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People vote with the hindsight of religion all the time here.
I call bias
@EtiennedeMartel is A is not square, then the I in A*I and I*A will be different identify matrices (different ranks)
@Rapptz people are idiots
On this most somber day, America is united under God in its quest for peace and freedom at home and across the world.
@TonyTheLion elections?
Yea, tell me religion has nothing to do with it.
@Drise hypocritical bastard (not you, Romney)
@TonyTheLion I know
sorry spreading my political hatred's
@Drise I loved that
a donkey as a pet?
@TonyTheLion As baby toy, obviously
@sehe TIL those aren't even his kids. His kids are adults.
is this living or stuffed or what?
@TonyTheLion @DeadMG must have had a similar toy around this age. This explains his above-average fascination with things that "suck donkey cock"
I'm extremely angry for what the Republicans did to Ron Paul.
@Walter it's a real donkey
poor thing
@sehe har har
@TonyTheLion A number of people have lions as pets.
@Drise What'd they do?
@TonyTheLion You know, other people with a development issue around that period will be anal-retentive when grown up. So, things could be worse
@Drise Lion > Donkey
@r.tanner.f Took away 2 states so that he could not have the opportunity to speak at some conference or soemthing
@Drise Humans are my pets, as a Lion I am superior :P
living on the edge! — libertas yesterday
The term anal-retentive (also anally retentive), commonly abbreviated to anal, is used conversationally to describe a person who pays such attention to detail that the obsession becomes an annoyance to others, potentially to the detriment of the anal-retentive person. The term derives from Freudian psychoanalysis. Origins In the psychology of Freud, the anal stage is said to follow the oral stage of infant or early-childhood development. This is a time when an infant's attention moves from oral stimulation to anal stimulation (usually the bowels but occasionally the bladder), usually sync...
I didn't know what this meant. Live and learn.
I thought it was something with ass. :P
@TonyTheLion Cheers. Obviously, I thought of this as I snarled about the puppy :)
some porn thing or something
@sehe Hahah
@TonyTheLion We've had someone else accuse Freud of porn-mongering earlier today
@r.tanner.f What happened next is what may cost the Republicans and Romney the entire election. Instead of accepting that Ron Paul, the GOP underdog, had won enough delegates in enough states to be allowed his rightful place on the ballot and his 15-minute speaking slot, the GOP and Romney's people decided to try and take these legitimate wins away from Ron Paul and his supporters. Ron Paul supporters fought hard, played fair and won.
@sehe I missed that
Romney supporters didn't play fair and still lost those 5-plus states. These Ron Paul pluralities were won in spite of shenanigans and tricks tried by Romney supporters and the GOP to prevent or undermine Ron Paul wins. The Ron Paul supporters were well prepared and won the needed amount of states anyway.
I think this room in general is filled with people that have a habit of being anal-retentive
So, how did Romney and his supporters handle their losses of five measly states to Ron Paul? Honorably? Graciously? With dignity? Maturely?

No. Quite the opposite.

Romney's people ran to Big Daddy GOP to rescue them from their defeats by trying to disqualify the valid Ron Paul delegates and to take away Ron Paul's right to speak and be on the ballot by reducing his states won to fewer than the five needed.
7 hours ago, by Neil
@sbi I had always heard freudian slips were usually sexual in nature, but not always
shit it's already the 100000000th day of the year... :S
totally forgot about that
@netcoder It's not, it's still 0b0011111111th in Europe. Election day in the Netherlands
@Drise And they got that done?
in C#, 17 secs ago, by sehe
Pro tip: At least change the topic to something more like: new { Text = @"C#: General help and discussions" }.ToString();
Happy programmers’ day?
^ Nubbery. C# folks don't know their language
Because fuck it
Without him, currying would be called schönfinkeling.
@daknøk I'm sure that is a valid program in both Haskell and Brainfuck, no?
@sehe No.
@daknøk Before him, curry was still hot. And edible
You can have a :< operator, though.
@sehe Eh.
