oh yeah sorry I missed what you asked earlier. I think I know how to fix it. I think. Even though I've specifically referenced the DLL project it might not be linking in the .lib of the DLL, so I'm going to force it to link manually now.
@R.MartinhoFernandes A colonial mistake!
@StackedCrooked With a two-element pack for the base case?
Capital period is >
You use weird layouts.
@sehe I prefer to make Cylon mistakes, myself.
@CatPlusPlus Here it's "
@TonyTheLion The Lion is sitting on a stash of photographs of me and my family and slowly dispersing them to the public in an effort to influence people to like me
@DeadMG Well, nylon mistakes would be.
@DeadMG Hehe. (I'm afraid the reference would be lost on him, but we'll see)
@DeadMG Six mistakes?
@R.MartinhoFernandes Uh, thirteen.
Stop it with the Battlestar Galactica references. I never watched that show, but I know enough pop culture to spot 'em.
why six mistakes?
@EtiennedeMartel You have lived a terrible non-existence.
Bjarne's hair makes me laugh
"but I'm not stepping on that particular landmine." - What that supposed to mean? :P — Mysticial 3 mins ago
@DeadMG Not "six mistakes", "Six mistakes".
@R.MartinhoFernandes oic
@R.MartinhoFernandes Six mistakes for highly unsuccessful people.?
@StackedCrooked I'm wondering if Six is a person?
@EtiennedeMartel We're just spouting numbers.
@MooingDuck That's actually one the questions explored in the show.
@MooingDuck Yeah, he always jokes that he's very sixy.
@MooingDuck [changing from Battlestar to TNG] She's Seven's older sister, of course.
The Prisoner is... weird.
@JerryCoffin TNG doesn't have anyone called Seven in it.
It's from Voyager.
Seven of Nine.
yeah, I figured he might have meant Voyager
@MooingDuck I failed in solving the linker issues.
@ThePhD Visual Studio?
@DeadMG Sorry -- I'm not good on the ST trivia.
@MooingDuck Yerp. The .lib and .dll are being placed straight in the Output Directory $(OutDir), so I put that in the VC++ Directories Lib path (VS 2010)
My god, the only sci-fi show I watch is Doctor Who (oh, and Firefly, although past tense is more appropriate in this case).
@ThePhD in general if you right click the project->project dependancies and make sure the executable "depends on" the dll, it should just work.
@EtiennedeMartel You suck.
@ThePhD (and make sure all other dependencies are correct)
@R.MartinhoFernandes In fairness, Doctor Who does too.
@MooingDuck I thought so too. I have the include directories set up and everyhting and it finds them, but... it's not linking it in. Still complains about the types I use with __declspec (dllimport)
Although it sucks to much that it wraps around and gets decent.
@EtiennedeMartel Yeah.
> Once in a while, a work turns out to be so bad, it creates a disruption in the badness continuum, and wraps right around to good.
@EtiennedeMartel Exactly.
@ThePhD if the second project compiles, then it has nothing to do with the headers.
@DeadMG Is there a Star Trek Voyeur porn parody?
@R.MartinhoFernandes I guess that's standard issue British over-the-top silliness.
@ThePhD are you certain those objects are defined in the dll project?
@FredOverflow Probably.
@FredOverflow rule 34
@FredOverflow Considering they had Jeri Ryan walking around in a catsuit all day, it wouldn't have to be much of a parody.
@MooingDuck Well, I went through all the motions from start to end. First, I cleared out all the properties of the client project. I made sure the DLL project compiled, then I went to Project -> Project Dependencies and told the Client Project to depend on the DLL project.
Voyager sucks though, so I'd appreciate if I didn't have to be constantly remembered that it exists.
Dr Who doesn't suck :O
Dr. who?
what did you think of DS9?
I think I left it on my other hard drive :)
In a galaxy far, far away? Oh wait, that was a different franchise.
@MooingDuck It complained about not having the header files, so I then added all the necessary include directories. I then compield again and now it's complaining about LNK2019, not being able t find the types. The types are defined: when the DLL is compiling, the EXPORT #define is set and it uses dllexport. But for a client project, I've confirmed it uses dllimport. The types are all there.
@ThePhD sorry, I dunno
@FredOverflow Dat joke.
@MooingDuck Yeah, me neither. I'm just gonna quit for like an hour.
@Ell Come on, the only thing that saves the show is somewhat adequate acting.
@ThePhD go find someone who knows stuff to look at the actual project files, I cant do it over the internet :/
@DeadMG I heard it stole plot ideas from Babylon 5, so I'll probably enjoy it. But I haven't watched it yet.
@MooingDuck It's okay, I greatly appreciate the help. But I'm on my own for the day, so. It's just going to be me, the internet, and a bottle of Fruit Drink.
@R.MartinhoFernandes I thought they ran about the same time.
@DeadMG Even when it's skin-tight, there's a definite difference between "in a catsuit" and "not in a catsuit".
@DeadMG Yeah, they did.
yeah, the difference being that "not in a catsuit" means "not pretending to be dignified"
@MooingDuck That's not entirely true.
@DeadMG I don't think I'd go so far as saying that "in a catsuit" meant they pretended to dignity -- only (at most) some hint of decency.
