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this kitty video is so floofy
@Jefery now I can manipulate you effortlessly
@Jefery What is the link? I too would like to be judged by an online tool.
@nick nice
@nick I think many are, to at least some degree, but tend to look down on those are more emphatic. Think of the guys at bars who don't even think twice about lying to get laid, and think the guys who "got no game" are worthless, weak, etc.
12:01 AM
Those tools were available years ago :p
But I have never thought to use them on my chickens until ... this morning (I am dumb)
@JerryCoffin fair enough
Took a test and apparently ENTP.
Apparently I'm an EMPF "The Campaigner", I'm not sure what to do with that information though.
But it seems that it tells more about my values than about how I really act.
12:13 AM
So I'm either ENTP or ESTP.
@nick Whoa you're introverted.
But you have an imperial voice!
So as an EMPF, I'm apparently similar to Michael Scott from The Office. This worries me.
ESFP-A ("Entertainer"). Huh.
@EtiennedeMartel Entertain us.
> Comprising just 4% of the population, the risk of feeling misunderstood is unfortunately high for the INFP personality type.
Isn't anybody likely to feel misunterstood anyway?
12:19 AM
@CaptainGiraffe The letters, by themselves, don't tell you much of anything. You have to look at the percentages before they mean much--for example, E at 51% is a whole different story from E at 90+%, or something like that. Most tests also reflect how your feeling when you take the test. I always score as introverted, but the other three can go either way, depending not only on how I feel at the time, but the exact wording they use for the questions.
@sehe ikr
I recall that last time I took this test my strongest trait was Introversion at 75%, and my weakest was either judging or perceiving, depending on how I felt that day.
How do you share the results, by the way?
@EtiennedeMartel +1 (This is a useful question)
@sehe Reading a bit of yours I don't feel like I would fit into that personality for example.
Even though we share 3/4 letters
Maybe I'm not being rational here though.
Maybe I want that excerpt to be true.
while I was fuzzing my compiler
std::isalnum: "The behavior is undefined if the value of ch is not representable as unsigned char and is not equal to EOF."
> Oh, I know how to fix this.
@набиячлэвэлиь Same as sehe
'S why I always fix @Nooble's code
12:23 AM
Haha, reading the INFP description, I don't even feel like one. But, well... I guess it's often the case with personality tests ^^
@Jefery Interesting
@набиячлэвэлиь So, are you actually an explorer? :p
@Morwenn You are the first I hear
12:24 AM
@Morwenn nowhy
@Morwenn I strongly recognize myself in INTP
There are tricky questions though: for example the one about whether we feel superior to others.
@orlp Hey
Let's mate
Are you Australian?
@Jefery you mean ball-slapping buttsecks?
12:25 AM
I don't want to be an introvert, by according to my friend, an introvert is someone ' tend to recharge by spending time alone. They lose energy from being around people for long periods of time, particularly large crowds.' By that definition I am an introvert.
Wait, no. That would be a terrible idea.
@EtiennedeMartel Tell them an email address, then they show the profile link.
But by dictionary definition:
a shy, reticent person.
I am definitely not one
@orlp Also 3% of the population my ass
@Jefery higher/lower?
12:27 AM
whoops, got a 90% introversion this time. Maybe I shouldn't have indicated my utter loathing for parties quite so strongly
2/40 in this room is 1/20 = 5%
That's pretty close
@Jefery ah yes, an online chat room for techies
I hope I don't lose my lounge access pass for this, 16personalities.com/profiles/5653ae5671039
@orlp the most unbiased of samples
what an unlikely place to find introverts
12:28 AM
@CaptainGiraffe Haha, 88% assertive. Typical lounger.
@CaptainGiraffe Extravert 74% what the actual fuck
I must commend you on your excellent statistical sampling and extraordinary measures to prevent bias
@jaggedSpire 'Cause she stayed back to bomb 'em, valour uncommon
> Strategy: People Mastery
12:29 AM
@CaptainGiraffe How well do you read yourself into it?
@Nooble Is that Barket?
> “The Debater”
I'm going to blame this on going quickly.
_N_P seems common here
I kinda needed to boost those stats for my work. @Jefery It's not an unreasonable description. Some kinda true, some on the mark.
