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module ram_sp_sr_sw (
clk         , // Clock Input
address     , // Address Input
data        , // Data bi-directional
cs          , // Chip Select
we          , // Write Enable/Read Enable
oe            // Output Enable

parameter DATA_WIDTH = 8 ;
parameter ADDR_WIDTH = 8 ;
parameter RAM_DEPTH = 1 << ADDR_WIDTH;
Just look at this shit
I'm sleeping to go.
Night good!
@TonyTheLion It's a huge huge mess
But people are so nice
@Morwenn night good
replace parameter with #define
@Morwenn Pace In Requiescat
@набиячлэвэлиь I guess but those are just constants and stuff
And they're not macros either.
@Morwenn I can help with that wink wink
And those three-letter non-descriptive register names
@VermillionAzure Please. No terrorist praise here
@TonyTheLion I prefer the couch, so I can watch TV :)
@набиячлэвэлиь But those are just variable names
Verilog is relatively high-level I think. I have no clue how the heck the compilers can sort everything out in synthesis and implementation
Meh, you're not catchin' muh drift, mate
@Borgleader No thanks, I'm ok ._.
But it does seem cool, I'll give you that
@Morwenn ☑ rekt ☐ not rekt
What is the fastest to code 2D polygon overlap algorithm you know? I cannot use a library. I can use everything that is shipped with C++14.
@Borgleader ☑ REKTum ☑ REKTangle
I know this is not algorithms and comp science, but please, I need this. No, a 14 page PDF with graphs is not what I am looking for, just an algorithm name.
@mafagafogigante what kind of polygon
ROFL Guy finds a hardware bug in hardware from the late 70s/early 80s
A matrix | graphical approach is not OK, btw.
I was lazy enough to consider it.
@mafagafogigante wikipedia. Next
@sehe well these still happen dont they? I thought Intel once made a recall for one of their chips due to a bug in them.
@mafagafogigante You can probably just google this
@Borgleader Look at the vid, bub
Was there, didn't help.
@Borgleader Pentium
OK, I'll follow.
@sehe oh...
less interesting
More interesting. Less ordinary
also, thanks for partition extension help earlier, all is working fine now
It was inside a $250k harddrive (of ~2GiB) . The bug was probably gased by halon
not weak enough
Will look into it soon.
Thanks for the effort.
No wonder its taking a while to load, the article I wanted to read is a gifageddon
youve been warned
loaded in <~3s, scrolled to the very end without non-loaded or delaying blocks
@VermillionAzure If the bounding box of a convex polygon is contained in the bounding box of another convex polygon, is it certain that the first polygon is contained in the second?
@mafagafogigante no
@mafagafogigante now are you doing bounding box or polygons?
I can't formally proof this because I suck at formal mathematics.
@VermillionAzure Polygons. You helped me.
@mafagafogigante No
I was wondering something that may help me.
Proof: Banana and banana
Two bananas are in two rectuangular boxes
Yeah so no
I thought triangles after reading banana.
@TonyTheLion hahahahaha /cc @Morwenn @jaggedSpire
Thanks a lot.
It appears that the Bentley-Ottoman algorithm is unsuitable
It makes the assumption that no two points have the same position on the plane or something like that
Tell me if you are sure, I will skip it because I am short on time.
I can safely remove duplicate points in my case.
That is not an intersection here.
It needs to overlap, area must be >0.
What is this for anyways?
If that's what you meant.
Competitive programming.
I will die when it gets to 3d surfaces.
Oh well I don't think it's viable lol
Arent you cheating by asking us?
programming is always competitive
you're competing with your programming language and inherent human inability to consistently output code
@BartekBanachewicz Yeah, but they don't say you loose so clearly.
and the ever-changing requirements
I think maybe you should think about looking into the mathematical constructs of planes and such
@mafagafogigante you always lose in the end
@BartekBanachewicz I do. I know.
@VermillionAzure Any pointers? I am going to get a computational geometry textbook soon.
@mafagafogigante I am just an undergrad at a B-level school. So I probably won't be able to garner much
I don't even do graphics but...
You do google nicer than I did.
Linear-Time Algorithms for Geometric Graphs with Sublinearly Many Edge Crossings can probably help you
It's a paper that... it appears to try to project onto a plane first and then do 2D collisions or something like that
Didn't you just send me it? lol
Hi, is it no q's no nothin day? :) Could someone tell me what's wrong with c++ operator+=(type*, type*)?
while doing pointer arithmetics
@mafagafogigante std::unique_ptr()
@SampoSarrala you don't add pointers to pointers. You add offsets to pointers.
@VermillionAzure It is on my read TODO, it has about 100 files with more than 1200 pages.
@SampoSarrala Everyday is no q no nothing day :)
@mafagafogigante Um?
Can you even overload pointer arithmetic?
I dont think you can
Well there is this
so it's (type*, size_t)
@Borgleader yeah, I know that. That's why I broke the rules quickly after askin :D
uh wat?
nevermind :p
@SampoSarrala so what did you really want to ask about?
> consistently output code
blablabla. I can consistently output code for the rest of my life at no additional cost
random code?
