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$ hg st
? lol.txt
^ typical redit conversation (ok I'll stop now)
.txt is deprecated
I'd very much appreciate undelete votes here. Because deleting the post after I "dared" answer it is simply abusive.
Of course the butthurt is because of my comment:
> This question is exactly the same as your question posted 6 hours ago. It's bad etiquette to repost your questions to get attention. – sehe 2 hours ago
I didn't even downvote !?! And I answered. Fuck entitled noobs
@LucDanton I don't know why but this makes me laugh
@Rapptz I tend to name every throwaway file the same. I sometimes add .txt defensively in the hopes that if I ever overwrite a previous throwaway file, at least it wasn’t important.
I too use lol.txt for throw away files.
I use q or qqqq for these purposes (and q/ q.png etc)
@sehe back online
I use lapin
I also use test.txt or test.cpp
@BartekBanachewicz cheers
Upvoted to prevent re-deletion
I use a.hs
@MomotapaLimpopo #stackOverflowParkour
@MomotapaLimpopo Kinda stopped the day before abruptly due to a headache (no committing/cleaning up), makes for an interesting start the following day.
That reminds me of the time that someone downvoted my answer to 0 just to delete the question :(
@MomotapaLimpopo Well, it’s better than toto, tata, titi, etc.
@LucDanton Except it's already registered
@MomotapaLimpopo Well I hope the police won’t catch you then.
@Rapptz poeple be jerks
> Music Fans Stack Exchange is a question and answer site for music historians, critics, and fans. It's 100% free, no registration required.
you gotta be kidding me
Why the fuck does modf output doubles instead of ints
> * Use the neovim terminal emulator for :Git Ole Reifschneider, 4 days ago
SCNR but is SE trying to fight reddit in numbers of subsites
wait, what? from vim-fugitive
> Bartek Stack Exchange is a question and answer site for pedants and armchair critics. It's 100% free, no registration required.
Bartek.se <3
I actually got a couple of my medical friends to join Health private beta
(I'm kidding)
@MomotapaLimpopo Funny, this came up for truncation/rounding not too long ago.
> Get answers to practical, detailed questions
It feels like I contributed somehow.
Also WTB constexpr everything math-related
Be the change you want to see in the world.
@Rapptz That’s not nearly as comedic :/
inb4 "Pull requests accepted!"
or what was it you said
@LucDanton Ronald22 would love my joke.
@Rapptz He loves everything and reposts it on his feed :v (is that how you facebook?)
Pull requests welcome*
I don't social media.
No twitter, no facebook, etc.
No internet chats or forums, etc.
No barteks, etc.
good one
@Pietro This is why I asked. It is a very common misconception that memory mapped files take RAM. It's only virtual. In fact, memory mapped files are precisely the solution to use when your datastructures cannot fit into physical RAM. — sehe 57 secs ago
Why do people assume so much.
mm I think I really have to find tasks for myself
came to work and my jira is still empty
> No issues were found to match your search
Try modifying your search criteria or creating a new issue
> Become a better programmer (aestheticio.com)
You'd think some day people would learn that assuming impossibilities only impacts them negatively
IRTA "aestheticio" as one word
I think that was the purpose
Aesthetic IO?
yesterday, by Lightness Races in Orbit
pimpl my ride
@BartekBanachewicz duality
@sehe he'll never recover from that
How to use
>> fonts <<
that are actually visible on your background
Part 0: Absolute noobery
I like that the phrase "stands out" doesn't really stand out
duh it's the web developer that should stand out
deep words
archive.org saves the day again
So Natalia got a scholarship to study one semester in Trier, Germany. That's 246km from you, @Xeo, sounds like a potential meetup when I go visit her ~
I should donate every time this happens
Isn't that the web pages should stand out, not the developer...?
@Rapptz love that plink
@BartekBanachewicz Is that a trial semester? How much does the full edition cost?
@MomotapaLimpopo lol
@BartekBanachewicz 3DFX completely blew me away back in the days. The step from crude 320x200 to AA 640x480 was enormous.
anyway this means I'm going to live in our newly finished flat alone for like 3-5 months
need to turn it into man cave
@Rapptz word salad
you could basically read the awkwardness
also I want to using TotalSize = A + B + C;
@BartekBanachewicz So... I might've helped you with Haskell without really knowing Haskell? :D
@Griwes I got my brain into a dead end :/
But yeah, it might work
and WRT your last mention of State, it's really nothing more than a special kind of function
this :target thing is pretty clever
a -> State s b is actually a -> s -> (b, s)
they are isomorphic
I've choked on water twice today.
so if you understand the functions that fit a -> s -> (b, s), you understand State
@Rapptz I’ve seen this before. You have a drinking problem.
great search capabilities in action
@BartekBanachewicz You're gonna stalk your gf ? :)
in RapphD, Sep 29 '13 at 6:36, by Rapptz
I'm choking on water
Found it
Who wants to make an actual Lounge search engine with me
Wait that wasn't here.
