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Fuck bullies.
Ahahahahah, Star Trek: Renegades sucks so much! The CG is below Icicle-level rendering.
@AnalPhabet I didn't realize it was a keybase key. I thought it might be your run of the mill PGP or whatever. Then 4k used to be progressive
@Elyse where did you see that
there was a school swording in sweden today
@ElimGarak /cc @Nooble
@JohanLarsson Oh yeah. I turned the radio off. Must still find out what happened
> Are whistling and clapping haram?
inb4 "Is anything in life actually allowed"
@GregorMcGregor inb4 "no"
I hope the bully that bullied me dies a slow painful death though.
Y u no fight back?
@Elyse Grenade
@sehe I don't know much but a guy dressed as darth vader killed a bunch of kids in a school with a sword. He was shot and killed when he attacked the police.
Like being eaten by a huge mutated carnivorous plant.
@Elyse Maggets
@JohanLarsson I've read as much by now
Or Saw-like practices.
@Elyse lol didn't know NL had such issues too
@JohanLarsson To lel, or not to lel? This is the question.
Such people would make good Saw actors.
@sehe sad story, I don't read much of those.
these people are cancer
@GregorMcGregor Yeah. If God needs you to do his chores for you
@AnalPhabet don't understand the question
@GregorMcGregor Didn't have them until recently. :D
@JohanLarsson It's both hilarious (to lel) and fucked up (not to lel)
Well, probably did, but in small quantities.
> Just how many lives are going to be lost before there is sensible sword control in Sveden?
@sehe lel
@Elyse What do you mean
"sword control"
@ElimGarak Dukat is so awesome.
Putting bitches to the sword.
@fredoverflow Did you seriously name your IDE szkorbut
I am watching Halo 5 play through by Tetra Ninja. Is there no Chief?
It's a horrible disease
@fredoverflow why is it called "skorbut"?
@AnalPhabet ...caused by lack of Vitamin C, get it?
@fredoverflow GROAN
do people still get scurvy these days
> The suspect, clad in black, apparently posed for photos with students ahead of the attack, in the western town of Trollhattan.
Wait. So much cause for confusion there
> Trollhattan
@Puppy Yeah, love how he's morally ambiguous. At times you love him, at times you kinda hate him. But still love to hate him.
Acquiring a vitamin C deficiency seems really difficult.
he's just great, regardless of his morals.
@sehe Troll <-> troll hätta <-> hat
@Elyse Be on a ship for 6 months
The actor is terrific. I am surprised I don't see him more often on TV.
@AnalPhabet What part is hilarious?
I think they thought it was a joke and that the knife/sword was fake
@sehe "dressed as darth vader" and "with a sword"
@fredoverflow that's a good one
@AnalPhabet Oh. Ahahahahahahahahahaaaah. That's pretty funny.
@sehe I have a weird sense of "funny", never mind me
@fredoverflow try vitamin C++
@Elyse sigh
You could just call out the irony in the outfit. There's not much hilarious in that, even as a simple costume fail
@ElimGarak Huh?
@ElimGarak why's it not lit up
what gaem is this even
I should stop reading Islam.SE it makes me sad
@Nican It's a fan made Star Trek TV show funded by folks and has a lot of the Star Trek's cast in it.
@sehe That's quite the opposite of irony, ain't it
Nope (enlighten me)
> Is YouTube earning halal?
@sehe I'd expect a Darth Vader to go around slaughtering innocent children
> Is it allowed to own things with animals pictures on them?
> Is my mom halal?
@AnalPhabet Yeah, fiction doesn't exist
@GregorMcGregor it's fear, on every corner.
What if I accidentally incur God's wrath
What if I have to ponder real life decisions. Let's ask the leader
@ElimGarak What is this?
@fredoverflow Pilot of the new Star Trek TV show.
Oh wait, I don't care about Star Trek.
@ElimGarak What is the name? I am curious now.
>stark trek
@sehe As that Hassan-i Sabbah guy said once: "Nothing is true; everything is permitted"
featuring tony
@ElimGarak repost
It's basically fan funded, but contains many of the old cast. It's pretty shit, I am watching it solely for the giggles.
I bought a book nad it came with some shitty adobe drm I have to install some software of theirs jesus christ
at least it's possible to turn it into a plain pdf afterwards
> >book
> >adobe drm
How do you even
@AnalPhabet Did he exist?
it's called adobe digital editions lmao
@AnalPhabet Then I disagree.
