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4:00 PM
truth hurts
That was indeed an obvious plonk.
hash tag homophobia yay
@Jefffrey yeah
What did you mean by "bussy"?
#include the best hashtag
4:00 PM
just mentioning arsehole sex doesn't make you homophobic
@Jefffrey busy
@LightnessRacesinOrbit It's called "anal sex"
Get it right
@Columbo I can call it whatever the fuck I want.
@LightnessRacesinOrbit *whatever the arsehole fuck I want
Marmalade is such an awesome word
4:04 PM
Nooble is such an awesome marsupial.
Lightness is such an awesome orbit racer
Columbo is an awesome detective
you all suck
@LightnessRacesinOrbit orbitracing.com
fucking hell, universe's broken
4:05 PM
@Blob At least we don't have arsehole sex :P
gg so.chat
The moment I pop out of this tab.
Someone removes a message.
@Nooble same :|
And now I shall never see its glory.
@Blob :(
4:07 PM
the literature on parsing is fucking complicated. fuck this, i'll invent my own parsing method.
man CMake needs a toolchain repo
@sehe Marriage must be removed from laws.
It's an utterly retarded concept.
@Jefffrey Not again.
@райтфолд Yes
4:09 PM
The mystery of the removed message shall never be solved.
What do I now do with my life, seeing as its purpose has been removed?
It was "loooool"
Then I realised I was laughing at the content of the chat, not the star bug.
Purpose has been restored.
@LightnessRacesinOrbit It's "unsatisfied with your penis size" isn't it?
I propose full separation of love and state.
I wonder if anyone's written a build system in JS
4:11 PM
@Pris Who would want to suffer through that?
Sounds like a scene in 50 shades of grey.
I prefer JS/ECMAscript over every build system syntax I've come across
I don't like Python, whatever the hell autotools is or CMake
> Sourceforge über alles
Or at least, I prefer JS over all those things
@MartinJames Vile are tearing Sunderland a new one, looks like they aren't going down this year
I actually think JS is my favorite scripting language... but its probably just due to familiarity with C(++) syntax
4:13 PM
lol js
@Pris try lua
> scripting language
What's that?
The S in JavaScript is for Script.
The J in JavaScript is for JavaScript.
The B in JavaScript is nonexistent and for bukkake.
4:14 PM
Nah, Lua is obscure. I remember not really liking it when I took a look. Also, start index == 1 lol
@райтфолд who would star this
4:16 PM
Also consider that getting a JS runtime is stupid-easy with duktape
@Jefffrey I know right :P
@Jefffrey stop mucking around!
I hope everyone's having a nice steak and blowjob day.
4:19 PM
@LightnessRacesinOrbit Because that's what you are having?
I wish I were happy.
I wish you were here
@райтфолд get crunk
@Jefffrey I wish I was there.
@Pris Is that slang for C-drunk?
4:21 PM
@Jefffrey 14th March. Man's Valentines' day.
That doesn't make any sense
but.. pi day
@Jefffrey Why not?
@Blob Only in your country.
It's steak and blowjob day everywhere!
Valentines' day is about couples. It would be Men's Valentines' day, but that would be heterophobic and lesbianophobic.
Except vegetarian countries and places where oral sex is disallowed.
@Jefffrey Steak and blowjob day is, also, about couples.
4:24 PM
I'm talking about that "Man's" there
It's also profoundly sexist
31/4. that's 31st. damn, doesn't exist.
@Jefffrey 14th Feb is traditionally the day when the man treats the woman. 14th March is the opposite.
This isn't complicated.
Does that mean that girl don't get to party and should just give over sex?
@Jefffrey After she's cooked the steak, yes.
4:24 PM
@Jefffrey You seem to think that's not a "party" for her.
@LightnessRacesinOrbit where exactly is this? never heard of man's valentines day
@Blob Everywhere except the US, no doubt.
@Blob in @LightnessRacesinOrbit's mind
@Blob Nowhere
@Blob Japan
White Day (ホワイトデー, Howaito Dē) is a day that is marked in Japan, South Korea, Taiwan, and China on March 14, one month after Valentine's Day. == §Observation == In Japan, Valentine's Day is typically observed by girls and women presenting chocolate gifts (either store-bought or handmade), usually to boys or men, as an expression of love, courtesy, or social obligation. Handmade chocolate is usually preferred by the recipient because of the perception of sincerity, effort, and emotion put into a home-made confection. On White Day, the reverse happens: men who received a honmei-choco (本命チョコ...
@Jefffrey well it is the Lounge
@milleniumbug Weird, I expected Asian Day.
4:26 PM
Nooble army is deadly.
Oh wait, it's reverse there from what LRiO described
@milleniumbug How so?
