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also since im using signals and slots i use weak_ptrs to clean up dead object slots
im really disturbed that i immediately thought of [&] when you said 'references were not captured'
@Pris Ugh, ugh, ugh, ugh, ugh.
If a thread "[is] in use by an object" make that object own it.
That's what happens. That's why the constructor for an object (see Window for example) takes a shared_ptr to a Thread. That's what shared_ptr is for... shared ownership
Shared with what?
potentially dozens of other objects
What for? Why would objects share a thread?
Why do they even have to own it? Say, in the code you wrote, the Thread object outlives all the others.
That's how I process my signals and slots. The slots of an object are processed by the thread it shares ownership of.
They own it to ensure you don't have to keep track of the thread seperately, and to ensure the thread isn't destroyed while an object that uses it is alive.
Yeah, I don't get it.
I use asio::io_service all over my code at work. An io_service is more or less a threadpool that several objects use to queue up work to.
No object holds a shared pointer to any io_service.
Okay, not entirely sure how to succintly describe this but here goes. ObjectA has a function called OnMouseEvent. You can use a ks::Signal to connect to a function like that; Signal signalMouseEvent.Connect(ObjectA::OnMouseEvent); Then when you call signalMouseEvent.Emit(), from any thread anywhere else in your code, you queue ObjectA::OnMouseEvent to be called by the thread that ObjectA owns by calling io_service::post();
io_service needs to be alive as long as ObjectA is alive.
@Pris That's not what owning means.
My io_services naturally outlive the objects that use them without such an ownership relation.
You likely don't care how many threads are active in your io_service's thread pool. What if I want everything to work with one thread?
I'll put only one thread in the service.
What if I need a dedicated thread for something that must be fixed? Think an OpenGL call
Outliving is a weaker requirement than owning, and as you put it, it's what you need.
Isn't this question more related to order of evaluation of arguments than sequence points ? — undu 1 min ago
@CatPlusPlus Like I said, Perhaps he was drawing vectors of timestamps ;)
I need a higher authority to settle this ^
how exactly do you specify threads in io_service? iirc all you can do is call run() 'x' number of times and each time you call it you get a new thread
@Pris I'll make a thread for that. I don't see the ownership anywhere.
@Pris No.
@R.MartinhoFernandes you cheat by using coroutines these days :)
(of course, io_service should ba reference)
@Pris strands
@Pris queue/messages (heck even Active Object with a dedicated io_service of the GL stuff could work)
A "thread" is a low level primitive and people should realize that once and for all
Use async actions that hold a ref to a thread safe queue or transactional memory
sometimes you need to use threads, Bartek should realize that once and for all :P
@Pris If you care about threads, that doesn't lead to shared ownership, not even "human-logic"-ally. Shared pointers lead to less control (everybody has equal ownership)
@BartekBanachewicz OpenGL is also lowlevel and it's perfectly ok for it to require specific threading conventions as a precondition for its entry points
@TonyTheLion yes sometimes you need low level primitives
@BartekBanachewicz transactional memory? why was that dragged in.
Did IMMUTAHBILITAY go out of fashion?
Look at the conversation list
@sehe I fail to see how giving N objects shared ownership of a thread which they all require to be alive to process their events is a bad idea. I want to implement a rule. That rule is "as long as there are objects that use this thread, don't destroy it". Why is that so wrong?
They don't own it, I suppose
> giving N objects shared ownership of a thread
'ownership' is just semantics. I'm using it to establish a dependency. ThreadA must be alive so long as Objects X Y and Z are alive
seems strange to have N objects owning a thread
why is it strange?
a thread should be owned by itself, and be kept alive until its finished
How do you determine when its finished?
when its done whatever it is doing
By sending a sentinel to a message queue
something like this ^^
I like when my threads turn into zombies and eats the user's brain.
I keep OGL in the same thread as updates because why not
@TonyTheLion "when its done whatever it is doing" you mean servicing the object events?
Are you doing threading wrong again
@Pris yea
could be done by something signalling it or whatever.
but not by shared ownership
okay, so you want me to keep track of all the objects separately in a thread safe way to duplicate the functionality that shared_ptrs afford me because...
