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@ElimGarak That's easy. You just wait and off he goes.
@BartekBanachewicz lol, that's so ridiculous. Same bullshit in Germany.
@ScarletAmaranth Marks Scarlet as menace 2 society
is that a rap name
> Leider ist momentan ein Problem aufgetreten. Bitte versuchen Sie es später noch einmal.
Jesus fuck.
Ahahaha he actually said "leftist" I'm not even surprised
Now it's eBay that blocked my account and is bullshitting me to unlock it.
@ElimGarak I had an accelerated course; paid like 70 extra (totalling at around 400 IIRC), 3 lessons a week
@CatPlusPlus You're obviously republican
"Please check your e-mail for instructions" there's no email
Ten tries later, there's an e-mail. BAM "try again later".
guys, let's suppose I am a huge nerd
@ElimGarak I don't know why but there's a crop of people who just fucking love this bullshit right/left-wing classification and will reduce literally everything to it
I say 'people' I mean 'idiots'
@Mr.kbok that's gonna take a huge stretch of imagination
@Mr.kbok welcome :)
and I buy a rPi2 to put w10 IoT core on it
@AndyProwl right :D
@AndyProwl That's what she said :D
It's like listening to American propaganda bullshit from cold war
what can I do with it? something marginally useful at least.
stream netflix on your tv?
run a webserver?
Terrible for that.
@TonyTheLion You can just get a longer HDMI cable then
@TonyTheLion that's not really a pi's job.
a pie's job is to be eaten :P
@Mr.kbok What are you actually missing
Also I already have a webserver at a colocation (same as cat I think), and I've got already 2 devices who can stream whatever.
It's hard to solve problems that don't exist
so your pi is useless?
Xbox and ISP set top box which is, since we're in france, actually good.
The Subversive Activities Control Board (SACB) was a United States government committee to investigate Communist infiltration of American society during the 1950s Red Scare. It was the subject of a landmark United States Supreme Court decision of the Warren Court, Communist Party v. Subversive Activities Control Board, 351 U.S. 115 (1956), that would lead to later decisions that rendered the Board powerless. It was organized on November 1, 1950, under authority provided in the McCarran Internal Security Act. The original 5 members of the panel were Seth W. Richardson of Washington, D.C., the Board...
If only it were just propaganda :D But they got derailed fairly quickly
@TonyTheLion it's more of a toy than anything
@thecoshman for nerds
@CatPlusPlus I know, right? I'm trying to find an idea of something useful to make but I really don't know.
@Mr.kbok s/who/that/ it's a thing
@ElimGarak It's so stupid my brain cells literally die every time I read anything those idiots spout out
@TonyTheLion I didn't buy it yet.
ideas are hard. I need a business idea... but I have none :/
@thecoshman sorry, frenchism.
@TonyTheLion Blowjob machine
@Mr.kbok no, I'm English
@TonyTheLion a business where people pay to have sex with women.
Immigrants? LEFTIST Public health care? LEFTIST WE LOVE US PRIVATE HEALTHCARE SO MUCH Not caring what people do in their fucking bedrooms and with whom? LEFTIST
Where women pay to have people with sex.
Guise... good ideas. I should have clarified
People ruin everything
You know you want one
@CatPlusPlus What people giveth, people ruineth
now get a mop and clean your cynical bile from the floor :)
its vomit
@Mr.kbok I'm setting up one of mine to show the public transportation departure times of the three nearby stops in the entryway so I can decide where to head when I leave the house.
audible vomit
Yes, an RPi is probably overkill for that, but it's affordable and easy to setup
@R.MartinhoFernandes We have a fairly decent wubsite to plot routes
@ElimGarak that's a hospital, and you need some serious cash to start that kind of business.
@R.MartinhoFernandes cool, what kind of screen?
@CatPlusPlus We do too. I don't see how that is relevant.
I just check it before I leave
robot will never remember that
@R.MartinhoFernandes actually, can you have that screen start buy just reminding you to post my screens?
@CatPlusPlus I will too. I don't see how that is relevant.