@mafagafogigante This will probably help you the most, I think: graphics.stanford.edu/courses/cs164-09-spring/Handouts/…
@VermillionAzure Can't say I have ever seen one problem that would be solved by that. But it sure as hell will teach me something. Thank you. Looks like Bentley-Ottmann will do it this time.
Stanford seems to have a nice primer on 3D collision algorithms and techniques
@Bartek thanks, that was what I feared (not a bad thind neccessarily but still...)
I just love people starting off with some completely arbitrary assumptions
@SampoSarrala raw pointers is what's wrong.
@Borgleader why not? It's insane, but I don't see why not
@sehe Well you cant overload stuff for built in stuff aye? Well I figured that included pointers. Apparently I'm wrong.
You can simply add free functions
c was so simple...
sopldering is so simple
lel. Try assembly. It's even simpler
@SampoSarrala up-arrow editing is also simple. Read the newbie hints :)
@SampoSarrala Um... Hm...
Jul 6 '14 at 18:58, by Borgleader
@AaronKyleKilleen Public service announcement
also ^
@VermillionAzure There's nothing not wrong
@sehe I will
Yeah isn't that bad anyways?
it makes no sense. The "wrongness" question is ill-formed
...What is the type of b in a[b] where a is a pointer and b is a number?
@Borgleader Loved the .gif
What's the standard say about pointers sizes and types anyways
@VermillionAzure lots of things. Have fun
@VermillionAzure Probably an unsigned integral type.
@Nooble Are you sure?
@VermillionAzure no :c
@Nooble not unsigned
@набиячлэвэлиь ...
you do
Especially at reading
Looks like the 2014 working draft says that the type of it is going to be the first in table 5 which is... int
> I got the hammer out and used a bit of percussive maintenance on that module there
From that hardware teardown vid I linked earlier
@sehe That's weird.
Well this is all very confusing
You're saying I can access x[-1]?
@Nooble why? a[b] is strictly identical to *(a+b)
@Nooble of course.
Oh I suppose you're right.
All this is very very old hat
ptrdiff_t exists
@VermillionAzure int would map to an int32_t, right...
@mafagafogigante not always
@VermillionAzure So if I have a fuck ton of memory I could not be able to increment my pointer enough
@Nooble I know. But in that case. I am using a x64 and int is 32 IIRC
@mafagafogigante Maybe mix in some marketing buzzwords too
We get too many cinches in this room these days.
@mafagafogigante It's usually a 32 bit type.
I yearn for the day when it was just trolls and help vampires
@sehe We have become soft :)
@mafagafogigante it’s the other way around still; short, int etc. are the fundamental types while the fixed-width std::int32_t etc. are aliases (to whichever fundamental type fills the bill)
@mafagafogigante no
Hm looks like I can perform signed arithmetic on it...
@VermillionAzure the type of 3 is int
@LucDanton This is not the discussion. He mentioned that the value you give to the offset and dereference is an int, which could not be enough if you were using a 32 bit for it and had a lot of memory
the type of the value you give is the type of the value you give
4 mins ago, by sehe
ptrdiff_t exists
@mafagafogigante You can check cppreference.
@Nooble for what exactly?
@sehe mmm I see
@mafagafogigante What the standard has to say.
@sehe that’s actually something else (the clue is in the name)
It's pretty related too
@Nooble Cppreference != The International Standard
@Nooble Yeah, OK about that. I did miss that first comment sehe made about ptrdiff_t though. That will likely be big enough.
I wasn't joining in the "discussion" anyways
@sehe yes but think of the pedantry
(more seriously I’m trying to make a point about types here)
@LucDanton or not
> For char arrays shorter than PTRDIFF_MAX, std::ptrdiff_t acts as the signed counterpart of std::size_t: it can store the size of the array of any type and is, on most platforms, synonymous with std::intptr_t.
Regardless, x86 can do address arithmetic with signed constants so it shouldn't be a problem
Hm... 1000 + 0111 == +15
@набиячлэвэлиь whatever
It's good enough.
@Nooble Nothing is as good as The International Standard
@набиячлэвэлиь ...that is also conveniently placed behind a paywall
@VermillionAzure Meh N4140 is good enough
good enough
N4141 differs from N4140 only by editorial/whateveryoucallit changes
Gud enoooooo
bah what am I doing
@VermillionAzure @Nooble's mother?
Anyways, I guess I'll chat and do my Verilog homework at the same time
@LucDanton how about matches
you can’t types the matches
Looks like I'll be implementing a 16-bit version of a MIPS processor in Verilog for today, boys
@VermillionAzure sexist
Feels like Tumblr.
I still have nightmares about freebleeding.
what is that
what is freebleeding
paging @wilx
Freebleeding as in GNU/Bleeding?
@GregorMcGregor LOL. Yeah.
@GregorMcGregor @VermillionAzure modernwomandigest.com/…
wow that's kind of nasty
> tampons, pads, and other feminine hygiene products are “man” made inventions, intended to inadvertently rape a woman during her period, thus furthering her victim status as a woman living in a world run by men
my thoughts exactly!
I would like to see FreeBLD
I paged for a reason
This video is just... gold
> it is a well known, documented, scientifically proven fact that women are naturally more unclean than men are. It’s stated in the Bible
Nice attempt
"let me emphasize my argument by citing science AND religion"

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