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why thank you
"Fuck you, and I'm gaming"
damn, I wanted it to say something else so I could feel less guilty about doing that thing
@KodeSeeker you should feel both amazed and disgusted with your self
let's just refresh the page
it always comes up with the same response
maybe their rand() is broken?
@DeadMG what are you setting the seed to :P
@thecoshman Didn't
It's using the same default seed.
ah, oops
@DeadMG precisely
srand(time(0)), is it?
@DeadMG nope, time(0) will be constant
there is a function along the lines of time.now()
man, this is silly
wtb QueryPerformanceCounter
no it's not
"Fuck you, and I'd love to know"
this is what happens when you randomly add "Fuck you, and " to the beginning of a sentence
@DeadMG that's (AFAIK) for timers that are more exact then 1x10^-3
@thecoshman No, I just know it. These C timer functions I always considered to be hideously inaccurate and unwieldy to boot.
Wonder if posting the question here is a bad idea ..
I changed it to srand(clock()) and it still gives the same result every time
@DeadMG I'm not sure what clock() returns, but it sounds like it is also constant :P
srand(int (time(NULL)))
It locks the c.
@KodeSeeker seems I was mistaken :P
@thecoshman, didnt know that.
why the hell did they give time an output parameter and a return value?
time(nullptr) returns current time in seconds.
Quite mistaken. :Đ
@DeadMG they didn't, did they?
@thecoshman The documentation you linked clearly states that.
so they did
very stupid
still, doesn't solve my stupid problems
anyway, time to stop abusing the poor RNG
and actually make a decision
@DeadMG Must have been designed by a C coder.
Im outta here .
good talking to you folks
y'know what? fuck it, I'mma go fuckin'... fuck something
I'm so in the mood to work on some electronics, it's been too long.
@DeadMG rand() % 6 ? Shame on you for not writing rand() % sizeof(arr)/sizeof(arr[0]) :)
Ahahah, sneaky edit :Đ
Almost opened fire :Đ
Yep :)
Realized it just a second too late.
damn you linker/compiler! Y U NO find definition!
You forgot to add the .cpp file to your makefile.
using IDE, which should have it added to project ¬_¬ I'll have to check it though
very strange, the build logs shows that it is building the .cpp files, but it's like the linker leaves it out :S
I gotz teh 10k rep
Google image search can be entertaining.
@rubenvb sorry to hear it, now you have to put up with shitty flags all over the place
I don't get this, the linker IS including the class, but it's still saying that the functions are not defined. Could this be some sort of issue with using templates wrong?
Your code's bad and you should feel bad.
Perhaps it's time you start practicing: "Would you like fries with that, sir?" :Đ
I tried to run GTA:VC and Explorer crashed.
Stupid devs making stupid code.
Everything is annoying today.
Must be international day of everything being annoying.
They should feel bad and send you a copy of GTA V ahead of everyone else.
Isn't that an Explorer bug then?
A: IDE supporting C++11

AttilaMicrosoft's Visual C++ 2010 has a good support for the C++11 features. The express edition is free if you don't want to buy the full suite.

@StackedCrooked Explorer is a bug.
I think it's silly how the compiler and ide are so tightly interweaved.
Compilers don't sell as well as IDEs.
Well, it's the modern age of compilers, they aim to appease IDEs, offer them a lot of information which help programmers write lazy code :Đ
I was happy with VS 2008, but I don't think I can use it with a C++11 compiler.
Well, no.
Visual Studio 2008 was quite a jewel (still is) IIRC
My first experience with Visual Studio 2010 was - sluggish.
VS2010 has poor C++11 support, 2008 had nothing (except for what's already been implemented for years as extensions, or stuff).
VS2008 is not exactly a jewel, but it is practical.
Performance wise, the newer ones pump a lot of dynamic data
which made my old machine
cry and cringe
IME 2010 worked better than 2008.
2010 was very slow for some reason. It was as if it tried to index my entire harddrive to generate Intellisense data.
