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uhm so I have to hope compilers don't interpret the data differently (i.e. reorder/pack things arbitrarily)
@Dean Yeah, thats why its bad style.
compilers are deterministic
I mean making a dll for different version of MSVC sounds kinda sucky
compilers are pedants
Q: What does the fpermissive flag do?

GradGuyI'm just wondering what the -fpermissive flag do in g++ compiler? I am getting: error: taking address of temporary [-fpermissive] which I can solve by giving -fpermissive flag to the compiler. Thanks EDIT: I just found what was causing the temporary address error part! Thanks guys, I'm gonna ...

Anyways, if your making a dll for other people to use try to make it a c-style dll/interface, then you can use it from different languages and different compilers.
@LucDanton depends
sometimes I wonder if they truly are
looking at you msvc
@Rapptz Why would bytes have encode?
It used to and OMG FUCK THAT
b'lol'.encode(cdc) to mean str(b'lol').encode(cdc) obviously
@Ell it's not like your car is alone on the road vOv.
@Jefery To an extent, they already exist. I expect that many roads will be abandoned by that point, due primarily to more efficient traffic. I don't have strong objections against people maintaining those abandoned sections and using them for sport.
@ScottW Hey
Alles gut.
@sehe ?
When someone says "Xs are Y", does it mean that all Xs are Y or that some Xs are Y?
@Elyse depends on the context
default is all
Fuck English.
mondays are stupid
that does not literally mean that EVERY monday is stupid
@BartekBanachewicz go back 100 years in time, for kicks
@orlp wth is going on. Why is he lowering his dog
@sehe it's farewell
one final pet
then off you go
@sehe that's a boiling well btw
to cook dogs so they can't escape
> farewell
Cruel puns
Never heard of a boiling well too
check wikipedia: boiling well
(the gif is reversed, the dog was stuck and got rescued)
but if I say so myself, 'boiling well' is quality bullshit
I liked "fare well" better
> In Crowthorne, Berkshire, South Road used to be a shortcut from Broadmoor Hospital to Sandhurst. It is now used as foot/cycle path, however the road markings and speed bumps are sill there. It was closed as it made traffic around broadmoor worse, as well as the speed bumps being too big.
@Jefery a good present-day example ^
@R.MartinhoFernandes what’s with the See Also? are we expected to bring our cars there?
> In Manchester, the A57(M) motorway has an unfinished slip road that hangs 6 metres (20 ft) in the air. It is hidden from view from the road. It had been constructed incorrectly and if completed would have taken traffic the wrong way down a one-way street
@R.MartinhoFernandes ... if it's called A57... it wouldn't be a motorway. We have this simple convention of motorways all being given an M number
There's an (M)
It might mean something
gee I wonder why
@thecoshman lol, British and conventions.
@R.MartinhoFernandes Ireland does the same. It makes sense
M => Motorway, A=> Big main roads, B => smaller but still proper roads, then just a mess of shite
@thecoshman Except when it comes to the A57(M) and the A1(M) and the A167(M) and all the other ones.
@sehe yeah, it might be a junction thing maybe
@R.MartinhoFernandes They could be tiny sections of motorway maybe...
@thecoshman It's a mess still right there at the motorway level.
@R.MartinhoFernandes what 'mess'?
"It was closed as it made traffic around broadmoor worse, as well as the speed bumps being too big." lol, I bet they have nothing on the Irish ones, they're like cliffs!
@thecoshman I found three examples of Axx(M)s by accident browsing for unused roads (and no those are not the unused ones)
@orlp does that constitute animal cruelty?
@orlp You're having fun with those, aren't you
@TonyTheLion why? cats have 9 lifes
just use it 8 times
@TonyTheLion lol, they're saving the cat, dude.
can never be too careful
Cats crawling into cars is a rather common incident.
@R.MartinhoFernandes ah yes, it seems that /A\d+(M)/ is for short stretches of motorway speed A roads
Don't ask what happens when they get cozy near the radiator fans.
It's ugly.
@R.MartinhoFernandes but it's so warm for them :D
Does Freenode work for you?
@Elyse yes
@Elyse try Paidnode
What's with all these reverse gif @orlp? stop it
@thecoshman why
I was already done for the record
It doesn't work for me.
@Elyse stop being bad then
I can't stop being bad without being bad first.
% ping irc.freenode.net
PING chat.freenode.net ( 56(84) bytes of data.
--- chat.freenode.net ping statistics ---
19 packets transmitted, 0 received, 100% packet loss, time 17999ms
@Elyse I think this would have been funny if it for once didn't link to that site
@Elyse vOv tough luck bro
oh noes, karma, I'm coughing notes away!
@Elyse ¬_¬ is that just the song on YT?
No its Rick Astley
It's a change at least
Why do you ask me? Click it, you twat.
@Elyse GEMA <3
Fuck GEMA.
Ergh... you know how when you hove over a link, the URL is shown at the bottom of the screen. For some reason that fails to work for me, well it tries to show it, but fails at keeping it on screen
wait o_0 now that I complained about it, it seems to be working just fine
back in black
fuck off spotify, I'm not going to pay you, not even 99c
@thecoshman can u plz flattr me?
lol, someone failed horrible at regex ".*_Example||.*_example||.*Example||.*example" you mean ".*[eE]xample"? People are so bad sometimes
