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^ delicious exotic word ordering, also what makes Flemish appealing
Goesting om de straat te kuisen.
@sehe heh, really?
Alleeje, ennek'ik heb ginne goestin
Sounds totally normal to me. But hey, I'm Flemish.
Ok, fuck curly braces.
@sehe West-Vlaams
@StackedCrooked I might have pushed the envelope there a bit, but I'm sure I could have fooled any Dutch person I know into thinking that word order was "perfectly normal" in Flemish
@рытфолд Run while you can!
What's the Dutch for kraantjeswater?
This is much more beautiful:
sub fib (x: N) do
    fib (x - 2) + fib (x - 1)
@StackedCrooked d'n Antwerp, da waor wel dichtbij (dichtbij klinkt uit de context hier)
@StackedCrooked kraanwater?
@sehe doet me denken aan dit: youtube.com/watch?v=cgeDXSx-lGc
@sehe Ah, the ennek'ik sounds from Antwerp indeed.
The transcription was purely my imagination.
We could sell that as zuid-Zeeuws
For some reason people from Zeeuws-Vlaanderen sound like people from Vlaanderen. :)
Interesting lemma
@рытфолд lol sub
sub is great.
It reminds me of Perl.
And Perl is great.
lol Perl
Perl <3
@рытфолд is that the full implementation? (how does it know fib(0) and fib(1)?)
@StackedCrooked No.
sub fib 0 do 1 end
sub fib 1 do 1 end
sub fib (x: Z)
    require x >= 0
        fib (x - 2) + fib (x - 1)
Or maybe that.
I haven't designed numeric types yet.
So you can implement politicians. They're rarely integral types
I could make Z be bigint.
What is Z?
The type of integers.
interesting stuff.
And dividing integers results in a Q as it should be.
what is a Q?
welcome to basic maths :)
A rational number.
inb4 sehe joke about politicians being neither integral nor rational
> society kinda trains you out that [play], because society requires predictable workers to keep society running...
... you don't have to do that
still a decent joke
@рытфолд Unfortunately, they are very real.
@рытфолд real integral politicians are imaginary!
And coincidentally, politicians tend to be very bad at numbers.
Especially when those numbers have currency symbols before them.
They are good at obtaining the currency though.
s/obtaining/spending other's
Or I can make Z an interface.
Make it a abstract singleton factory bean.
And different integral types can implement it, and N can be a subinterface of Z.
@StackedCrooked Proxy, dude. Everybody knows it's gotta be a proxy.
I'm ashamed.
ya fookin' shood be
Good thing they're all immutable.
I want to go to bed now
you could try
but I got a haircut so there's still random hair on my head
people have been known to succeed
but taking a shower is soooooooooo much work now
you want me to fall asleep on the chair?
i want to be happy and achieve self fulfillment
what is missing?
alrighty, here's a mystery
how can a std::string lose it's value without being moved from?
By clearing it.
it's const
By means of UB then..?
yeah, I guess so.
@Puppy Destructed
don't think it's that either
How do you know it lost its value?
debugger says so
Maybe the first char is '\0'?
nope- size 0.
> Playing is a series of happy accidents
> Goal orientation doesn't work
@Puppy so, that's it
@Puppy ah. MSVC debugger so superior, don't trust it :|
@рытфолд How do you feel about them not being symmetric?
Maybe the string was moved implicitly (and unexpectedly)..
@AlexM. Is that truly random hair, or just pseudo-random hair? What tests have you used to verify the quality of your random hair generator?
it's not movable, since I explicitly defaulted the copy members (of the containing struct)
This is so stupid:
user=> (numerator 1/2) (denominator 1/2)
user=> (numerator (* 1/2 2)) (denominator (* 1/2 2))

ClassCastException clojure.lang.BigInt cannot be cast to clojure.lang.Ratio  clojure.core/numerator (core.clj:3306)