@рытфолд in this chat there's no right way to do anything. everything is wrong
Just tell me your problem and I'll tell you the ideal solution immediately.
@Pris It seems you're telling us only part of your story, what is this a solution to?
@Pris there's many ways to do threading wrong, and only few to do it right, unfortunately.
@MartinJames Fuck The Police
@R.MartinhoFernandes just read from this point on. i dont have a problem so far, but im doing it wrong
@Pris You'll thank me when you start having order of destruction issues.
I'm speaking from experience, btw. The previous design in our codebase was very similar to yours, and we refactored it to get rid of the shared pointers.
Let's give LLVM, Boehm and Boost.Coroutine a try.
Just listen to Robot
@рытфолд Fill That Pint
Tree-based ownership > graph-based ownership.
> This question body does not meet our quality standards. Please make sure that it completely describes your problem - including what you have already tried - and is written using proper grammar.
Stack Exchange is so incredibly terrible.
Another way to see it: if the io_service has to outlive the objects, why are the objects the ones owning the io_service?
My question is perfectly fine.
Link to the question?
I like it. No what-have-you-tried noise
In my experience as a programmer, in and on are used approximately equally w/r/t threads, and as is also occasionally used. Most programmers are not particularly concerned with the grammar of languages designed for inter-human communication. — bcrist 16 hours ago
@bcrist: I've never heard "on a thread" and it sounds very odd to me. And as for your statement regarding "most programmers" well, blimey, most crappy programmers maybe but not the sort whose particular way of going about life are defined by the requirements of being good at software development: rigour, precision and care. — Lightness Races in Orbit 1 min ago
inb4 EL&U fight
@LightnessRacesinOrbit I have heard "on thread" as well. Not everybody speaks High English. :)
Have you really?
How ludicrous.
> I have always found [anti-holocaust denial] laws quite absurd. What it does is kills debate on these topics, debate which will defeat such speech because, of course, deniers are liars, and racists are wrong. Instead the denying and racism is sent underground where it finds fertile ground with the disaffected and it is even given legitimacy as forbidden. I don't see what prosecuting idiots does to alleviate the problem.
Yeah I find that odd too
And I'm descended from holocaust survivors
@рытфолд Clear enough to answer, anyway.
@R.MartinhoFernandes I think that it suggests implications that are not true. I do not see forbidding Holocaust denial leading to underground and legitimizations of whatever.
Damn, @Borgleader's post didn't get to 20 stars before getting knocked off the starboard.
I suppose it walks the line of hate crime legislation. Holocaust denial is typically seen as racism rather than ignorance or an opposing historical view
Which in itself is a bit odd but there we go
@wilx Specialists in many areas use language that's rather different from the rest of us. For example, when talking about orbiting the earth, most people would talk about something being "in orbit". I'm not sure about all of them, but at least some astronauts I've talked to routinely spoke of it as "on orbit".
@JerryCoffin Which one is englishly correct?
@wilx Where do you think they go with their ideas if not underground? The other option is jail (or whatever prosecution you get for doing it in public).
Why does Paypal limit the password length?
Why doesn't Paypal allow 2 step verification?
Why are you asking us?
Because they use as old DES?
Because that's the only way for me to get paid.
@LightnessRacesinOrbit Don't you see? It's a cry of despair
Because InstaEDU only pays via Paypal.
@wilx The legitimacy is given by thought processes similar to "why would they forbid this if it's not true?", "there must be something to it, otherwise they wouldn't forbid it"
Call them stupid and I'll agree, but that's beyond the point.
@R.MartinhoFernandes It reads as "I read it on the internet so it must be true"
That's beyond stupid!
@Rerito I don't think anybody has a really definite answer to that.
It's basically circlejerking, in reddit terminology.
Ok. I agree that it legitimizes something for the nut cases. However I think its benefit of blocking creeping lessening of the tragedy and possible resulting denial outweighs such negative effect.
Typing on phone is hard.
@Pris how do they "own" the thread? It's not necessarily bad, but it's certainly not badly necesssary :)
@wilx I'm not sure about that to either side, but it's a fair point.
@Mysticial 9 hours left ;)
replaced the tequila with rum in the end
along with mint and lime
Q: Declarative region of a function parameter

