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2:03 AM
My second OpenGL frame errors out hard
Why do these classes require hard copies of homework.
I weep for the trees.
buy kindle, put pdf on kindle, turn in kindle :)
2:26 AM
@Stacked In Coliru, if I 1) click on text, 2) drag the mouse to select an area of text 3) leave the client area 4) release the mouse, the cursor stays in "area select" mode.
probably not gonna fix it :P
I would like to fix two things in Coliru: (1) make it faster and (2) cleanup the "archive view" page
Maybe in 2018 :P
For example: if I select the top few lines with the mouse, drag away, suppr, and start typing, it won't let me type more than 1 char
@StackedCrooked Is Coliru open source?
2:30 AM
Hm, I never have these problems because I use keyboard shortcuts for all of that.
why does clang have these ezfunctions
>Content blocked
use your imagination
wow amazing code
2:34 AM
So basically the same idea as JavaDoc?
I'm not very familiar with the Windows/Linux shortcuts though.
I'm doing this for Sphinx
JavaDoc equivalent is Doxygen
Clang literally comes with what I want built-in
@Rapptz why tabs though
nice try friend
2:38 AM
@AnastasiyaAsadullayeva Actually. This only seems to occur on Chrome. Can't reproduce on Firefox.
Firefox is banned in China.
What type of comment formats does clang understand
// and /**/
not sure
might be all of these
2:43 AM
/// is the correct way to do doc comments
I like /** */ better
/** oh look /* at me */ being clever */
block comments are lame with C and C++
Number of times I've done nested block comments: 0
I use block comments for ... actually blocking out huge chunks of code while testing and deving
2:46 AM
@Borgleader You still awake? I think I dun made a goof in OpenGL.
still here
I managed to render a single frame with OpenGL
But on the next go-around, my gl::MapNamedBuffer calls fail automatically
And only on the second go-around, saying "invalid access flags"
lol throw followed by return
I didn't forget to SwapBuffers() at the end
@ThePhD did you uh... forget to unmap it or something?
2:48 AM
just to be extra safe
@Borgleader I properly unmaped the thing and it threw no errors
@AnastasiyaAsadullayeva Probably the return was there first. And then a throw was added.
Code archaeology.
Should not happen
@ThePhD you mean it only fails on the 2nd frame or 2nd and any subsequent?
2:49 AM
@Borgleader 2nd, and then crash because Access Violation, so I never made it past #2.
So that code runs once, I render bogus data, and then it runs again
Do I need more access bits on it, like GL_INVALIDATE_BIT or whatever?
Right now, the only bit is GL_WRITE_BIT
@AnastasiyaAsadullayeva Some people seem to operate on a "Change as few lines of code as possible. Whatever it takes." philosophy.
pay respect to the demons in your code by not disturbing their abode
you know the more I think about it
the weirder it is that they spoonfeed me this comment info
why not go all out and remove the comment characters too? :v
@Lalaland And that's how you end up with a giant steaming pile of shit
@StackedCrooked dark coliru
2:52 AM
@ThePhD Have you checked the OpenGL debug error log?
@Lalaland I'm catching every single error with a breakpoint.
I get the very first error that comes in, and its when that function is called.
(On the second go-around for rendering everything)
What does the log say then?
@ThePhD mate, access is GL_READ_ONLY, GL_WRITE_ONLY, or GL_READ_WRITE i dont see GL_WRITE_BIT anywhere
closes i see is GL_MAP_WRITE_BIT but thats for glMapBufferRange (which apparently superseeds what youre using, dunno if its available in your version though)
2:56 AM
@Borgleader GL_MAP_WRITE, sorry
@AnastasiyaAsadullayeva I know right!
Oh, so GL_WRITE_ONLY is the correct flag?
Mother fucking...
Stupid motherfucking API
Fuck you, OpenGL
Thanks, @Borgleader. Sorry I'm the dumbs.
@ThePhD uses this site for doc: docs.gl/gl3/glMapBuffer
its prettier, much easier to read
2:58 AM
And this is why type safety is nice.
@Borgleader Was using this
But I could probably switch my bookmark to docs.gl and make it do lookups there
@Lalaland At least Direct3D types its enums. Can't have this bullshit happening there. =/
Even if they're C-style typed, you get the benefit of knowing what it is, rather than the fucking super-amrophous GLENUM
GLenum access = Gl::ToPlatform<GLenum>( gpubufferdesc.accessflags, Gl::old_map );
There. strongly-typed hard tags.
Gah, I don't feel like supporting FAT.