@райтфолд what about it, actually? It's kinda funny you're calling it utterly retarded. What do you suggest people use instead? Because if it's not codified, the vast majority of society still uses the conceptual form of cohabitation
Wow, that's a poorly written article.
@sehe Well, marriage itself is fine and people's own business.
4:27 PM
@райтфолд It is not "people's own business". The entire point of marriage is to make your relationship formal and public
Privileges for married people (and therefore marriage for the state, since otherwise that wouldn't exist) OTOH is utterly retarded.
@райтфолд I don't think it was ever conceived as such though
If everyone's privileged, no one is.
it's k pantoona, you'll find someone.
4:28 PM
@LightnessRacesinOrbit NEVER let an average girl cook a steak
lol dat flag
never say anything bad about america you'll get flagged
State shouldn't care shit about people loving each other, and if they care, then people should be allowed to marry themselves and polygamy should be allowed as well.
I mean talk about insecurities!!
@khajvah quite
@райтфолд Getting married and being in love are not the same thing
4:30 PM
Completely opposite actually
> conceived
@LightnessRacesinOrbit It's offensive to Canadians, Mexicans, Brazilians, etc.
The Nooble army is multiplying.
Oh no, Nooble is taking over the world
4:32 PM
@Nooble congratz on the MSPaint skillz?
That's a good thing.
@Borgleader Thanks :) I used Paint.NET.
@Nooble My condolences--some of your children seem to be deformed.
I think I watched half of Interstellar last night
TARS \o/
@JerryCoffin Ahh yes. I told them not to come close to the selection tool -- but they disobeyed.
4:33 PM
Anyone feel like build systems for C++ are doomed to suck forever?
Even if someone came up with a new one that's good, it'll never get widespread use
I feel like C++ is doomed to suck forever
hmm... with Vulkan will you still have the option of compiling shaders form source at run time? Thinking about mods in games...
wtf is vulkan
4:35 PM
I guess you could always embed a compiler into your game, but that's not nice
The next OpenGL
@Fanael the new opengl
Bah I guess the name is okay.
Can I suggest a better name? What about "OpenGL"?
4:36 PM
@Andrei Paciurca Write in your profile where you are from.:) It is always interesting to know who where lives.:) — Vlad from Moscow 9 hours ago
oh jesus he's grooming
No, he's Vlad.
It's really not just a new version though, it's a completely no system.
@VladfromMoscow: Where are you from? — Lightness Races in Orbit just now
Plus, I'm not sure if Vulkan is just the project name, and when 'done' will be OpenGL 5
It's amazing. Our last names are the same.:) — Vlad from Moscow yesterday
personal information acquired
4:37 PM
@Fanael OpenGL != Vulkan. Two different APIs, both will continue to exist alongside each other
@LightnessRacesinOrbit Lol.
@Pris Really?!
Fucking wonderful.
@Nooble well, that's the claim :P
@thecoshman Or modders can compile the shaders when they're building the mod?
4:38 PM
I suspect, as robot said, that OpenGL will become a wrapper over Vulkan... but that might not be feasible
That's the intent. Maybe they'll stop updating OpenGL and phase it out, but that'll take many years
@LightnessRacesinOrbit ...and you accuse him of stalking?
@Fanael maybe, suppose it depends how they hook into you game.
4:39 PM
@FredOverflow That's a good video.
@Pris well, it's nice the Vulkan is not crippled from the start by trying to support old shit.
@FredOverflow youtube comments
It's a clash between rationality and zealotry.
@FredOverflow They go to conferences because they have time because they don't need to code 24/7 because they understand programming?
@thecoshman *looks at my old shit* *cries*
4:40 PM
@thecoshman Not having the compiler stack inside the driver is the whole point of SPIR
@Fanael I kind of agree with "Shitfuck Assmunch", though.
@FredOverflow Java is for puss azz code monkiez.
So either modders will compile themselves or the game will provide a compiler service
@thecoshman Didn't they say there will be Vulkan support for everything that supports SM3
@Pris I think there's a lot of room for some sort of simplifying wrapper to get good (not necessarily the best, but still good) performance from code that's relatively easy to write, and has a relatively high level of abstraction.
4:41 PM
@FredOverflow me too
It's funny to find papers on packet-level parallelism for TCP. (Like, the most stateful protocol ever.)
@Blob Can't you upgrade?
Ooooh Elementary OS looks nice.
Vlad writes ":)" on almost every comment now
@Nooble laptop. and stuff's expensive.
it seems like they have sat on SPIR-V for a while to get the other projects lined up with it
4:42 PM
Supposedly Vulkan only needs driver support, not anything special inside the GPU
Of course you're still fucked because you use shitty laptops that never get up-to-date drivers
@LightnessRacesinOrbit :)
@Blob If you have $600 to spare, you can get yourself this. It's a build I made for a friend. FX-6300 (6 Core AMD CPU) and an R9-290 GPU. Powerful.
