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@CatPlusPlus Yeah, because why would you ever want to close a useless window?
Sep 5 '13 at 10:04, by R. Martinho Fernandes
Though instead of giving some error like VS, it just tramples over them.
This sounds horribles.
@R.MartinhoFernandes are you saying premake is bad altogether, or that it's bad for .sln?
Mar 10 '14 at 17:41, by R. Martinho Fernandes
Premake's DSL is annoying as heck because it's not based on scopes, but stateful. I was bitten by that before.
he said it's poor at generating Makefiles too
@ParkYoung-Bae o_0 why?
@ParkYoung-Bae Ah, that's the one I was looking for.
@ParkYoung-Bae Also use Vagrant
If you don't deploy on Windows then don't bother building on Windows
configuration "linux"
    whatever specific linux stuff here

files { "whatever" }
^ adds those files only for "linux".
@ParkYoung-Bae what ever you pick will be wrong :\
Lua cute DSLs confirmed worse than rubby cute DSLs
That's apparently possible
The examples encourage you to indent stuff, and that gives the idea it has scopes, which it doesn't.
configuration doesn't make a scope, it just sets a global variable.
good job
@R.MartinhoFernandes Oh hey. It seems this is when I first planted the idea of using ninja for you :p
Like glBind stuff, I guess.
@Rapptz Yeah.
Been so long.
Oh I even emailed Bjarne about Bjarne_case.
Fun times.
@R.MartinhoFernandes oh my
well... it's working for me for now... but yeah... think I need to change that out at at some stage
@R.MartinhoFernandes This is actually that bugged me about premake. It wasn't regular lua. It was some odd DSL that happened to use Lua internally.
@Rapptz But it is lua, AFAIK
Yeah it is.
It's just very odd.
the next thing I want to sort out is getting builds for other platforms sorted... and tests...
It relies on all that brace omission bullshit to look like that
Yeah if a function only accepts a table then you can omit the parentheses.
Great design decisions abound
Their explanation on scopes :shudder:
Why would you use an actually declarative config
yeah seems awful
solution "string" doesn't seem like valid lua
might be another syntactic quirk I don't know though
> Scopes have a hierarchy
Who needs these things like JSON that can't contain crappy code
Well I'll be damned.
-- re-select the global scope
solution "*"
> function test(str) print(str) end
> test "lol"
> test 1
stdin:1: syntax error near '1'
for the curious
It is indeed a state machine. Nice.
Ugh GitLab has unsynchronised clock so merge commit was made with date earlier than one of its parent
Anyway, thanks all for the input, time to go home now. G'day
GitLab :S Fuck Ruby.
damn this convo got me sidetracked hardcore
it's 7 AM and I haven't finished working
@R.MartinhoFernandes I don't see the problem
@R.MartinhoFernandes Or this problem
@LightnessRacesinOrbit This 'hierarchy' is a lie.
New Spotify version today. They removed the name of the currently playing song from the taskbar entry. Why? No reason at all, probably.
so erm... what's a none bad build script system thing?
@LightnessRacesinOrbit Designers need to remind everyone how useful they are
Probably because Spotify is shit?
So premake basically abuses all the horrible syntactic quirks of Lua?
Sounds nice.
@thecoshman It's the thing that doesn't exist yet.
@Rapptz but you get to have a config file that executes code!!!
Haha SourceTree can't figure out how to draw the DAG
@LightnessRacesinOrbit it's worse than before, as usual
@Rapptz Like all clever cute DSLs
@Griwes pinkpill is the besterest!
"And we've upgraded the layout to look more like iOS!" (thunderous applause)
@thecoshman this POS written in perl?
Write C#, use MSBuild
Problem solved
Write Haskell use cabal woo
@thecoshman lol
@BartekBanachewicz :P yeah
@BartekBanachewicz Watch it burn horribly after you add third thing
@thecoshman I can't write out the amount of suck this thing has
Fuck Perl and everything written in it
project "bar"
    configuration "linux"
        whatever specific linux stuff here
    files { "whatever" }
-- Not the same as
project "bar"
    files { "whatever" }
    configuration "linux"
        whatever specific linux stuff here
