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Attention all: Bartek giving advice on functioning normally in a society
I am pretty sure I just got rid of an account I no longer didn't want. But whatever, dr. Phil. :P
So, unless rep can be converted into cash, I did nothing crazy. :P
@ElimGarak: Contact a psychologist.
Turns out I've been using the wrong glue all along
Great success
@R.MartinhoFernandes Doesn't matter, got high.
@ElimGarak You only think you enjoy it. In reality, you've been brain washed by <insert name of bad-guys organization here> to believe <insert name of belief you resent here>, even though you actually hate it.
@R.MartinhoFernandes Have you glued any of your body parts together? :)
Oops, damned PHP didn't fill out the template correctly. Oh well, maybe next time.
@GregorMcGregor It's not advice. It's just saying "if you can't function in a society, you're ill"
@BartekBanachewicz Oh no not the snack overflow account
it's not about the snack account at all
@BartekBanachewicz no
it's about not being able to keep to the limits you set for yourself
@BartekBanachewicz I'm fine. Society's ill.
that opinion is retardedly shallow
By definition, mental illness relates to the majority.
I am pretty sure I can function in a society. :P I just prefer not to when I don't have to. :P
@ElimGarak so can psychopats successfully hiding from the cops?
everyone's a little mentally ill :3
@Ell ...
jesus pls no
if "everyone's ill" then no one is
@BartekBanachewicz different illnesses ya dingus
Yes there are no degrees of anything
everyone is a generality
It's all binary
therefore your statement is invalid
you need to establish a base of behaviour, ability, whatnot, and then you can assess whether someone is an outlier or not
Bartek suffers from some chronic generalization illness.
What the fuck do psychopaths have to do with anything here anyway
Post Fred's pic from yesterday
Fred has beautiful hair.
@BartekBanachewicz being an outlier does not make you ill
@ElimGarak Come to IRC there's no snackin there
@Jaden it might make you a superhuman as well
A mental disorder, also called a mental illness, psychological disorder or psychiatric disorder, is mental or behavioral pattern that causes either suffering or a poor ability to function in ordinary life. Many disorders are described. Conditions that are excluded include social norms. Signs and symptoms depend on the specific disorder. The causes of mental disorders are often unclear. Theories may incorporate findings from a range of fields. Mental disorders are usually defined by a combination of how a person feels, acts, thinks or perceives. This may be associated with particular regions or...
read the very fucking first sentence
what's "ordinary life" if not the mean for the society around you
That's not what it means, no.
@R.MartinhoFernandes You're wrong.
Bartek can you just please get really offended right now and leave
@R.MartinhoFernandes See I can spit out unbased claims as well.
It'll be easier
everyone keep calm and control yourself
This is frankly not funny
you don't want to make yourself mentally ill
You're suffering even though you're not because
@Ell yes, that is required in order to type anything.
Speaking of functioning in society, comparing people to psychopaths tend to not work very well.
I am a qualified psychologist with opinions based in Wikipedia
amazing input robot
Or claiming everyone should be like the majority
keep it coming
@CatPlusPlus more ad hominems
@R.MartinhoFernandes more pulling words I didn't say out of thin air
Now please stop it.
you can stop as well
Wow. This escalated quickly. Bartek intensified in 0.4 seconds.
thread derailed alert
@ElimGarak more like cascaded
Days since last Bartek accident: 0
ima go get some pizza now
I don't really take any offense to what Bartek says, he means well... He's just bad at showing it. :P
> he means well...
But one could argue that the road to hell is paved with good intentions, so... Good thing there is no hell. :P
"respect other users" also means "not misrepresenting their arguments" and "not abusing mod powers when they disagree with me" FYI
so iff it was @R.m who kicked me, way to be a hypocrite, again.
Just calm down
I didn't kick you for disagreeing
At least that's what you say.
