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new URL is hipster level 9000
Oh god no.
@Nooble hm interesting
I can't believe nick wasn't taken.
@nick Huh the scaling is pretty weird.
lol right? but there's actually less than 300 names on js.org
I can barely read the text on 1080p.
oh for real?
@nick Yeah.
@EthanBierlein It's a custom one that fredoverflow is working on.
It's quite cool.
@Nooble Nice participating media rendering :P
it was a hack job so I'm not surprised it renders like shit on different screens]
although some of the text was intentionally very small
yeah that's how it should render
@ElimGarak All rendered on icicle.
literally I just copied that design from a cool business card I saw
small text looks way better on print than web, especially if you don't have 4k :P
I thought Nick was a nicka.
Nick isn't just a nicka, he's my nicka.
And he's into some real nicka shit.
@GregorMcGregor I AM? I think that's nick.
Also why not a full heap developer?
@GregorMcGregor Heap fulfillment developer
@GregorMcGregor Because full stack sounds better
@nick Fancy phone number.
It leads me to skype.
Elim Garak, Full of Crap Developer. At your service.
i might change it to 'JS ninja swag master'
@GregorMcGregor 50%
So yeah my website is kinda broken and I would fix it except the code has been exploded by Nab.
It is where I get my amazing intellect from
makes sense
@Nooble linky or
So, @AnalPhabet please fix second background image doesn't load after I press the super secret button.
@Nooble Hey, that's actually not terrible.
Buttons are shit, tho. Needs moar contrast.
@ElimGarak It was around 2 days of work.
And I never webdeved before.
Thanks @nick, what a wonderful mentor.
Yeah, webdev is for pussies.
I forgot everything.
Now someone give me a julian.cpp.org
i forgot you had an actual name
Seriously how was nick.js.org not taken?
@nick I know me too.
I've taken up a lot of .ninja domains. Because I'm a dick. And am probably never going to use them. :Đ
you know
I was trying to buy note.ninja a while ago
did you do it cat-like
somebody bought it already and I think he had similar plans. laughed at my offer
I'm going to troll my friend who is always late on renewing his personal domain, usually by a day or two. Going to snatch it up and then ransom it for some shits and giggles.
thing about pranks is eventually he should find out it was you
Oh, I'm going to tell right up. :D
and when he does he will come to your house with a glock probably
I'd redirect to a hardcore porn site, but I am rolling a paragon build in this life. Only small mischief allowed.
good man
I am afraid that I'm going to forget as it expires 5 days after Fallout 4 comes out.
@ElimGarak I agree, I like the concept but the visibility on the buttons is weird
@GregorMcGregor true, can't trust 'em
@nick Hey my name isn't taken.
if it was it would be by julian assange himself
I'm better than him ok.
go ahead and submit a PR if you want a domain, but your project has to be JS related I believe
true I never liked his face anyways
@nick My website sure is JS related.
@nick Your github repos are great.
@Nooble yeah you like all the empty ones?
RTFM-as-a-service is happening btw, this is going up
@nick Yes :D
Now how come everyone uses lowercase project names.
Damn it, I better conform to this,
The shift key takes too much effort.
@ElimGarak You need to do a very minor change.
I use lowercase because it gives me flexibility later
Like put "They are always watching" in the background.
Or "It's not paranoia if they are actually out to get you"
@Lalaland also this, hence why I never capitalize things
> I
@nick Like normal people, I have a caps lock key.
Do you have one?
I actually don't.
I'll just switch Icicle's project name to icicle so that it doesn't end up being that one folder in someone's deps folder that starts with an uppercase letter.
be consistent though
@nick If it's a library, I'm putting it in lowercase.
If it's like a game or something, it'll be uppercase.
Also, 5 days after I made my github account, @jaggedSpire made hers. Coincidence?!
I used to have a mac that was installed on a case-sensitive volume
@Nooble yes
Adobe's software doesn't run. neither does Valve's.
because lazy mofos who can't be consistent with their capitalization
ConSistENT capiTALiZatioN
Put your capitals near fresh water & good food tiles
damn you guys distracted me I was going to use this opportunity to post a picture of my keyboard
@nick Do it.
So I can have an excuse to do the same.
@nick do et
i trying!
I'm gonna go do it now.
First to upload is the winner.
@nick nick pls
@nick is your kb shy?
ok please excuse the poor image quality
Damn it.
I know
@nick very nice
thank you it makes me very happy
everyone should buy a happy hacking keyboard
what if we have a laptop?
@nick I think you meant Pok3r.
Excuse the carpet.
@Mikhail You can use external keyboards with laptops.
I couldn't find a surface.
It requires an external monitor as well, but it works.
looks best when I first roll out of bed and I see the morning light reflected yet absorbed by those charcoal PBT keycaps
@nick Yeah those caps are nice.
Do you see that the WASD keys are rekt.
