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Hahaah brilliant :)
@orlp wait... is that a parody... or have I always thought wrongly what that song was called?
@thecoshman hrm?
I think that's official
lol MSVC's compiler ICEs on every file I feed to it
err no
im retarded
I thought the song was called "Smack my Bitch up"
stupid google
I need more potatoes @GregorMcGregor
assumed top result on google would be official one
instead it's some stupid 1500 view vid
Trying to batch potato production through the use of GPUs (General Potato Units)
@TonyTheLion I... can't pun
@thecoshman The book is published. I don't agree on your description of the procedure. On the 'definitive list' it says that new proposals will be discussed here, on this chat. It doesn't say that I can't propose it, even if it is a new book.
@thecoshman Of course, you have the right to reject the book, and even more you have the right to reject it because it is not popular at this moment. However, I would personally be more satisfied with some more substantial reasons for rejection, besides the book being new.
@thecoshman Also, if you are acccepting popular books only, then you might be needlesly rejecting books which are marketed less, books by independent authors, but which might still be quality books. Also, it seems to me that you are missing more books in the 'total beginners' section, there is only one book there (Stroustroup's).
@KevinC because it's your own book. And thus your backing for it doesn't really offer any weight.
But sure, by all means tell the world about it
@thecoshman No, I'm absolutely biased, of course. But I would like to discuss it.
@GregorMcGregor :D
@KevinC you've got this the wrong way around
@thecoshman try harder :)
@KevinC Which I think you have. Any more, and your just going to get labelled annoying.
it is not up to us to give a valid reason for rejection beyond what was already discussed (popularity, reviews, etc)
@TonyTheLion vOv best I can think of is something about chips on shoulders :'(
it is up to you to make a well constructed argument why it's such a good book it belongs on the definite list of books
@thecoshman hehe
@TonyTheLion don't you patronise me!
Its cold and lonely
set someone on fire, solve both problems at once
Whenever I tell people to not do things, I almost always end up hearing Samuel Jackson in Pulp Fiction with his monologue about smiting people with vengance... some bible shit line iirc
@GregorMcGregor :O mind blown
@orlp Possibly, but that reply was an an answer to a post by 'thecosh' which says I should first get my book respected before making a request here.
@KevinC I stand by that
@KevinC finally - but this is my personal opinion - the list of definite C++ books that target beginners without previous programming experience should always be empty
since no beginner without previous programming experience should start with C++
@orlp ergh... not necessarily
also not really relevant
@GregorMcGregor My answer would have been more along the lines of "I will fill myself with the warmth of someone's love", but then I'm feeling very fuzzy and loving lately :D
@orlp OK, well, thank you for stating it. Many other programmers also think that. I was quite interested to see how do people here stand on that issue.
> fill myself with the warmth of someone's love
I... I...
@GregorMcGregor that's a lot to cum up with
@orlp That C++ book written by Bjarne Stroustrup - Programming: Principles and Practice Using C++, have found that to be quite noob friendly.
@thecoshman A sexual pun was imminent, and it it arrived.
@TonyTheLion I believe a very strong part of learning is being able to instantly transfer knowledge from one part to another
@TonyTheLion @Greg erected it, I brought it through to completion
@orlp mainly I say that because I read that book as C++ noob
@TonyTheLion /cc @orlp but it seems that some other people here think that there are books which are noob friendly.
For example, once a beginner learns what a function is he/she should be able to use that knowledge to use it in other places immediately
@TonyTheLion C++ noob, or programming noob?
In a language like Python that goes really smoothly
@thecoshman at the time, kind of both, although I did know C#, so not really both, but both enough :P
@orlp I like Python
@TonyTheLion lol, so you were shit?
in a language like C++ you will very rapidly run into syntax errors, or worse, UB that crashes
It's funny because if you take "beginner" and swizzle some letters around it gives "be nigger"
@thecoshman I was shit at the time yes
@GregorMcGregor only you...
@GregorMcGregor where'd the E go
who cares
or the second n
@orlp it ran away
@CatPlusPlus one more reason to wipe computar asap
@GregorMcGregor woah, thought you were going to use the g word
@orlp You see that new "g"? It is actually the e and n having epic line together.
@thecoshman ghastly?
If that is the opinion of most of people here, then why is there a section 'total beginners / no previous programming experience' in the 'definitive list' and what is Stroustroup's book doing there?
If it wasn't for that section there, I wouldn't be proposing my book here.
@TonyTheLion ... ginger (Sorry)
@thecoshman Go?
@KevinC I intentionally prefixed "but this is my persional opinion" to it
@GregorMcGregor Lounge cares, because pedantry is a profession here
We all have a degree in pedantry
pi-dantry in the case of Mysticial
nice pun :)
C++ basically requires you to be pedantic.
@Lalaland I would say "extremely so"
Otherwise you will have UB left and right.