Nice answer. 1 hour without upvotes? The Lounge must be with recess — sehe 7 secs ago
@R.MartinhoFernandes You killed the room with that!
But it was on-topic!
Hello everybody. Doing well today?
Whats up
sup partner
geekologie.com/2009/11/nsfw-nsfw-wtf-did-i-just-watch.php NSFW NSFW NSFW NSFW NSFW NSFW NSFW NSFW NSFW NSFW NSFW NSFW NSFW NSFW NSFW
Not much is up. Just taking a break from work.
@Ell Gaaahhh now I just want to click it
@Chimera I'm getting my luggage ready.
I'm going to love trying to explain the the paypal support person that my ex-fiance has my credit card.
This is going to be bunches of fun.
@R.MartinhoFernandes Ah yeah? Traveling for an interview or something?
I'm leaving tomorrow.
Well good luck and have fun!
@Drise Can't you just cancel the credit card?
@Drise Can you cancel the card?
@Collin That was the aim :D but it is seriously nsfw
@Chimera Yea, but I want a new one. She hasn't used it; I get emails on every purchase. I just want my card back :/
@Drise Can you have her mail it back to you?
@R.MartinhoFernandes have fun in berlin, just rock them
@Chimera Yes, but... that wouldn't help trying to move on.
@R.MartinhoFernandes Where are you interviewing?
@Drise You would get a new one.. just call up the credit card company and tell them you lost it
You get a new card with a new number
@Chimera Berlin.
@R.MartinhoFernandes I mean what company...
yesterday, by sbi
@TheForestAndtheTrees It's ↑, I think.
@Collin I know right? :(
@MooingDuck Opened it on my phone.. you can read about it without being nsfw
do I list Hungarian Notation as a flaw of C with Classes, or Java-style?
@DeadMG it's a completely independent flaw
Java-style? I don't think I've seen Hungarian in Java.
@DeadMG just bad.. java style?
is the decision I was also leaning towards
And I agree with the duck.
"Hungarian notation was designed to be language-independent, and found its first major use with the BCPL programming language."
@Drise Actually, maybe it would. You know, as in, it's over, and we talk like grown-ups. Well, OTOH, it might indeed be too early for that.
@sbi got any good jokes?
And... they've denied my application. And suspended my account. Great.
@AmadoMartinez Why would we need jokes as long as you are around?
@Drise Who denied what and which account is suspended?
"Proof of address, photo ID, and SSN"
@sbi My paypal account was suspended by paypal.
@Drise is this a paypal credit card?
@Drise What for?
@DeadMG Hungarian notation is a Microsoft invention, so it's not Java.
@Collin debit
@Drise oh, you can't just tell them you lost the card and need a new one mailed to you?
@sbi Idk, they've done this before when I first applied for the card.
@Collin "need to run a credit check. Oh hey! look! we denied you! now your account is suspended until we can resolve this!"
@EtiennedeMartel The original Hungarian notation, which would now be called Apps Hungarian, was invented by Charles Simonyi, a programmer who worked at Xerox PARC circa 1972–1981, and who later became Chief Architect at Microsoft.
From wikipedia
@Chimera Yeah, but MFC popularized it, and MFC used Hungarian because of that guy.
@Chimera The problem with this is that the WinAPI team applied a totally misunderstood version of that concept, and blew it all.
@EtiennedeMartel Actually, I think it was the WinAPI team (think lparam, wparam), and they misunderstood it. The original Hungarian, as invented by the Hungarian, isn't all that bad for C, actually.
@EtiennedeMartel Well, but it would seem that Xerox PARC actually invented it.... MS may have made it popular...
Not that it really matters, just doing my pedantic duties.
@Chimera I am pretty sure, though, he invented it when he was at MS.
@Chimera That's the spirit!
@sbi Yes, especially back when there was no autocomplete.
@EtiennedeMartel Seems the wiki article could be a bit more clear.
A google search seems to indicate that indeed Hungarian notation was invented while that guy worked at MS.
@Chimera I think he was with MS research.
I once met one guy who worked with Simonyi at MS research.
Damn, I can't wait for the Pandaboard with the OMAP 5 processor to come out. It is going to be a killer!
@sbi Wow, that must have been exciting.
@Chimera For him, it was. He said he loved working in that team.
@sbi Was it exciting for you to meet him?
I don't like hungarian notation.
@Rapptz I'm ambivalent.
@Chimera amazing the things they fit on SBCs
@Rapptz if you read "notable opinions" on the wiki page, only one person (Steve McConnell) recommends "systems' hungarian notation. Even Microsoft recommends against its use.
@Collin Yep.
@sehe You should be more careful not to spread pics of yourself and your family all over the interwebs. :P
@Chimera It was the First Workshop on C++ Template Programming in Erfurt, Germany, in 2000, and I met all kinds of exciting C++ folks: Todd Veldhuizen, Jeremy Siek, Nikolai Josuttis, Andrew Lumsdaine, Dietmar Kühl, Erwin Unruh, Krysztof Czarnecki, Ulrich Eisenecker, Thomas Becker... The guy who worked with Simonyi was Yannis Smaragdakis. (I had to google that.)
Q: Using T[1] instead of T for functions overloaded for T(&)[N]