@LightnessRacesinOrbit this is the problem.
In the first example the configuration "scope" encompasses the files bit. In the latter it doesn't because it's put before. The indentation is a complete lie.
is that premake
looks like premake
@BartekBanachewicz you just hate Perl for no good reason. (where good is a reason I am willing to except, hint, there are none)
@R.MartinhoFernandes Ugh.
Reasons to use Perl:
@thecoshman lmao
I thought I've seen terrible code. But Perl makes PHP look like a nice, clean programming language.
@BartekBanachewicz oh I'm sorry, I forgot you Haskell obsession was completely reasonable.
@BartekBanachewicz news just in: bad code is bad
if you're obsessed with Perl you aren't "obsessed", you're just bad
@BartekBanachewicz I just enjoy twisting your nips
if you're obsessed with Haskell you aren't "obsessed", you're just bad
@BartekBanachewicz That is the most arbitrary sentence I've read this month.
seriously I have no respect for anyone using Perl
if you like perl you're a subhuman being
life's rude
Let's s/perl/haskell/g in your messages and see if you still like that.
@Griwes fuck if I care.
If you can't handle Perl any [programming] language, you're clearly just a bad programmer who should put the keyboard away and stick to angry birds.
pls no flame war
I'd rather write in x86 assembly than in Perl
Did perl hurt your family or what?
I used it, isn't it enough?
Because I can't think of any other reason to have such a view on it.
I thought it was bad a year ago.
but then I used it recently
and fuck was it bad
oh wow
I was prejudiced towards perl, and it has shown me my prejudice was wrong
challonge is written in RoR.
is that why their JSON returned is horrible?
is that something RoR does?
It is way, way worse than my absolutely worst prejudice or hate towards it was.
You are just a fanatic.
it's able to suck on the levels I haven't imagined possible
You seem prejudiced towards everything that is not Haskell (and maybe Lua?).
it's like a deliberate, twisted, genius machinery designed to suck in a most intricate and striking manners
it's a Suck-a-tron 5000 5100
@Griwes nonsense
I like some languages more, some less.
I don't like JS much, but I've made a few things in it and they worked
I don't love C#, but I made a rather big assignment with it and it was ok
So you never made anything that worked with Perl?
I work professionally in C++ and it makes our games sell and money appear on my account.
So... seems like the reason you dislike Perl is that you suck at it?
Perl's fault, no doubt.
I hate needing to have Perl installed
Also ffs, don't make me defend Perl.
@Griwes well, the thing is I like OSS. I like contributing and working together. But I can't ever contribute, read, modify, or otherwise benefit from code in Prl
the only thing it brought me was pain and misery
@CatPlusPlus oh now really, that's that worst excuse ever :\ I wouldn't hold that against Haskell
I can't justify anyone using it for anything
@BartekBanachewicz because you suck at Perl
@thecoshman OK.
w/e, really.
just my $0.02, can't force anyone to not use it obviously
By that logic, what's the justification for Haskell, there are some poeple who do not know it and cannot understand that code.
@BartekBanachewicz it is exactly that :P (hint, look up where that saying comes from)
Haskell is a member of a ML family
it's not in void you know
Bartek is actively harmful to Haskell's popularity.
if you don't like Haskell, try OCaml, or heck, even F# or Scala or Lisp or Elm or Idris or Agda or
it's not the only language on the planet
...or Perl.
@R.MartinhoFernandes I wouldn't be surprised tbh.
@R.MartinhoFernandes clearly you have something to back that statement up
@BartekBanachewicz I don't like people putting arbitrary symbols into code that require a huge reference sheet just so you can understand what hell is going. "Just like Perl", no, not at all. I dislike the people that do that, not the languages that allow it. I have nothing against Haskell for allowing ./;{} to mean something, but I hate the person who thought that makes sense for a function that does collision detection or some crap.
A: Set up an archive for legendary deleted questions

