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@sehe :)
ugg, I thought Maven would solve my problems, now I have Maven problems
@wilx You can also use them in Rust, Go, Fortran, Haskell, Python and COBOL apps.
Have you written a phone app in cobol?
You can write brocode apps.
@wilx You can also use them in virtually all languages
write smartphone apps in cobol, I love that idea ...
it's almost like to ask 'have you try to buy a car using roman coins?'
I discovered, that there really are no C++ configuration libraries, except Boost.PropertyTree
can't you just use some xml?
@Elyse Relation ship goals
> Internet users: 1.8 billion (26.6% of world population in 2010)
6.8 billion people don't know what they're missing.
1.8 billion people don't know what they're missing.
1.8 billion can always find it on Google
@Mikhail Fun-fact: around 1.8 billion Internet users are terrible at googling.
What C++ library should I use to emit sound effects on different platforms?
And possibly play music.
or qt5
@Elyse Audiere's alright
Qt is a rather fucking huge dependency for just emitting sounds.
@Elyse I remember there being something here, too
@набиячлэвэлиь Ogg, nice.
@Elyse OpenAL?
@Elyse figuring out other libraries is a fucking huge dependency.
> It is an in-situ parser written in modern C++, with parsing speed approaching that of strlen function executed on the same data.
Holy shit, that's fast
They are probably lying about their performance
Or they executed the strlen() on an 8086
@Mikhail No?
Finding libraries is not a dependency.
anyways, use Qt for everything else and you will be fine. Megabytes are cheap.
@набиячлэвэлиь Can't find documentation other than an API reference.
Do any of you know the actor model?
@Jefery Yes.
What do you think of it?
I find it difficult to use compared to Go's channel mechanism. It doesn't work well with type checking.
@Jefery I worked on something like this for MPI. The code was clean and we scaled to 8096 PEs. I like it.
@Mikhail Message passing interface?
Because actors have only a single mailbox, everything ends up there.
@Elyse IIRC there were examples as well
But I just figured it out from the header, v0v
Channels are more flexible than this, as multiple threads can receive from the same channel.
Yeah but thats harder (!)
@Mikhail What the fuck? I don't want to use Qt for everything.
I want to, for example, use the C++ standard library for a lot of things.
@Elyse Nice
Both actors and channels share the same philosophy though: send and receive messages instead of acting on shared memory concurrently.
@Elyse Why not? FYI, I usually usually use std::vector and std::thread but Qt5 is better for user interaction, for example files etc. The alternative is a cluster fuck of poorly maintained Boost libraries.
@набиячлэвэлиь Nice, thanks.
@Mikhail Boost.Filesystem works just fine.
@Elyse At the end of the day you will include a bunch of other stuff instead of including just Qt :-)
No, you just have to include boost/filesystem.hpp.
I thought you wanted sound?
Yes, but why would the subsystem dealing with files also have to include sound-related APIs?
You can go to one place for all your stuff, or you can go to many places. LTO gets rid of most of the bloat.
Qt doesn't use namespaces. Game over.
because its all Qt!
You only need 1 namespace!
Anyway, back to important things.
@набиячлэвэлиь I'll try it tomorrow.
@wilx I'll look at OpenAL.
3D sound is rather nice.
You can also Qt5 for 3D sound :-)
I finally managed to finish that comprehensive tutorial about writing sorters. Defining all the rules, all the guarantees when the rules are followed, and all the subtleties involved in writing every possible kind of sorter was a huge piece of work; I thought it would be simpler.
And I will need to complete it again everytime I introduce something new ç___ç
@Morwenn Don't change anything, ever
@набиячлэвэлиь I already have issues to add stability tools, parallel sorting algorithms, sentinel parameters and trinary comparators...
@Morwenn I know some of those words
@набиячлэвэлиь Me too :D
Most of these changes are too much work right now though. Each of these changes requires at least some mechanism targeted for C++17.
@Morwenn since you know about sorting and stuff... :D
@melak47 Yes?