@Rapptz oh-oh-oh! ♫♬♩
@sehe just a tiny bit. Besides, I've heard Trier is a nice city to visit
maybe I'll go there by car actually
I like driving across germany, it's pure pleasure
Well, I haven't been strictly driving, I was driven, but the point stands
@MomotapaLimpopo nobody
@MomotapaLimpopo this sounds extremely boring
@MomotapaLimpopo I am still recruiting for my generator
wink wink
@Rapptz what generator?
.ninja files
it's not fun dw
@MomotapaLimpopo makes me wonder how we could make this work without triggering throttling thresholds/DOS blacklisting. Chat history is not a part of SE data dumps, right
I think I'll move this semantic VCS thing for later
altough I'd still like to do it for C++ because fuck it
@BartekBanachewicz That's what half a million developers have been deciding for the last 30 years
@sehe hihi
the point is noone is going to help me with that and my resources are very limited already
@sehe s/history// s/data dumps// ;_;
when I get Hate to 0.2 I might consider it
(?:history)|(?:data dumps)
@sehe It's available as RSS IIRC
@Rapptz Haha love it.
@Rapptz I don't know syntax, just Lounge memes.
I'll have you know I have Regex Ninja as my flair somewhere.
@MomotapaLimpopo yes?
@BartekBanachewicz you mean: the problem is very hard, and the gains are iffy?
@sehe I think the problem is as hard as you make it.
@MarkGarcia chat is very much part of SE
Of course if you wanted software that could analyze full scope of the source you'd need something as complicated as a compiler
@BartekBanachewicz And if you make it less hard, it becomes even less useful
@BartekBanachewicz Not the point
@sehe I think so?
I'd like things like:
* this function gained a new parameter
* this function was added
* this function was removed
you mean diffs?
This function is now const, or static, this class now has a new constructor, etc etc
@Rapptz semantic diffs
boring diffs
I could already tell from the diff what was changed though
@Rapptz yes, people can read code. Not the point.
@LightningReadstheObituaries it's still morning
@sehe Yeah. Was joking. No dumps though. I do think they haven't implemented any DDOS prevention for chat (because chat), and we could have a large (one-time) window for scraping up the stuff.
@Andy I notice my tinnitus all the time now :(
The baseline loudness has definitely increased.
@BartekBanachewicz Isn't there a thing for that for C#?
@MomotapaLimpopo how does that give the history?
@Rapptz it's p fine when it's just your code and the changes are small. But if you get hundreds of lines of diff in 30 commits from 5 different devs on a team, you can hardly read and parse all that
semantic diffs can be configured to be as terse as required, while still being useful
@sehe what history? you mean the transcript?
@MarkGarcia interestingly chat is much more stable. And they certainly have implemented rate limiting
@MomotapaLimpopo yeah. What else you gonna search?
> find needle in <void>
That's what I'm saying
It's like someone going to work two hours before you, reading the changes and presenting a memo for you to read, nicely formatted
@sehe our hearts obviously
@MomotapaLimpopo What is?
@MarkGarcia wouldn't be surprised. Do you have any references?
@sehe IIRC, the transcript is also available as an RSS feed somewhere
@MomotapaLimpopo Nope. (of course not)
Is it not?
How would you be downloading (hundreds of) megabytes of chat messages using the RSS interface
It is possible that they didn't make this impossible (however unlikely) but then still they'd likely block access.
@sehe slowly
I was blocked from boost SVN for about 2 years after I naievely started a git-svn clone
@sehe OTOH if you subscribe to RSS for "<fuck> said by Bartek" it would also fill up your connection
have you tried biicode?
@Mr.kbok spelling mistake
@sehe how?
@BartekBanachewicz you underestimate my connections
@Mr.kbok have you been hit with the viirus too
@Mr.kbok guise/guis
@Rapptz riip
13 hours ago, by Mr. kbok
Say, should and could pseudocode of the style unspecified foo(qux q) { return bar(q); } document SFINAE-ness? In a concise manner?
fuck hell yeah
Luc's back!
@sehe I try to diversify
@LucDanton SFINAE-ness should go. Concepts FTW?
@sehe thecloudman.com :D
@LightningReadstheObituaries lol
@LightningReadstheObituaries dat delay
ITT the person who rants the most about April Fool is the only one to commit the mortal sin of participating
Not even my 6y/o actually stooped that low :) (though he was plotting jokes all week)
@sehe Mmmh suppose we are describing one of the defining expressions that makes a concept though. (Which is why I’m concerned: SFINAEness is visible and in the interface.)