Also, 8GB of RAM.
@JerryCoffin yeah, but openGL could be really messy to try to get 'properly' working on top of Vulkan... maybe though.
@Blob I meant the old shit openGL tries to support, like glbegin and glend (fairly sure that's still core...)
4:45 PM
I'm sure that's deprecated.
That crap is deprecated.
@Fanael But I don't believe in fundamental TDD, anyway. ("You have to write non-compiling, failing unit test first.")
I think the majority of computers made from 2009 and onwards have at least Intel HD2000 or Radeon HD3000 series integrated GPU's. These things support OpenGL 3.1 and 3.3, which is great.
@Nooble i know nothing about hardware. is that better than hastebin.com/opewovuqoh.hs (which i got for like 750ish)?
4:47 PM
yall think its hard to make a build system
@FredOverflow I don't do tests, I pray my code is working
o_0 been watching a vid at shitty quality because I never thought to check if it had 1080
@FredOverflow I don't believe in anything fundamental, anything is bad when taken to the extreme
@thecoshman I believe that null is fundamentally flawed.
@райтфолд woudl you use a make system called bukmake
It depends on whether it is good.
4:50 PM
@FredOverflow I believe that there's nothing fundamentally flawed about explicit nullability.
@FredOverflow It may compile unless you're using languages that require programs to be proved correct.
You seem to be confusing depth with length. — orlp 19 secs ago
@FredOverflow it can be misused yes, but the nothing of an explicit 'nothing' is almost mandatory. null is for sure not the best of of doing this, especially as a macro :\
As long as the unit test fails before you start writing code that makes it pass.
@Blob Yes. By a lot too.
4:52 PM
@Fanael You mean optional types? Those are great.
Nullability must be encapsulated by a type that supports at least monadic join, map, filter and, in imperative languages, foreach.
Otherwise I consider it terrible.
@Blob If you have US$600 to spare, send it to me (after applying the appropriate currency conversion)
So, Maybe
@Nooble guess it'll be my next computer whenever my parents think i need a new one ;_;
4:53 PM
You seem to be confusing "more context" with "novella" — Lightness Races in Orbit 9 secs ago
a slim laptop would be nice but those wouldn't really work for gaming
@Fanael In Haskell, yes.
@LightnessRacesinOrbit If @Blob sends you 600 USD, send it to me (after applying the appropriate currency conversion).
But not something terrible like C#'s T? or Eiffel's/Hack's required null checks.
@MartinJames you lost lol
4:53 PM
Elementary OS looks great.
@FredOverflow well, it's meant to be an iterative thing. You don't write tests for ten features at once, you do one at a time. Each step, think how can I test this works. I think of it more as writing tests and main code 'together', but I'm yet to master parallel typing
@LightnessRacesinOrbit of course, don't worry
@Blob If you don't want to apply the currency conversion, you can send it to me instead. :D
i bet you guys make that much money in a week >.>
4:55 PM
You have to write .ninja files yourself right?
@FredOverflow In Java, that's all non-primitive types!
@Jefffrey No, you write a program that generates them.
@Blob More than that, yes
@Jefffrey No, use a generator like CMake
4:56 PM
@Fanael So wouldn't I just use CMake?
Use Perl.
@Jefffrey I wasn't thinking this at all :\
@райтфолд pinkpill :D
What is pinkpill?
@Nooble damn
4:57 PM
I was playing around with build system for C++
@Blob Yeah, but then they have to pay for housing and food and other things you and me probably don't have to worry about.
So ninja is the best C++ build tool and you need to download CMake, another build tool, to generate ninja files and then run them on the command line.
That makes no sense whatsoever.
@Nooble would those "mail-in rebates" apply to me (or me in the future)?
@thecoshman what happened to it
@Blob Yes.
4:58 PM
@Pris I pulled a rightfold :P
Ninja isn't a build tool, its a build tool implementation tool
@Jefffrey You don't need to, you can generate ninja files manually but apparently its pretty painful
@Jefffrey No, using CMake is just one approach.
ninja is not really a build tool, it's a less arcane make
See my example. I didn't use CMake yet I did use Ninja.
4:59 PM
Its like complaining that LLVM is a bad compiler.
In the future, this would probably become cheaper anyway. And also, in the future, if it comes out, you might want to change that R-290 to an R9-380X.
@Puppy It's a bad LLVM IR compiler
oh, 'Uncle' Bob Martin, he's an interesting presenter
@райтфолд To write a program to generate .ninja files I would need to learn how to write .ninja files first. And at that point, why don't I just write it myself?

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