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@sehe what is it? 3G+4G?
@Mr.kbok I think so. Hard to tell from a distance as a layman I guess
@Mr.kbok Not for me. It's never more involved. Unless reading blocks in a loop is more involved (I don't get that.)
Premature pessimization is worse than the root of evil
@ThePhD Looks like hyperlinked. That's modern!
New GitHub "streamlined" repository access. Still shoves file list in your face instead of README.
@sehe Well, people can handle up to 9G, so you should be fine.
@orlp In the context of XSD? I really don't know. I guess it's about legalese.
@Mr.kbok Astute observation :)
It's just a styling change. Pfft.
@sehe nope, plain english
@R.MartinhoFernandes they, like, moved the sidebar.
The sidebar is now on top. Amazing.
@R.MartinhoFernandes More room for the files!
@sehe AFAIR .NET HTTP APIs are wildly different and offer, or not, streaming. If this is the case that could explain the laziness of Powershell programmers.
@sehe OTOH IME PS is really, really sloppy reg. performance issues so I don't find it surprising.
@Mr.kbok Huh. All I've ever used exposed an Stream for the content
@Mr.kbok Yeah. I just hate the reasoning.
> Clasp 0.4 -- Lisp Over LLVM -- Generates Code 200x Faster
The Wanking Continues
@sehe I might try this for thread pooling: github.com/nickhutchinson/libdispatch
Have you used it previously?
Yes, but not with Boost.Asio and coroutines.
I used it in iOS apps.
I took the 2012 version of this course
@sehe I usually interpret this kind of speedup as "we suck at coding"
@Elyse I guess that makes sense
The 2015/6 version has you actually making a video game
Why am I late to the party. ;~; (Early to the party?)
@GregorMcGregor or benchmarking or both
Also, Lisp. 2015 :)
IRTA "We're in college so it matters"
I am afraid that there was something wrong with that boost release. I switched to boost 159 (without changing anything else) and it compiled without problems. It's not the first time switching to newer or older boost version fixed weird problems. — Tomáš Zato 47 secs ago
Silly boost devs. Making bugs. How dare they
The savage fiends.
I really need to find a replacement for this "Introduction to Database" class.
Maybe I can take another project course.
... Yeah, a project course. That sounds fun.
@ThePhD I am so, so tempted to catface right now
Don't you even.
@sehe Yeah, for network I/O. Post I/O task on queue to do I/O, which then posts a GUI task on the GUI queue to update the view.
Courses with regular homework are the bane of my existence.
Also, good morning.
Good morning!
Project face
I'll be interested in Clasp when they port it to Windows
If I could have only project courses....
Where the only task was to make a big project or two or even three for the year/semester...
well, if you handle large projects better than homework courses, I actually see no reason to catface at you
Homework is literally soul-crushing.
Try work
I thought that was circuits for you
@ThePhD have some love <3 <3 :D
@TonyTheLion <3
@jaggedSpire :) <3
@TonyTheLion Thanks ❤
You're welcome :)
@jaggedSpire What do you think the circuits class is doing on a regular basis?
@sehe ...was I displaed on the inactive users list before I said anything? I thought I'd been displayed as just coming into the room, like most times I end sleep mode
@ThePhD ...projects? :D
@jaggedSpire I don't track that
@jaggedSpire I wish.
The closest we got to that was the assembly homework.
Where they gave you a real datastructure to parse in assembly.
@ThePhD :(
@jaggedSpire That's not a frowny thing. That's a huuuuge smiley face! It was fun as hell!
You're weird
Am not.
@CatPlusPlus ffs, why are people so bad at this?
Because people are dumb and ruin everything
@thecoshman NSA NSA NSA NSA
@TonyTheLion Needless to remind you that you're my favorite cutie <3
It's probably for ad shit
Fuck ads forever
@CatPlusPlus We meet again, SuperFish v2
@thecoshman On the contrary. Why do people assume everyone else is dumb
@Borgleader Morning!
@Borgleader <3 :) I feel loved. <3
Fish face
I just realized I have wasted literally 3 hours
I need to finish this concert report in an hour.
@CatPlusPlus bwahahahaha
@ThePhD you haven't wasted them, you've spent them creatively!