Riddle me this, NaN screws up sorting because of the useless comparison results. (are these even guaranteed by the standard, except (NaN != NaN) ?) yet the Compare concept here, with their definitions of comp and equiv, has doesn't seem like NaN would violate it
Yeah my teachers kind of a...goof ball. I'm still waiting for him to show us how to run a debugger... — horse_moo 49 secs ago
nothing ever changes
@melak47 The standard doesn't have anything (yet) to solve the problem of floating point special values in comparison-based algorithms.
However, there is a proposal to solve the issue.
I don't even wanna solve it, I just want to understand how their concept of strict weak order can be broken so that NaN doesn't violate it, yet still screws up sorting :D
@sehe you'd think teaching them to use a debugger to understand what is happening step by step would help both students and teachers :/
operator< forms a partial order for floating point numbers IIRC, which is not enough to sort stuff deterministically.
@melak47 Or a very very boring lecture
@Mikhail doesn't have to be a lecture. there undoubtedly will be assignments, tutorials and a bunch of stupid questions. I'd wager showing them once how to use a debugger in a tutorial so they can figure stuff out themselves would save time in the long run :p
I'm leaving. See you later.
Don't leave us, we'll change. Is it something sehe said?
@ElimGarak Not today :p
It's just time for me to go to sleep, really.
Nightie night
Thanks ^_^
I'll come back to bother you with tutorials, SFINAE and sorting algorithms later :D
@Morwenn Sweet dreams :)
(I have to ask, do you sort sheep to help yourself fall asleep?)
Whats the conceptual motivation for having a !DOCTYPE at the start of your XML?
@ElimGarak what else
@Mikhail Your face
Can you make an XML parser faster if you supply the doctype?
If you supply your face, you can
It will work faster in hope of never seeing it again
@Mikhail You mean, having a DTD? It helps you validate a particular XML file.
Partners are frickin annoying to find
Maybe my standards are too high
try swiping right
@Ell I ask myself that all the time
@Ell What happened?
@Jefery nothing happened really
I just have severe philosophical disagreements with my current potential partner
So how can I be with them?
@Ell What kind of disagreements?
severe philosophical
About a lot of things :P morality, sexism, racism etc.
shower before or after sex
And her arguments are not externally nor internally consistent
@sehe dont forget during
I'm off to bed. Thanks for the laugh :)
Night :)
@Ell Speaking of potential partners, I just asked out a girl to the movies and she said yes!
:D :D :D
Well done Nooble
do you get judged by the quality of the movie?
@Ell :D
@Mikhail It's a horror movie.
@Nooble Is it the movie about my life?
@Borgleader Is your life spooky?
@набиячлэвэлиь There, invoked Travis.
@StackedCrooked So I liked that coroutine talk, any other ones you recommend? (not necessarily on coroutines, anything interesting related to C++)
@Borgleader coroutine talk?
@Borgleader Which videos have you watched already?
I know some pretty good ones.
@caps From CppCon
Ive watched quite a few
@Borgleader Have you seen Sean Parent's CppSeasoning talk?
Have you seen either of Chandler's about C++'s dragons?
Yes, it would take too long to list the ones ive seen. And the older they are the more chance ive seen it
hi all
more like C++ drags-on
@Prismatic Hi.
man... im kinda lost on how to build a simple text layout engine
I hate not knowing how to design something... makes me feel super lazy
I still gotta do animations, text and data models for my gui thing
So far I've pretty much been looking at how Qt does things and sort of shamelessly been ripping off their layout and ideas
Someone should write a book on how to design a GUI so I can stop having to think
@Prismatic what GUI thing :D
I'm writing a small gui library
inspired by Qt's QML but its all C++
@Borgleader such happy smiles!
@Prismatic hi
> Please! Spare me your egotistical musings on your pivotal role in history. Nothing you do here will cause the Federation to collapse or galaxies to explode. To be blunt, you're not that important.