The printing fades but not the keys.
It doesn't even fade, I think it just got darker.
@Nooble they really are, the pic does not do it justice unfortunately
@Nooble no the image is still loading haha
legends are for wimps anyways, go all blank
@nick I'm so sorry, most of the pics I take are in 5K. I should really bump it down to just FHD.
@nick Give me the money.
@Nooble very nice
Also notice the ctrl key has faded a bit.
That was my mumble key.
why is the Caps lock key so faded? do you actually use it?
I use it non-stop but it's actually my control key
@nick Very weird thing. I learned how to type using caps and I never use shift.
When capitalizing things, I press it once and press it again.
that is the strangest thing I have ever heard
I know ;~;
But that doesn't make any sense?
Also, bind caps lock to something useful.
Like backspace.
it doesn't seem to hold you back though? I mean you got 117 wpm iirc
@nick Yeah it doesn't.
@Lalaland control!
I never use the left Shift
It's just the way I type.
I mean I only use the left shift
I use left shift a lot but I shift dynamically when typing at speed
When I have to capitalize A my pinkie's on shift and my ring finger's on A
haha I used to do that
held my WPM back a lot though
Faster for me
I need to fix up this poker. Pretty sure my left shift has a really weird switch.
Feels all mushy.
But money.
I need to buy switches, a soldering iron, and I really want new keycaps.
Money is for people who have money
It's also the reason I've been laptop-less for three months now
@nick Also I can no longer use a normal keyboard.
Arrow keys.
I've gotten so used to the fn+diamond layout for my arrows but I'd still be happy to have a dedicated arrow cluster
Anytime I use a normal keyboard, I'll end up using a windows shortcut.
Like I'll press winkey because that's where my Fn key is.
And then K or something to go down. Win + K is connect with other devices or something.
the feel of the HHKB for me is so different from regular keyboards that I usually have no trouble switching between layouts
except for fucking number keys
Oh yeah I can't even number pad.
Which is kinda bad.
Every time I have to type in a credit card number I cri
Because I miss my alt + 0153.
@nick Is it hard to type that in?
Let me try. What's your CCN?
yeah, if only you could find a keyboard with a numpad on the left. I think that would make more sense
@Nooble here: ***** **** **** ****
@nick But entering numbers with left hand is hard.
I need the space for my mousepad though, seriously
What mousepad do you have?
its from my dad's company, its just a standard mousepad
Ah ok.
small in comparison with a lot of gaming mousepads
I have a QCK mini.
Well worth the $6.
oh yeah I almost got one of those, went with an Anker instead
Oh and then my mouse, it's wayyyy to small for my hands.
But I manage.
for my bro, i don't fuck with gaming pads
@nick lol why
yeah my mouse is so compact. I've gotten used to it though
@Nooble because I already have a mousepad
and I like this one, it's a good size
I bought a bit set so I could open up my keyboard in the future.
I seriously need to clean the backplate.
Like there is some shit in there I cannot clean.
hm, hopefully that's not too complicated
removing the back of the HHKB is trivial, removing the logic board is trivial, removing the main board takes a bit of work (it's like 10 screws IIRC)
I stopped there because these switches are case mounted and kinda tricky to remove
they are not even discrete units like Cherry, I don't think
Disassembling the Pok3r is really easy.
You take off the keycaps and there are 6 hex screws.
Then everything pops off :)
The hard part is finding decent blanks.
I cannot do it.
@nick Have you seen those DSA profile keycaps? They look weird.
oh yeah it's quite odd
I should get two identical keyboards, one for work and one for home
and then I'll have muscle memory again
@jaggedSpire The problem is different priorities.
For instance, noise is a lot more important in a work scenario.
Get a Pok3r with MX Blues to assert dominance on coworkers.
@jaggedSpire yeah switching between several is confusing
also night all, I need to get up early tomorrow
@nick I think the size difference between the main areas on the two of them is around 30%
@nick Might go for white keycaps for that piano look.
@Lalaland that would be a problem indeed.
I'd need to paint my backplate red though.
@Nooble would be a sight to see
I think all my coworkers that require peace and quiet listen to music through headphones though
Clackity clack
the closest dev that doesn't wear headphones all the time has his own office
Headphones aren't perfect.
You could always get MX Clears.
Never felt those before though.
I should see which headphones the new guy uses. I know the other three near me use around-ear headphones...
Just ask them if they can hear mechanical keyboards through the headphones.
this makes sense
Tonight in the Lounge: Keyboard Nite!
@jaggedSpire I suggest you get MX Green switches to absolutely annoy the fuck out of everyone.
mechanical kb pics $1 after 9:00PM
@Nooble Somehow I think this might not be the best of plans
If you're going to get a 60% layout, it'll take a while to get used to the arrow keys. Although it's certainly worth it, I can use my arrow keys a lot faster.