@ThePhD How are you on this fine monday? L(
@ThePhD easily done
@ThePhD oh
@jaggedSpire Well, I did write up a proposal for what to do in that graduate seminar class, look at some assembly, and figured out that Introduction to Databases is in fact a horrible course to take.
@Borgleader See above.
@ThePhD yay!
I also found out that Advanced Computer Graphics only gets offered once every 2 years
So it's do or die.
a list of all missing/useless headers in Gears
@ThePhD is it a project based class?
Hmm. I need an equivalent to gnome-keyring
@wilx any luck?
@Mgetz Well, the initial iwr finished. But I will remember the BITS.
@jaggedSpire Sort of. There's only 3, 4 homeworks offered over the duration of the semester, and they're all interesting projects.
Rather than the fucking 11 pieces I'm up to already in all my standard courses.
First, thank you for the comments. Furthermore, I would certainly appreciate a longer and more meaningful discussion, but I cannot require that, it is up to you and others here.

About your particualar comment, as you have said, we obviously disagree. As I have said before, I'm complaining that you and others here are using double standards, that is, you are obliging my book to satisfy some additional constraints that other comparable books on the 'SO definitive C++ book list' do not satisfy. That is not very respectfull of me as an author.
@ThePhD okay that is gross
@sbi Well, while I wasn't insulted, still I'm not sure that I can accept that applying a double-standard is completely dignified. There were also some comments that were also unrespectful, but I don't mind that much. I accept some level of stronger language in Internet discussions.
@jaggedSpire And it only grooooows.
The cancer spreads.
... I mean, it's not actually cancer, but ugh.
I just need to survive this semester.
@ThePhD I'm sorry. I mean, at least it's not 11 mini-projects?
Just... survive...
@jaggedSpire Don't jinx me for next semester. q_q
@ThePhD Don't worry, there was only one time I had more than one class like that, and I'm perfectly fine now! The very picture of sanity! :)
Okay, 7 courses total for next semester.
But 1 of them is like the C++/Python course of this semester, so it's only really 6.
2 of them are project courses.
3 of them are for the East Asian Studies minor I'm getting,
And 1 is Physics. Because goddamnit, Physics.
@ThePhD but ph is for physics and also for phun
@jaggedSpire phutile resistance, maybe
@ThePhD ...so tempted to catface
I think I might have a catfacing problem
@jaggedSpire What was your first clue I'm so sorry for your struggles.
@jaggedSpire One can never have enough catfaces :3
@ThePhD Ohhh my friend is majoring in that
You can never have enough love and cuddly lions <3
Indeed <3
@Borgleader :3
@TonyTheLion <3
q_q I'm surrounded by heathens.
@ThePhD :) thank you for understanding
I'm out <3
@KevinC Maybe we should try to find the way forward, constructively: /cc @sbi
in Discussing the new C++ Book/Site, 2 days ago, by sehe
In the light of your real goal (your agenda is showing), how about we suggest adding an answer to this question that lists, informally, people's favourites that lack independent review/etc.? We could name it "Here be dragons" or "Read at your own risk".
@Morwenn Congrats :)
@Ell on what? ISTR seahorse. Of course pageant/ssh-agent exist but that's pretty specific.
@GregorMcGregor Lol, I was waiting for that one. No, I only mean that I'm leaving for now :p
@Morwenn Please don't leave <3
GPG has an agent too
@TonyTheLion Sorry, but I have to go. I will be back later ♥
@Morwenn awww ok
@ThePhD smothers you with love Now do your damn homework :)
@Morwenn :D see you then~
@sehe thank you
@Borgleader I have an hour, that's plenty of time.
I da memory mastah
though my edit isn't very cute. :\
@sehe That is adorable
@jaggedSpire awwww
@jaggedSpire Those eyes mirror the same distrust I feel with this catface way of yours.
I want a pet rat
@ThePhD :3
and a kitten
@CatPlusPlus Interesting. I do have a DELL laptop at work but I do not have that certificate.
10 hours ago, by Nooble
Try C++, waste your time fixing dependencies like me.
@Nooble I knew more (and/or better) languages at that age; and technically I'm still 14
@Nooble such great advice :P
No root cert with that name on my Dell either
@jaggedSpire Now hold on to your horses, mister!
@jaggedSpire Not everyone's a filthy fucking colonial!