@BartekBanachewicz I was tempted to kick you too
Bartek why is it so difficult for you to function normally in society Lounge
you need to calm down, the world isn't ending, and its just a discussion, jee
@TonyTheLion what has jee got to do with this? leave him alone
@ElimGarak the road to the lounge is paved with good intentions
@GregorMcGregor In fairness, the Lounge is quite...different from what most think of as "normal" society.
Ahahah, poor Bartek. Society was built by outliers, normal people are merely the beneficiaries. So it's not really an insult on Bartek's part, even though he kinda paints it as a bad thing. Nobody in the Lounge is really normal, and that's a good thing. If they were normal, there would be a lot of new and delete in their code.
All roads lead to the lounge.
One should not be sunk by waves of good intentions.
This outlier talk is :ironicat: as fuck
warning: elevated heart rate and adrenaline are known side effects, please consult your doctor before entering Lounge<C++>
@ElimGarak "The reasonable man adapts himself to the world; the unreasonable one persists in trying to adapt the world to himself. Therefore all progress depends on the unreasonable man." (George Bernard Shaw)
well, at least you won't be able to snack
@Jaden ...but you can still talk smack (apparently).
@Elyse Hello. How are you today?
Actually, after deleting the snack account, I was quite socially active for a few months. But the more time I spent with normal people, the more I wanted to work.
@Elyse hi
I'm not interested in shallow discussions and idle gossip.
@JerryCoffin Very good. You?
@ElimGarak sorry its 5:14AM, are your referring to conventional beneficiaries?
need to know.
@JerryCoffin very nice
@JerryCoffin Mhmm
@JerryCoffin you rate me higher than I do
@Elyse Doing pretty well also. The primary subject of discussion in the office today is the fact that it's raining today, which is quite unusual around here (though they keep talking about "El Nino", so we're warned to expect unusual weather this "winter").
was nino warming or cooling?
El Adulto
@Jaden I wasn't really referring specifically to you. You just happened to post the perfect setup line.
What was the 2nd kick for, again
La Muchacha
La Cucaracha
Ya no puede caminar
Guise, don't kick Bartek xd
We have to ease him into properly talking with people, if we let him out in the world with that attitude, he'll get arrested and probably charged with terrorism in the time it takes him to cause a Lounge incident. But we love 'im anyways.
@JerryCoffin i can see that, now.
@elim mm I agree I shouldnt paint it as exactly bad thing
Anyway seriously
@Jaden Warmer ocean water (in the Pacific) than usual, apparently. Likely to lead to lots of snow in Colorado this year. My kids are already preemptively angry with me for making them miss out of snow days.
I deserve being told for what I was kicked
That's the principle of the kick tool power
But the Lounge is an oligarchy.
someone kick me for no reason whatsoever pls
If you kick someone without saying why it's just abuse
@ElimGarak with the time and effort you put into work, have you ever considering having your own business?
@GregorMcGregor Which body part should I kick?
@GregorMcGregor We can't--you just asked us to, which would be a reason.
@Mr.kbok (it is my business) I sure as hell wouldn't work as hard for somebody else :D
And I'm going to actually take it up on meta and then it gets ugly
@ElimGarak what do you do?
Because there's gonna be A LOT of outside opinions on how lounge functions again
@Elyse s/ k/ l/
@Mr.kbok His full time job consists in making snack overflow accounts and deleting them
@Mr.kbok Graphics tech research, also doing outsourced work for other companies (NDA). I am the youngest DirectX MVP on the planet right now (not sure if it is official yet, the process is pending).
@BartekBanachewicz I just entered and haven't followed the whole thing, but looking at the transcript, if it's after the "fuck you", then maybe that's it
That was the first one.
@ElimGarak how old are you again (if not indiscrete :p)
That could stand up as a justification.
@Mr.kbok PENIS
You got kicked because someone decided to kick you
@Mr.kbok 23
What was the 2nd one for?
@Elyse good job
@Mr.kbok indiscreet
If meta cared about telling you why then they wouldn't be against kick audit messages
@ElimGarak why don't you hire us :D
@BartekBanachewicz was it after the 'hypocrit' thing?
might be it
@Mr.kbok "indiscrete" == "integrated"
@Mr.kbok Because nobody wants to come to Croatia. :D
This new GIF feature in Facebook Chat is cool.