@TonyTheLion pendatism
room topic changed to Lounge<C++>: We offer degrees in pedantry. [c++] [c++11] [c++14] [c++-faq]
ergh... too many tabs which I don't know why I have them
cba to sort them out
90° of pedantry
@thecoshman cause pron
more ram plz
@orlp Ok. you are right. But my assumption was that people thinking otherwise are in majority here. But I'm only getting replies from people who agree with you on the issue of 'C++ for noobs'. So something is not right. It is possible that the 'definitive list' is actually not reflecting the feelings of majority here?
I need more RAM
@TonyTheLion nah, that's hat mode
can I have potatoes with my RAM?
@TonyTheLion always more ram
what's up
@BartekBanachewicz shhh
@TonyTheLion sure, mashed?
for a monday things are surprisingly great
mondays are great when you don't have to work
like mine
@thecoshman yes I love mashed potatoes
@TonyTheLion I've done very little actual work, mostly been waiting for shit to process
@BartekBanachewicz I have to work
sitting in a nice coffee place in Trier and working on Turnip
@thecoshman you're processing shit?
@BartekBanachewicz why you no work? Bank holiday?
and polishing my Mad German Skills (tm)
@TonyTheLion sure am :D
I'm going to make a library called Catnip
and all cats are going to love it
@thecoshman I'm on sorta vacation in Germany right now
yesterday was cool
@BartekBanachewicz 'sorta'?
I saw some 2000 years old roman architecture
yesterday was cool
@BartekBanachewicz I think the word is "fucking freezing"
I had some amazing French food
and on the opposite side of the street
Canard l'orange
@TonyTheLion ergh... not a fan
2 Audi R8s, a Bentley Continental, Porsche Boxter and Porsche Panamera Turbo with factory tuning
was a good sightseeing day
@thecoshman I'm a lion, not a fan either
@BartekBanachewicz nice
@BartekBanachewicz isn't 'factory tuning' one of those things that is just bollocks marketing?
@TonyTheLion ooh you :D
Saw a Lamgorghini in London yesterday
@thecoshman no, it means it's bought new and tuned before it's sold
There was one around my town the other week
my Beamer don't even come close
@BartekBanachewicz o_0 how is that factory then?
I think it applies to both actual factory and 3rd party just after factory because they typically get deals on the cars
that's exactly not factory tuned, it's sold as stock, then tuned after market, then resold
I'm writing a concert report on Jason Crabb.
@TonyTheLion You mean Lamborghini?
The temptation to refer to him as "Mr. Crabbs" is so fucking real right now.
@thecoshman well yeah but you're buying it from the company tuning it
@BartekBanachewicz ooh, I guess it's close enough though
@Jefery I knew I spelt that wrong :/
I cunt spell
Ugh, snow
@CatPlusPlus brrrrrrrrrr cold
@CatPlusPlus What, snow is great!
Yay, snow
@thecoshman yeah and in case of e.g. Abarth they work really close to the manufacturers
Its cold here too, but not snow
I guess 'factory' and 'stock' are subtly different
Snow is cold, slippery and turns into shitload of mud
Fuck snow
@ThePhD Fuck, how young are you?
The tuning companies order custom specs at the factory then apply their own parts etc
Snow is nice as long as you don't need to go out
the weather is really nice here
it's cold but sunny
jfc this bank app is retarded
fuck you
@CatPlusPlus it's a bit like software projects, really nice to look at, then you try to do anything, and you realise it's just a big pile of slushy shite
@GregorMcGregor :(
@BartekBanachewicz that's generally annoying, it's the sort of low blinding sun that means you can't see shit
lel Rick Astley playing
I got literally rick rolled by a coffee place
@thecoshman meh I don't mind
It makes me happy to see @BartekBanachewicz being happy :D :)
Bartek please stay happy
@TonyTheLion destroy him
@TonyTheLion nooooooooooOOOOOOOOO!
@TonyTheLion yeah it's nice to take a break from stuff
The only way to be happy is drag everyone else down
@thecoshman that is surely the wrong way to go about things
you should revise your ways
@BartekBanachewicz :)
R# 10 is in retarded mode, debug one test but it starts another wtf
and spend some time with my GF while we're at it
also Trier is a nice city
IRC is ded
@TonyTheLion Was it ever not?
@CatPlusPlus But the first bits are nice. :c
@набиячлэвэлиь There is life there at times.
@thecoshman I'm sooper old, clearly.
@TonyTheLion nah, those were just its last spasms
Hmmm @GregorMcGregor do you know if a LSE stock price would be default shown in pence?
@TonyTheLion depends on stock
@Mr.kbok Barclays PLC
it's usually a static data
in what sense?
You should have a central repository where it says if a given stock is pence or pound
so there isn't some rule then
Barclays is pence in this case.
nope :) check google finance
okay my bad
Everything in LSE is pence
@orlp Ah, ok, so I should assume that a sufficient number af people have participated in this discussion and thet the prevailing opinion is strongly against. No further reasons need to be given, and the current reasons are lack of popularity, and reviews, and what others said.