@thecoshman :S
@Mr.kbok One of those small TFTs.
Does this look right?
@Borgleader Saw it already, but you also need a processor to drive it. Also, the author of that article doesn't know what he's talking about when mentioning actually relevant specs. :D But a lot of people don't know how RAM works physically, so I'll let it go :D
I should buy more RAM
@R.MartinhoFernandes nah, fancy scrolling led marque thing
You'd think 16GB is a lot but then you start using web browsers
That article is cleary about 4GB chips, it's the module/stick that is 128GB. What a tool
@cat always more ram
They should name that stick "Chrome"
And then you could have one tab per
@ElimGarak it doesn't really mention many specs, that fact it's 128GB and the overall bandwidth.
Seriously, nobody is going to comment on: "It’s zippy, too, running at 2,400 megabits per second."? :P
I don't know or care what that means
ram speed is a very minor thing to care about these days, you just want lots of it
But you want lots of it because it's fast.
It's about bandwidth, and that (false) claim makes that cookie 7 times slower than my SSD. :P
@R.MartinhoFernandes sure, the exact speed I don't care about
it's not as fast as cache, better than drives
@ElimGarak well, burst speed vs sustained speed is something to factor in
I'm shocked that Gawker website would have bad information on it
shocked, he is
I guess I shouldn't start acting like I am leaving this job until I've actually sorted out a new one
but it's just so hard to care right now
I feel hacker enough today to use Microsoft Paint®
What the point is that it channels through each of the 64 lines of a DDR4 interface 2400 megabits per second. Clocking in at 19.2 GB/s, unlike my cookie which is merely 17 GB/s (theoretical maximum).
Sounds cool
But will it blend
exact_sorter: implements an unstable sort with O(n²) comparisons and O(n) auxiliary memory.
@CatPlusPlus Is that show still going? I loved them destroying Apple stuff.
@ElimGarak Dunno
@ElimGarak oh woohoo another 2GB/s to not use for shit
@thecoshman Oh, it gets used. DDR3 was the bottleneck in PCIe 3.0 comms and DDR4 will be a bottleneck in PCIe 4.0 comms.
But if you like to watch porn mostly, then yeah. :D
@R.MartinhoFernandes but that's gpio right?
@Mr.kbok you do realise that TFT != 'has no standard interface'
The extraneous 2 GB/s is the read bandwidth of my PCIe based SSD in the MacBook Pro. I am saying mine because I've already been charged, even though it is still not here.
Also, how the hell is Gawker still a thing? Etienne linked recently an article on Game Zone where the dude took a massive, very much needed dump on Kotaku.
They have a lot of shit with a lot of ads
Probably, I don't see ads
@thecoshman The implication is that there isn't any out-of-the-box drivers for those kind of screens, also you can't use w10
@Mr.kbok yes there is, it's called HDMI
As I said, TFT does not mean magical not documentated non-standard display
Nobody said that
IPS LCDs with LED backlighting or go home <3
He's asking Robot if it is GPIO or not
Not sure why you bring that TFT thing into it
@thecoshman "one of those small TFTs" actually kinda does
@Mr.kbok no it doesn't!
yes, you can get small TFT screens that don't have sensible connections directly on them, but that is not all there is
It doesn't imply anything either way
okay, cool. no need to get angry on me :/
I've got a fucking pair of TFT screens right in front of my face, both with a selection of well standardised inputs they can use.
> Où sont les coupables? 💰💰💰
The subject of an email I got this morning.
@ElimGarak did someone just release some apple app for this? seems to be a lot of this style of vid recently
That's right, they put fucking emojis in the subject.
@EtiennedeMartel bank robbery?
@thecoshman yeah but tiny tfts
I prefer this one, though. Much more personal.
@CatPlusPlus because it was him directly responding to robot saying he'll use a small tft screen
@Mr.kbok you can still get small screens that have standard inputs, usually craposite
@thecoshman To ask whether it's GPIO interface
Because while TFT doesn't imply that, it conversely also doesn't imply a standard HDMI one either
@Borgleader Hue
@CatPlusPlus The TFT screens for RPi are usually connected over GPIO, which Zero has.