@jaggedSpire 90% introvert is quite impressive.
12:30 AM
I did it before but I'll do it again
> Winning a debate matters less to you than making sure no one gets upset.
@Morwenn It's my all-time high score. :P
@набиячлэвэлиь mfw barket
12:31 AM
I think that I value social over logic much more than before.
I'm 77% extravert.
@Nooble Of course, you're a koala.
The fuck are you doing in a chatroom full of nerds
Winning a debate means very very little to me. Understanding and getting understood means the world
We should set up an extravert leaderboard.
12:31 AM
@Jefery Talking!
like I said, maybe I shouldn't have been quite so emphatic in expressing hatred for parties there. :P
@orlp there are people that care more about people's feeling than the truth?
this concept is alien to me
@jaggedSpire tons
@sehe Well put. That slider ended up hacked with firebug to MAX_INT.
and not just because I'm a Lounger
12:33 AM
see sehe
@sehe yep
people have feelings?
@CaptainGiraffe that wasn't a question; just my own observation
@jaggedSpire sesehe.
@jaggedSpire I try to make the best of both.
12:33 AM
@Morwenn fair enough.
I try to make sure they understand it's nothing personal, they're just wrong.
But I do care about people's feelings. That's for sure.
Me too
@Nooble ceeeceeeeheee!
me too
Feelings are useless
12:34 AM
@Jefery Do you have them :)
sure i do
And I sometimes hurt their feelings for the sake of truth when I think truth matters. But I don't like that.
Use formal languages for everything
@набиячлэвэлиь Sounds like my nab
i cry watching lost ffs
12:34 AM
berid of all emotion
@Jefery I was j/k because you just did
@sehe There certainly was a question about the emotional stakes in a debate. I thought you were commenting on that, and I had to end with a pun.
and not because the plot is terrible
@CaptainGiraffe Oh yeah, but not coupled with trying to communicate
@CaptainGiraffe :)
Become the embodiment of reason and calmness
12:36 AM
what if those personality types are really just slightly different shades of the same personality and we are all the same?
except @Morwenn
there we go
same result as always
@Jefery What.
12:36 AM
@Morwenn I'm 2% less introverted than @jaggedSpire :(
@Morwenn It's a compliment. It means you are unique.
@Morwenn Yeah no one likes you
except me bby <3
@Borgleader you have to email yourself and copy the link
@Jefery Lets get some IS/Daesh guys in here and have them publish their results. The stddev will be through the roof.
@Jefery const auto morwenn = std::make_unique<h00man>();
12:37 AM
Why is everyone introverted.
@Borgleader Big step :D
@Nooble Because we've got what it takes to be this chat
@Nooble Why are you extrovert?
No extroverts do
@набиячлэвэлиь That const was totally uncalled for...
12:38 AM
@orlp Aw, I deeply think you're wrong, but have some love too ♥
@Nooble yeah
@Borgleader It's all right, you're probably higher-scoring than I am usually, I've just had to attend a party in the last few days, and spent an hour and a half talking about stuff with my mechanic. I saw the question and a haze descended.
@CaptainGiraffe Waitwhatwhy
@набиячлэвэлиь I don't wanna be a chat
@Jefery Talking to people is fun.
12:38 AM
@Nooble all the extroverts are getting laid right now
@Nooble we talk to people
@CaptainGiraffe Yeah, I am quite evolving.
just, not too much
12:38 AM
INTROVERTS, UNITE! (from the comforts of your homes)
during my early childhood i was a super nerd, thats why I'm an I
fuck parties it went, and lo, were all the sliders set to their most extreme positions
> thats why I'm an I
@orlp Dyslexics, Untie!
i've changed a bit since then
@набиячлэвэлиь I'll reserve that one for the day I take hormones x)
@JerryCoffin lol
@Morwenn :)
@Morwenn Don't overdose
@JerryCoffin wy r u dicksexist
12:39 AM
@nick And now you do JS.
@orlp lol
i do everything
i am a full heap porgammer
@набиячлэвэлиь Not sure it is possible.
@Morwenn Oh, you aren't?
Looks like somebody is starring every C++14 repo on GitHub.