@jaggedSpire Oh but you gotta have that clack.
@Nooble it's all 'bout that clack?
('bout that clack)
No <something>
No creativity past 0 hour.
It's all about that SIGSEGV ('bout that SIGSEGV) and core dump.
@jaggedSpire You don't enjoy an access violation every once in a while?
@Nooble nooope
most recent for me was caused by a fun little activity commonly called DLL hell.
I <3 Microsoft.
@jaggedSpire It's an acquired taste. You need to do more OpenGL.
Don't you just hate it when type-safety prevents something catastrophic?
@Nooble hisses
@sehe Thanks! Cloned.
Ghostriders in teh sky
@Verm whadup
@JerryCoffin WTF, that is sexist.
@ElimGarak Have you proposed a marriage or what?
@wilx lel, asked her out :D
@ElimGarak Ah. Boring. I had prepared to say "my condolences."
@ElimGarak Boring but good for you, of course! (...probably!) :D
Yeah, I went from being nervous about her saying no to being nervous about the first awkward minute. Not sure which is worse yet.
@ElimGarak Haha. I can feel you, man. Just (try to) relax and do not try to impress her, just be yourself. I know it is the most boring advice but it is true!
@ElimGarak Actually, my last date, about two weeks ago, mentioned she was nervous, so we talked a bit about it, and that got us both relaxed. :)
Yeah, that's usually the best way. But no matter how I try to rationalize it, the first minute is going to be nerve-wrecking. :D
@GregorMcGregor You afraid she might choke on your long dong?
I'm afraid my long dong would go so far up it'd tear her lungs
@GregorMcGregor hi
sup cinch
Question: best container to implement comparison of a new object against all existing objects in the container?
IOW what's the best layout for O² comparison?
@VermillionAzure Comparison of what kind?
Anything linear is good
@wilx just a simple eq/not_eq
set already does such a comparison btw
@GregorMcGregor oh right
@VermillionAzure Depends, std::set or std::unordered_set?
@wilx oh good std::unordered set would probably do me some good
what kind of orange juice is that
good night
@ScottW bye
Ya know, today sucks more than I anticipated. And I anticipated a lot.
What event are you anticipating
administration stuff
Do you feel thorns tightening around your heart
that is exactly how I feel
my poor prickled heart
it was a pun
let me check
in retrospect no it seems it was not
Pickle, yum yum
Ah, Windows 10... It's good to be back.
so um
I think I've hit a wall again
 Statement(Member<T> P, Member<T> Q, logic binary_rel, float strength = 0.500) :
    strength(strength) {}
Can't really tell what's wrong with this
what's not working
something about templates
ah, then you must have done something wrong
my crystal ball ran out of AAA batteries
@GregorMcGregor couldn’t you see that coming
I already checked the types so... hm...
I think it has to do with the way I set up the enum class
@LucDanton crystal ball can't look into its own future
makes sense
basic rule of divination really
so if i have an enum class logic
I should be able to just use it right?
Write a program, feed it to a compiler.
@LucDanton I am; it's just that I can't figure out what's wrong from the error
It tells me "1 argument given, 3 expected" but I'm clearly giving it 3...
wait nvm
Cinch is idiot
stop stating general truths
stop stating general imperatives
you must stick to categorical imperatives only
it was because I didn't realize i didn't do .first for the std::pair<std::string, size_t>...
see this is why i didn't ask the SO question
Thug life.
is very boring
are you doing a theorem prover
because that's a) fascinating and b) a solved problem
I'm trying to do string pattern recognition
my crystal ball is a bit foggy
@GregorMcGregor what are you talking about lol
it's not entirely clear what you are doing
@GregorMcGregor yeah i dunno either
it's just a petty hobby project while I'm procrastinating
I should stop that
idk, everything useful I've done has been procrastination.
the trick is to block reddit in your host file
@Mikhail hey, me too—well, at least it was one of the -ations
Anybody here good with Hilbert transforms? I'm thinking a 2D Hilbert transform is not possible with an FT, but nobody I work with has any clue what i'm talking about.
@Mikhail ...?
'cause if you cut the LHP its a 1D transform and if you leave the top right quadrant you cut half your data.
Maybe doing it separably along each dimension.
what went wrong
open-loop control
hey less than 24h to go
better try not to die unexpectedly
I can just waypoint
did you inverse the expectation of a probability distribution is called the "surprise"
a word
eyyy TonyTheBelgian
how are you?
@fredoverflow You are not missing much really
@TonyTheLion Throat hurts but fine otherwise, and you?
@GregorMcGregor I'm alright. Still waking up
Do we have any agents in GitHub corp.? :) GCC mirror is out of sync.
@AnalPhabet escape analysis.
int* x = malloc(sizeof(int));
*x = 1;
// <=>
@Morwenn so which one is your favorite?

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