@ElimGarak well thats one way to slim down your code
3:14 AM
WTF is this fucking implementation of OpenGL SMOKING
bufferusage = gl::DYNAMIC_DRAW
bound to NONE =/
that doesnt seem right either
It's NamedBufferDataEXT, I don't have to bind it (EXT_direct_state_access)
Just use Vulkan
@AnastasiyaAsadullayeva I am afraid that unlike you, we don't have time machines at our disposal.
Yo lounge. I need some design guidance. In my GUI, the Widget classes expose Properties that you can manipulate (user facing side). Property changes are mapped to Components (implementation detail side). So a Position Property might map to a Transform Component. A Color Property might map to a Render Component.

For someone creating a Widget, I'm not sure whether I should just have virtual functions for each Property that can be overridden when you inherit a widget, or if I should have a virtual method for setting up the mapping on a component-by-component basis.
3:25 AM
dis animation /cc @StackedCrooked :3 :3 :3
MOther fucker
I just got really caught up in two puppet CGI people doing the nasty in a lighthouse. Thanks Witcher 3!
@Prismatic If I was to design a UI library from scratch, I would probably try to emulate React's design.
It's a really effective way of coding up UI.
@Lalaland peasant
3:29 AM
jesus even paste.kde.org is blocked what is this
Moved things to a .cpp, millions of linker collisions
extern "C" is your friend
@AnastasiyaAsadullayeva I thought everyone over there uses a VPN?
Thanks, dependency walker. Thanks for properly evaluating which TUs needed recompiles.
3:30 AM
@Lalaland Could you elaborate a little?
UI specified as a set of render functions.
@ThePhD bah, just full rebuild, how long can it take :P
the terminology is confusing
Widget mainScreen() {
  return Frame{
@Borgleader 14ish minutes.
My framework's too chunky. =/
I've been desperately trying to think of ways to reduce compile times.
3:32 AM
@ThePhD Srsly? How much code did you add since I last compiled it, I dont recall it being nearly that long =/
The main issue I see would be the hack of syntactical sugar for either keyword arguments or std::map.
I think there's some struct initialization syntax that could work though.
JS does give you a lot more flexibility in that regard
but yeah that's really a non-issue
@Mysticial how well do prefetch predictors fare for decreasing addresses linear fetches?
Good question.
3:34 AM
@Borgleader I now vendor: harfbuzz, libpng, libwebp, freetype, and one other library.
I believe they work better with increasing addresses.
Oh, and zlib.
I'll add that to my TO TEST list
But you may need multiple streams to see the difference.
IIRC, I read somewhere that most processors can simultaneously track more positive streams than negative.
But I imagine that writing a test for that will be tricky.
3:36 AM
I would also vendor that unicode conversion library that's popular in UNIX, but I haven't added it yet because that's a precursor to getting FUCKING fontconfig to work properly with libxml2, and I can't be assed to deal with their absolutely shitty Windows code.
That might actually be an interesting project. Trying to create a React-like GUI library for Rust or C++.
@Mysticial That seems very complicated, do you have something I could read on the topic?
I believe it read it from one of Agner Fog's docs.
I don't remember which one though.
I tend to avoid access patterns that push the limit of the stream tracking.
What's this for?
Apparently the L1 prefetcher only does ascending prefetch
@Mysticial Cache efficient map
Instead of having map<pair<K, V>>, I split keys and values at both ends of a memory chunk
ie, values are consecutive, in ascending order, starting from the beginning of the chunk, and keys consecutive, in reverse order, starting from the end of the chunk
I'm trying to evaluate if [values, keys] is more or less efficient than [keys, values]
Easy enough to test but I felt like asking you first :p
Wellp, got rudimentary access to the Intel HDG 3D engine, will get some stuffs drawn tomorrow, although at the lowest levels. I forgot how neato the architecture is, will be fun to see what I can do with 20 EUs.
3:49 AM
@ElimGarak I'm very interested by this, please do share your findings
what in the wold is that?
@Borgleader Alright, it took a while but I finally got a frame continuously rendering.
@ThePhD \o/
.... Problem is, it's not actually drawing anything because the vertex attrib formats are not set up in the correct order
3:51 AM
and I can't be assed to layout(binding = blah) just yet
I want to make arbitrary setups work
But fuck me if I'm going to ACTUALLY figure out how to do that...
cant you just query the layout?
I already have. Problem is matching them up.
DirectX 11 says "Fuck You" to semantics and just lays things out in linear fashion: that's how I know things will line up.
OpenGL... since it places things willy-nilly, I need some level of indirection, or some kind of "best matching" algorithm to put things in the right place.
Maybe I can just use a struct and force layout like that?
But again, that's a shader-side change, just like explicit layout bindings....
Bah. There's no way to do this. Stupid OpenGL UB.
Welp, I wanted to display this obj model today, but I Witchered too much. I'll make it work tomorrow. night all.