@JerryCoffin but that was totally the intended meaning
@ElimGarak remote work!
@andy is calling someone a hypocrite, adding justification, being exactly "disrespectful"?
If we can slack off remotely we can work remotely
quote of the day
would anyone here accept a facebook friend request from another user here?
@BartekBanachewicz I doubt most would take it as an expression of respect (or endearment), anyway.
@edition depends on the user I guess
I hate annoying people.
They are annoying.
@Mr.kbok such as myself. and others.
@BartekBanachewicz well, it's an insult or rather let's say, aggressive behavior. People tend to react to aggressiveness with aggressiveness. I don't wanna judge who's right and wrong, I'm just saying it might be due to that
Because I could pull up at least a dozen posts from before that targetted at me being this kind of "disrespectful"
@Elyse Thanks, Captain Obvious!
No problem. :)
@edition all people can be described as either you or someone else
Iirc no one was kicked for any such statement directed at mw
I know that things that are obvious to me might not be so obvious to dumber people.
@edition That would involve actually, like, logging into fb, wouldn't it? If so, I'm gonna say "no, probably not".
@AndyProwl You just have to be tempered and realise it is Bartek. He means well, but writes bad. :D
@JerryCoffin hey don't mock me, its 5:25AM here.
@Mr.kbok We mostly do that with artists, but in a crunch, sometimes we get folks helping out remotly.
No seriously are we setting up different rules for different people now?
very entertaining
Retaining artists full-time is not really the best idea always.
anyway time to go to bed! gn
Ah fuck that I'm going to meta with this when I get home
@edition I'm not mocking you. I'm mocking Facebook. Just be glad you didn't mention Twitter, or I'd be really nasty about it.
@BartekBanachewicz Wait, are you really joking or?
@BartekBanachewicz ITT finally Bartek agrees with LRiO :P
It's been going on for too long specifically when I disagreed with robot
Maybe I should stay awake actually
@BartekBanachewicz Please contain yourself. or take it up with @JonClements first.
@ElimGarak :)
@JerryCoffin oh, right. I see. Ok then, I'll continue to read the comments here then.
pls don't get this room frozen guis thanks
@TonyTheLion I don't think involving Jon is a good idea
@GregorMcGregor trying
Yeah, no need to freak out. Last time this place got frozen because of Telkitty.
@AndyProwl well do you want him to take it to meta?
he's on the border of tolerance with this room
so is meta
@TonyTheLion Is he serious? I think he's just, I don't know, intensifying.
@Tony I am not willing to leave it up to one mod
What'd be perfect and hilarious is Jon now kicking Bartek again
@TonyTheLion I'd rather have him not take it anywhere
I'd also rather not do that
Let him take it to meta vOv
But not a single person here would disagree with robot so
ok well I tried vOv
Maybe because of fear of being kicked
Or something
News: nobody owes you any explanation
The first kick didn't work: he came back still without a calm demeanor.
Wait, what did Robot do?
wait, who is robot?
@ElimGarak Something Bartek didn't like
@Mysticial Based on the last comment, it looks like you've succeeded in out trolling the troll. Congrats. — Servy 1 min ago
@BartekBanachewicz I don't think so, but most of the rules are subjective enough that it's probably impossible to decide exactly what enforcement qualifies as equal. For example, I can see a fair number of cases where saying similar things would be interpreted differently depending on whether it was seen as serious or (an attempt at being) humorous.
@elim I guess I'll need to write a colourful description of what I guess.
^^ I WIN!!! I WIN!!!
@BartekBanachewicz I think I do disagree with Robot from time to time, but I manage not to get kicked. I think the point is you get all heated up so fast. Sometimes that turns into aggressiveness, and not everyone can or wants to play cool with it
I need to get home and find those incidents
Bartek just intensifies, guys. It's his way. Best he does it here and not in public.
people who think different from you seem to upset you tremendously
If I can prove that there's a correlation between me disagreeing with robot and unfair kicks...
