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In other words, energy that goes in can only go out less_than in the general case or equal in ideal conditions.
yes yes microfacets yes
The C++ fixes & additions sound promising.
You know what Elim, I too like material data scanned from macrosurfaces distributed in microfacets that bounce off closed form energy conservation solutions using a masking function that doodle dee daddle doo BRDF
Still only partial expression SFINAE support.
Still only partial C++ support.
@GregorMcGregor microfeces
Is id a higher-order function?
@GregorMcGregor ikr, and that's only a trivial reflectance only model. Introducing transmission makes my stomach spin.
It takes and potentially returns functions.
@Elyse then yes
I read ruben's second most recent paper yesterday, the one on inelastic scattering of electron vortex beams. I like ruben now.
@Elyse actually maybe not :/
sudden doubt
The bidirectional reflectance distribution function (BRDF; ) is a function of four real variables that defines how light is reflected at an opaque surface. It is employed both in the optics of real-world light, in computer graphics algorithms, and in computer vision algorithms. The function takes an incoming light direction, , and outgoing direction, (taken in a coordinate system where the surface normal lies along the z-axis), and returns the ratio of reflected radiance exiting along to the irradiance incident on the surface from direction . Each direction is itself parameterized by azimuth...
no clue what that even means :(
Yup, BRDF is the most common in realtime. BTDF is the transmittance modeling. In the most simple terms, it measures the outgoing radiance wrt to incoming irradiance.
@Elyse On second thought I'm tempted to say no
There is also one more relevant class called BSSRDF which we mostly like to emulate in screenspace because it is expensive as fuck (Bidirectional Surface Scattering Reflection Distribution Function). Models light in semitranslucent shit like ice and skin. Also, wax. The stuff in your ears. Poor BSSRDFs in games are the direct culprit behind the character videogamey look.
const is a higher-order function.
It takes an argument and then returns a function.
Seems like the Haskell wiki (or that page at least) considers higher-order function only as "takes at least a function as argument"
Oh ok.
@TonyTheLion Also, bidirectional merely means that you can swap the incident and outgoing directions without changing the output (physical condition).
Hello, bby.
@R.MartinhoFernandes hey, the cinderella story has been re-told at least 1000 times in various forms & casted in 100+ movies, people don't seem to get tired of it ...
It's the Sleeping Beauty, not Cinderella.
@jaggedSpire Still want to come over to eat.
@BartekBanachewicz can you do identity comparison in Lua when == is overloaded?
@Mr.kbok hi
@Rerito hi also
lol, Heroes Reborn. Oh, nevermind...
RIP my quads
how are your trips and dubs though
I don't know why you're even trying, you'll never be as ripped as Robot.
So, guys, don't laugh... But what exact tool would an oblivious male human such as myself use to shorten my beard, without shaving it? To trim it?
@ElimGarak Scissors?
@Rerito Isn't that like for Gandalf beards? I'd like it to be like a 2mm or something.
yesterday, by R. Martinho Fernandes
I messed up while trimming it.
FWIW, that was an attempt with a razor.
@ElimGarak Oh well, good luck without a razor then
Ah, one can use a razor. I'll take it. I look like a baby without a beard.
@ElimGarak A... trimmer? random guess
@R.MartinhoFernandes it's really easy to mess up
yesterday, by R. Martinho Fernandes
I messed up while trimming it.
Get a trimmer.
use a trimmer dude
It's cheap enough.
Trimmer in french = tondeuse amarite?
I lost mine in the last move and hate myself for not having replaced it yet.
I don't know what a trimmer is in Croatian. ahahah Ah, no translation, just drop an m.
@Rerito oui
@Rerito not amarite, english
@ElimGarak Just go to a shop and buy a thing that looks like the picture.
L'amarite est une pierre précieuse
It's like a haircutter, but sized for beards.
I am really bad at stores, once I came to a clothes shop and asked the girl who worked there to make me look not terrible.
And here I thought it was going to be a coalescence thing
Order it online, then?
Well shopping for clothes is a nightmare for me
Date tomorrow. Going to have to make an excursion to the store.
From now on I'll need my shirts tailored
Yeah, tailored is always better. Especially when dealing with suits.