@Mr.kbok yeah GPIOs.
@thecoshman hdmi screens are usually much pricier than gpio, and come on the high-end of the spectrum. since robot said "small", I assumed gpio.
@R.MartinhoFernandes thanks.
2.something inches.
More or less the size of the board.
@R.MartinhoFernandes that really is tiny...
I see adafruit are selling refurbished n3310 screens also
wouldn't you want something large you can see at a glance?
Maybe I should just kill an old unused phone?
The size of the Pi2, not the zero
oh come on!
that's hardly a penis joke
@R.MartinhoFernandes that's still small
Personally i'm using one of these, which is a fair size larger but a bit pricier than TFT screens. element14.com/community/docs/DOC-78156/l/…
@thecoshman When it comes to jokes in the lounge, it's not really about the penis but more about the size.
@EtiennedeMartel It's too hard to understand
> Pray to Cthulhu that we didn't mess anything up
something all good docs need XD
Lounge<C++>: not really about the penis
48 mins ago, by Cat Plus Plus
@ElimGarak It's so stupid my brain cells literally die every time I read anything those idiots spout out
at what level of outright insults are people kicked out?
at what level of outright stupidity are people kicked out?
Guise, just let it go. Last time it was Robot, now Cat. Relax and be nice.
@thecoshman Very high
Also good job confirming being in the set
Kids these days.
@TheForestAndTheTrees looks good, but a bit too big/expensive for me.
Does radians have a symbol?
1 rad | 1 radian | 1 radians
1.00 pedants.
1.0000000003 fpedants
@CatPlusPlus what set?
@JohanLarsson 'radians'
@MartinJames ew :)
@ElimGarak no!
'Relax and be nice' doesn't seem like a good Lounge motto.
My fucking linker has never been nice and relaxed with me, so why be different?
Radians are totally rad.
What kind of compiler are you?
@EtiennedeMartel what about radium?
or radioactive bombs?
@Nooble I'm suave and ambivalent.
@thecoshman I don't think cat's being particularly smart when he insults me
I've been kicked multiple times for vague reasons
@Nooble smart yet essentially useless
Hence I'm asking what's necessary to be observed from Cat for him to be kicked
@orlp It's just like my apps, full of energy for a bit and then turns into lead.
@BartekBanachewicz really?
@orlp yes, really.
were you acting like a bartek
doing classic bartek behavior
this means literally nothing
niterally lothing
1 min ago, by orlp
@Nooble smart yet essentially useless
is cat acting like a bartek today?
Ugh fucking MasterCard SMS spam
use coins, they don't send SMS
@CatPlusPlus 'We can do amazing stuff for you, subject to terms and conditions', (are you Warren Buffet?)
It's from their 'pay with card get points' program which is absolutely useless
"absolutely useless" = "Cat doesn't care about it"
maybe I should start doing literal translations.
> It's from their 'pay with card get points' program which I don't like or care about.
@CatPlusPlus I hate all those points/cashback/whatever scams.
I need to change banks one of these days
And why is there so many debit card variants
> Why do different people have different needs than me?
I just want a goddamn card that pays with account balance directly, nothing more, nothing less
it's pretty fun
> I just want a goddamn card that's tailored to my particular spending habits alone.
@CatPlusPlus That's easily available, just fill in the 15 web pages three times over because something went wrong the first two times...
@R.MartinhoFernandes Öffi.
Good afternoon.
@fredoverflow Oh, that's top of my 'to view' list.
Java is 20 years old? That makes me feel old. It only seems like half a decade ago that the hype started.
@sbi It's a good thing. After 20 years, the runtime is finally warmed up enough.
Also the MasterCard wubsite to use the points doesn't use EV certificate
@MartinJames To me it seems more a case of exhaustion. I mean, c'mon, who'd have predicted that C++ would get new features faster and earlier than Java?
@sbi Touché.
@sbi Anyone who has tried both?
@MartinJames My students did (although not all of them without complaining), and they did not predict that. :)
C++ should probably stop getting new features
I have been hearing this advice for 20 years.