You'll get a Nobel prize
This might be enough for some more strict mods.
hint you can't you were kicked on behavior not ideas
Oh wow, you're serious.
I have some precedents for room owner removal as well
You really believe I kicked you for disagreeing.
Of course I do.
I wouldn't bother otherwise.
not sure whether Bartek serious or just brateking
Is there a differenc
But what's more important
Ill just let you do whatever you want. You won't get much support on meta.
I actually believe I can convince someone who can strip off your room owner status
@BartekBanachewicz but you sorta acknowledged that the 'fuck you' might be a valid motivation
Meta doesn't like lynch mobs.
Bartek has been sniffing on Robot's glue.
@BartekBanachewicz wth
calm downnnnnn
@Andy sure, but as Jerry said its very subjective
I don't think you will find a connection between disagreement and kicking which also doesn't involve being aggressive
But do whatever you want. Just don't get people to start referring to "Bartek incidents" in this room again.
because in the end I really think this is what gets you kicked every time: aggressiveness
@andy that's be too hard to prove. I'd rather show that aggressive people didn't get kicked
now I do agree you're not the only one who exhibited that behavior
<3 Chandleeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeer (Yes I'm watching this only because it has Chandler in the title)
@BartekBanachewicz Ever considered the kicking was due to the "fuck you" line?
Iow being aggressive is orthogobal
@Borgleader <3
2 mins ago, by Andy Prowl
@BartekBanachewicz but you sorta acknowledged that the 'fuck you' might be a valid motivation
@Mr.kbok we've said "fuck you" here countless times
@TonyTheLion You too <3
yeah but there's many 'fuck you's
I am not saying its invalid. I'm saying that in some cases, namely disagreement, its deemed more worthy of kicking
@BartekBanachewicz In this context I did not feel it was friendly. at all
And that SHOULD NOT happen
@fredoverflow lol I insta-went looking for that
I don't think he noticed that several people were upset already by then
@fredoverflow pronounced "er jerbs"
@BartekBanachewicz Some cases are highly subjective. That one strikes me as quite a bit less so than most.
I'd kick you right now just to hammer home the point that kicks are purely a mod discretion thing
I have other cases vOv
Bartek did cross the line. And the kick was justified. You say something like that in meatspace, you're liable to get stabbed where I'm from. Especially if you're marginally on point about what you were saying. Ass whoopin' at the least. I've seen people flare up over lesser aggressive overtures. Especially with the "tone" of your exchanges.
Let's hope it will be enough
Now all calm down and let's eat pizza.
@ElimGarak gods forbid you make fun of OSX
Just compile your case file and bring me to court aa you want. I'm ok. Just be quiet and don't cause more disturbance while doing so.
@elik we're not in meatspace, otherwise this would indeed look differently
I need to work out
no pizza yet
don't wanna get your-mom-like fat
"Just be quiet" on what basis
as in shut up
Because you want me to be silent?
On the basis of being told so by a room mod god
Because I'm pointing out you silence me every time I disagreed with kicks?
It's like he only listens to me.
Bartek, please try to digest the thing. Wait a few hours. If it's still an issue after, then go on Meta. But we're trying to not get this room frozen
It's not about disagreeing. It's about unsolicited opinions and the tone of your exchanges.
Makes all the psychological talk all the more :ironicat:
I don't want to be disrespectful, but that sounds a lot like totalitarian methods.
Yes they are
@Elyse I've read up on definite assignment, and boy is it formal and confusing...
That's how Internet moderation works
> V is [un]assigned after any constant expression whose value is true when false.
@Andy if the room needs to get frozen, so be it.
It's not a fucking democracy and you certainly do not have the right to speak if you're told not to
I believe changes are necessary either way.
It's an oligarchy. Benevolent oligarchy.
Then shut up and go to meta. No more here.
@BartekBanachewicz I don't think it does need to get frozen. Even assuming there's a correlation between Robot's disagreement and your kicking, why do you think it's just you? What reason do you think he has for hating you or trolling you with kicks?