Or mandatory when your body won't fit in any standard clothing
Perks of being short and jacked
try microsoft clothing
@ElimGarak Good luck ;)
@AndyProwl Oh, it's the second one already, so the pressure is off now. Unless I fuck up with the trimmer today.
@Mr.kbok You're usually better at puns (see the starred one atm)
@ElimGarak lol, be careful
@Rerito pic or fake
@ElimGarak If you fuck up, it's still a funny story to tell in the end
Also I dated the stalker yesterday. I'm a horrible person
@Rerito it's not a pun. at least not to my knowledge :p
@AndyProwl wow
@AndyProwl Was she nice?
@AndyProwl why?
Then all is good!
that's a pretty impressive long-shot hook seriously
@Mr.kbok Because I'm in a relationship. Well, I'm not too convinced anymore but officially, I am
@AndyProwl lol. If you have such feelings, why doing it at all? :)
@Rerito I am about 196.7 cm, but not jacked. I am jealous of folks who are jacked. Where do you guys find the time for that?
@AndyProwl Long distance?
@wilx Because I'm not sure about my current relationship
@ElimGarak All this time not spent being a DX MVP
@GregorMcGregor Quite, yes. Theoretically fixable, but not in short term
@ElimGarak Well I'm not jacked that much, but enough to be bothered while looking for clothes
@GregorMcGregor zisse
@AndyProwl crystal ball working super well
@Rerito Basically, you look good. Being too jacked is crap. :D
@GregorMcGregor the only actual skill SO makes you learn
@ElimGarak Haha, I wish
I wouldn't like to be jacked ._.
@GregorMcGregor Who's this fake guy?
@ElimGarak you're a giant, lol
@Mr.kbok Actually I have my very own crystal ball: Andy's perfectly smooth head.
Let's go fuck him
@Mr.kbok I have to bend my knees when taking photos to fit the frame. :(
@AndyProwl is hairless?
@ElimGarak Man, in case I ever make you angry, I was joking ok?
@ElimGarak that's both sad and hilarious
@Mr.kbok I very am
@AndyProwl I am actually smaller than the guys I hang out with, some are ridiculously big.
@ElimGarak A carefully guarded secret is that I have some abs. In Hebrew those are called "cubes". So I have this joke with my girlfriend about me having cubes (puzzles vs abs).
@ElimGarak ?! dafuq
@ElimGarak You're almost 2m!
@AndyProwl it helps making a mental picture of your face
@Mr.kbok I think there are pictures of me around
@AndyProwl I recall having seen one yes
protip don't go to croatia if you're small
Less than 165cm here
@AndyProwl Oh :|
And these guys are over 2m. The tallest one is like 208. When I met them, I understood how weird it is for most people to talk to me. I have to look up.
@AndyProwl congratulations Andy :)
@R.MartinhoFernandes Yeah :/
@MarcoA. lol, I hope that's sarcastic
official portrait
M'oblige pas à googler ton nom sur gargle images
@AndyProwl You look like a star
@ElimGarak I guess they stop working, maybe ;)?
@AndyProwl Captain Picard :D
@AndyProwl as usual I only did read "I'm now in a relationship" so no.. I was sincerely happy for you. Is that a bad thing? :/
@AndyProwl I remember that!
My twin has this thing when dudes piss him off with his height
@R.MartinhoFernandes :P
I've got a buddy which invests hours into that shit. I think I can post a pic of him, it's non personal anyways, he's intense.
make an L with your thumb and index, index up, thumb horizontal "tall guy", now thumb up, index horizontal "short guy"
@MarcoA. :D I'm in a relationship and dated someone else. Like, nothing particularly "bad" (or "good", depending on point of view) happened, but I still lied about it etc.
ITT Lounge physique crisis
@GregorMcGregor Shining bright like a potato
@AndyProwl Oh, I remember that. For some reason I thought it was a picture of a random guy. I realize now how stupid that was :p
@AndyProwl u know it bb
You should make a picture of yourself facepalming so we can use it instead of the Internet's standard Picard's.
@Rerito v large feet?
Basically, he's a jacked up Andy. And takes photos with a potato.
@R.MartinhoFernandes I thought about that for a presentation at work
@Mr.kbok Nope, another body part :)
@ElimGarak Who's that guy?
Oooooooooooooooh got an idea.