Things matter
I'll install then turn to pdf then uninstall
fuck you adobe youre almost as bad as ubisoft
(I suck)
and ubisoft is pretty much satan^hitler
@AlexM. satanxorhitler?
to the power
POW!(satan, hitler)
I thought "cmon the book is cheap like 5 eur"
should've pirated it
@AnalPhabet Interesting figure
ahahaha "include norton security"
@AnalPhabet Like in the Batman comics?
@AlexM. why don't you just pirate some opinions. So much quicker
I bet the thing doesn't even detect the most obvious virus
(adobe's software)
@AlexM. it is the virus
@sehe what does that mean
I have to make an adobe account and authorize my computer with an ID
I just want to read my book
LTIC books were made of cellulose and ink
Since you're so adept at pirating everything that you apparently desire but isn't worth anything, I wonder how you suffer the time spent reading it to arrive at ... knowledge? opinion?
It just occurred to me that you should try to optimize the consumption there, and cut right to the chase
@AlexM. Yeah that sucks. BIG TIME
I cannot parse your philosophy at this hour sehe
@AlexM. It's still early
The hour is a nice decoy
the annoying thing is I didn't even buy this from adobe
I got it from google play expecting a pdf
> >google play
Of course not. Adobe is hardly a publishing company
@ElimGarak wow, this is...erm...terrible
yes well google play has my credit card info stored
it was quick
^^ ^^^ ^^^^^
@sehe 2 up, 3 up, five up? Message composition?
I hate it when I get downvotes because people are (supposedly) dumb ._____.
Good morning anyway.
sorry maybe I'll re-read tomorrow I'm a bit dizzy
@AlexM. I realize this. Which is why I stopped
@Morwenn Where? linkeh
A: How to find if two numbers are consecutive numbers in gray code sequence

MorwennActually, several of the other answers seem wrong: it's true that two binary reflected Gray code neighbours differ by only one bit (I assume that by « the » Gray code sequence, you mean the original binary reflected Gray code sequence as described by Frank Gray). However, that does not mean that ...

@JohanLarsson so it was :) It was also a reference to fonts
AHAHAH, this is so cringeworthy.
Almost every other answer deserves a downote but someone still managed to put one on mine ._.
@Morwenn There, fixed. :P
@ElimGarak That's nice of you, but the problem is not about the points, it's about peopl note downvoting what they should :p
@Morwenn It's SnackOverflow, don't take it too seriously. :P
Also, note how 5 answers give exactly the same technique which doesn't work. Most of them where posted months after mine and after the accepted answer (which gives the wrong technique).
Sometimes, people make me want to cry ç_ç
@Morwenn doz it happen everytiem?
@AnalPhabet Nah, when I cry, it's for more serious problems :)
@DiWu Of course, my answer assumes a binary reflected Gray code sequence, which is generally the one people are saking about when nothing is specified. — Morwenn 12 hours ago
@Morwenn could it be some people think the assumption is not warranted (and possibly they don't like the allusion that the other answer "seem" wrong)?
@AnalPhabet Come on, I'm just trying to ruin them :(
@Morwenn neat
I'm not sure I follow the extent of the assumption anyways
@Elyse They are. Robot taught me those words
> Furthering Haskell's usefulness is the invention of the Zygohistomorphic Prepromorphism, a recursion scheme that allows every Haskell programmer to automatically gain bragging rights about the absurdness of their language, hence making Perl programmers cry.
@sehe Yeah, the downvote seems to go with the comment about the techique not working with every Gray code sequence ever.
@GregorMcGregor Thanks :p
@Elyse oh wait. Zygo_histo_morphism. I take back what I said. And that readability index is hilarious
Zygohistomorphic prepromorphism.
Not zigohistomorphism.
Zygohisteric postmortemism
> A Haskell programming competition called the World Indentation Olympics is held annually
@StackedCrooked can we, pretty please, get lens on Coliru? GHC 7.10 would be a great addition as well...
mmm. that's weird. Couldn't you plink him in the Haskell room
I don't know if/how that gets through.
Zygohistomorphic bartekmorphism.
god I had to install calibre and a drm removal plugin and adobe's software to be able to read this pdf on things other than what adobe tells me to
I'll never buy a book again
Good boy.
But you can smack people with books!
I literally couldn't read it with my pdf reader
on my PC
@AnalPhabet Don't ruin his carefully crafted excuse
OOOOoooh, he means an e-book
It all makes a little bit more sense now
@sehe std::cout << "# Parse failuer\n";
2 mins ago, by Alex M.