@daknøk :>)
@EtiennedeMartel Just looked at the various topics and thought their current topic isn't very C# - savvy
@EtiennedeMartel Also, that is post #5335553
@r.tanner.f Dunno, haven't really kept up with it. Just pissed that the GOP can't play fair.
@Drise Trying to find it. Pretty confusing...
That's the article I was quoting.
Congratulations on finding that, we'll be sure to reroute this problem to Asio@/dev/null. — Xeo 22 secs ago
close votes n stuffz
@CatPlusPlus Which is apparently too long
That's what she didn't say.
Is it bad that I hear plinks in my sleep?
@Drise Only if your reputation doesn't go up.
That means you sleep too much.
Never stop chatting.
@Chimera Shit you're close to 2k
So close to galatic war
I wish I could give them more of my money.
@CatPlusPlus Agreed
@EtiennedeMartel They took the proposal :)


General discussions about the c# language, Squirrels | gist.gi...
Thanks for inspiration
@sehe the fuck is that syntax even. anonymous class?
@Xeo We have std::make_tuple... erf. Doesn't come close, now does it :)
@Drise I just voted to close that question.
why can't we do that in C++?
Because we only do funny topics here.
@Xeo We have std::make_tuple... erf. Doesn't come close, now does it :)
I want more fucked up syntax in C++11
@Xeo As if C++ syntax isn't already fucked up as it is?
And I want (type){ .mem1 = init1, .mem2 = init2 } C syntax :(
@Insilico nope
@sehe Btw, what does the @ do in there?
Watch out: Xeo has been having a little too much vodka methinks
@Xeo Verbatim literal. A bit like R"(.....)"
@sehe Nah, I just think that looks cool
@Xeo Hey, google is patient :)
@Xeo Me too. But I shan't claim C++ syntax isn't fucked up
Googling special characters always makes for a mess
@CatPlusPlus what's with you and funny topics lately?
oh, that
@TonyTheLion I have a right to bear funny topics.
I'm also tired and want funny things.
Hmm, Visual Assist has made my Visual Studio much much slower.
You keep using that word (funny), I don't think it means what you think it means :P
@CatPlusPlus You have a right to fear bunny topics (FTFY)
@MooingDuck No. Way.
@MooingDuck You mean just like it did in VS2005 and 2008? Color me surprised...
@jalf I just got it for the fiurst time, and was under the assumption is was there to make VS faster at certain things.
@MooingDuck No. It is there to make you faster at certain things, that VS doesn't do very well
@sehe ah. Well, uninstalling :/
Hehe. Just use vim
Use vim.
> Hopefully fewer bugs ;)
@MooingDuck Don't, it is better than intellisense
Hey, if I'm a 1 rep user, and I get downvotes, what happens when I receive my first upvote?
yeah, it adds a ton of refactoring functionality to make you more productive. But in my experience it also slows VS down quite a bit
a trade-off I'm not usually willing to make
@Drise The same thing as usual, what else.
@Drise you get +5/+10
@Xeo As if the downvotes never happened?
@Drise Yes.
VAX is crap, but unfortunately ReSharper doesn't work with C++.
If you've posted bad questions, you should feel bad, because you're a bad user.
@EtiennedeMartel I don't really see why people are so desperate for those kinds of tools. Yeah, sure, they're kind of nice to have when they're available, but it's just not a big deal to me. Not something I want to pay for, and not something I'm willing to slow down VS for
@jalf As if VS wasn't slow enough.
IntelliSense for VS2012 is fine too.
@Drise I think there is/was a bug involving that where if you downvote a 0 rep, then change to an upvote they get like 2 bonus rep or something for "undoing" the downvote.
@MooingDuck That was before pushed in the automatic rep-recalcs.
@Mysticial ah
Hi everyone, I have a question which seems really dumb but I cannot for the life of me figure out - I'm getting an error Expected initializer before (*) token when I attempt to use an extern
@Drise yep
but I CANNOT isolate the problem :(
@enderland OMG Go away
eveyrthing seems to indicate a missing ; at the end of a class
but that doesn't seem to be the case in my situation :\
Sep 9 at 11:45, by daknøk
If you are new here, please read the newbie hints right away, and only post here afterwards. Thank you.