On this machine, I can't really say anything, 2010 (VS11 / 2012 beta also) run like a charm.
Audial Studio
Welp, that's about it. GTA:VC doesn't work.
@CatPlusPlus Nostalgic?
Cracked version?
It sucked anyway. Maybe at least SA will work.
@DomagojPandža Well, 4 sucks.
So there isn't much choice, really.
@StackedCrooked No, Steam.
GTA IV sucks? Niko Bellic?
The rubber on my Microsoft mouse seems to be melting.
Yes. GTA "I have an elephant on my mask" IV sucks.
The only thing that sucks is the voice actor (he supposedly speaks Serbian, but it has nothing to do with the language). Ja živim u državi do Srbije ( I live in the country next to Serbia).
Removing friction results in much hilarity, but that's not really a playable game then.
Even semantically, they fail on so many levels. :D
Meh, voice acting in GTA, who cares.
Driving mechanics sucked, and that's like 90% of the game.
Well, the story arc really has developed over the years. Although I do love hitting people with badly-handling cars and watching Euphoria at work. :Đ
Especially when they flock together in more dense parts of the city. Such a delight. :Đ
GTA is one of those few games where I don't care about story at all.
Caring about a story can only get you hurt. I learned my lesson with Mass Effect.
Tetris also doesn't have a story.
Way too much investment to end so badly.
I like a good story.
This always cracks me up.
strategy games?
Good stories are pretty rare. Most game stories are formulaic imo.
@StackedCrooked I thought Tetris' story is about shit falling on the roof of your house and you embarking on a suicide mission to align the shit in rows which your laser can then disintegrate. It's quite emotional.
It would be interesting to see if anyone could come up with a story for Tetris that is really touching and gives the game enormous meaning.
Anything is better than a godchild entity which refers to itself as "the Catalyst" and tells you can't be friends with AIs because they will kill you, so the Reapers will kill you instead to save you from the AIs.
It's about a woman who gives birth to children in various forms.
Why do parts of the children in various forms lose their limbs when they align in a row?
lol somebody is trying to convince me that an IDE or editor doesn't need to understand the language in order to provide decent code completion and syntax highlighting.
@DomagojPandža They become one with the rest of the row. And so they reach enlightenment and can finally part from this world.
Lol, that's a sucky story.
Still better than Mass Effect.
4chan subreddit has nearly nearly 100k subscribers. That's bigger than I would have thought.
@CatPlusPlus Just messed around with the friction bias
Going to try the frictiongeddon
Thanks for the video :Đ
@StackedCrooked There's a rather large overlap in userbases of the two.
This actually makes GTA entertaining
@StackedCrooked lol
@DomagojPandža At least the cars lose the elephants.
This is actually a valid sandbox game concept :Đ
Too bad trains are statically animated objects.
Can someone recommend a good talk about perfect forwarding and rvalue references and those sort of things ? (Possibly along with move semantics and whatnot.)
Would've been great to see that thing flying out of a tunnel
I'm a rockstar now! :)
@ScarletAmaranth You like a father and son kind of talk?
@StackedCrooked I want Herb Sutter telling me how it works exactly :)
Because I've been using it without even knowing what's really going on :P
@CatPlusPlus Yarr but which one concretely :) ? I've seen a few out of those already actually, but none of them explained in detail.
"Rvalue references" from Meyers.
@CatPlusPlus Vielen Dank
@CatPlusPlus A very sneaky and disguised name for a talk that talks about Rvalue reference imho.
how do I 'move' an object into a unique_ptr :S
"an object"?
I know it's not just myUniquePtr = std::move(theObject)
@thecoshman you copy the pointer object into it.
You can't move a value into a pointer.
It's ridiculous.
It's not even funny.
(You can't delete an automatic variable with delete.)
you just transfer ownership
Should I store my unique_ptr into a shared_ptr for extra safety?
Not sure if trolling.
I would love to see this question being asked on a large convention like the GoingNative event and see their faces.