AbyxThe asio::buffer function has (void*, size_t) and (PodType(&)[N]) overloads. I didn't want to write ugly C-style (&x, sizeof(x)) code, so I wrote this: SomePacket packet[1]; read(socket, asio::buffer(packet)); foo = packet->foo; But that packet-> looks kinda weird - the packet is...

^ it was too long to write it here, so I posted it to P.SE
@Abyx why not Stack Overflow?
@sbi Sweet!
@LuchianGrigore bcoz it's more about style, rather than code
@Abyx I am not sure that fit's P.SE's objectives. Specifically, it says the site "is not about [...] implementation issues or programming tools (ask on Stack Overflow instead)".
@sbi yep, it's not about asio::buffer, it's about T x[1] vs T x
@Abyx Isn't that a C++-specific implementation issue, rather than a general programming question? The FAQ says "Please make sure your question uniquely applies to programmers in general," which this totally fails to do.
Q: Is there a detailed study guide for learning Embedded System using PIC MCU?

Omar KaraksiI'm newbie In the field of embedded systems and i tried lot learning from books and online tutorials but i got distracted fast as im not sure that im on the right track So Can Any one recommend me a good study guide ? I will be grateful for your help :)

close votes?
Answer is going to an opinion?
@sbi There's nothing wrong with specific language/framework questions on P.SE, but they tend to be about more general concepts rather than details.
@Abyx What type is SomePacket? Wouldn't that asio::buffer() overload assume it to be POD?
@sbi it's some POD type. btw, asio::buffer could have a static_assert(is_pod<T> to check it
@Abyx put that in the question
thank you
I'm close to being able to close vote.
@Abyx You'd think asio::buffer() would have an overload buffer(PodType& obj) { return buffer(&obj, sizeof(obj)) }. That seems so obvious an omission, I must be missing something.
@MooingDuck put what?
@Abyx That it's a POD. Doesn't change much, though, @Moo.
@Abyx that SomePacket is a POD
@sbi no, but it's something every reader is either going to wonder or assume, and it would be a better question if that were explicitly stated. I think.
asio::buffer doesn't check if it's POD, btw (for sake of compatibility with crappy code)
IIRC boost's is_pod always fails on systems that don't support it. Reasoning was that it's better than giving a false OK.
Did I mention here that Cortex Command is coming out on Steam?
You don't already have CC? Shame on you, sir.
(You'll get a key if you do)
@CatPlusPlus That's sounds like a game where you use brainwave scanner.
That's... fairly accurate.
@sbi there is a lot of overloads, so maybe there is no (T&) overload for a reason
You are a brain and you control dummies and stuff.
@Abyx That's what I wrote, isn't it?
Also now it has a campaign with turn-based metagame.
Also, I put my thoughts into an answer.
@CatPlusPlus No, and not buying it.
@R.MartinhoFernandes Buy eet.
Brainathlon is a real brain game :)
"My code runs slow and I want to rewrite it in another language, what language should I use?"
what the hell is the difference between SO and Programmers?
Why is everyone recommending Python?
@Rapptz obviously machine code.
@Rapptz Because fuck performance.
failing that, try to write a C++ metaprogram which executes the program at compile-time for maximum speed (at run-time).
Python is fun
If I would make a programming language it would be called sdf because that's so easy to type.
super duper fun?
Not very googleable.
Better than C, C++ and D.
"sdf programming language"
At least you can search for sdf in a job agency db.
When I google "C" I get "C (programming language)" as the top result. I guess google knows what I mean.
They rigged it. Because what else would you be looking for.
@Rapptz That's because Google has been watching you.
"Letter C" on Wikipedia?
The letter C obviously.
Why does Wikipedia even have pages on letters.
To expand its article-size-peen
@StackedCrooked ironically, sdf is a french acronym for homeless person; you may end up with a results unrelated to programming :P
@CatPlusPlus Because you can write stuff about them there?
What is another programming language besides C++/C/D that is "hard to search" for?
I just tried that and it's #2.
@Rapptz B
@netcoder Only if Google searches for French pages.
@Rapptz R
@Rapptz Go
@Rapptz Shakespeare?
@StackedCrooked Go isn't on the first page.
@Rapptz It is.
Third hit for me (signed out, google.com).
@jornak First result on my end.
Not for me :(
@Rapptz 4th for me
Shakespeare isn't either.
@Rapptz C++ isn't so bad, you just have to remember the quotes
@EtiennedeMartel heh good point
@MooingDuck I can search it without quotes.
Shakespeare isn't on the first page.
@MooingDuck C++ is rigged.
@MooingDuck Don't even need the quotes
I always have trouble if I add other words unless I put C++ in quotes
@MooingDuck Works fine here.
....or my memory has decieved me again
You suck.
It is nasty to google for GCC flags, like -Wall.
@R.MartinhoFernandes THOSE must be in quotes.
Well at least it won't find any walls.

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