@jalf Every time I come back at C++, I cringe because of the lack of refactoring support.
@enderland HI everyone! Sorry for barging in and completely disrupting the flow of everything, but if I don't ask this now, I might pee myself.
@EtiennedeMartel Solution: Write code that never requires refactoring! :D
@Drise I realize #1 applies
@enderland So does the rest of the Newbie Hints and the Asking Questions page. :-)
What is this, rude randoms week?
At least the third we've had.
@Drise We usually get several of them a day.
They usually get scared off though.
@enderland Sorry you got unlucky. The chat is usually nicer in later hours. Could ask SO though.
@Drise It's rude randoms week every week! :-/
@EtiennedeMartel that's what I don't get. I mean, I just rename my classes by hand. It just doesn't seem such a big deal. Even if there's IDE support for it for a bunch of other languages
@Rapptz Don't show mercy! That just encourages help leeching
Find and Replace all FTW!
@jalf Oh, by that argument, you don't need a broadband connection, 56 kbps does just fine. Up until you start using broadband.
I don't consider asking 1 question help leeching.
@EtiennedeMartel Zing!
@EtiennedeMartel no, I have used those refactoring tools. I just don't particularly miss them when they're not available
@Rapptz We aren't a help desk.
Didn't we have a discussion about this Monday evening?
I swear to christ, if that little dog outside my office windows continues to yap, I'm going to punt it into the football field next door.
@Drise The rule is: you can ask, but don't expect an answer. So, no need to bash the poor guy.
This is atleast the 6th time this week that dog has just sat there yapping.
One small question is fine. If they drop a link and say nothing more than PLZ HALP, then that's pushing it.
If they ping 6 of us in one message, they're going down...
yesterday, by Mooing Duck
@oderebek so you thought you'd barge into a lounge, not look around, and pester us?
Clear difference. He was pestering and being annoying. This guy asked a simple question and everyone just flamed on him. Hell. You even flamed the guy in the link you sent.
yesterday, by Drise
If you come, socialize, hang out, laugh, then ask occasionally, then you're ok.
@Rapptz also, there's absolutely no rule requiring us to be consistent
I can tell someone to fuck off for harrassing a newbie today, and snap at a newbie tomorrow
At least I consistently tell them off. :P
@Drise I think that's the problem
so fuck off :)
@jalf Sorry, I've had better offers, but thank you. :P
@jalf you'd really do that? :P
ack, is there any way to find a list of most starred messages or something?
oh yea, interwebs, I forgot
Sure, just sort by stars
@jalf you can look at all starred messages
@jalf Besides going through all 248 pages of the starred messages list?
We have 12k starred messages. I'm not greping through that. :)
@TonyTheLion people do it all the time. One day you're in a nice mood, and you help out the guy who comes here to ask some dumb question. Another day, you're a bit grumpy, and have absolutely no patience with newbies asking questions in here
@Mysticial holy shit
@jalf I was kidding man, I totally know this happens. I'm guilty of it myself ;)
And the first few pages of "most starred" posts will be that "If you are new here" bullshit.
@jalf Apparently I've been nominated for taking the ape out in terms of grumpiness. /cc @sbi
The highest starred post that I starred is 32 stars which is a "If you're new here" message
user image
not sure if bad mood
or eating
@TonyTheLion lmfao
looks displeased
The highest non-"if you are new here" message I've seen is @Fred's unsigned->signed message.
@Mysticial Was that the one involving a pun and Bjarne's books?
you missing a word
@Insilico yeah
I have no problems if people don't have interest in answering my question, btw, nor do I really mind being trolled (I mean, this IS an internet chatroom afterall)
@Mysticial Link or repost?
ah, found the one I was looking for
Jul 26 at 21:11, by jalf
If you want reliable, high quality answers quickly, use SO. If you want to gamble and maybe get a useful answer, maybe get a good answer, and maybe waste your time, feel free to ask questions here :)
@enderland We are not the people from the inter... oh wait. /cc @daknøk
Jul 23 at 15:42, by R. Martinho Fernandes
@DomagojPandža class rapper{ void get_shot() { new blood(); /* leaks */ } };
that sums up my approach to newbie questions in this room
@jalf pinned messages don't count. That was pinned for a while.