@набиячлэвэлиь eh?
@wilx do you have the "TotesNotDell" one instead?
@набиячлэвэлиь At 14 I struggled with "how is pointar formed" trying to learn C++ using VC6.0
@набиячлэвэлиь some of us wash!
@TonyTheLion how is babby formed?
@набиячлэвэлиь coolio
@orlp babby is formed with love
@thecoshman Aren't you a redcloak, though?
@TonyTheLion s/ove/aff/
@набиячлэвэлиь wait what... what are you using 'colonial' to mean?
@набиячлэвэлиь I don't know... what's that?
@TonyTheLion what if babby forms out of gang rape?
so where in Windoze 7 do I find the root cert store?\
@TonyTheLion up your arse
@thecoshman last time I checked, only shit up there
@thecoshman Redcloaks were the British soldiers during the war for America
@thecoshman I guess history passed you by :P
@TonyTheLion you're meant to shit out of your arse, not up it, silly lion
@thecoshman lol
@thecoshman 'Mur'c'n
@TonyTheLion We never studied that mistake
Although colonials would be the British in that case, eh?
@TonyTheLion Even I know that!
@jaggedSpire Screenshots of tweets. lol
@набиячлэвэлиь Well that's what I thought you meant, but then you started using silly yankky time
@sehe /cc @sbi My agenda is to propose my book for the inclusion in the 'definitive' list, and to get some comments and reviews from people here. As I said, I don't mind the critique, but I do give myself the liberty to reply to those comments. About adding another section to the list, that would not be in accordance with my proposal. In my opinion, if it matters at all, the structure of the list is fine as it is, I don't see the point of 'unreviewed' section.
@набиячлэвэлиь Yes, that was kind of my point. Guess you're paying attention in school huh
@TonyTheLion it is amusing
@jaggedSpire Cats be funneh
@TonyTheLion It's because I know Assassin's Creed 3's boackground
Never played it, though
Also, the Internet has a pipe that pipes everything into kittens or cats
If electricity always takes the path of least resistance, why doesn't lightning only strike in France?
I wonder if "catholic" is a proper noun...
@jaggedSpire I love the police response at the end :D
.... Eh. I'll leave it lowercase.
@ThePhD I'm a cat-holic
@TonyTheLion We should get @Nooble to write an essay about Redcloaks for @thecoshman
It's funny, I've never even heard the term
@набиячлэвэлиь Yes :)
Red-necks, sure
@thecoshman aren't rednecks from down south in USA? Ie isn't that a different thing
@TonyTheLion That's a whole 'nother world
@KevinC get it published, get it well respected, then it might be added to that list by someone who thinks it should be on there.
@TonyTheLion yeah
@jaggedSpire :l I think you've evolved past @Borgleader
coshy, even I knew about redcloaks.
you need some love to fix this issue <3
@TonyTheLion well excuse me for not caring about amerca
@ThePhD I don't think I will ever exceed sempai's abilities
@thecoshman you're excused
@TonyTheLion Can we delegate rfold to distribute love?
@набиячлэвэлиь had to replace that knowledge with porn
@jaggedSpire Hahahahaha xD
HAD to
he just knows when not to pun
@jaggedSpire never not pun
@TonyTheLion you're going to fuck me smart?
Never miss an opportunity for a pun
lame or otherwise
@thecoshman Hooo-ly that escalated quickly
@thecoshman oh not the sexual love, the loving kind of love. You know.
time for work!
@TonyTheLion not really, no
see y'all in nine-ish hours
@thecoshman ah well.
@jaggedSpire ripperoni
@набиячлэвэлиь lol
btw @Prismatic I ended up eating japanese :w
@GregorMcGregor Spit'em out!
If you have some kind of reward, people might make the time to review your work. This is also how publishing companies do it (albeit usually before final draft). /cc @sbi
Re: "I don't see the point of unreviewed" You're right - That's not what the list is for. But then you shouldn't be surprised that you get some resistance adding your item unreviewed.
@jaggedSpire Have fun!
@GregorMcGregor they are a people too, you shouldn't eat them
@jaggedSpire ttyl
Just priceless. probably headhunted by FB/GOOG cc: @naval @pmarca https://t.co/bNqhFI5ekE

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