@orlp My argument was that it is a book specifically targeted for total beginners, but most people here are against that kind of books, despite the 'no previous programming experience section' in 'definitive C++ book list', which is misleading and it is what has misled me to post my request here.
> Terrestrial planet WR 67c told reporters that it “just prays” it never develops a mild global climate hospitable to humans.
Look at my code. My code is amazing ♫
You are
@KevinC some people are going to learn C++ stupidly as a first lang and you can't do nothing about it :(
it should be noted that it's largely disrecommended to do so.
fun fact
windows platform binary table was added in windows 8
when windows installs it looks there to install vendor software
so now when you do a clean windows install you still get your vendor bloatware
branded OSes are univerally terrible, yeah
Install Gentoo.
@orlp Clean the bintable
funny enough
OSX manages to keep the bloatware and still retain a working OS
@orlp OEMs are shit, more at 11
I wonder when Windows will use the linux kernel
@orlp never
Not gonna work
@TonyTheLion that's a long time
@orlp very looooooooooooooooooooooong
@TonyTheLion that's a very long time
see? you've made it worse
@TonyTheLion what kbok said
In accordance with what I have previously said, and what others here are saying, I propose to this community that the "Introductory, no previous programming experience" section from "The definitive C++ book list" be removed and Stroustroup's book placed in a more appropriate section. The purpose of this is to prevent misunderstandings such as mine and to signal to beginners that the opinion of this community is that the C++ language is, mostly, not suitable for beginners.
@GregorMcGregor :)
I need an ISO-based Linux distro that can use HDD as differential storage
I have two hairs coming out of 1 follicle
On what ISO?
@orlp (it's one that got split)
there's THREE of them
right next to eachother
It happens.
at least 5 now
all at my left nipple
-- Style A
f = [x]

-- Style B
f = x :[]
@orlp Oh yeah, it's rather common near nipples.
@orlp TMI now
You know.
@набиячлэвэлиь cmon
I'm thinking that the actor model is very beautiful
Just pluck them.
you know a little suckle can't hurt
I think I'm going to overuse it tonight
@TonyTheLion lies!
@BartekBanachewicz What about it?
@Jefery which one is better, duh
What's the rationale behind style B?
@Jefery and that is why people don't like patterns
@Jefery not having parens around, but in one place as a single token
@BartekBanachewicz both are confusing to someone who doesn't know (what I presume) is Haskell notation
@CatPlusPlus what's diff storage?
@BartekBanachewicz First one
@BartekBanachewicz what are they meant to do anyway?
So if you install something new it'll go to HDD and be permanent
@thecoshman You gotta learn a language syntax before using it. Yes.
@thecoshman Instantiate a list with a single element (x).
as opposed to non-permanent installations
@Jefery oh, right, like python lists, then style A clearly
A list in Haskell for example is [x, y, z]. Which can also be seen as: x : (y : (z : [])) where a : b stands for "add a to the list b.
@LucDanton Well if you boot from ISO then rootfs is a RAM disk backed by squashfs file or something
Definitely syntax A
I don't like unnecessary parens enclosing expressions
std::vector<delctype(X)> v = {X};

std::vector<decltype(X)> v;
essentially what you're asking
no not really
Eh, I guess I'll just go with disk images and let Virtualbox worry about differentials
C++ is a different language, what you wrote isn't the same at all
ayy gurl, can I see ur virtual box
Updates will probably suck in either case
do you guys know what a Kwekkeboom kroket is?
Ik weet wat een kroket is
Someone should make minecraft
inside of minecraft
with redstone
@orlp still faster than Java
@Jefery well you probably have to be very handsome to be both an actor and a model.
@orlp Someone should just drink.
what if we
are in a simulation
relativity is a lie - that's just the speed of a redstone signal
it's a relative lie
@sehe ayy gurl can I shaft your mine
@TonyTheLion damindenie
@sehe lol
@KevinC "beginners" is a relative notion. Experienced programmers starting to learn c++ would be the "beginners" intended there. Context matters
I cut my nails one jour ago and typing feels... really strange now.
@Morwenn one jour
@Mr.kbok What?
c'est-que t'as dit
Wow, I didn't even notice xD
Qu'est-ce que le fuck?
Quel est le fuck?
Quel est le nique?
@EtiennedeMartel ça
Baise ouais !
@GregorMcGregor ISTR that's mozzarella.
"You have been invited to join trash can"
@GregorMcGregor wot
just curious: are trash can messages deleted/not indexed by search engines or what?
what's the difference with the messages I see here?
@Dean the only difference is they're in a room named "trash can" or "bin"
which is where messages go we don't want here
@sehe No. It says "Introductory, no previous programming experience". There is no context which would suggest your interpretarion. Those words mean the same as "no programming experience at all". Otherwise, it would say "no previous C++ programming experiance". Anyway, if the other interpretation was intended, I suggest that you correct it. It is just 3 letters that are missing.
is it penis

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