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5:00 PM
Why are MI examples always so complicated?
@Jefffrey Because it's cumbersome to write it yourself.
Maybe, maybe not, but its still definitely not a bad C++ compiler
Because every time you add a new source file, you'd have to manually add it to the Ninja file.
@Puppy What's the difference?
And Ninja files are hard to make portable.
5:00 PM
@FredOverflow They're not?
I think I'll stick to Makefiles then.
@райтфолд you don't with pinkpill :P
The difference is that Ninja is not an end-user tool.
@райтфолд Have you seen the example in the linked video?
@FredOverflow Yes.
5:01 PM
It's pretty simple.
doesnt ninja use python
Ninja is C++
well you need python to build it
Ok, so let me rephase my question: what's the most painless way of compiling an header-only source to executable?
5:03 PM
You can't compile header files.
@Jefffrey #include
@FredOverflow So I just compile main.cpp which includes the header it needs?
@FredOverflow g++ -x c++ foo.hh
@Jefffrey gcc
That... does not really make sense.
5:03 PM
@Fanael Let me reformulate: Header files are not meant to be compiled.
If you're trying to compile a header to an executable, you fundamentally don't understand what headers are and how they're used.
@FredOverflow Yes they are.
No, header files are meant to be included.
If you include and compile and header file, you'll likely get multiple definition errors.
What are you talking about
If you have written code that you are not going to compile then you did not need to write it.
Or nothing at all, as the header contains no definitions.
5:06 PM
Doesn't matter what file it's in
do new fangled languages like go and rust provide their own official built tools as well
@Puppy They can
classes are often defined in header files.
Well, Rust did last time I checked, I don't know nothing about Go
5:07 PM
See templates stuff for example.
and 90% of Boost
Which is not a compilable definition
can we coerce the standard working group or whatever to make one build system to rule them all?
Only an inline definition.
i.e. it never works
5:08 PM
Lounge, where fuck semantics in favor of proving someone wrong.
it would if the working group made it official
@Jefffrey Because that only works for trivial things
@Pris Probably not. Standards work well when there's existing practice that varies primarily because there's not a standard--i.e., no major disagreement about how things should work, just lots of parallel evolution that's led to gratuitous differences. I don't think that's how/why build tools differ.
like currently compilers usually support their own half assed version of thread_local but now that its standard eventually everyone can write the same c++ code
@Fanael Oh yeah, it is officially part of the distro now.
5:12 PM
@FredOverflow have you ever used Dynamic in Scala?
I had this idea.
@Pris ISO standards are also typically written to standardize existing practice, not invent new practice. Their inventing new things often leads to mistakes (e.g., export).
proc f() {
    foo := bar;
    goto foo;
@райтфолд I don't even know the syntax.
Output is a b.
5:13 PM
Higher order goto? No wait, that would be passing gotos around.
@райтфолд Kinda but nor really like computed goto?
Runtime-replacable labels.
@JerryCoffin Standards also work well when fragmentation is a notable problem. Its in the best interest of c++ tool providers to have some common ground with build tools, because as someone who is deciding whether or not to work with the language, ease of building might be something that affects my decision
I agree that its unrealistic though :[
@FredOverflow var x: Dynamic
@FredOverflow GCC has that as a C and C++ extension.
5:14 PM
It's like dynamic in C# but slightly different.
@Fanael Can you goto labels in other functions? :-)
@FredOverflow Probably UB
@FredOverflow lol the using example
Badlets who don't implement AutoCloseable.
You can't forbid people from making new tools if they feel existing ones are shit
5:17 PM
@райтфолд Excuse me while I go puke.
Based on macros.
@райтфолд Three paragraphs into the readme, and I still don't know what this project is even about.
5:19 PM
Are GPUs general enough so that massively parallel compilation on a GPU would make sense, i.e. write a compiler that runs on a GPU?
GPUs hate branches
@FredOverflow A compiler wouldn't run particularly well on a GPU (<--understatement).
huh... there's no faq questions dealing with 'unit testing'... that's... worrying...
@thecoshman how hard is unit testing?
screw testing #yolo
5:21 PM
Honestly, I'd first write a compiler using AVX instructions only.
@Pris #include #yolo #livinglikelarry
@Blob vOv depends
a framework should make it easy, and knowing what you code should and shouldn't is (imo) required.
i have this problem where i write shitty code, commit, find a bug, fix it, find a few more bugs, and refuse to commit until i fix everything. the repo is currently fucked up but my version slightly works
i need to move from PLY to my own custom parser to fix all these bugs
it can be hard to take some function written long ago and test it properly, especially when there is domain knowledge involved.
@Blob easy solution, don't write shitty code.
so, CxxTests, recommended?
5:24 PM
@thecoshman i have a feeling i'll scrap everything i've written so far when i finish my lexer/parser
@Blob scrap it now
shit breads shit
@thecoshman i've stopped working on it. the lexer/parser is a different project.