@AndyProwl ah well.. I usually prefer to break with someone before dating someone else but it's just a matter of personal preferences (I don't hand out judgements on those issues anymore)
I actually wanted to buy a star trek suite just for that
Gonna need a huge potato.
@Rerito A good friend of mine, loves working out. Spends hours on it.
@Gregor ^
@AndyProwl I can lend you a female uniform when you're in Berlin...
Don't ask.
@ElimGarak Nice BRDF, but srsly stop it with the noise it looks totally unrealistic
@ElimGarak Nice physique yeah
@R.MartinhoFernandes lol. Could do
@ElimGarak how many git pull per day?
(Nicer than me to be honest :) )
@R.MartinhoFernandes lol
are they different?
It's basically a dress.
@MarcoA. No, it's not a matter of personal preference, it's how it should be done
Fitted for a female body.
You know, the ones with salient boobs.
function TypeChecker:_let_expr(expr, env)
   value_type = self.expr(expr.value, env)
   body_env = setmetatable({ expr.name = value_type }, { __index = env })
   return self.expr(expr.body, body_env)
I'm outta here
I keep forgetting local.
@R.MartinhoFernandes I'll have to work out quite a bit by December then
Gotta grow boobs
lua scope rules are awful
@R.MartinhoFernandes I thought the female uniform had pants
Aaah, I just noticed the stars. Damn it, Lounge ahahah
@ElimGarak :D
I am so sleepy this morning
good job
@R.MartinhoFernandes so 80's
@Mr.kbok It barely has any skirt, tbh.
@Mr.kbok 70s!
@R.MartinhoFernandes Right when my manager passes by, perfect timing :D
okay :)
In TOS, gold = red and vice versa. Also, skirts. Also, first episode of TNG.
for some reason I don't think this is going to fit @AndyProwl
@R.MartinhoFernandes turns out, it was just predicting clothes of this time now vOv
@Mr.kbok I'm offended
@Mr.kbok He doesn't hang that low
@Mr.kbok Some do, but this one is just a slightly elongated shirt.
just slightly indeed
Seriously, my friend doesn't have a large butt at all, and she needs a lot of care to not show it when wearing that.
Here's a costume for Robot
someone from wolfram added me on linkedin. people from real companies adding me only happens once a year :p
Oct 9 at 10:04, by R. Martinho Fernandes
@Mr.kbok I'm going to be "Guy ready for a Skype interview" this Halloween.
someone posted a link of these parks in NYC hospital. Err... am I missing something?
@ElimGarak he has girl legs O.o
@R.MartinhoFernandes maybe she's just a bit taller.
Nah, it's the TTT.
@Mr.kbok Yep, sexy legs.
So... How okay is it to apply for a job if you already have a job, just to see if you could get it if you wanted it?
@ElimGarak of course
@Morwenn they would be... on a girl
expert advice from a 10-months employed potato
@ElimGarak it's okay except if you intend of going there later
@Mr.kbok Oh, id doesn't work that bad on him either.
TIL @Andy is ranked 6th on StackRank
@ElimGarak If you're going to say no anyway, that's dickish.
@GregorMcGregor yeah but the rank is old
hasn't been updated for a few months
@R.MartinhoFernandes Yeah, that's what I said to the guys, although it was kinda a funny prospect.
@AndyProwl oh right :/
how come
I think just saying no upfront is the right thing to do.
@GregorMcGregor Dunno, it was an interesting thing. Probably they realized the ranking made no sense - considering I'm 6th
Colleagues were joking that I should package up an executable graphics demo (also screenies, videos, along with everything else) and send it for a senior engine programmer position at AAA game companies like Bethesda Game Studios and others.
Even though it's Bethesda, that's still dickish.
I couldn't do it even if people said it were okay, I am kind of rolling this life character on the light/paragon side. I've never been fun at parties in that respect.
I know people (not going to tell who) who takes candidates only to learn from them what the competitors are working on
@ElimGarak you can be a fun paragon
Yeah, usually people want to do stupid shit and I am the loudest one against it. And I become the partypooper.
One notable example happened some two months prior to my return to the Lounge... There is this, uhm, tradition of drinking by the local river... You guys ever do that?
Anywho, there was a dead body of a drunk grandpa that was in the water and folks just continued drinking after they realized that that bag is actually a dead person.
