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excrementposting, when it’s too clinical to be shitposting
which post
cause I'm not funposting just expressing how I feel atm :v
yes I know
does anyone else know how this feels like or am I weird
well I do get bored with Python as well but I still have used language where you write stuff and it works and it’s exciting
idk I don't know python
@Rapptz clearly you need to use Haskell instead :P
radionz.co.nz/news/national/290161/… why do these things look like they're straight out of The Onion?
@LucDanton maybe it's something else then
@R.MartinhoFernandes expected beard, win
What a sikh incident
faut le dédommager, en lui offrant un stage en scierie par example
et le merisier il rentre en largeur dans ton cul ?
jamais entendu celle-là
Ah je pensais que tu faisais référence à "conflit en scierie" du Dézapping du Before
I live near a mental clinic, I wonder whether any terrorist would be interested in blowing up a bunch of crazy people ... Probably not ...
je me souvenais d’avoir lu le gag sur un truc parodique et après google j’était tombé sur un truc moyen drôle donc j’ai adapté la blague aux circonstances
ça me dit rien ton truc
@GregorMcGregor nan je connaissais pas lol
btw wild cherry is a hard wood
weird name for a penis
my gf wants to learn programming
this is the worst because I'll probably teach her python
I can never escape this language
teach her python blablabla dick joke blabla etc
teach her JS
whoah code review got an icon change
@LucDanton I am not surprised ... the cherry trees seemed pretty tough (albeit short) when I did cherry picking last year.
@GregorMcGregor I don't get it o_0
@thecoshman 'lumbermill' and 'Syria' are homophones
good times
Ugh Jesus I feel right shit
just got this memo that says your joke sucks
not my opinion it's just what the memo says
why does .what() return a char const* instead of string :w
@Ell night out?
@GregorMcGregor what does .why() return?
it returns your mom
@GregorMcGregor Why would it return std::string?
ow, andy faster than me :D
You can turn std::string to const char*.
But const char* to std::string incurs memory allocation usually and that's not noexcept.
ah yeah that's why ok
makes sense
but how about the ram memory consumpiton
i heard the clocks per second of the cpu register processor isn't as fast when cache is fully left associative??
I love using random access ram memory, it's just good memory
fuck you and you're ram, real men mount tape drives (which I assume acts like serial memory)
real men mount horses with tape worms
imount /dev/urmom
probably formatted as FAT
idk, "who mom likes" gives my username
tropicana is the cancer ruining the orange juice market
my dad accidentally bought this
I was expecting OJ but got sunny D copy instead
:( I hate feeling sick
@Rapptz does that ever load?
oh man, it's coming out both ends.
poverty net
@GregorMcGregor There was no std::string when .what() was invented.
a .where() that produced a stacktrace would be nice but that's probably not feasible.
@Rapptz I don't get it though
if they say "not from concentrate", doesn't that mean not using flavour packs?
@thecoshman tell me about it
actually considering it's an exception message it should be called uwot()
@GregorMcGregor Weird conclusions. I'm a woman too, but I don't have that ambiguity.
I've been sick and home alone with myself and my flu for about 8 days now and I am slightly going crazy. For instance I have no idea where I parked my car
@Elyse Register and post an answer
Should be a comment.
@AndyProwl ok... I have the shits and I just threw up. I tried eating some toast for breakfast, but it went right threw me it seems. The hot chocolate is now on it's way down the sewers.
@thecoshman nope, just terrible sleep deprivation :/
@thecoshman Sounds good. I have two shopping bags full of used napkins and I'm gonna need a third one soon
@AndyProwl dude, you don't own a car!
@fredoverflow C++: never evolve.
@thecoshman I hope I still do actually
I hate when you know you should drink to keep fluids up, but also know if you drink, it's going to explode out five minutes later :(
@Ven imagine Scala without variance. Would proper ADTs make up for the lack of variance?
any way, I'm heading back up to bed :\
> University of Chicago cancels all classes and activities on Monday due to credible threat of mass shooting
I wish my company cancelled all work on Monday due to credible threat of Visual Studio
If it was an incredible threat, they would not cancel it.