EhrykOther.SE I proposed other.stackexchange.com here, which could house these types of questions, without 'reducing the quality' of the other SE sites (an argument with which I disagree). If moderators and the overall community is going to say 'this isn't welcome here', then let's make a place where...

@BartekBanachewicz yes, you.
@BartekBanachewicz Just look at the people around here.
@thecoshman Being annoyed at monad stacks
I honestly would rather avoid Haskell for the simple reason I don't want to be an obnoxious arse fixated on converting everyone to my new found religion. Even if that means I miss out on Valhalla.
Who wouldn't want that
@thecoshman you're not very good at this "backing things up" thing
// Define b as an array of i as?
// Or call a with b, and then index?
// Or cast b to a, and then index?
@thecoshman I don't see how that's specific to any programming language whatsoever.
41 secs ago, by thecoshman
I honestly would rather avoid Haskell for the simple reason I don't want to be an obnoxious arse fixated on converting everyone to my new found religion. Even if that means I miss out on Valhalla.
This not enough backing up?
@R.MartinhoFernandes that's my point. Give a man a hammer, and not only is everything a nail, but he might well turn out to be a psychopathic killer.
2 days ago, by FredOverflow
@Cinch Martin Odersky introduced the operator /: as an alias for the method foldLeft, because it looks like a leaning domino that is about to fall to the right :)
@thecoshman Being an obnoxious arse is my fault, not Haskell's
@R.MartinhoFernandes apparently one person's view is not enough to show that at least one person is put of something.
Give a man a Perl and he'll definitely go insane
@BartekBanachewicz Yes, which makes sense since we were blaming you.
@FredOverflow I was thinking of that :P
@CatPlusPlus there is no go there only is
@R.MartinhoFernandes rofl
@thecoshman What language-arse would you rather be? ;)
how would you call a unique_ptr with an erased deleter (something like unique_ptr<T, function<void(T*)>>)? erased_unique_ptr doesn't cut it does it?
@FredOverflow I wouldn't mind getting the 'English' thing understood :(
@AndyProwl ... wouldn't that be a raw pointer?
@thecoshman No
if the unique_ptr does nothing when it goes out of scope... what is it offering?
@AndyProwl polymorphic_unique_ptr obv.
@thecoshman No, it's a unique pointer that invokes a custom deleter, but the custom deleter is erased as function<...>
@thecoshman Erased as in "type erasure". Not "operation erasure, i.e. nop".
o_0 I ated the purple ones
@R.MartinhoFernandes why don't you blame Cat for liking C#, everyone who likes C++ for liking C++ and so on.
@thecoshman It does something - it invokes the customer deleter (which will do stuff before calling delete)
@AndyProwl oh I see
Q: Why does unique_ptr take two template parameters when shared_ptr only takes one?

qdiiBoth unique_ptr and shared_ptr accept a custom destructor to call on the object they own. But in the case of unique_ptr, the destructor is passed as a template parameter of the class, wherease the type of shared_ptr's custom destructor is to be specified as a template parameter of the constructor...

anyway this fucking thing is tiring
That's what she said
the goddamn bandwagon of "hating liking haskell is cool"
@CatPlusPlus lol
@BartekBanachewicz I love 1) Haskell and 2) hating Haskell.
@BartekBanachewicz no, it's the hating a language because there are bad examples of it.
@BartekBanachewicz I blamed you for making Haskell unpopular, not for liking it.
@thecoshman OK
vOv but I forgot that all Muslims are terrorists, that all black people like water melon and that all Catholic priests are paedophiles (wait... that one is actually true)
@thecoshman ok
@Rapptz Is that what you would use? Sounds odd to me - as if the pointer itself was handled polymorphically, rather than the deleter
@AndyProwl I don't because the amount of code to generate for an erased unique_ptr vs. a non erased is prohibitive even in the general case of I have a thousand different uses
@AndyProwl Nah I'm being sarcastic.
I have no good name for it.
ah, all right - my sarcasm detector is broken
Oh no not the amount of code
@R.MartinhoFernandes I think that if someone dismisses haskell because of one person like me, it doesn't speak too well of that person. Do you disagree?
but tbh I don't see much of a purpose compared to statically referring to the deleter.
I actually have a CUSTOM_PTR macro that allows me to define a new typedef of a unique_ptr and a deleter function obj
@Mgetz Not sure I understand: what is it that "you don't"?
@BartekBanachewicz It certainly doesn't speak well of the person that drove them to that point.
Liking Haskell is a phase
@AndyProwl poly_eraser_ptr?
@R.MartinhoFernandes see, the thing is I am not actively trying to convert everyone to haskell. I just like it and using and I think it's good. If I were trying to convert anyone, I might be more considerate and less fanboyish
@AndyProwl in most cases using a non-type erased deleter the unique_ptr can be optimized away. Thus I prefer non-type erased unique_ptrs
Saying Haskell in every other sentence is also a phase
Been that done that seen that
And yes, I disagree. Obnoxiousness is a turn-off for people.
Well then, you take care of talking to people, and I'll write haskell code
@Mgetz Yeah, I know, but in this case I don't want the type that receives the unique pointer to have a dependency on the deleter, and I don't mind the consequences in terms of performance/bloating.
since apparently I'm better at monad stacks than social interactions
@AndyProwl then just use a shared_ptr
the overhead is already dealt with for you then
different ownership principle
anyway I gotta go
@Mgetz No, I don't want to use a shared_ptr - it allows much more than I need/want. I like how my unique ownership is designed
that being said, perl suckage is a completely different thing
@Rapptz Thanks for helping
@AndyProwl Np. unique_handle is not a bad name btw.
^ Front-page headline
Great journalism
so, what's up
@Rapptz I might stick to that
Sorry Ed. It seems I knocked your "I'm a human" piece down the news agenda.
I got "nice answer" for saying std::vector<std::unique_ptr<T>>
@BartekBanachewicz urlplz so I can flag as low quality
oh, turns out you said a few things more than that
@LightnessRacesinOrbit Cheers and hth?
I'm too stressed out because of this work release thing and everything
I'm stuffing myself with chocolate but it isn't helping
what do
I managed to finish my shit before deadline
I am carefree
If something is not done yet it's not my fault laalalala
let's start with ambient music
@LightnessRacesinOrbit He got suspended? What the hell did he do?
@Borgleader Allegedly got into a fight with a producer
BBC went full retard and pulled the rest of the series from broadcast entirely
@LightnessRacesinOrbit let's be honest and say they've been looking for an excuse to do so since say series 16?
@Mgetz The BBC does not have any stake whatsoever in dropping Top Gear.
They've been pretty patient, actually
It's just a shame that the straw that broke the camel's back is such a pathetic little straw
those girls who joined ISIS, are they becoming fighters or military prostitutes? or fighters during the day, gangbang at night?
@LightnessRacesinOrbit actually they do financially, because BBC worldwide (the very commercial, very profitable) world wide licensing organization makes a shitton of money off of top gear
Still, I can't help but feel like the BBC is cutting off its nose to spite its face
@LightnessRacesinOrbit that's what I meant, the BBC is a fairly liberal organization, and top gear tends to be fairly conservative
@Mgetz Um, that's precisely why they have no stake in dropping it.
@LightnessRacesinOrbit Oh wow... I don't even =/
@Mgetz And, by extension, why they haven't "been looking for an excuse to do so since say series 16" :)
@LightnessRacesinOrbit Top Gear is to the BBC what the Simpsons is to Fox. A show that is politically embarrassing, but makes way too much money to cancel outright.
Hello!! I want to prove the Merge Sort is stable. To do that I thought to use an invariant.