work :'(
Aha a sales call woke me up in time for lectures
What a turn of events
@ScottW because we are thankful all the time for such a wonderful part of the word we have.
@thecoshman That's also what Thanksgiving is about!
Being thankful for such a wonderful part of the world someone else once had!
@thecoshman Starting with .* like that feels strange. Will match all things always no?
Hi @all!
@R.MartinhoFernandes yeah, but we don't do it for just one day
@JohanLarsson No, must end with Example.
@JohanLarsson Nah
@R.MartinhoFernandes well, [eE]xample
/.*x/ won't match on "abc" for example.
I really don't understand why regex has this air of confusion around it. Sure there's some funky syntax, but it's just patterns. I thought humans were good at patterns?
Not this sort of patterns
> All states should oppose punitive measures against Palestine for joining the International Criminal Court or for submitting information on Israeli violations to the Court or taking other steps to activate international justice mechanisms.
Wow, Amnesty International have to write that in their reports.
States are like kids in a playground.
I need music
fucking CSS
"Hey, you cannot kick Billy just because he told on you!"
display: block; on a button doesn't change the button size.
Geebus. Audacity is so usless. It cannot open .wmv files or .opus files.
@ScottW ... yeah... worth a try, after this one though
Users posting questions about what to do about an "unexpected indent" in python. With line number. Let's wait and see what this Friday brings next.
Quick, I need a throw away naming convention for CI slaves. It's vital that these temp names are awesome.
Maybe Gods?
Yeah... Gods
@thecoshman God names for slaves?
@R.MartinhoFernandes Sure :D
when you put it like that, it's even better idea
I'd use angels or something.
> CI slaves
whats a CI slave? continuous integration?
also greek gods are p common for computer names
Not just Greek... but I did start with Hades
Ahahahah, Sherlock listening to Rebecca Black in latest episode of Elementary.
Real talk Lounge what did you name your 'main' computer
my laptop is ignis
because it runs really fucking hot
@Prismatic I usually just do "MainUserName-OS-DeviceTye"... I'm boring
@thecoshman No. Use the Culture ship names!
Gamer-pc-linux :P
because it was bought as a gaming PC
Actually no
Its called localhost now
A girl's first name
Why would yo udo BestBuyWireless
Is there a joke that I'm not getting?
depth in
he he
@ScottW Flibbal your Flobbal
@ScottW Wow are you mad at me
if you want depth in something else, call me
"depth" sounds much too abyssal anyway.
Jesus fucking Christ @ScottW, it just doesn't end with you does it?
Labori abyssi me invocant. C u later!
Ah shit. All those times I downvoted for FP compares etc, and I get caught myself. I had some test cases with differing values 0.5, 0.6, 0.7.... to better differentiate them. Test for 0.6 gave 0.5 at the peripheral,so I debugged assuming that the 0.6 had got 'lost' in some exception and the 0.5 was 'left over' from the previous test. No. FP rounding had turned 0.599999999 into 0.5 :((
@MartinJames ouch
There has to be a better solution to decimal numbers
@thecoshman For now, I've reversed my sequence into descending order so I don't get caught/misled like that again.
well like, having to do shit like bool closeEnough(float a, b, epsilon) {return abs(a-b)< epsilon; } is just so annoying. never actually done that myself mind :P
Christmas is nice
@thecoshman Doesn't work for very small values of a and b. epsilon should depend on them.
Fixed point numbers for the win
@fredoverflow doesn't work for all values not 1 actually :p
@fredoverflow I think you can get away with depending on just their types?
that Kubrik's piece of shit?
it's the worst movie
I've ever seen
it's literally retarded and senseless
@ScarletAmaranth No, you can't. The distance between representable floating point numbers shrinks as the values get smaller.
"uu, secret society of rich people who enjoy orgies and kill people"
@fredoverflow where are there these numeric_limits::epsilon things then?
@ScarletAmaranth I'm sure there's worse movies, but yeah, Eyes Wide Shut was pretty bad.
@ScarletAmaranth That's the distance between 1.0 and its successor.
@fredoverflow ah that's true
@fredoverflow isn't this epsilon good enough :D?
@ScarletAmaranth No it isn't, because for example there are 256 floating point numbers between 1.0/256 and 1.0/256+epsilon.
@ScottW Let's put this hypothesis to the test. Name 3 more good films.
@ScottW Wow, you have little cinema experience.
@fredoverflow oh, you're making sense there :P
@fredoverflow No, no, no. It should depend on what you want to do.
pick up the receiver, I'll make you a believer
Absolute epsilons make sense in some cases.
@ScottW Don't know any of them.
@ScottW You do, and that sentence is proof. I mean, yeah, The Avengers is extremely overrated, but one of the worst?
So you just admitted to liking bad movies!
But how's that relevant, though? If you like bad ones, surely you know a lot of movies much worse than The Avengers.
@ScottW So what's your favourite movie of all time?
What's with all the face pictures of those ugly people. microsoft.com/en-us/WindowsForBusiness/End-of-IE-support
It's quiet this morning, has someone cashed in their 'shut up Bartek' card?

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