ClassCastException clojure.lang.BigInt cannot be cast to clojure.lang.Ratio  clojure.core/denominator (core.clj:3314)
@Puppy swapped with an empty string?
For some moronic reason, numerator and denominator don't work on integers.
@JerryCoffin It's wrapped in an immutable struct.
Rendering the two functions useless.
which has an assertion in the constructor that the value is not empty.
@sehe sorry /cc @AlexM. obviously meant "I want you to be ..."
which doesn't trigger.
@рытфолд denominators could violate their integrity
see. don't trust debuggers. They get sidetracked with optimized code
it's a debug build.
... gee. Are you confident that nothing was inlined then o.O
ohhhhh, it probably was destructed.
@Puppy Insert logging in all constructors. Verify the problem does not occur anymore. Remove the logging. Find that the bug does not occur anymore. Problem solved.
IOW "debug builds" just means "attempts to describe debug information" these days
@Puppy In that case, it seems like losing (or in any other way modifying) the value would be a sign of a bug.
I s/auto/auto&&/ to catch some MSVC shit about inaccessible move constructors.
and I happen to have done auto&& var = *optional_value(); which of course does not extend lifetime.
@Puppy Oops.
oh wait it's still empty.
time to check out my optional implementation... or just get around to scrapping it now that I require boost 1.57 that supports move-only optionals.
@Puppy erm doesn't MSVC do extend the lifetime there?
@sehe * returns an lvalue ref, because MSVC doesn't support ref-qualifiers so optional can't forward it's rvalue-ness.
@Puppy Don't let @Bartek hear you! It's still a secret you know
what is?
> Many people consider single letters to be the most readable choice in the circumstances they are typically used. That is why we use them.
alright, so I swapped a bunch of fucking compiler errors about copy constructors I never called for a bunch of bugs where I reference shit I should not.
10 hours ago, by Bartek Banachewicz
@R.MartinhoFernandes that's actually a good idea.
And about 1 hour of ranting before that
I thought single letter variable names were considered horrible most of the time.
@Jefffrey a bit tautological
@Jefffrey also true
naturally this bug would not exist in Wide as I extended all temporary lifetimes.
"this is typically used in situations where it's considered most appropriate" vs.
"this is considered most appropriate in situations where it's typically used"
@sehe this guy and 6 more people do not agree
@Jefffrey hah. You can DOS their puny brains by mentioning goto, then duck
> Single letter variables have been considered a problem for decades, in the programming community
> No, they have been considered a problem by beginners who blindly follow rules that make no sense.
and that's "the area where it's appropriate is quite limited"/"it's rarely useful to use this"
Two sides of the same coin
@sehe Well, the message really doesn't give that hint AFAICS.
@Jefffrey Depends on scope. For a small maths function they are perfect imo.
@JerryCoffin I'd have to ask the barber
or maybe not
Let me unclutter: Bad variable naming is bad.
Single letter variable names can be bad.
I don't want to get my barber angry
hair takes a long time to grow back and all that
Of course, in the remote chance I'll use a loop, I'll choose j or i as the looping variable. Or c for counter if I really feel lazy. But I'm clearly not talking about that there.
hair is easy
BREAKING: People get hung up about pet peeves.
@Jefffrey Enumerable(0, 100).Select
std::rotate, std::accumulate, etc...
yeah, I know.
@Jefffrey I don't use c for counter (because it's counter or count or countEvents etc.). Also, when I need i and j, I'll really consider making them verbose descriptive
@Puppy *Enumerable.Range(...
But I'll happily write auto f = c.begin(), l = c.end();
@Puppy boost::irange(...)
I do auto first = c.begin(); auto last = c.end();
sometimes begin and end instead of first and last.
I do that when I'm feeling generous
I like first/last unless I intend to really match the begin/end of an existing range
I sometimes use b and e.
Because I need them to form phrases.
@FredOverflow lol
@sehe Wide has such too
@Jefffrey The length/descriptiveness of a variable name should be directly proportional to is scope. For a one-line for loop, a variable name like i is perfectly fine. For something in the scope of a large, long-lived class the name should be equally descriptive.
lol just got fucked by boost::get again.
this time it was unique_ptr<const T> not looking up unique_ptr<T>.
that shit should really static_assert on impossible lookups
@JerryCoffin Hey I formed this theory for myself a few months ago.
Cool, I'm smart like Jerry.
what, you're not smarter than Jerry?
get out of this Lounge.
I'm only being humble. And I want to avoid embarrassing him.
@Rapptz I wasn't generous yesterday
@Puppy again?
    template <typename CompatibleKey>
    const_iterator lower_bound(CompatibleKey const& key) const {
        auto f(begin()), l(end());
        while (f!=l) {
            auto m = iterator::mid_point(f,l);

            if (m->key < key)
                (f = m)++;
                l = m;
        return f;
> (f = m)++; // this, even
Dat (f = m)++.
I find it expressive. But I agree, writing f=m; ++f; is equally expressive
I find it C-like (in a bad way)
Just requiring ugly braces
Does it have symbolic meaning (f = female and m = male)?
@Puppy It should be. It's a generic algorithm implementation. Write-once, reuse
that does not excuse cramming everything into as few characters as possible, C-style.
That doesn't make sense
C-style is not golfing
tell that to strchr and friends.
@Puppy ..excuse?
I want the code to express that it's not doing anything really. Breaking up in steps creates distraction

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