I totally know what I am doing :P
If you want to employ unique pointers, you have to abide by the rules. And just like normal pointers, they want crap on the heap which justify their very existence.

unique_ptr<crap> p( new crap );
unique_ptr<crap> q( move( p ) ); // the only thing that makes sense from your question, now ownership of crap has been transferred to q from p. p is no more in the game.
Back to negative friction frenzy :Đ
uh, negative friction?
isn't that physically impossible? I mean, friction is a resistive force
something that speeds up movement instead of slowing it down. mm nah..
Indeed, but virtual worlds are luckily just simulations of physics and negative friction or a negative bias to friction by a factor of -12
makes all the wheels apply a crazy drive force
long live handling.dat
written by some crazy mofo in 1999.
@DeadMG Nothing's impossible in a physics simulation.
But negative friction within physics exists as a concept. But it stems from misunderstanding the notion of vacuum, because vacuum is not really vacuum, there's still EM radiation in there. If you can create a quantum vacuum, shove everything out
then you have a notion of even less energy (not really negative), but since our notion for vacuum is 0 energy
then in a quantum vacuum it would be recognized as negative energy
same goes for negative friction
in a sense of actually dispensing an outward force
but it's all theory
Flying cars!
They were freaking killing me on every chance they got, luckily the APC
Now I'm 100% positive that these freezing issues are due to WiFi. The second it starts downloading 2MB/s everything freezes.
has not wbias applied, so I can hide in it and enjoy seeing people dying
Stupid Wifi.
It's nice to see when the actual physics activate in GTA IV, a function of distance, but you have to be pretty close for it to engage (even on maxed out settings). Stationary vehicles, as it is traditional, simulate only after being interacted with (breaking the window) or on proper collision (a little more force involved than rubbing off it)
@CatPlusPlus This crap made my day, thanks again. :Đ
I've updated the driver to the adapter, and it works, so here's hoping it won't freeze again.
@DomagojPandža Did you try driving one of those cars?
oh @cat, I noticed that you are using Qt for spring... what are you using it for?
It's temporary.
temporary for what :P
Unfortunately, car physics are activated the moment you break the window, not when the car is turned on for the first time, so I can't get into a car without it calculating the frictional force and scaling it by a factor -9, effectively becoming a drive force, sending me in the nearby tree and itself into unsuspecting pedestrians. :Đ
I'm trying to get it into an impossible position so that it doesn't send me flying once I try to get in
no success as of now
Find stationary vehicle with someone inside. :P
¬_¬ fucking linker
Distance problem there, physics activate when I get near to a "populated" car. :(
Ahahahahah, a velocity modifier :D
Yay, my computer is downloading and not freezing.
Quick transport: youtube.com/…
"I don't have time for this" whoosh.
GTA4 is much butter with this.
Q: Stanford Engineering Everywhere CS106B -Library code

KodeSeekerIm just getting started with the Stanford Engineering Everywhere Course -CS 106B. However, there are some programs that refer to Stanford's custom header files, and Im not being able to locate the source for them. I did try including the interface definitions, provided with their course reader,...

^ I can't even see where they're providing their library source code. There are some headers for Mac. For the PC, there's an installer that requires Visual C++ 5.0
Sure is, but interesting what happens. Normal drive force until contact is made and then it manages to apply a forward high-magnitude force instead of the normal reaction opposite force. Need to study through the handling.dat to make that happen
They could rewrite the handling file a bit and sell it as totally new product.
GTA: End of the World
agh cairo is not working :(
Woah, 28 flags? Guess you've been busy.
Me? :O
I'm getting undefined reference to a function (in a template class) but I have headers included properly and the linker is being told to use to .o for that class. Any suggestions on wtf is up with this?
Did you instantiate the template anywhere?
@CatPlusPlus I am superior!
I don't understand - who flags people in this room?
@RadekdaknokSlupik as in tell it what class yo use as the type? yeah
I have never seen anyone being unfriendly, do people just watch and flag just for trols?
@Ell Some idiot who's new here.
No, we collectively flagged the troll yesterday.
