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Well all full the day before and the day after as well.
Maybe no one will notice if I take the bycicle?
No one checked last time I traveled with it.
@R.MartinhoFernandes inb4 €60 fine
Well. That's the price for second class.
@R.MartinhoFernandes lol
@R.MartinhoFernandes Bikes are very noticeable and cannot hide themselves. Buy the €10 bike ticket and maybe no one will notice you:)
I need to buy that at the counter :(
Fuck it.
@райтфолд Thanks. Java overdose, I guess.
In Java, what's the difference between overloading, overriding and overdosing? ;)
There. Bought.
can anybody recognize what kind of encoding this is?
@MasterOfAllTrades base64?
If I pay a 40 euro fine it's as if I bought a 2nd class ticket.
that was my first thought but its not @wilx
As long as they don't kick me out, I'm happy.
@MasterOfAllTrades Why not?
How do you know it's not?
i ran it through a base64 decoder and got nothing
Pretty sure you got something
Maybe it is some binary data encoded as Base64.
@MasterOfAllTrades There are several variant of Base64 encoding.
Where'd you get the data from?
It looks familiar.
Ah never mind.
i was trying to figure out how there data was encoded
Are you saying all base64 strings look the same to you
You baseist
@wilx there are?
@CatPlusPlus What do you base that opinion on?
@R.MartinhoFernandes Yeah you can use a custom alphabet.
like that data contains the car data
It's clearly base64 yet indeed it decodes to pure crap
Maybe it's some binary crap.
How about you show us the hexdump.
Maybe encrypted data?
some online decoders aren't even accepting it due to the extreme nature of the crappiness
How about nobody cares
Or just a binary blob
Obviously we care a little considering the massive amount of curiosity shown.
@MasterOfAllTrades Any hint of where it is coming from?
so if you go to this desighner
and say copy to clipboard
it gives you a base64 string
Sounds like a binary blob.
'Encoded' doesn’t mean it decodes to human text.
It doesn't seem to be valid base64
Missing terminator?
@MasterOfAllTrades It encodes the parameters for the designer
You can copy that string back to the edit box, click "input car", and that restores the values
yes i understand that
but does it encoder to binary?
Why do you think it's not valid
So you want to be able to parse those values from the string?
Well, you'll have to reverse engineer it yourself.
It's probably some standard Flash serialisation thing
Now I feel like working on that thing again
> 65% of smartphone users download zero apps per month. (time.com)
Hey that's me
I'm feeling this pain down the diodes of my right leg.
@R.MartinhoFernandes Binary blob sounds like solid SSD or random RAM.
Blob, not BLOB.
@Rapptz Me too
Same here
@R.MartinhoFernandes Is that what you call your knees?
My Concepts question is not getting answered
Bjarne is disappointed in you.
Very much
@Rapptz it's actually my thigh but I could resist making a Guide reference.
So @Andy I'll be in Brno the 14th May afternoon.
@R.MartinhoFernandes Awesome, looking forward already
Maybe if you didn't look forward to Bjarne answering your question you wouldn't be so disappointed
This phlegm is how I die.
I didn't expect Bjarne to answer, just someone
Joke ruining!
@AndyProwl what is the question?
Why you can't do Concept x = f();
@ScarletAmaranth It's this thing (not on SO)
@Rapptz Nope, that did get answered
Well at least I did get some reaction if not an answer
Oh okay.
So behind.
basically the guy said it's likely a temporary limitation
The other issue is more subtle
Time to sit in hot water for 30 minutes and see how that makes me feel.
See ya.
Cheers, enjoy
Can't you lounge while sitting in hot water?
If I sat for 30 minutes in hot water I'd then lie for a week in my bed with a cold
You're in hot water with Robot now.
Hello, world!
Today I wrote my first media query.
Hello, pantoona!
@R.MartinhoFernandes btw how did you solve the bike thing?
> :- mode (bitmap_di ^ bit(in) := in) = bitmap_uo is det.
@Andy I said 'fuck it'.
As in, you're going with the bike anyway?
All right
With some luck noone will complain
Is this a good way to return a struct that contains an array which can be different sizes? I feel like passing map, just the bit that needs to allocated outside, is not very nice. coliru.stacked-crooked.com/a/7c8cac772aa55d1b
noone is a keyword in GML.
@MLM No.
@Puppy :/ Something more like this? coliru.stacked-crooked.com/a/56cd397e9571a4c6
why not just put a vector<int> in the return value
I am not using vector because this will be running a microcontroller(constrained memory)
then use a std::array<T, N> and just pass N as the template parameter.
@Andy I traveled with the bike before and at least that time I'm sure I could have traveled without a bike ticket.
If they follow the same procedure I'll have no problem.
@Puppy inb4 "can't use templates - didn't you hear about constrained memory?"
@R.MartinhoFernandes Did you go to Sweden?
Oh hey, the second snipped does use templates. ;P
did you see aurora?
There pics in the transcript somewhere.
Nah. Twas cloudy at night :(
was it ok or a pure disappointment?
It was great.
Totally worth it.