Q ripped Picard a new one <3
I love star trek
puts me to sleep faster than any sleeping pill ive tried
Oh no she didn't.
the new movies were pretty enjoyable though
ducks and covers
@Borgleader :P
My fav ST movie is the last "real one" (i.e. Nemesis)
Yeah, Prismatic is just high on some fungus probably.
Did you guys not like the new ones?
The new one was a good sci-fi movie, but not a good Star Trek movie
No, they were complete and utter shit done by a person who openly dislikes what Star Trek actually is.
do lens flares trigger you
Also, in the new movies the enterprise looks like it was designed by Apple
Yeah the tech is very apple like in that movie
Also I may hurt more butts by saying this but I think LCARS is lame
That's because Apple is the future, obviously.
@Prismatic you just don't understand it! :p
why else would their toys be so shiny
I mean look at that high gloss
high gloss == future, did no one ever tell you?
everything was shiny in the new star trek movies
even their phasers
@jaggedSpire BSG begs to differ
@Prismatic Especially the heads.
I watched all of BSG like last year
<3 Boomer
@Lalaland no, that was TNG :p
Last bastion of the Federation, bitches.
the ending was kind of silly imo
actually a lot of BSG was just weird
Religious robots didn't trigger you?
@Prismatic thats a side effect of your inferior intellect :)
six was hot enough to distract me from constantly criticizing the show
@Borgleader what? man come on there were plotholes and just strangeness as the show got closer to the end
WTB Star Trek The Previous Generation
like what the hell happened to starbuck
the dude who played admiral odama pretty much carried that show
@Prismatic *Adama
adama odama obama whatever
@Prismatic *Obama
Obama Van Buuren
@Prismatic I'd have to watch it again, its been a few years
starbuck was in another movie I recently saw and she was like the exact same character
tough girl marine soldier person
Oh she was in Riddick
Just like michelle rodriguez (sp?), very similar role in almost every movie she's in
I hear that movie is riddickulous
Speaking of Riddick, time to download Escape from Butcher Bay.
They announced a new Riddick TV show and movie today as well
@Borgleader for shame :D
@ElimGarak I heard that game was surprisingly well done
You can't spell riddick without ride dick
@Prismatic Yes, it's an anomaly, that's why I remember it
@GregorMcGregor rid dick you mean
dick riddled with filth
@ElimGarak I dont know what any of this means but apparently its cool
yeah the allInvocations thing looks like a warp vote
it is (afaik) actually thats probly the only thing i got
Still waiting for warp shuffles in opencl :w
@Nooble Nice
I'd suggest you use MuseScore though
@VermillionAzure But gulp actual notes.
@Nooble Music theory is a big help and I think it's easier to see things when you have it
plus you have more freedom when you can make use of triplets, quadruplets, etc.
@Borgleader :D
@Borgleader Sounds like an AMD shill article
> I'm a dev and this twitter is personal opinions only!
Our team, AMD Devtech, is hiring with open positions in the US for both general GPU and VR focused individuals. DM | email me if interested.
do yall think VR is going to be a big thing
None of that is a good idea unless you're working with consoles only and that Xbone 1.2 TFLOPS is choking you, and on top of that, you copied all of your algorithms and equations because you don't really know what any of those equations really do or where they come from. So, that kind of optimization becomes your only hope for a few more frames each second.
Q: C++ Interfaces and Inheritance

KofiCould another programmer help me since i have spent days without making this scenario work, it is a requirement i have to achieve. A.h //Interface declaration in header file class MyInterface { public: virtual ~MyInterface() {}; virtual void printSomething(void) = 0; }; A.cpp // Base...

make sure
that if you're stuck for days on a problem
To consider botany
that you rush to SO and post your question in under 30 seconds
@ElimGarak you're working with consoles only well not really, you can ship someof those optimizations on consoles and just not have them on PC.
Might be annoying to maintain
It's not worth it, doesn't really get you far. The effort vs reward is defeating.
but seeing as console hardware aint what it was last gen
@orlp well you just can't spend more time on the problem, not even to make sure you capitalized all your "I"s
of course not
that would be a waste of time
Generally, I loathe any GameWorksy policy, AMD should just continue making kickass hardware and not lead people to those dark alleys.