There is no reason they couldn't have specified "and we lay things out in a linear fashion and just don't bind things you don't use, leaving that index empty of shit".
@Borgleader Nighty night. Maybe by the end of the week we can both have OBJs displaying.
4:09 AM
Oh... Sorry. Intel integrated graphics, low level driver stuff. The 3D/rendering engine is of the most interest to me for now (and the fattest in docs), although I am not going to stop there. If you meant the neato architecture remark, shortly:

In my case, the testing processor features an HD 4400, which has basically one "slice", containing an L3 cache and two subslices attaching to it, each with a sampler, 10 execution units (each with 7 threads, each with 128 32-bit SIMD-8 regs), an L1 / L2 (mainly sampler) cache, thread dispatching stuffs and the instruction cache. And I basically can
The only thing I am sorry not to have is eDRAM, beyond LLC. But still, I am going to have a lot of fun with zero copy stuff against main memory (UMA-esqueness)
what are the potential applications?
In my case, knowledge about low-level GPU stuff which Nvidia and AMD have been keeping to themselves for a collective 20 years.
@ElimGarak 4400??
@AnastasiyaAsadullayeva Haswell, yeah.
4:12 AM
no way what
X360 GPU is comparable to the 6th gen Intel HD, not 4th
The problem with integrated graphics that you really need to use them properly. Most games are targeting discrete GPUs and completely miss all the benefits of shared main memory and potentially even eDRAM. X360's GPU was 240 GFLOPS. Or something like that. But it had that last level of fallback to eDRAM.
The highest echelon of Haswell GPUs could go up to almost 850 GFLOPS, almost nearing the 1.2 TFLOPS mark of XBox One)
Oh, yeah, that's what I'm confusing with
Gen 6 Iris Graphics is comparable to XBone which is retardedly powerful
Yas. Xbox One disabled 6 fucking compute units under the pretense of "media support", wrt to PS4.
just figured out what X360 is, haha
so Elim, why are you digging into intel graphics? just plain curiosity or do you see it as serious competition to discrete graphics?
4:34 AM
Compares to console GPUs? Or desktop ones?
Desktop discrete GPUs are still about an order of magnitude faster than integrated ones
What's the heat like when an integrated GPU is going?
Would it work well in e.g. phones, tablets?
No idea about the heat but integrated GPUs in recent smartphones are also more powerful than the X360's :Ð
scary innit
Kinda, but I feel like they'd throttle a few things.
Also, those smartphones are probably bricks. At least in length.
Give me a flip phone with that power already. D:<
@ThePhD Well those GPUs are plenty powerful at number crunching, but idk about the memory bandwidth, and that's just as important
@ʞɔᴉN Over the years, I've been working on hobby OS kernels and everything that falls under it, and I wanted to combine that hobby with my profession, given that I wanted to know about GPU architectures in general. Intel published about 5000 pages worth of documentation (aimed at appeasing Linux), so I took the bone and starting writing my own driver which is going to be behind my Obsidian graphics API (experimental, not intended for serious use).
Dafuq, I wrote Nvidia. Fuck Nvidia. I have the upper hand because I have a good grasp of the APIs at large and a generic idea how GPUs work. Would be hell for others, which is why there aren't many graphics-strong hobby OSes around.
4:52 AM
Well if constructors published more docs that would help
Nvidia is really nasty about it. AMD is letting up, but mostly it is just propaganda. Intel is the only one who really gives something of use, is serious.
AMD is wayyy behind
NVIDIA publishes much better docs than AMD about their GPUs
There has been an open source effort to reverse engineer Nvidia GPUs, but mostly it is the minimum functionality, nouveau or something.
Kind of like Nvidia maintaining driver support on OS X, they're basically just supporting Kepler and generically extending to others.
Probing and proding through software can only take you so far. (I'd guess tracing MMIO and sampling the data while users are actively using the prop. driver)
I don't understand why they are being so secretive
it's a goddamn driver
implicit conversion operators
from a base class
that's public, get inherited right?
I don't have to explicitly forward them?
5:03 AM
Why wouldn't it be inherited
Accessing the low level specs might reveal things they lied about in the past. Given their track record, I wouldn't put it past them. But Nvidia is a really young company, younger than me.
@AnastasiyaAsadullayeva From what they've said, parts of the driver are licensed from others, so they'd have to do a complete rewrite to release it as open source. Harder to justify failure to just release docs about the hardware though.
Also that. Async compute for now is a real point of contention. And all we can do is point the finger, but they can effectively just deny it. (as they are doing)
I wish they would stop actively crippling OpenCL
It's not just their drivers, they also produce black box SDKs which they supply to the developers, which have an adverse effect on AMD hardware. Stuff like GameWorks. That's like Microsoft supplying developers black box SDKs which hamper Playstation 4 performance, for marginal Xbox One gains.