Maybe I am putting this constraint on myself about vectors for no good reason. I am using templates and lambdas with success. Testing it out
I'd do it again in December if I had more vacation days.
Abisko is nice in August.
what takeaway shall I get
Proper midnight sun in the summer
go for fish
I want C#6 now
Or F# skills
@LightnessRacesinOrbit Chindian
yay 70 commits
I did 6 check-ins in a row today. The seventh succeeded, did not change the code.
TFS claimed I forgot to reference system so it could not find system.object
Is Indian good for a hangover
cos I'm still feeling a little fragile
TFS? my sympathies
lol Chocolate Chip Naan
@LightnessRacesinOrbit If you cut warm Naan bread very carefully, you can make it into a pocket. You then need to fill that pocket with Nutella.
awww my order was cancelled
don't put a flyer through my door then refuse my order
holy shit
@Rapptz feeling better?
@Puppy Thank you for the help. It looks like vectors work just fine on the microcontroller. coliru.stacked-crooked.com/a/6683c7c3ea405a7a
I am hungry.
the problem here is that you didn't find out that vectors don't work before not using them.
ho boy many negatives
Hey pups can you have multiple phi nodes per block?
anyway, my point is that you should start with the simplest easiest solution and then only change from that if you know for sure that it doesn't work.
If not then I'll have to use an array I guess.
@райтфолд I believe so but never tried it.
you could easily aggregate anyway so it's not a big deal
Ye, they still may lead to memory fragmentation once the size is big enough but idk.
Yeah. I need to save the evaluation stack on a jump, then load it on a phi.
> There must be no non-phi instructions between the start of a basic block and the PHI instructions: i.e. PHI instructions must be first in a basic block.
clearly implies (repeatedly) that multiple PHIs are permissible
Yeah, nice.
Also needs 'pfff' instructions and 'bleh' instruction
@BartekBanachewicz will get the joke
Poland exclusive jokes
You can buy a season pass if you'd like to also get it
So JIT compiler first has to find all jump instructions so it knows which basic blocks to create.
Needs to try jumping
Jump and bump your head.
lol gta v
Just steal the game.
Buy Saints Row 3 for nothing instead
Except when it's Factorio. Then you steel it.
lol factorio
@райтфолд Weren't you pun banned?
Flight Simulator X is 5€ on Steam atm
@CatPlusPlus Flight Gear > all
A friend wants to buy a plane with me.
I want to shock some students who consider themselves "c++ experts" with one slide.
To do that I have written a small piece of weird nonsense ( https://ideone.com/Hujiih ), but I wonder if one of you can make up something even more wickedly exotic.
Rules: Must properly fit on to a single presentation slide. Must be standards compliant C++14.
Oh and it must be a full working program, not just a snippet ;)
@gha.st auto main() -> int is almost obligatory
good idea :)
@gha.st Erm, your code is easy as fuck.
I know :/
Also I have no idea what is that doing.
Which is why I am asking
@Columbo Go ahead, explain it to me.
btw: auto main() -> decltype(0)
@Jefffrey There is an incompletely defined object type o (O, respectively)
@gha.st Oh and take a look at alternative syntax for { and }
And maybe even *
I have no idea what are those called. But I'm sure it's in the standard.
@Jefffrey Are you referring to trigraphs, some define fun or something else?
Then there is a function pointer declared to a function returning a function pointer AFAICS
Digraphs and trigraphs
@CatPlusPlus Where those not to be deprecated with C++14?
Only trigraphs I think
Oh yeah, I can see the function pointer o.
Dunno, I haven't paid attention to this shitty language since 0x
(Still a better name than 11)
I.e. the second line is equivalent to o*(*o(o*))(o*)
@Columbo True, but I just love how it looks visually like this ;)
@JohanLarsson A plane?
You're going to buy a plane?
O*O is defining a O object of type O* or struct o*
Then the fact that you can have a declaration statement as a condition in an if-statement is used, by declaring a variable O of type O*, and then decltype(o(0)(0)) basically uses the function pointer o declared above
@Nooble dunno, think it is this model.
could be fun but probably very unfun with the red tape
I never remember the syntax for function pointers.
My favourite syntax for function pointers is template<typename Func>
the type of decltype(o(0)(0)) is O*, which is then initialized with zero
@Jefffrey template<typename T, typename... V> using Func = T (*)(V...);
@JohanLarsson Looks quite expensive.
And 0 == O == 0 is trivial
@gha.st The question is, do you actually want to intimidate them, or really determine how good they are?
Is == left associative?
Because for the latter the code is fine
@Jefffrey Yep
@gha.st To be true to its name, you want T(V...). Then have pointer<Func<int, int>> of course.
@Columbo Ideally both. I have students that are just plain to convinced that they know everything important and students that can gain from the exercise of going through all the cases
> The == (equal to) and the != (not equal to) operators group left-to-right.
@LucDanton True.
@gha.st Well, good luck :)
@gha.st I'd recommend some insane macro shit
Macros can be complex and counterintuitive as hell
But so are templates
Use templates everywhere
^ You stole my words!