I like the original more
humor is more dry :P
I am genuinely curious just how far the gap will progress as this console generation proceeds to suck. I am actually afraid it might retard progress.
Well maybe theyll pull another Xbox 360 / PS3 next gen
who knows
Well, by the time this generation comes to an end, the gap will be so huge, it'll be hilarious. Right now, with 2 Fury Xs, a Fury X2 or 2x GTX 980 Ti, you're already in almost 10x compute land wrt to Xbox One, which is the lowest common dick.
Oh, yeah, that
meanwhile nintendo is laughing straight to the bank
maybe multi-console will become a thing like multi-gpu for desktops :v
2 Fury Xs, a Fury X2 or 2x GTX 980 Ti, that is very very few ppl
they design their entire platform around shit hardware
but making it so it doesn't matter
by making games focused on gameplay rather than realism
lol, nintendo :P
No one makes games for the 1%
@ElimGarak Yeah but how many games don't cater to the lowest common denominator?
what 1%?
god damnit borg
Even a single GTX 980 is nearly 5x the compute power of Xbox One.
There are niche games for niche players. I ought to know...
@Prismatic wat
pre-empting my introspective wisdom
I'd assume 2020. will be the end year for this generation. Given that the end of 2015 is yielding 34 TFLOPS on glorious 4x Fury X2s, it's going to be a lovely 2016.
@orlp but why can't we have both godammit
at least, for PC there are niche games
i wonder what the nx specs will be like
@melak47 because a $250 graphics card 3 years ago can either be replaced by an upgrade for $250 with more power
or a current-gen $30 card
I've been doing my best to ignore console games since Sega Genesis.
guess which one generates more profit?
(3 years was underestimate, but w/e)
I don't think anyone buys $30 cards, not counting OEM crap boxes
ok bed time now
xbox one on release was $500
it's GPU was $150
have any of you designed a text editor before
@Prismatic by now I have so many Vim plugins/config, I guess, yes
@Prismatic why
I'm trying to plan how I'd make a text edit widget for my gui lib
@Borgleader 'cuz he's probably bored
But when you have a really large amount of text, and you have to constantly shape it as its edited... I don't think I can just brute force it
@Borgleader in the wild he has trees and friends n shit
now he's stuck with some neckbeard in an apartment
@Borgleader he looks majestic
@Prismatic there are all sorts of string representations for this aren't there? like chains of chunks or whatever I forgot the name
in what language?
or do you mean just the wrapping to fit into the bounds?
@melak47 ropes
In computer programming, a rope, or cord, is a data structure composed of smaller strings that is used for efficiently storing and manipulating a very long string. For example, a text editing program may use a rope to represent the text being edited, so that operations such as insertion, deletion, and random access can be done efficiently. == Description == A rope is a binary tree having leaf nodes that contain a short string. Each node has a weight value equal to the length of its string plus the sum of all leaf nodes' weight in its left subtree, namely the weight of a node is the total string...
modern editors are usually witten with (semi-)immutable ropes
yeah that :D never used one :D
Well that sounds handy
by making them immutable you get implicit history editing
deleting a character splits the rope in three parts and deletes the middle part
inserting characters splits in two and enters new section
then you might have some merging code in there if two ropes are small and adjacent
@orlp how's that immutable then? unless the remaining two parts are string_views or something into the original?
@melak47 correct
also read this
> a vim like text editor
thanks @orlp
both very helpful
yall ever come across a project and then feel sad because it doesnt get a lot of activity
@Prismatic is my penis a project?
TIL = delete can be used on arbitrary functions
@orlp What?
@Nooble just int f() = delete; is perfectly legal
even as a non-member function
Useful as your penis :/
@ElimGarak int xor(int, int) { ... } int xor(double, double) = delete; (and int/double mixes)
it could be useful
enable_if could do the same though, but then you have templates and template instantiation
@orlp Well I think everyone likes to put in a little bit of time from time to time

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