It's also in the wiki iirc
@Mysticial yeah, but it was also starred. Ah well :)
May 2 at 19:44, by FredOverflow
Did you bring a book and have Bjarne cast it from unsigned to signed?
my reaction to newbies in this room:
@Mysticial lol
@Mysticial I.... Oh I get it! :P
I have to write a piece of code that just tests if a port is open by attempting to connect to it. I'm thinking Boost::Asio is way too bloated for that, what do you guys think is the most straight forward way?
> You have starred and pinned this message.
I did wha?
Sockets in WinAPI are not that complex, I have considered those
Jul 23 at 15:43, by Domagoj Pandža
@TonyTheLion I hate periods, puts them out of commission for 7 days and 5 days prior have a chance of a shooting occurring.
@TonyTheLion what kind of animal is dat?
@daknøk sloth
@TonyTheLion Do you want portability?
@Insilico no, this software is windows only
@TonyTheLion thanks.
@TonyTheLion Do you already have a Boost.Asio installation?
@Insilico yep
Oh hey, look, it's Jim Norton /cc @Chimera
@TonyTheLion So it's a toss-up. Flip a coin. :-P
@Drise That would be my name. :-)
@Insilico more or less
it's more of whether I want to spend a whole load of time writing this code
I don't remember Boost::Asio very well, but WinAPI sockets I used today
@Drise not sure I get that in this context?
@Chimera Don't think I've forgotten about you Jim Norton. I'm going to find you some day..
tcp::socket s; tcp::socket::resolver r; r.resolve(tcp::query("addr", port), s); or something like that
@TonyTheLion where do you find those weird pictures all the time?
@TonyTheLion I just thought it was bloody hilarious <--- see what I did there?
@Drise You can find me in Las Vegas.
@Walter Reddit.com
@Chimera That sounds expensive.
@Drise It's not bad. House prices are low right now here.
@Drise no
@Xeo if it's really that easy, the decision is mad quickly.
@Walter Seriously, every time I see you're name, all I think is
Good day, Walter...
@Drise gnrh hmpf.
@TonyTheLion You were talking about periods back then, and rappers, and I said "bloody hilarious."
I loved Mike.
asio::io_service io_service;
tcp::resolver resolver(io_service);
tcp::resolver::query q("addr", "service_name");

auto endpoint_iterator = resolver.resolve(q);
tcp::socket server(io_service);
asio::connect(server, ep_iterator);
@Drise Love that show.
But I think you could work with the endpoint_iterator only
@Drise lol
Too bad this is the last season.
@Drise TIL There's a season of Breaking Bad I haven't watched...
@Xeo hmmm
@r.tanner.f Season 5.1
I never quite understood the function of the io_service type
5.2 comes out next summer.
@TonyTheLion I think io_service is how Boost.Asio talks to the operating system.
@TonyTheLion Your gate to the async operating system space, so to speak.
@Chimera Walter is a time bomb though. Mike was right all along.
Actually I'm at the AMC website, it appears this isn't the last season.
@Drise Agreed.
@Chimera They split it into two. So it's 8 this and 8 next summer
@Xeo ah I see
And shit, was the 8 a rollercoaster ride.
You can even have multiple if you want your async stuff to be even more async.
like one for each thread
@Drise Great, now I get to wait a long time for it to come on again
Yea this is more to see if a port is already being listened on
so I would only need to try and connect and see the result, if it connected, it's already in use, else not
WHEN I heard the learn’d astronomer;
When the proofs, the figures, were ranged in columns before me;
When I was shown the charts and the diagrams, to add, divide, and measure them;
When I, sitting, heard the astronomer, where he lectured with much applause in the lecture-room,
How soon, unaccountable, I became tired and sick;
Till rising and gliding out, I wander’d off by myself,
In the mystical moist night-air, and from time to time,
Look’d up in perfect silence at the stars.
spies :o
@Chimera Tell me about it. I've now watched the whole series 4 times.