And I was the bad guy for calling the police and "ruined their fun because he was dead already".
I wanna star that
@ElimGarak Pretty bad idea if you do it slavic style
Oppa slavic style
During the entire night, I asked several times what that thing is, they brushed it off as a "large plastic bag".
@GregorMcGregor lol
ITT Elim poops a party at the slightest sight of a corpse
you're no fun
That is the second body in the past few years, one was actually quite young.
Why do they put the bodies in plastic bags though? That's littering
Apparently, it is a streak. And that's just recently.
wow the translation is p good
@ElimGarak I think that was the right thing to do
I just hope you guys don't find corpses every other party
We were out when they found the body of this kid upstairs. Fortunately, I didn't have to see someone young drown.
@ElimGarak stop rendering stuff with that DOF
Maybe I'll call my type checker "rejectinator"
maybe call it martha it's a prettier name
I like "bug enumerator" a lot.
You know what was the most hilarious plot twist?
DO YOU?!?!?!?!?
The first responding officer was my ex's sister who used the opportunity while waiting for the coroner to smoke a cigarette in peace, by the body.
I'm never gonna come visit you
And her crowd control skills were basically: "You guys shouldn't be here."
in france you'd probably get arrested just to be safe
Detaining is the usual protocol, until it can be determined that you're not the culprit. Detaining involves the use of handcuffs in suspicious circumstances, so people mistake it for an arrest. Only later do they charge you as a suspect in a murder.
thanks microsoft
thanks obama
they're being genuinely helpful; I'm surprised
Can't wait to switch to clang, bby.
if you see this jpeg file while scrolling
you have been visited by the github repository of microsoft
clang will come to you
but only if you comment 'thanks microsoft' on this picture
@GregorMcGregor racist
is kultur
@AndyProwl that part about Ro0 and Ro5 looks good
libffi is so awesome.
@AndyProwl The key is not to drown. :D
@R.MartinhoFernandes Homage to a classic? Which one?
2001: A Space Odyssey
Abe's Odyssey I want to play that game it's fucking awesome.
tfw no PlayStation 1.
or was it PS2?
@ElimGarak Ok, I will practice that :P
@Xeo Yeah. I just wonder how volatile this project will be
And how flexible/customizable the tools will be
@R.MartinhoFernandes People compare it to odyssey because they are similar but it's not an homage
I am very sad that 2001: ASO came before my time. Difficult to watch it. My lower limit is basically the original Alien movie (1979-ish?)
@Mr.kbok Yeah yeah, whatever.
It's packed with throwbacks, and it has a lot of 2010 in it too.
Is Star Trek pretty much the only optimistic sci-fi universe out there?
futurama :D
Well, Star Wars is pretty dark with its Nazi Germany Empire.
@ElimGarak Cinematic? Probably.
it's optimistic
Even with pretty grim settings, like the Borg, it is always about preserving the Federation and everything humanity has achieved. Star Wars is about reclaiming freedom (the old republic) in a dystopian society... And Alien is about surviving in one such society as a low level trader crew due to the greed of their corporate overlords.
@ElimGarak Neither the Old Republic nor the Empire are dystopian.
@R.MartinhoFernandes Well, the Old Republic was a pretty big democracy, right? So definitely not dystopian.
But how would you characterize the Empire?
What anti-utopic characteristics does the Empire have?
in SW it's not very clear how evil is the empire, apart from the fact that they want to destroy the rebels (issue which many legitimate governments have :D)
in SW the empire is MS so quite evil
Yeah. The Empire doesn't do any of the shit that you get in dystopias. It's just a totalitarian government.
I may be using the term dystopian as a general synonym for undesirable/terrifying, so maybe not precisely.
@R.MartinhoFernandes is it though? you don't see a lot of actual citizens
I see the Empire as heavily based on Nazi Germany, whether intentionally or purely coincidentally. So pretty bad. I've also formed my views on the to-be Empire via the Expanded Universe (the occupation and the destruction of Taris).
Because regular politics are too easy
But I am pretty big on Star Trek, not so much on Star Wars. I am not really sure where the line between the Empire and the Sith is. It's not quite like the Republic/Jedi line. I've seen Empire officers referring to the Sith as a stupid religion/sect.