I fucking hate any language where the largest delay when debugging is waiting for the executable to start.
'I'll just comment that out and retry'..coffee.. 'nope, that didn't change anything'
This is a gorgeous explanation of the situation in Syria.
@MartinJames So... C++?
@fredoverflow lol, no, not until modules:)
I meant, you hate C++ because of that, and there are no other languages as slow as C++?
C++ executables start as fast as C executables
Because it's the same thing
@fredoverflow C++ apps start up straight away, unfortunately, that's after the build process:(
If you're including cimplolation, then (a) you're right and (b) you suck at time division
Startup times are overrated
@CatPlusPlus you can always not use them :p
For JVM at least you can live reload code and not restart for debugging
@набиячлэвэлиь (c) you're a legasthenic.
@BartekBanachewicz I don't think you are being very smart when people insult you
@melak47 It was already too complex before
@sbi that's armist
@thecoshman I don't think a lot of people are
Now it'll be even more
@CatPlusPlus When you're debugging, build/startup delays become extremely annoying.
@sbi it's funny that it mentions the Kurds as not-assholes, since post WWI Europe decided to give almost everyone but them a country.
@thecoshman ???
@sbi LEGasthenic
@sbi What's that word mean?
(it's terrible, never mind)
@набиячлэвэлиь uh, not really, no
@R.MartinhoFernandes Well, the guys who are on reddit might not be those who decided how to split up the world after WWI. ICBWT.
@CatPlusPlus you can always go back to C.
@BartekBanachewicz A safe assumption of "waiting for the executable to start" would be either until _start()/::main() are called
None of the features, none of the complexity! yeey!
I don't use either and I don't know why you'd even mention C, it's not relevant to evaluating complexity of something else
What exactly is the difference between a Java rockstar and a Java champion?
java champion
@набиячлэвэлиь It seems in English this word is not in use. It means "dyslexic".
@набиячлэвэлиь definitely ::main()
@набиячлэвэлиь a lot of things happen before main is called
@набиячлэвэлиь Not to me. My app is 'started' when the forms are ready to accept input and all the I/O is up.
@fredoverflow that has to drop panties
@sbi Ah
@MartinJames Fix your code to not take ages before creating the forms
@BartekBanachewicz Yes
@fredoverflow $$$?
@набиячлэвэлиь They are fast enough to load, (not being written in Java).
"start" makes sense as _start to me
@sbi The English for dyslexic is dyslexic
@MartinJames well, that's 'ready'
Static-init comes after jumping to _start
@набиячлэвэлиь That's pointless, literally everything takes the same amount of time to go to _start
@MartinJames you using painful win32 stuff?
@thecoshman Yeah, I noticed. (Although google does find the word in use in English as well.)
Dyslexic has the advantage that it is much easier to spell than legasthenic. :)
@sbi you say that...
@CatPlusPlus _start being the entry point for the executable file; Java's "executables" (a.k.a. JARs) take longer to go to their respective "entry points", as they are not native
The user sits in front of a terminal. S/he clicks on an icon. When the main form is displayed, the grid populated from the DB, the comms icons are all green and the users can do stuff, it's loaded and ready. I don't give a PHP how long it takes to get to main, winmain or anything else.
> I don't give a PHP
such insults
@набиячлэвэлиь That's dumb, because you're skipping runtime for one thing but not for the other
JVM takes the same amount of time to reach _start
@thecoshman Essentially, yes.
@thecoshman The "German" (haha!) word for dyslexia is Legasthenie. I think there once was a website registered under lestagenie.de, which was one of those trying to help these people.
The JVM, not the "executable" (.exe vs .jar)
That's the same thing
It's runtime that wraps the actual program
That it's in a different executable is pointless distinction
Nothing has a point
We'll all die anyway
You're either comparing startup times without runtime (which is dumb and useless) or with runtime for all cases, comparing two completely unrelated values yields garbage not results
@набиячлэвэлиь This has.
@sbi It's a circle
@набиячлэвэлиь for the sake of the argument consider a .NET app
The C or C++ runtime run time is too small to measure.