I'll never buy a book again
Sounds like Very Good Excuse(TM)
I mean, no one is going to argue this. We need to punish book writers. Pronto.
o'reilly didn't shoot at me with drm see
I'd buy from them again
when I got the thing I just clicked on download and got a pdf that I could read directly with my reader
I used to see that screen a lot
I think a google search for "opaque pointers" or "handle types" would do much more than even the trouble of formatting that wall of code. (!!!, free of charge) — sehe 5 secs ago
See my edit
@AlexM. ah. So you lied
no I just painted the truth in a different color
5 mins ago, by sehe
2 mins ago, by Alex M.
I'll never buy a book again
Very different color. I mean, the hue is there, but saturation is down to zero
I feel a bit sick ugh
I'm having trouble breathing :w
(Note it's almost 5 am now)
int main(int argc, char** argv) {
    void* m = makeMoney();
    set_var(m, 10);
    printf("variable is: %d\n", get_var(m));
    love(m, "MyGirlFriend");
    void* g = makeGirl();
    love(g, "MyGirlFriend");
    void* g1 = makeGirl();
    love(g1, "Foo");
    return 0;
I went to the guy there and said "I'd like a mojito" and he was like "man you gotta go to the other bar for a mojito this is a rum specialty bar (I was like but isn't mojito rum based) but I can show you a twist on mojito"
he showed me the best cocktail I ever had so I ended up drinking 6
@sehe No "Fuck bitches", 8/10
I'll never pay money for another book again.
@AnalPhabet but this is actual SO post content
@ElimGarak Who threw the knife?
@CaptainGiraffe Do you get them from the uni
@sehe toplaff
@sehe Yep. And I also get paid to review books. About $500 a pop.
Most of them are crap and I get paid for telling them that too!
Maybe I should sign up to get to review the next Lippman/Moo book?
"They're using boson-lepton wave duality encryption."
@CaptainGiraffe Or just ask for more books
Nov 28 '10 at 19:59, by sbi
And they send me all twelve books!
I just cleared out my bookshelf before this semester. It was 400kgs worth of books.
@CaptainGiraffe what did you use it for? Room heating?
@sehe Books don't burn well
Really. I wouldn't know this
Now I'm giving it away. Clearly posted. It works for a lot of courses.
Hurricane protection of course.
Sweden is well known for having
wtf @Nooble
It's clearly some copypasted shit
And he doesn't even use header files
> This was my 'Greater Evil' play-through, so Ciri and Geralt are dead, Radovid is alive, and I did my best to make as many people miserable as possible during quests.
@AnalPhabet I thought that I had some long lists:(
So I'm doing this C# course. We have dreamspark. So you can download whatever VisualStudio you want.
> candyGetProcAddressPtr = (PFNWGLGETPROCADDRESSPROC_PRIVATE)GetProcAddress(libGL, "wglGetProcAddress");
@AnalPhabet LEL. Yo Dawg, I hear you like to get GetProcAddress address's address
@sehe Wouldn't it be, like, prefixed with an underscore or summat
@Nooble is out of his mind
So of course I get a student asking "I'm downloading the 2015 version" what version should I get for litterature.
He obviously wrote this at 4am in the morning
brainfarts happen
Even my 4am code isn't that bad
@ScarletAmaranth Of course they do. Just don't send them all by email to me.
int open_gl(void) {
More copypasta than your mom
He didn't even clang-format this
Or probably read it at all
Also lol not defining WIN32_LEAN_AND_MEAN before including windows.h
@AnalPhabet mfc? I wrote that lean and mean in 2002 =)
Why didn't he at least use a macro for candy_$1 = has_ext("$1");
@CaptainGiraffe What is this mfc you be talkin' 'boot, mate?
@CaptainGiraffe taking or teaching?
@JohanLarsson Hopefully both <winkfaec>
> The Microsoft Foundation Class (MFC) Library provides an object-oriented wrapper over much of the Win32 and COM APIs.
@JohanLarsson I did teach a few classes on MFC. It was not as a university course.
> The MFC classes and their members cannot be used in applications that execute in the Windows Runtime.
in C#, 4 mins ago, by Obviously
Yeah I end up installing new windows and reinstalling visual studio
^ breakpoint would not go away
lol VS
Also lol @Obviously
in C#, 4 mins ago, by Obviously
That helped
Oh did it, now
@AnalPhabet Obviously wins^
@JohanLarsson Great. Just blog about it and monetize it
@JohanLarsson Delete the text before the bold plx
Alternatively that'd be:
But that's the exact opposite of the desired outcum
Instead of wasting your time and my time why don't you provide me solution of my query? — this_is_awesome 27 mins ago
@AnalPhabet Nope.