'X models Example iff foo(x, y) is valid' perhaps?
I haven't had the time to plot anything this year
@Rapptz used appropriately jquery can make some shit a lot more sane. It's good for browser abstraction and making getting at dom elements trivial(ish)
@sehe @sehe Good point, I’ll see where my comments fit in.
@LucDanton I like the Boost way of just listing valid expressions per concept (and optionally their required semantics)
jquery is a bit like boost, don't just use it for the sake of it, but you have to admit, sometimes it really is the easiest and best solution.
How to remove it from the interface. Well yeah. Damn c++
I'm glad you missed the point cosh.
In my case I’m documenting macros that generate the functions to ensure the type is a model. So I guess I don’t need to specify the SFINAE-ness since it’s implied by the concept. Alright then!
@thecoshman That's like saying sometimes a saw table really is the best solution.
People confuse "tools" and "solutions"
C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio 8\VC\include\utility(35) : fatal error C1001: An internal error has occurred in the compiler.
(compiler file 'F:\SP\VCTOOLS\Compiler\CxxFE\sl\P1\C\main.c', line 2481)
To work around this problem, try simplifying or changing the program near the locations listed above.
@Rapptz you're welcome :D
Visual Studio is such a jokester
@LucDanton Yup. You're basically annotating the TMP cruft that comes from C++ with actual meaningful blurbs
@sehe no, hammer o_0
@Rapptz Why have real conversations when we can rehash discussions that have taken places before between different people?
@sehe Hey, here’s that 'TMP' again.
@Mr.kbok Could be worse.
19 mins ago, by sehe
@BartekBanachewicz That's what half a million developers have been deciding for the last 30 years
@LucDanton In this case is it not warranted? I think SFINAE is by definition (employing) TMP?
		_text[1]	no operator "[]" matches these operands
really VS
Type metaprogramming!
@sehe template<typename Tuple> auto foo(Tuple& t) -> decltype(/* same */) { return adl::get<0>(t); }
I notice a considerable uptick in use of punctuation marks by rapptz0rs
What is meta-computed here? Not constexpr on purpose.
@LucDanton the return type.
@LucDanton if adl::get<0>(t) is valid.
@Rapptz so why are you sinking to webdev?
that too
@thecoshman I always do stupid things after 3 AM.
@R.MartinhoFernandes What's worse than ICEing in utility
@Rapptz that's no excuse!
@sehe What if it’s template<typename Valuable> auto foo(Valuable& valuable) -> decltype(/* same */) { return valuable.value; }?
same thing
Less. It's just type deduction iff .value is valid
What’s meta about that?
I need to get smarter about templates and controlling what values you can use to instantiate them with.
@LucDanton The fact that you effectively generate an overload depending on characteristics of a type
@LucDanton Tbh, when I imagine the word "metaprogramming" I imagine as in that example being something like: "in this C++ program I'm checking if the C++ expression over here is valid" which sounds pretty meta to me.
Yup. It's like static_if but really basic and implicit
@Rapptz What do you call it when foo_t<list<int, double, float>> is an alias for list<int&, double&, float&>?
Wait. That'd be a type.
Depending on how it's implemented it might be metaprogrammed.
@sehe Although there are variable templates.
The result of a meta program "isn't" TMP. It's a type/function
@LucDanton Arguably that's not TMP. Unless you can sfinae/specialize variable templates (I don't know much about them)
@sehe void foo(); alias<void()>& bar() { return foo; }
That's code
I need to be running to school
@sehe They work like templates in that respect. Also this was just an aside to point out that the shortcut "it’s shaped like foo<a, b, c>, it must be a type or an alias to a type" isn’t true any more, in case you were doing that.
Is there a rationale for why a template cannot be declared inside of a local class? :/
@sehe Is it that interesting that a metaprogram results in a type/function if (non-meta) code can also result in a function (reference)?
My point was, there was too little information. It was a (meta?) expression that yields a type. (assuming _t means it is a type function, not a variable template)
Anyhoops, running now
@Griwes Mangling/linkage concerns. Don’t ask about generic lambdas.
I want to yell at the committee so much.
@LucDanton Yes. Because you asked me what the result of an unspecified expression would be. In the context of a TMP/non-TMP classification that was not meaningful AFAICT
@Griwes ftr GCC can’t mangle template<typename F> auto foo(F f) -> decltype( f.lol("foo") );, and that’s C++11. There really is a host of issues :v (or so I’m told)
also this good advice
@sehe Where did I ask that?
@LucDanton That's a problem with GCC :x
GCC should be fixed, not the standard limited.
Standardization is two-way.

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