@ElimGarak OTOH many (human) citizens did feel pretty well under the Empire's reign.
@Mr.kbok Not in the movies, no.
@ElimGarak The ruler of The Empire is a Sith; that's pretty much how it works.
Though I guess we'll have to wait for TFA, since everything is non-canon now.
yeah, thanks, disney. Although, I've always kinda held Star Wars on a lower pedestal as I felt the whole good / bad simplistic battle was kinda... Meh?
Also it's good to remember about the Fel Empire, which kind of, err, continued from the Galactic Empire... where the first empress was... a Jedi. :P
@R.MartinhoFernandes That's pretty much the reason I'm completely unhyped about it.
And red is not an evil color. :( I chose red in KOTOR2 and got dark side points. Even though I was rolling a light character.
@ElimGarak Red is the color of Sith lightsabers!
did you guys chose the yellow witch
All I know is that was ridiculously easy to make money when you're evil. Every apartment I ransacked, there was a 2/5 chance there'll be someone with a bounty inside.
Everything in KOTOR2 was ridiculously easy when you're evil.
Actually, in KOTOR1 as well.
@ElimGarak in the early RotJ posters, luke's lightsaber was red. They changed it later when they decided it was the color of baddies
I liked how Carth disapproved of all my antics. And on a few occasions prevented me from killing folks.
My dark side character went through most of KOTOR2 wearing a dancer's dress (offers zero protection against anything). Didn't lose a single fight until the very last boss.
Defeated all the other bosses without a scratch.
Yeah, all the actually damage dealing skills were "dark side" by default. I mean, how is stunning someone and then cutting him up better than force wrecking him?
@R.MartinhoFernandes sexy
Open door, force storm, force storm, force storm, oh wait, everyone's dead already.
And you can pause and think what you want to do, how to kill everyone.
Just spam force storm.
Kills everyone.
I like how ME kinda has that
One thing I can't get over when playing Mass Effect is how you can "feel" the Unreal Engine limiting it. Just like Gamebryo did for many Bethesda games. When you can guess the things you can't do without even playing it.
In the end when fighting Darth Sion I just killed him however many times were needed for him to give up and die. "Oh blah blah can't kill me" "whatever" Force Storm, dies, "Oh blah blah can't kill me" "whatever" Force Storm, dies, "Oh blah blah can't kill me" "whatever" Force Storm, dies, "Oh blah blah can't kill me" "whatever" Force Storm "Ok, ok, I die", dies for real.
Ahahah, and that's why, kids, #balancingMatters
@ElimGarak example?
The only tough fight was against the animated lightsabers in the end (seriously WTF).
The funniest thing is that Force Storm was already slightly overpowered in KOTOR1, but in the second they cranked it up to 11 instead of nerfing it.
Such fail
@Xeo To be fair, not UE4 (although somewhat applies to it as well). But mostly you immediately know the answer you will not be able to transition between places nicely, even localized places like decks. You will not experience time of day cycles (due to static lighting and the limited dynamic functionality in UE4). I can continue?
Probably the reason they moved away from it with ME:Andromeda (at least, why I hope they did).
I see
I am hoping Frostbite with all the huge level, destructible crap and stuff (dynamic lighting) will prove for a great experience with Andromeda. Especially as they're promising a return to planetary exploration and stuff.
@R.MartinhoFernandes Well, the "whatever" was the important part of that fight :P
@R.MartinhoFernandes IIRC, you can get through that peacefully?
By a dialogue check or something.
@ElimGarak But why bother if you can kill everyone at once without a scratch?
so anyone picking up grim fandango store.steampowered.com/app/316790
5 eur
Well, yeah. And as for Gamebryo games... I invite folks to just take screenshots of Morrowind, Oblivion, Fallout 3 and Skyrim and spot what I'm referring to. Of course, the fantastic animations and transitions (and gameplay largely :(, almost the same formula ). Nothing like disappearing behind a partially open door. :D
@Griwes My character honestly didn't care. She was clearly way stronger than everyone, and had no time for their petty antics. She wanted to kill them for the same reasons one wants to kill a buzzing mosquito.
...then your character missed out the most important parts of the game vOv
You've got to give BioWare credit for trying to hide the streaming. :D

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