@Xeo want to do some old school metaprogramming? I’m slicing meta-lists
@fredoverflow This is better than Java 8's Optional: functionaljava.org/javadoc/4.4/functionaljava/fj/data/…
preferably with arbitrary indices, if that’s tractable
Because it supports Some(null).
@LucDanton Uhm, got some more context?
i.e. I guess meta::at<Indices, List>... is the naive way to go about it
@Xeo does map ("hello" !!) [3, 2, 1] help?
but with list<…>s
@LucDanton that's just indexing, not slicing though, no?
Although... I guess consecutive indices give a slice, eh
Didn't you have this whole slicing thing solved a long time ago?
ye I have the machinery to produce indices from a Python-style slice
with python-style meta-slices
In Functional C you could do map (!! "hello") [3, 2, 1], because xs !! n is *(xs + n).
@Xeo I have the indices, I have the list, can I do better than at<Indices, List>... I suppose is the question
maybe I should have some tea
@LucDanton Dunno, don't think so. What mechanic does at use?
The overload-abuse thing we talked about a long time ago?
@Xeo naive scanning :/
maybe I can iterate on that and check what that does to compile-times
I did that meta-list indexing thing a long time ago, that uses overloads of T foo(pair<Index, T>)
with decltype(foo(blub{})), where blub inherits pair<Is, Ts>...
or something like that
I'm sure there's a snippet in the transcript
yeah dw I’ve not forgotten that one
use it in a couple of places, just not meta::at
remember the webshop guy
after people found like 100 fails in his site
he said "I'm leaving form validation for later"
it's so bad it hurts
Always trust user input (rule #1=1; drop database;)
@ScottW Jeroen van Veen happens to have arrived as my № 1interpreter of Canto Ostinato
I like the first minute of it pretty much so far
> №
TIL about this character
Weird. I consider it a gallicism
Not sure whether that is accurate of course
Le symbole numéro № est un symbole typographique du numéro utilisé notamment dans l’écriture cyrillique, notamment en russe et d’autres langues slaves, et dans certaines normes asiatiques. L’équivalent abrégé du mot « numéro » en français est « no » (la lettre N en bas-de-casse suivi de la lettre O en bas-de-casse et en exposant) et « nos » pour « numéros » (en rajoutant la lettre S en bas-de-casse et en exposant à la suite de la lettre O). == Notes et références == == Bibliographie == Unicode Consortium, The Unicode Standard — Version 6.2,‎ 2012 (ISBN 978-1-936213-07-8, lire en ligne) ��2�...
No I mean I didn't know it existed as a Unicode character
First hit is on french WP
@GregorMcGregor ah
I always type N followed by the degree sign
there’s also º/ª
Good to know there's an actual character for that
Here's a mental upvote
Pretty pissed off.
To shave or not to shave with job intercedent appointment
I don't feel like shaving of course
Suddenly an untouched newly created subclass of a Foundation library class doesn't recognize any of its own selectors.
Despite them being "available" to use through Xcode.
@sehe Shave right side only
hehehehe evil
@Owatch PoCo?
Because your rant is pretty cryptic.
What is a foundation library class? What is "selectors"?
@GregorMcGregor c koi ton n′
PoCo is the only popular C++ library I know that has a "Foundation" library component
@LucDanton 1 min stp
It's Objective-C. Selectors are just methods, what they're called for some reason. Foundation is the basic Apple library which contains much of what you use at a basic level (Strings, etc).
Welcome to the Objective-C room indeed
@GregorMcGregor No tutoyation in the lounge
NSChat is the objective-c room. It's empty.
Jan 30 at 2:30, by Borgleader
"Hi I have a question about my retirement fund"
"Sir this is a convenience store..."