What's going on peeps?
Im finding your tone increasingly disrespectful, robot.
Last person who complained about Robot's kicking was Telkitty.
But not the others?
Wow lounge drama
oh yeah I forgot Telkitty
Here we go...
I've gotta read the transcript
@JonClements Bartek intensified and now we're sanitizing ground zero. Nothing to see here.
Still intensifying
Going full lrio
@fredoverflow lolwat
We're like 1-2 kicks tops away from another spinoff room
I have a room
@CatPlusPlus ...and that, kids, is how Bar<Haskell> became a thing
@Jon tldr another heated discussion which differs from a regular one with the fact that I disagreed with robot, which got me kicked. Robot states that he had a reason. My reply is that he had reasons countless times for other people but kicks only happen when I disagree with him.
Where are all psychological problems are solved with type systems
The tone tends to get less friendly each time a request to stop has to be repeated.
@CatPlusPlus although that's not a room for me, since type systems in question are not turing-complete, I guess
I'm catching up on the transcript - bear with me fellas
Also, I'm lost.
@R.MartinhoFernandes :(
Where are you?
@Mr.kbok If he knew that, he wouldn't be lost
@Mr.kbok if he knew that - he wouldn't be lost, right? ;p
Train station. Can't find the exit.
@TonyTheLion god - that was creepy
@JonClements hahah
Wrong train station for that matter.
Jon the Lion
uh I didn't know math.se had a bot
@JonClements I thought about it while typing it, then thought about how this question almost always has an answer - you answer with the level of precision expected by the question.
I'm running out of battery. Fully expect my account lynched when I'm back.
@R.MartinhoFernandes I've ended up on a wrong train before - never quite ended up at the wrong station :p
I'm hungry vOv. Gonna get something to eat and a beer before doing anything.
you plonker rodney and all that :)
So everyone's chilled - we're going to go get some beers, eat some pizza and get along, yeah?
Seems like :)
@R.MartinhoFernandes good luck. hope you make it out alive
@JonClements can't purchase beers and pizza at 5:46AM.
@BartekBanachewicz Good call. Just remember: alcohol is not the answer. Alcohol is the question (and yes is the answer).
Seeing how you're... talented at meatspace indicents
@Jon I'd still like you to form an opinion. It's not the first time and it's more ugly every time.
@edition move to a real city
Perhaps all that's needed is an outside authority observation that I might have a point.
or that you don't for that matter
@Bartek the room is well aware I'm present - my opinion right now - is don't worry about it - grab a beer and chill out
You don't have a point. You went overboard and the room owner responded accordingly.
Don't bother. He only listens to me.
@Mr.kbok or that I don't, indeed.
Also, the last time we had this discussion, Telkitty was involved. And the one before that.
But I'm not the kind of person who turns his back on issues like that.
@ElimGarak bartelkitty
When you find yourself in the same bin as Telkitty, time to rethink your life.
Who cares if everyone is telling you the same thing, right?
And I think now would be the right time to do the chill out and grab a beer thing... and end this now :p
@GregorMcGregor any plans for the week end?
Bye fokes
See you, get found soon!
@Mr.kbok Survive the pollution. Survive depression. Get some rest. Swim, perhaps hike.
I'll just take the train to a station I know.
@Jon while I appreciate you trying to calm down the situation, I'm trying to focus your attention on a wider problem.
What about you monsieur caboc
@BartekBanachewicz "myself"
Bartek, you don't want to go down that road. Because that wider problem might have an epicenter within you.
@GregorMcGregor I heard sports is the only thing to do in those boring office worker cities. and getting drunk.
@Bartek I'm aware of more than you're probably aware I am. For now - I'm just saying enjoy Friday evening and don't worry about it.
@Mr.kbok Yeah except I'm not into getting drunk when alcohol costs an arm and a leg, so yeah just sports really
@GregorMcGregor do you get extra cred with chinese guys or does it only work with girls?