@blob hey how u been
@Steve hey Steve
do you have firefox
5:25 PM
@Steve yes steve
the long you let one shitty function live, the more shitty functions start to depends on it. and before you know it, you can't get rid of that shitt function because toomuch depends on it.
can you do me favor
5:27 PM
@Borgleader Ahh yes. Glorious gif.
can you go here and see if the social icons shows up
it suppose to look like this
my godzilla isn't working then haha
long story hahha its from work
5:29 PM
The flash monster?
i was working on one customers computer and this was way back before chrome was out and his IE was acting up so i installed firefox on his computer and this is word to word he told me he doesn't want no godzilla on his computer hahah
You should've given him Ultron then.
NASA uses it, so it has to be good.
never head of that
Google Ultron.
It's like Google Chrome, but a build that NASA uses.
Powered by Adobe Reader.
psst its not serious
5:34 PM
looks scam
Ugh almost 19
@CatPlusPlus Wow you're old
brb let me reset godzilla
@Fanael Maybe he means it's almost 19:00
5:36 PM
@Nooble Fuck your common sense.
@CatPlusPlus (sshhh it's a secret)
@Fanael :P
Original joke hour
@CatPlusPlus Every hour?
Never hour.
@Steve Ultron, unlike other browsers, is made to function in zero-gravity without any errors. That's why NASA uses it in space.
when assembling a computer, do you manually connect usb ports to something with wires or crap?
5:44 PM
@FredOverflow It's about running Scala code on GPUs.
@Blob No... Your motherboard has USB ports.
@Blob lol no
Ports are hardwired to the hub
@Blob Only the front USB ports.
@Blob Only if on the case
@Blob Assembling a computer (desktop) is easy.
5:45 PM
Well, yeah, front ones aren't
If it's on the case, you just use one of those male to male connectors.
Front ones are also unlikely to support USB3
Unless you buy a case that doesn't suck.
Mine has two USB3 front ports.
So for exception specifications.
5:46 PM
I have front port with USB 3.0. Do I get the cake?
Or you can not spend 300€ on a case and place your computer in a way that makes the back accessible
You can get excellent cases for $100.
@CatPlusPlus This is the build I sent @Blob, it supports 1 USB 3.0 on the front.
func map(xs, f)
throw from f (* allows only exceptions from calls to f to be thrown *)
5:47 PM
@FredOverflow I have a Define R5 <3
No idea how to implement this.
Then don't?
I guess I could make it inspect the call stacks of exceptions to look for f.
so im back @Blob works thanks
gozillaa saved my life haha
Who's Steve?
5:48 PM
No clue.
@Nooble I have an R4.
@FredOverflow :)
@Fanael Mine and @Jefffrey's boyfriend
3 mins ago, by FredOverflow
5:49 PM
@FredOverflow I have an R8.
You just made that up, didn't you?
@Nooble it's not gay if it's in a 3-way
@Fanael That's an expensive car.
@Blob Well, one of you would have to be female.
The Audi R8 (Typ 42) is a mid-engine, 2-seater sports car, which uses Audi's trademark quattro permanent all-wheel drive system. It was introduced by the German automaker Audi AG in 2006. The car is exclusively designed, developed, and manufactured by Audi AG's high performance private subsidiary company, quattro GmbH, and is based on the Lamborghini Gallardo platform. The fundamental construction of the R8 is based on the Audi Space Frame, and uses an aluminium monocoque which is built using space frame principles. The car is built by quattro GmbH in a newly renovated factory at Audi's 'aluminium...
@Nooble steve's a female to me<3
5:50 PM
And yes, I did.
@LightnessRacesinOrbit Download Google Ultron already.
It's the only browser that works in zero-gravity.
@Nooble But will it blend?
I know how to do it!
5:52 PM
@Fanael Ask the developers.
@Jefffrey WHO IS HE
@Nooble Slippy Steve
An old friend.
@Jefffrey "friend"
So I'm writing C++ and I'm astonished by how terrible I am at it.
5:54 PM
It's not your fault. It's C++.
But am I better?
nooble, can the thing run games like Chivalry: Medieval Warfare decently?
i get like 8fps in that game
@Blob It's an R9-290
Of course.
this seems unbeiievable
It'll run it at maximum settings 1080P at above 60FPS.
It's not.
AMD cut its prices
5:55 PM
my crap cost more and it's worse
Why is self-depreciation always heavily starred?
@Fanael No clue.
@Fanael because we can all relate to it
Nooble is the best koala
@Nooble i feel you
5:55 PM
@Jefffrey I know them fels :P
@Blob Since AMD cut it's prices to prepare for the release of 300 series GPUs.
Also, because of DDR4 release and X99.
i hope i don't fuck up when assembling it c:
You won't.
i have no clue how desktops work
It's hard to screw up assembling PCs.
5:58 PM
So you have a motherboard, you put it in a case, and you put everything on the motherboard.
Even I managed to do it correctly several times.
And then you put the CPU cooler on top of the CPU.
@Blob Gravity and friction. Most objects, (like papers, phones, pencils), can be put down on the desktop and will stay there.
Should I be concerned about
> The Fractal Design Core 1100 MicroATX Mini Tower Case supports video cards up to 350mm long, but video cards over 170mm may block drive bays. Since the XFX Radeon R9 290 4GB Double Dissipation Video Card is 295mm long, some drive bays may not be usable.
@Blob No, just remove the top bays (they just click off when you press the release switch)
5:59 PM
Maybe I should do some drawing instead of programming.
It's not like you're going to be using 8 HDD's.

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