"I know but it's the only thing open at this hour"
@Owatch Ah. Go to Stack Overflow (search first). Likely you have a linker error. Or a botched build config that doesn't affect "intellisense" (No clue what that's called in Xcode)
@Owatch Selectors aren't methods. They're method names.
Ah. Hoe schoonder het volk, hoe objectiever de C!
@Elyse What a large difference.
Guess I should just call them by memory address.
Trust Elyse. It matters.
It's quite important.
If they were the same thing they would be the same thing.
pedantyphoon alert
Except it's a bit trivial, since you only call methods using selectors. So when I say that selectors are methods, they're pretty much indistinguishable in meaning. But whatever. I guess technically that's right.
@GregorMcGregor I like that term
Now. I'm gonna shave.
Yes but this is still not the Objective-C room though
Let's drop it. It's also not the rasure room
There are people that might know here, thought I'd ask.
hi hi hi
I personally don't mind just (y)
@Owatch There's not nearly enough info. Stack Overflow awaits your question. Man y more people there. We only have 1 freak here how "did" ObjC* in the past
freak is the word
And who is that person?
I'll probably ask on SO.
Been searching, and not finding much in the past 30m.
@Owatch You already ran into him - very fortunate.
Does his username consist of three letters?
No (though he might be someone that never "came out" as an ObjectiveC victim)
@Elyse idk if it'd make up for it, but at least I think it'd be better off
Me too.
Does it consist of 8 letters?
Stop guessing. It was bleedingly obvious. Bye
Are one of those letters a vowel?
wait wtf, scala's JavaConversions have no Iterator[T] to List[T]?
If I was to reverse his username, would the first letter come after 'm' in the alphabet?
@Ven They have a conversion from Java iterators to Scala iterators, and Scala iterators have a toList method.
@sehe I've done a very little obj-C.
@Elyse well, there's no asScala on my iterator
@sehe lol
good luck for interview!
@Ven Use JavaConverters, not JavaConversions.
Still have no idea who he's referencing.
The latter introduces implicit conversions.
@Owatch You really have a nack of choosing the most roundabout way to solving problems. Feel free to lurk in the lounge a few days before solving your ObjC problem :)
@Elyse ah, I can never remember which is which
@Owatch And you never asked. But don't bother. You're just blind
12 mins ago, by Elyse
@Owatch Selectors aren't methods. They're method names.
Thanks scalaz for providing me with an :++>> operator...
So, is Elyse a clue towards finding the right person?
I'll keep looking.
I'd rate him secretly expert. But he's a freak. He knows about every lanuage in existence
@Owatch ohhhhhh you were mistaking "people with ObjC experience" with "people with psychic ability who want to donate their time"
Say what you mean next time?
I think someone needs a chill pill.
@sehe secretly expert?
@Owatch Those of us who speak objective-c don't talk about objective-c... :P
The only other people who I suspect to have some experience would be Potts and Domagoj (largely unfounded). Perhaps a vermillion cinches too (but that would be cruel)
Think I saw Nil here a few times, but he never helps me.
Or he does, just not with Objective-C.
That was a long time ago I think
@sehe That title looks cool, how'd one get it?
Also, why secretly?
lol I can reverse my meta-strings and everything now
gud jerb productive feature etc.
time to reward yourself with some creative gw2
Well, question is up.
weird name for a penis
@Ven because he prefers to troll or give overblown rather than expert answers
Are you kidding me.
list is a case-insensitive PHP keyword, so I can't name my class List.
that's like torvalds except torvalds is an idiot and Elyse does that deliberately
@BartekBanachewicz ah, ok. Well, I think the lounge in general is guilty of that (not in the same proportions)
@BartekBanachewicz He was talking about you btw
@GregorMcGregor what where
listBeacons | {toast("an error happened"); Map()} error handling done great
The secretly expert part
I don't know how Bjarne sleeps at night, with this feature in his language. — TonyK Jan 3 '12 at 12:29
^that is terribru
@GregorMcGregor 'creative'?
yeah that was as MLG as advertised
or be tempest, activate shocking aura
Another useless answer poster on SO.
is he indian
"How do you initialize the class"? Oh, well it is done through the supercl- -Answer Posted-
> satheesh top 14% this quarter
iOS developer at National parking company (Almusbah Group)
Working as an iOS developer
Chennai, India
what do I win
I am reading the answer with their typical accent
What a genius, I never thought of importing the class header file. That must be it.