Then surely flags are an ineffective metric
@Ell I think some people search for 'offensive' words like FUCK and then flag it
@Ell /slow clap
do flags in the chat room also count for the badge?
haha oops :P
@bamboon No.
@CatPlusPlus hmm then I can't imagine how one can be so bored
WTF is this shit.
You know, 30 ≠ 0.
ooh I just learned about pkg-config
Hello friends
I'm not your friend, but hello.
I have a small 2D game project and I need programmers to help in this job.
it's C++ based
I get cantankerous more easily when its so hot like today.
@Darkeden paying?
@Darkeden How much?
@thecosh hey
@Darkeden let me at it!
@thecosh is it private message?
$20000/h and I jump right in. Of course I don't guarantee that I will do anything useful.
@Darkeden sorry, I've got not use for hey
I will have a look for free
@RadekdaknokSlupik You've already acted on them, there's no new flags.
@thecoshman hey, I'm testing private message
@Darkeden is what a private message?
actually im too hungry. see you in a while
@CatPlusPlus I know, but it still says there are 30 of them.
@Darkeden thats not private
I receive messages starting by @Darkeden
i think it was private messages
@RadekdaknokSlupik Because they're not resolved yet. Somehow.
@Darkeden Everything here is public.
@Darkeden everybody sees them.
@Darkeden there are no private messages in this chat
ok my msn: dk_genesis@hotmail.com
Spambots, come in!
And lol hotmail.
Piece of shit.
My father placed 4th at the World Fishing Championship.
if you want help with your game, you either need to make it look really exciting to work on, or offer me enough money to make it worth my time
@RMartinhoFernandes I read World Flagging Championship but congrats to your dad.
@RMartinhoFernandes seriously? that's really awesome! well, I assume it is, I care not for fishing.
Fish taste great.
damn you kitty! You stay of the table!
of sure, fish is tasty stuff, but I have no interest in fishing
But you get free food!
All fish in the contest are immediately returned to the water.
@RadekdaknokSlupik my time is not free
@RMartinhoFernandes returned to the water in my mouth.
@thecoshman I see.
Martinho, podemos conversar um instante?
Nope. I'm actually leaving in a couple moments.
Are you trollin'? Deze chat is in het Engels, niet in het Portugees of in het Spaans. :P
Oh wait, now I'm trolling.
Right now.
TheCosh, Ell, Radek, this is the website: www.darkedengenesis.com
@RadekdaknokSlupik dutch sounds so strange and funny from a german point of view(probably the other way around, too)
@bamboon Weet je dat zeker? Ik vind het wel aardig klinken; nooit problemen mee gehad heb ik er.
@Ell What do you need to check the game?
@Pubby Took more than two seconds to load. Closed tab.
I don't think it exists
spam.com does
Woah, a tower of spam!
Also takes more than two seconds to load. T_T
What's wrong with websites these days? Are they slow because of the temperature? Or because it's weekend?
@Darkeden and what are you wanting to hire people for?
@thecoshman Improve gameserver
@RadekdaknokSlupik It's because of global warming, that heats up all the servers, which then have to shutdown
Global warming is a myth.
@Darkeden I'll got back to my first question, how much you paying?
Namespace-scope warming is very real.
I suck at writing compilers.
GTA: SA looked better 4 years ago.
@thecoshman Before we get into the money conversation. There are few other questions. About the game structure, skills, etc
Eh, stupid time.
@thecoshman don't expect too much.
@CatPlusPlus have you ever played the multiplayer mod?
@Darkeden ask away
Aaaaaand the size of my ignored people list has been increased by one. :)
@RadekdaknokSlupik :P
Also has weird FPS spikes.
@thecoshman You must show you the game engine, how can we start this?
@Darkeden you want me to show you you'r own engine?
GTA: SA was fun. GTA 4 was a big fail though.
wait, for me to show my self your engine
@thecoshman That was a misstyping...I show you...Game engine, source codes so you tell me if you manage it
@Darkeden what would you be expecting from me?

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