@JonClements V diplomatic
@Mr.kbok I don't do girls
I'd probably just say "fuck off and stop bothering me"
@GregorMcGregor I know, hence the question. You must have noticed the effect though
@CatPlusPlus That's basically what @sehe did to Telkitty last night.
@CatPlusPlus yes - because that's highly constructive - how did I miss that approach?
Yes I do get a lot of cred from the guys although I'm ugly af
Supply & demand of whites I guess
@GregorMcGregor Pics <3
@GregorMcGregor I'm tired as fuck, so I'm getting some rest. Raclette tomorrow if I can get people to come to our place.
You gotta come down hard like a thunder and leave nobody standing
@JonClements That actually works better in the chatrooms than on SO proper or even MSO. (Especially when the person cannot be reasoned with.)
@GregorMcGregor af?
@Mr.kbok I want raclette can I get on the next direct flight to your kitchen
@Mr.kbok as fuck
I think. As fap, as fanael
Alternatively 'assface'
@GregorMcGregor you know where it is (at 1km precision)
It's very boring though because in these ~~big modern cities~~ the hype is for the 1 night stands which I'm not really a fan of
Also everyone is pumped with muscle and 0 brain
Ugh, 1 night stand.
So no thanks
@GregorMcGregor lol
I just realized that I'll have to go through the first date thingy again and actually meet people. Oh, gawd.
Frankly the materialism is killing me
> A peculiar consequence of this definition is that "V is definitely assigned after break;" is always true! Because a break statement never completes normally, it is vacuously true that V has been assigned a value if the break statement completes normally.
> An even more peculiar consequence of this definition is that "V is definitely unassigned after break;" is always true! Because a break statement never completes normally, it is vacuously true that V has not been assigned a value if the break statement completes normally. (For that matter, it is also vacuously true that the moon is made of green cheese if the break statement completes normally.)
Talking about beer - if anyone wants to send me any - please feel free - k thx
@ElimGarak you can still go with @GregorMcGregor to my raclette party
@GregorMcGregor Lets go somewhere together, start our own company <3
@ElimGarak at least you have the opportunity to do so.
New quest: attend kbok's raclette party
@Mr.kbok Wait, you are from France right?
@JonClements I had some, but I drank it last night
@ScottW <3
@edition Why can't you?
I can still take the emirates fllight of 8 am and be in paris by evening lol
@TonyTheLion Yes pls
@ElimGarak yeah.
@fredoverflow Just forget about static analysis.
Much easier.
@ElimGarak I don't know where to go, and unlike other 18 year olds, I stay inside and write code.
@TonyTheLion great thanks - really helpful and all that :p
Paris, France. It's in my profile.
@Elyse Yes. Reading from uninitialized variables is already impemented at runtime. It's easy, and it works.
Unless you're lrio
@ScottW <3
time to stalk your linkedin and comment on your raclette making skills
@GregorMcGregor Where shall we go?
We should all meet up at Kbok's place.
@JonClements You really need to ask @Shog. Colorado has some excellent microbrews (at least according to people I know who, unlike me, drink beer).
@GregorMcGregor "Gregor McGregor endorsed you for: potato+cheese" nooo
the ultimate achievement
Potato + ham
@Elyse "Every path through this functions must return a value" should be pretty simple to detect at compile-time, though. But again, it's already detected at runtime. Worth the effort the move the check to compile-time?
There's two "beds" for guests, but we can probably house 5 before it gets uncomfortable
@fredoverflow Yes.
Complaining about incorrect programs is good.
@TonyTheLion seaside pls
And then go storm Tony's place in the UK.
@Mr.kbok Sounds good to me
// Beginners love to write code like this:
if (a < b) return -1;
if (a == b) return 0;
if (a > b) return +1;
// static analysis will probably give a false negative at this point
@TonyTheLion Anyplace with civilized people and nature around pls (also sea if possible)
> civilized people
Any place with Gregor
The couch separates in two ... separate beds
@fredoverflow Make better static analysis
@ElimGarak <3

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