Read the README.
It's not my code, it's autogenerated.
Do I look like I would ever touch C.
> An OpenGL function loader made for Icicle with glad.
Oh, so glad makes the .c file
I don't code in C. I'm nowhere near that masochistic.
@this_is_awesome pardon me? Who is wasting time? We get to read your walls of code, not knowing where you seem to see a problem, may or may not have an issue etc.? Just phrase the question in 10 lines tops. Provide a SSCCE. We will help you if we can figure out the question. Thank you very much — sehe 12 secs ago
vlad makes the .cpp file
@Nooble You could touch D though.
@Nooble Merge this
@Morwenn I love touching the D.
@sehe lol that question in general
Yeah. I don't condone the amplification of noise, but he kinda has that problem too
@sehe upvoted the comment cos it is funny
> Now I how Opaque pointers
Song name
not to give him right vs you
@JohanLarsson Yeah. It's a stunner.
Oh shit!!!! He's right. I totally forgot to provide the answer to his query.
My bad.
My bed.
Maybe he is late for a scrum meeting and needs code fast?
@sehe lol
@JohanLarsson in this case you add "URGENT" to the question title
@GregorMcGregor hahahahah
What is SSCCE and @sehe you should read the title of the question to understand what I am asking! If you cannot understand better leave it! — this_is_awesome 25 secs ago
quality starboard today
hilarious. but blood pressure raising
please help when no hurry and urgent when.
why is the question still not closed; chop chop
@Nooble How do you specify what does it generate? You should include that too
@AnalPhabet Oh I use their webservice.
Most of these apply for vim
Q: How to run Python script from Assembly?

RACING121I'm fairly new to Assembly and OS dev. I have been experimenting and managed to make a small OS similar to MS-DOS. However now I want to build the rest on Python. According to a Question that I read on the Stack Exchange site it is possible. But what code do I use to run the actual script. Pleas...

@AnalPhabet It's a valid desire
@sehe dat question content doe
huh. what content
Well put
Oh, OK, then, I put @sehe out of his misery, (or cut off his entertainment), with 'Opaque pointer' guy.
@AnalPhabet Lol I literally forgot everything JS, HTML, and CSS.
@Nooble very deep sigh
@AnalPhabet Well I didn't really but effort.
@MartinJames I like how he sprinkled him some good ol' dll tag there too
@ScarletAmaranth it kinda makes sense. He's looking for the hourglass API model, I guess.
You might find something with the keywords "Hourglass API design". I think it should turn up some conference talks about how to do C interop with modern C++ libraries or vice versasehe 13 secs ago
I can't help myself. It is clear what area he's in. It's just unclear what his question is about
Pull #8, @Nooble
> algos = new algorithm*();
@fredoverflow eyg
@CaptainGiraffe bye
@CaptainGiraffe :q!
:qa! noob
Or just :%bwipeout!
@sehe or just :<fart>!
E488: Trailing characters
You don't have permission to write to this file
@AnalPhabet yesyes
> Jesus (7–2 BC to AD 30–33)
this is mildly interesting
> //always entry here, because geneticAlgoritm is infinity
TerminateThread(t.native_handle(), 0);
From a question titled "Why thread has an unstable behaviour?"
Well, yeah. Once you start terminating them, things tend to get unstable
@nick Have you made any progress on your portfolio :P
@sehe laffo
I had the privilege of listening to Spaf monday lunch and wednesday morning.
why would you start your talk with hostility; or was that supposed to be a joke?
it's safe for a talk on GDB
And yes
@Elyse does cobolscript have ALTER?
@sehe lol, all that effort to make a poor apology for a 'real' visual debugger.
it works well enough for me. He has a compelling demo (that I'd attack differently, but still, compelling)
@MartinJames Yes, text has always been a poor communicator.
well played
The tui mode (Ctrl-X-A) is a very little known thing.
I think gdb -tui works
@StackedCrooked It's more than I know it did but, of course, still a pale shadow of a real windowed, integrated debugger.
@GregorMcGregor lol, so very not PC :D
define integrated. Gdb is a lot more integrated than VS's debugger
Took a picture on the 7 train today. Looked nice.
Integrated with the IDE.
With how many IDEs?
@Nooble cool
I was gonna say, if that's a render, welldone.
Looks a bit depressing to me. More than a bit, actually.
I wanna visit the us once
but just once because I think it's scary
Wow, I saw the pixels now. It's a good shot

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