@sbi Points have no area
@sbi where's the funny?
@Mr.kbok Oh.. lets not:(
@MartinJames he he he
@MartinJames as you wish :)
@Mr.kbok Whatever .NET is
@thecoshman The URL is misspelled.
And yeah for CLR the runtime is loaded into the executable as DLL, exactly the same way as C/C++
@thecoshman Really hard to explain to you. Lemme try...
See the diff?
So obviously you should also just measure startup times to _start and therefore CLR apps and C++ apps have identical startup times
erm... I see there is difference...
See how that's not helpful for anything
@thecoshman Good!
I no longer feel my argument makes sense
Can you please stop bashing on it?
@набиячлэвэлиь Yeah, that happens a lot in here.
Guys, I am making something with potatoes, but I am not sure what it is now. They're boiling.
@ElimGarak I KNEW IT!
I gotta go prepare food now.
@ElimGarak Be sure to not do a Brit and overboil them.
@sbi Can I have cake now?
@ElimGarak sounds like boiled potatoes
@thecoshman I dunno. Is there some around where you are?
@thecoshman I have cheesecake at home...
@sbi maybe
@ElimGarak Fry the potatoes, add kefir (whatever it's called in English) and consume!
@thecoshman Then maybe you can.
@набиячлэвэлиь IIRC that's coriander
green herby thing, right?
@thecoshman Nah, coriander's an herb
oh wow, never heard of such stuff
Not an English thing I think
@thecoshman Damn islander!
@thecoshman Of course not
Hmm, how about butter, vegeta, pepper grains, some salt and all fried and shit?
@sbi well excuse me for trying to have a memory
The British don't know how to food
@ElimGarak meh vegeta
Ergh, there's some nice English food things
Sounds alright though
@thecoshman It's not a German thing either. We still know about it.
@thecoshman You don't even have proper drinks there
@sbi I bet you don't know... you probably do know what croquets are
@набиячлэвэлиь what do you mean?
@набиячлэвэлиь Now it's war.
@thecoshman lol Whisky
86% alc. самогон or GTFO
@набиячлэвэлиь Well, we have Scotch?
@MartinJames Which, also, funnily enough, never changes
@набиячлэвэлиь lol
@thecoshman You drink tape?
@thecoshman You mean these French things made from potatoes?
@набиячлэвэлиь you drink garbled shapes?
@sbi not sure about French, but made from potatoes yes.
@thecoshman Isn't there a thing called, like, scotch tape or summat?
like... fried potato poops
@набиячлэвэлиь that's the joke
@thecoshman Grats, you found it
Not sure what you mean about the garbled shapes, though
Lounge<C++>: not very good at jokes
Lounge. Lounge never changes.
@набиячлэвэлиь Cyrillic (I think) letters
@набиячлэвэлиь Yeah. It's what Glaswegians use to hold themselves upright at the bars.
@thecoshman Sure, what's so garbled about them?
@MartinJames nice
lol people unable to read Cyrillic
@MartinJames and not drop glasses :D
@thecoshman They are spelled "croquettes", IIRC. We certainly know them. (In fact, I have currently some in the freezer to be brought out for a special occasion. The kids love them.)
Well, anything else you want to try?
@sbi They tasty for sure
@sbi trying to think...
Braic, I doubt you know the name, but you surely know the food
@thecoshman I bet my 5th grade English teacher would have hit me for such a terrible beast of a sentence.
@thecoshman I dunno what that is. (But this might just mean you misspelled it...)
@sbi Northern influence, words can be dropped at will
@sbi Brack, sorry
> Acronym, Definition. BRAIC, Beijing Rayleigh Analytical Instrument Corporation (Chinese manufacturer). BRAIC, Bicol Regional Agri-Industrial Center ...
@thecoshman Northern influence my ass. You're just lousy.
nah ah
It honest true
@thecoshman Still wrong, apparently.
> or a variety of tea cake, especially Barmbrack
You're bad at spotting links
@набиячлэвэлиь nah, just likes to tell people they are wrong

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