I love both ideas - but could not make up a small enough nontrivial example
Any c++11 experts in here know whether you can declare a virtual destructor without preventing the opportunity for the compiler to auto generate move ctor/assignment operator?
@gha.st Yeah, templates are not going to fit 1 slide.
@stephelton class(class&&) = default;?
lol class is a bad metasyntactic name since its a keyword
@stephelton You can explicitly ask for the definition to be equivalent to the would-be implicit definition.
@stephelton No, use = default
@Columbo -- destructor, not ctor
@stephelton Erm, I think you misunderstood what I meant
@LucDanton "virtual ~Foo() = default" implies noexcept
@stephelton Yes, you have to define the constructor and copy constructor yourself using = default.
@LucDanton which is probably a good thing anyway, but breaks code where noexcept wasn't explicitly used...
I don't understand what your problem is with noexcept.
@stephelton Declare as usual (with pure virtual specifier), define as Foo::~Foo() = default;.
@LucDanton are you sure the compiler is then allowed to auto gen the move functions/
auto gen -- not with me declaring via default
@melak47 You flyin with assist off? Shit's hard
@Jefffrey if i declare base class dtor as noexcept, and a subclass already has a dtor that doesn't declare noexcept, that code now breaks
I probably misunderstood the question then
@stephelton Sorry, I was describing an alternative.
well, more of a remark
maybe a formal question is in order... or maybe i should just read the spec =P
Yes, ask a question on Stack Overflow
ooooh, evil idea... o*(o(oo))(o<::>);
oh, markdown
there, that looks better
@Borgleader I think so, with your corresponding graphics vendor.
@gha.st Digraphs and Trigraphs are simple substitutions and don't require profound understanding of constraints and rules regarding declarations or grammar - A cheap trick, in other words.
If they think they're experts they should know about digraphs/trigraphs, if not all by heart.
@Columbo But this digraph only happens in a non-template context since C++11
@Columbo Also, it forms an array without size as an argument to a function (meaning it actually is a simple pointer argument)
@gha.st What does that reply reply to?
"Digraphs and Trigraphs are simple substitutions and don't require profound understanding of constraints and rules regarding declarations or grammar"
@stephelton Ultimately at this point there isn’t really the one size that fits all. So no automagic.
@gha decltype on trailing types :3
@veritas how about auto main(int argc, char* argv[]) -> decltype(**argv*argc)?
Needs +.
Q: What is this smiley-with-beard expression: "<:]{%>"?

XeoI came across the following program, which compiles without errors or even warnings: int main(){ <:]{%>; // smile! } Live example. What does the program do, and what is that smiley-expression?

I'd use -> decltype(argc)
Well not really because auto main() -> int is stupid
I just realized that function parameters are in an outer scope. Meaning I can replace argc with o and argv with O without killing all the other round thingies....
destructors are implicitly noexcept(true)
You have to go out of your way to make them noexcept(false)
@stephelton Note that in the derived type you have a declaration, not definition. May I also mention the rule of 0?
so there's no breakage there unless I'm missing something
ahahahaha, time to go home
is that a function pointer called o that takes a pointer to struct o and returns a function pointer that takes a pointer to struct o and returns another pointer to o?
yay curry's here
chicken tikka dupiaza
I think I'm missing something I'll doublecheck
well o is a function not a pointer but yea
which o? :>
But yes, this is actually a function declaration
not a local variable that is some kind of weird function pointer
yea yea a decleration that returns a function pointer from what I'm seeing
a decleration of a function that returns a function pointer*
Okay so the first thing I did was come here.. because I want to learn C++, can anyone tell me where I can start?
Never done C++ before, But know the basics and bit advanced of C#
nest in one more time so that it returns a pointer to an array of specific size :3
damn, that link doesn't work cdecl
Well you're all very helpful
@LiamHardy We have just been discussing this example
@LiamHardy Although it might be somewhat crunchy to start at.
Liam C++ Primer 5th Edition
On a side note, there is also the SO c++ book list
How about this example ? ideone.com/tBipTI
@gha.st Thanks!
@LiamHardy My example is more bad pun rounded!
@gha.st I just thought of something evil give me a moment
@LightnessRacesinOrbit Yum yum
auto main() -> decltype('O.o')
lol I suck
@chris multi-character-literals have type int ^^
I've been doing that a lot recently
Must be that I'm using so much C# I'm not remembering the little details of C++ I put so much time into learning :(
I can't wait for Concepts with that o thing
Then we can do it with auto
also abuse the commutative property of the subscript operator
@Veritas 0[array] only works in C :(
shit it does?
makes sense
Na, it’s fine in C++ as well. Just not with an overloaded operator.
auto aut0(auto(auto::*aut0)(auto)) -> auto;
that's why I thought it may make sense
ooooh, true words
I'm pretty sure that's legal with Concepts.
but I would get they would keep it for portability reasons
abuse incoming!
int o[1] , auto main() -> decltype(0[o])
@gha.st Yeah, Abbot, 5%
My compiler can now compile procedures!
And after calling the procedure ten times, my VM crashes because the JIT can currently only handle subroutines with at most six instructions. :v
@LiamHardy Really? That would be a first...
A first for what?

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