How can you even root for Walt anymore.
He's out of control. I think that was evident when <see my spoiler>
@Tony sadly, I can't immediately see how you'd try to connect to a specific port :s
@Drise He is out of control, and he needs to stop. Hank is probably going to catch him though.
@Chimera Hank at least has the advantage of surprise. Walt seems to be oblivious of any trace leading to him.
Better get my answer accepted... need my 1.7K
@Xeo hmmm
@Drise He is becoming arrogant and not being careful.
@Chimera I don't know about the arrogant part, or not careful. Just seems to think he has covered all his trails.
@Drise Well, now we get to wait forever to find out what happens. :-(
@Chimera I know right...
Best part
When the camera comes from the side and you're like "NO FUCKING WAY"
@TonyTheLion Do you have the service name or does it have to be a specific socket?
They even animated his eye socket moving.
@Drise yeah that was awesome
I never did understand the boxcutter btw
Was it that he knew too much?
Yeah, I think so.
I don't think it was a direct threat of "I'm going to do this to you too"
okay, got it @Tony
> I'm not exactly sure if I can ask this question, but I definitely need an answer for this.
Q: How Can I Add Plugins To Rails?

drderpI'm not exactly sure if I can ask this question, but I definitely need an answer for this. I'm working on a Rails project- a forum- and I want to know how I can implement 'plugins' in it. Basically, I want someone who doesn't know a lot about programming or ruby on rails to be able to add funct...

boost::system::error_code ec;
auto ep = tcp::socket::endpoint_type(asio::ip::address::from_string("localhost"), 1234);
server.connect(ep, ec);
  std::cout << "Sorry, port taken.\n";
should do it
@Drise So eloquent
They cut out the one I wanted.
@Xeo wow, that's really short
> Weapon of choice: Shitting his pants.
@Drise Well, maybe link to full size?
@TonyTheLion I just hope it really works :D
@sehe thanks
@sehe torry.
@Xeo I'll try it tomo
hmm does anyone know which wires (black brown red orange yellow green) power up an LCD inverter?
may still be shortened, I don't know where if there's an easier way to get the endpoint :)
Both Salimanca's are hilarious.
Can't find it through google, every result is 'how to replace an lcd inverter or repair' etc
@Insilico, you know stuff about Asio?
Btw, did I mention that I love the new Billy Talent album?
It's only a matter of time till @sehe will quote my tweet about gas masks.
@Drise That works
@Xeo I have a passing knowledge of how it works. Never have used it though.
@daknøk Haha.
oh, k
@GamErix Sounds like something that would be LCD inverter specific.
@Insilico at least all inverters are laptop-universal
just can't find what i need :(
@GamErix So you took the inverter out from an old laptop or something?
@Insilico yep
ooold compaq
@GamErix You could use a voltmeter and measure the voltages of different wire pairs in the old compaq.
@Insilico wish I hadn't taken mine apart, need to buy a new one XD
in C#, 31 mins ago, by Kyle Trauberman
user image
Implied facepalms ftw.
@daknøk wat.
Hmm. My laptop keeps downloading emails and messages while hibernating.
@daknøk While hibernating? Isn't it supposed to be off?
@Xeo this:
@daknøk You're sure it's hibernating?
@IlSilico when I close the screen it goes hibernating.
Yeah, but there was no facepalm implied here
But it only does that downloading while connected to a power supply. It also automatically updates my apps.
I thought that was sleep
@daknøk You probably want to double check that.
hibernate is save state of ram to disk?
Whatever that's called. Stand by or something.
room topic changed to Lounge<C++>: Happy almost BMS release day! [c++] [c++11] [c++-faq]
@Ell yes
Just what happens when you close the screen. The screen goes off, keyboard backlight goes off, fans go off, etc.

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