WTB userscript TTS with indian accent on indian users
Not only that, but I also get to add a useless property to the file as well.
@GregorMcGregor You still awake, then:)
Oh hey, he bolded the import line, and made it five times larger.
bby u know what else I can make five times larger
someone forked one of my php projects. wut.
@GregorMcGregor you're way too predictable these days
I have several new nicks coming up and am torn between which to pick
@GregorMcGregor Phuc Dat Bich
eh I have a tr1 question at -1 score
don't wanna delete it now but
@GregorMcGregor Bob The Builder :P
Bob The Rebuild All Button
@Prismatic hi
wadup fren
@GregorMcGregor not much
> On June 4, 1996, the maiden flight of the European Ariane 5 launcher crashed about 40 seconds after takeoff. Media reports indicated that the amount lost was half a billion dollars -- uninsured.
bought an arduino this weekend. doesn't work.
@Mr.kbok lol
> Its conclusion: the explosion was the result of a software error -- possibly the costliest in history (at least in dollar terms, since earlier cases have caused loss of life).
throw it away and buy a Mac Book Pro instead
@Mr.kbok Yeah we've been bashed with this story in class lol
The exception was due to a floating-point error: a conversion from a 64-bit integer to a 16-bit signed integer, which should only have been applied to a number less than 2^15, was erroneously applied to a greater number
@Mr.kbok Get one of those fancy new Raspberry Pis
the tiny ones
I want one
> For a different view of the issue (written in response to the IEEE Computer article) see Ken Garlington's paper. Although we disagree with Mr. Garlington's analysis, as expressed in Usenet discussions, we feel it is part of this site's duty to its readers to give them access to contrarian views, letting them make them make up their own minds, for the greater benefit of software quality.
Also dont forget to run NodeOS (tm) with NodeJS to control all your electronics
move fast and crash expensive rockets
In engineering ethics we learned about a software error in an xray machine that ended up killing people because it set the power too high for too long or sth
@Prismatic at $5, you sure can
The prospect of writing software for things that can injure or kill people is pretty terrifying
@Prismatic That's actually the responsibility of most engineers. We programmers are so used to work on trivial, useless things that we find this scary.
@Mr.kbok Yeah gonna place an order for a couple of them soon. They will join my original Raspi, and several TI430 dev board where they will sit and collect dust
@Prismatic cue e-commerce social media boring enterprise CRM
I never had the chance to work on something commercial that could cause grievous harm but I worked on a project that was a little robotic system that moved a guide wire inside your vascular system to do minimally invasive surgery
wow :)
that's pretty cool
how many people died
It was for cardiac catheterization... one wrong set of inputs to the motors and the wire could puncture your vascular system or even your heart (though it probably didn't have enough force for the latter)
sounds like a job for C++
@GregorMcGregor I just made a GUI for the underlying control software... which was written in some pretty normal C, no real crazy safety guidelines. The project had animal testing, it was successful on 3 or 4 porcine models iirc
Well, if any of them had died, they could've tracked the killer's IP via the GUI.
I'm trying to remember how it was set up... It was two motors coupled to two rotary sensors. It used pthreads and had a thread for each sensor and motor and just sent interthread messages. I made a cool graph output showing how the motors were tracking the sensor inputs
It was all run off this shitty desktop PC with giant serial cables that was less powerful than a raspi lol

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