For the Insetion Sort I used the following inveriant:
"At the beginning of each iteration of the for loop, if $A[a]=A[b],a<b\leq j−1$, then $A[a]$ origiannly appeared before $A[b]$."

Could you give me some hints how the statement of the invariant for the Merge Sort will look like??
@MaryStar why at the beginning of each iteration? I'd make a is_sorted(Predicate, Array) function and run it twice at the end
Sort(PredicateA, a);
Assert(is_sorted(PredicateA, a));
MergeSort(PredicateB, a);
Assert(is_sorted(PredicateA, a));
Assert(is_sorted(PredicateB, a));
whatever happens inside of the algorithm doesn't matter, it has to produce the correct output at the end
@MaryStar It will have fewer misspellings.
welp, the problems start if you can't form the PredicateA
but if you can't, then you can't really check your invariant either, no?
hm, nevermind. Disregard what I said.
the song I like now is called Pizza Planet
coincidence? I THINK NOT
I want pizza now
you always want pizza
is it that obvious?
some scientists inserted fake memories into lab rats successfully
imagine this
we develop some sort of biological mutation that gives us the ability that immortal jellyfish have
@AlexM. spooky, eh
and right when we're ready to revert back to an immature state
we back up our memories to storage
@AlexM. I was thinking more about implanting knowledge instead of slowly learning
we revert, and then re-upload our memories to our brains
you gain immortality and the memories of past lives
mm, "we revert"?
immortal jellyfish can revert to an immature stage once they reach maturity
it's the only animal known to be able to do this
it lives forever, essentially, because it goes back to initial state at the end
cos you're fucked up
@AlexM. ifl, right?
@chmod711telkitty damn you.
admit it, it's funny
@chmod711telkitty it's not funny, and I just watched the entire thing for some unknown reason
what kind of sorcery is this?
this is slightly better.
whoa, that cat is really getting its ass kicked by that rooster!
@chmod711telkitty Ha ha: "This video is not available in your country".
oh great, telshitty started a chicken spree
> "Black pussy getting pounded by white cock"
This question isn't answerable on SO; it's too broad. If you need something to start, I suggest getting a book about C++; there's a list here. Work through it (should take no more than a few weeks). Next few weeks should be spent on object-oriented analysis and design. After that, just a week or two of game design study and you're good to go! — Bartek Banachewicz 1 min ago
updated C++ "few weeks" to "2-3 months"
> just a week or two of game design study
@LightnessRacesinOrbit for a game of Snake should be enough
> I have to create at least 4 classes
@LightnessRacesinOrbit lol 300,000 million.
Bet he got signatures from Mars, too.
I wish me crossing the street was this intense
That would get boring soon

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