Dmitry FucintvWe have the following example from N4296::3.3.9/2 [basic.scope.temp]: namespace N { template<class T> struct A { }; // #1 template<class U> void f(U) { } // #2 struct B { template<class V> friend int g(struct C*); // #3 }; } The relevant quote: The declarative...

going to throw the best mojito known to man
Shafik stealing my quote it seems :P
Or how to insert a template function from STL — Victor 2 mins ago
oh my god this video stopped playing sound halfway through
how can people call this html5 shit reliable
it's fucking shit
If it's misused so often, perhaps it's the definition that's incorrect, not its usage. After all, natural language is defined by its actual usages (despite what grammar-nazis would have you believe). Personally, I've heard the term "implicit cast" plenty of times, and never thought of it as incorrect. — BlueRaja - Danny Pflughoeft 5 mins ago
I'm switching back to flash
Lounge, assemble.
@BlueRaja-DannyPflughoeft: No. We are talking about terminology defined in an International Standard, not some colloquialism on the streets. This is science, not just using your "natural language" down the pub. The entire point of the standard is to unambiguously define the means to describe the language, and in this case that so happens to include what "cast" means. Every time you've heard that term, it is wrong. It's as wrong as saying "you're correct and wrong". — Lightness Races in Orbit 2 mins ago
It's true, btw: the standard says explicit conversions (not implicit ones) are "cast notation".
@LightnessRacesinOrbit The standard says that explicit type conversions can be expressed using cast notation.
holy crap this rum is good
never tasted anything quite like it
src/llvm.hpp:3:17: error: nested namespace definition must define each namespace separately
namespace aglujc::llvm {
cool clang recognises this syntax.
also lol C++
@Columbo Right, and implicit type conversions cannot.
> 1946 New York Subway Photographed By 17-Year-Old Stanley Kubrick boredpanda.com/…
this is cool
The View from Aristeia
EMC++ Featured in O
Scott Meyers
pizza's here
here, the only pizza hut pizza that is absolutely delicious
the pan QF
@Borgleader Only 1 star needed to hit 20. :)
@Mysticial \o/
@LightnessRacesinOrbit How are you gentlemen? You are on your way to destruction
@Puppy have you use MCJIT?
@AlexM. Looks good
llvm.org/docs/tutorial/LangImpl4.html uses it in the code listing but the tutorial doesn't say anything about it.
@AlexM. hmm. looks overly cheesy and bready. not convinced
a good smattering of herbs though
posted on January 30, 2015 by Scott Meyers

If you'll pardon my bragging a bit, Effective Modern C++ has recently nudged David Pogue's OS X Yosemite: The Missing Manual aside to retake the #1 position on O'Reilly's bestseller list. As such, it qualifies for O'Reilly's "Best of January" promotion, whereby they offer a discount code good for 50% off their 10 best-selling videos and 10 best-selling ebooks. The discount code in question is

@AlexM. Ahh Pizza again. Ordered or self made?
@LightnessRacesinOrbit well
it's quattro formaggi
so it only has tomato sauce, 4 types of cheese and herbs
I like the thick dough
the best thing about pan pizzas
@AlexM. Quattro Formaggio is always a good choice. I have my deep-freezer though, and decline ordering pizzas recently (burgers sometimes)
why does $ PATH=… … not work.
What the fuck.
@πάνταῥεῖ does it say formaggio on your pizza's box
I'm starting to think nestle or whoever you buy pizza from
is incapable of naming their pizzas
first diavolo
and now formaggio
Programming level +5 \\
Happiness level -10