12:40 AM
Well then you better make sure
Because ODing on shit like this can make you go flyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyying
@набиячлэвэлиь I almost always use intensifiers to tone down my statements, get used to it :p
telkitty you're just like nooble
@Morwenn I'm the one supposed to be abusing the language, not you
@набиячлэвэлиь The original sentence was a bit awkward.
12:43 AM
@Morwenn Everything is awkward; nothing's not a pun
Now Latin syntax let's use
Great achievement of humanity it is
And English spoken therewith funnily sounds
I don't talk to Yoda programmers.
@Morwenn y not
Become the Yoda The Yoda you shall become
@nick So, how much of the heap do you actually know? I know a lot of people claim to be full heap programmers, but their knowledge actually falls short when we talk about things like GPU heaps.
@Morwenn yodat's discriminatory
@jaggedSpire You. Fucking. Didn't.
12:46 AM
@Lalaland let me consult google
punoverflow (shit lost)
@набиячлэвэлиь I've been infected
@nick I see, I have exceeded your programming knowledge heap. I guess this is how you swap.
Ok, I think I am going to give up with the heap jokes.
It's too hard.
12:46 AM
@jaggedSpire deez punz, doe
@Lalaland Um... You're not stacked enough. (not sure if I should delete this or flag for moderator)
@набиячлэвэлиь Only the dankest for the Lounge
@Lalaland never
> GPU heaps
If you're using the heap on the GPU then you're likely doing something wrong
exactly what I was saying
12:50 AM
New execution policy: std::gpuheap.
@GregorMcGregor You'd be in heaps of trouble.
@GregorMcGregor Don't you have to do manual memory management with stuff like Vulkan?
@Lalaland Host-side yeah
That's what they mean by manual memory management
You control the lifetime of your buffets etc
Doesn't that imply that it is possible to perform heap style allocation?
12:51 AM
(Of course, arena allocators would probably be better, but whatever)
Hm that's already possible and that's already manual afaik
@nick You're going to hate C++.
The fact that volcanoes are literally Mother Earth-level leaks doesn't make my confidence into Vulkan strong.
@GregorMcGregor Doesn't that eat away CPU cycles?
12:52 AM
@Nooble probably not gonna have to deal with it
@nick :)
@CaptainGiraffe What do you mean? It eats less CPU cycles than with implementation-managed buffers, because all the responsibility is shifted towards the client
just got an offer today from a company in Boston. I would mainly be doing JS
@jaggedSpire So cute I've got a huge smile stuck on my face :D
praise jebus I don't have to deal with C++
12:53 AM
@nick But then you would have to live in Boston.
@Morwenn :D
And survive an actual winter.
@nick or will you?
@Lalaland true, but they're offering 120k
@nick You'll love reinterpret_cast.
12:54 AM
and I'm 19 so its hard to turn that down
Ever wondering how LRiO is doing?
@GregorMcGregor When Sherlock Holmes starts investigating a pun, he usually starts with the spelling.
@Nooble all my casts are implicit
@Jefery Probably raging in orbit somewhere.
@nick Oh right, Mr. JS.
12:55 AM
@CaptainGiraffe Oh, I didn't check the message you were replying to
that's sir bro to you
@Jefery Also, weren't you the one that resulted in him rage quitting?
wait this isn't the JS room
thank god
@nick Depends on what you want. I wouldn't move to Boston (or to the US FWIW) for 120k.
12:56 AM
@nick he says, horror creeping into his tone
@Lalaland I had a hand in it as well :/
@Lalaland We are great friends
I wouldn't even move to Paris for 120k.
@Lalaland Lightness Rages in Orbit?
@Morwenn Why?
12:57 AM
that's clothes
@Morwenn really? we're talking USD
@Jefery I've seen him on SO and other SX sites. Still swinging the same bat. I miss the guy here.
@CaptainGiraffe yeah I see him on meta a lot
literally every post on meta has a punny little comment by him
to masturbate or not to masturbate?
12:58 AM
not to
if you had to ask that then no
@Jefery you can't spell "not to" without "to"
@orlp Does it matter?
I must be playing on insane
12:59 AM
@orlp There is an ancient Backgammon adage: When in doubt hit.
@Borgleader forrest is a buttiful man
@Borgleader Eh, I've already given up on that game.
@Borgleader nice!
Too hard to win and the prizes are not worth the effort.

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