5:05 AM
Yeah exactly
It's very annoying and I'm not sure how that isn't considered unfair competition
I find it disturbing that developers accept their offer. They wouldn't do it on the consoles.
You'd have to prove beyond a shadow of a doubt that that is the reason.
And also survive all of NVidia's legal team.
Yeah, where the black box part comes really handy. I evade all of their crap by a large margin. Wouldn't use GameWorks even if it were open source.
Also, have their cards, GTX 980 and the like, but always disable GameWorks stuff in games like Witcher. Also their soft shadows implementation is a performance hog and shit. Same goes for their TXAA. Some nice MSAA to make sure thin geometry gets rasterized + FXAA is all you need.
> Tim Dutaud, the now former Tory candidate for Toronto-Danforth, was dropped by the party over the weekend for failing to disclose prank calls he made in which he faked the sounds of an orgasm and mocked mentally disabled people.
@Prismatic Impressive.
5:12 AM
> Jerry Bance, the former Conservative candidate for Scarborough-Rouge Park, was booted for failing to disclose he had been caught on videotape urinating in a mug while working as a repairman.
@Prismatic Saw that. ahahh
what the fuck toronto conservatives
Typical USA.
this is canada
5:13 AM
@Prismatic No, Toronto is in North Carolina.
One of the conservative candidates used ISIS propaganda as part of their election campaign awhile ago
Sarah Palin stated: "When you're here, speak American."
after the conservatives passed a bill outlawing the spreading/broadcasting etc of ISIS propaganda
"ISIS what you did there"
politicians man
5:14 AM
Speak American.
Oh, today they're announcing the iPhone 6s. Wondering about the hardware. Could be fun.
Man, somebody really needs to invest some time in properly documenting the BIOS interrupts. And add remarks that are relevant to the second decade of the 21st century. Also, pretty disappointed with UEFI in general, just a big fat middleware.
@AnastasiyaAsadullayeva I'm not sure, but mine isn't being inherited and its making me the sads.
It's an all-encompassing templated operator=
@ThePhD Be happy you're not writing assembly for the x86-64 ISA. :D
I'm going to be writing MIPS.
Does that count?
5:28 AM
Ah, uni's favorite RISC ISA. Kinda. :P
Which reminds me, discussed the status of bootable USB thumb drives from the perspective of early BIOS interrupts (when you don't implement the drivers yet), and somewhere I mentioned x86-64... And some smartass just went for it: "It's not x86-64, it's IA-64." /slap
@ThePhD That's not an implicit conversion operator
struct Thing { operator bool() const { return true; } }; that's an implicit conversion operator (from Thing to bool)
but I'm sure you know that already
ThePhD are you drunk
Right, sorry, I switched terms because I solved one thing and went to the next.
Which is still sort of the same problem.
Just with operator=, which was getting semi-hidden by some operator=( const T&) = default stuff
So I had to explicitly import it into the toplevel.
Yeah because those are not "inherited".
Man, PhD, you always manage to unnecessarily complicate stuffs. :P
I am not complicating things. ;~;
I am making a beautiful system.
5:35 AM
Whoops, triple fault.
Actually it does get inherited, but it's hidden. IIRC.
I want candy
Twix or Snickers? the eternal question
@AnastasiyaAsadullayeva Yeah, That's why I have to using base_class::operator=
or something
5:36 AM
@Prismatic Both!
there can only be one
I'm not a glutton
Also throw in Mars.
I haven't opened mars yet
maybe ill just have a mars
I actually know how to make a Snickers cake.
5:45 AM
> C# LINQ Performance, How can I avoid It?
Avoid C#
Avoiding performance is easy
I am a student
We can see this.
5:52 AM
I am an astasiya, a dullayeva.
I am a fictional character.
Hello Anastasiya
I am not sure why I'm still awake.
I love fictional characters
5:53 AM
So we fucking or wat?
because you are away from your bed
Refactored a bunch of stuff
I'm done with OpenGL for now.
I should probably sleep.
Good Night
So glad my classes on Wednesdays and Mondays start after 1 PM.
We had ~35 hours of class per week in engineering school
5:56 AM
@AnastasiyaAsadullayeva That's... uhh...
I had to make free time by not attending about half of those
As it should be.
5 hours every day
Oh, rght
No class on Sundays and Saturdays...
How'd they expect that to work?
When was homework time...?
5:58 AM
And potty time?
Homework time anywhere between 0 to 10h a week I'd say
Closer to 0 for me, some of my friends who are nutheads hovered around 12

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