@DonLarynx you know what's not a sad game?
3GB of catgirls
imma play it now brb
@AlexM. Fun Fact: 90% of people that bought NekoPara on Steam are not from Japan
Another Fun Fact: I have the physical edition here at home, together with the artbook.
fun fact: 90% of anime fans are not from Japan
fun fact x2: 91% of them wish they were though
@Borgleader Prophecy fulfilled! :D:D:D:D
holy shit
that music
I've been thinking about binary search lately. It seems horrible for branch prediction and memory locality. While linear search is good for that.
@AlexM. Sturgeon's law of nationalities.
I should do some benchmarking..
this feels so wrong and so good at the same time
catgirls counts as porn for me so no thank you
@AlexM. I don't. But I wish I could speak Japanese.
today I told my mum I'd buy condoms
only to end it with "I was joking, did you really thing I was going to have sex."
poor woman
I've got a selection of my fav's in the deep-freezer. It's just a matter of minutes, to select one, pimp it alike with whatever I have at hand, and bake it in my oven.
When I'm ordering, it's more burgees now.
@DonLarynx wtf's up with that guy o.O
@AlexM. poor you when she replies "lol no"
nah she said
"well it's kinda to be expected at your age"
"not today thank you" ?
@AlexM. Error G2518: Use of `them` ambiguous in line 2: "
fun fact x2: 91% of them wish they were though"
as if I should be in some sort of reproductive spree
why do I need to link to ncurses when using LLVM
you're in your prime
A: Sort and binary search or just linear search?

Jerry CoffinYou're trying for a lot more precision than you can get from simple number of operations. To get an exact number, you'd need to account for things like the processor cache (linear search probably uses it a little better). To get a general idea, however, we can look at big-O complexity. The (expe...

better get goating going
@LightnessRacesinOrbit I like his videos. He's very expressive and reminds me of my inner self.
@LightnessRacesinOrbit I'm in my perfect square
@Mysticial tbh I don't either
@DonLarynx hah! how can someone who's very expressive remind you of your inner self, except to say that you're not very expressive? to be expressive involves your outer self.
heard the justice system there is kinda fucked up
@рытфолд Yes.
@Xeo eh
MCJIT is mostly a drop-in replacement for JIT
Because I'm an introvert @LightnessRacesinOrbit
the only physical anime merch I feel like buying
(I realise you didn't say "he's very expressive which reminds me..." but...)
is nyaruko merch
@DonLarynx Right, so how does he remind you of your inner self or any self?
posted on January 30, 2015 by Scott Meyers

O'Reilly has decided it's time to turn up the heat on the grand Effective Modern C++ marketing campaign. A key component of that campaign is giving away excerpts of the book, the idea being that if you like the stuff we give away, you're more likely to plunk down some cash for the rest of the book. We're starting with Chapter 1 ("Deducing Types"), which consists of these Items: Item 1: Under

@Puppy I see.
@AlexM. Sayori artwork is glorious.
@рытфолд Coloured output for errors I believe. There's a make variable for not requiring it, if I recall.
Fuck it. Adding -lncurses takes less time than rebuilding LLVM.
guru of the year?
@LightnessRacesinOrbit My claim is illogical. I retract my statement.
also, evening inferior beings and also robot
if Ubisoft did nekopara
I'd love them again
Now that we've got that out of the way, I know what you mean @Don.
He is on camera how you are with yourself.
fuck yeah I started the game and already got 2 achievements
Yeah. I'm too sad to talk right now, so I will continue programming now and listen to brown noise.
"Start the game" and "Play the game in English"
@DonLarynx Isn't the brown noise the one that makes you poo yourself?
why would you want to listen to that
@LightnessRacesinOrbit implied by the title "Brown Noise 12 Hours - Study Relaxation Meditation Tinnitus Crap/Wet Pants Turtle Polish "
Well, whatever floats your boat, I guess mate...
@Xeo it is
the game looks lovely
@AlexM. Sounds like the US Marines combined physical examination and intelligence test. You walk into the recruiter's office and he tells you to sit down. You passed the physical by managing to both walk and sit, and the intelligence test by sitting when told to do so.
I hope there's at least one tsundere catgirl
otherwise the 9 eur price tag was not worth it
@JerryCoffin But you didn't ace it because that would imply not applying for the Marines at all.
@Puppy I aced it.
no, it's all moe so far
I want my money back
@DonLarynx My gawd the commentator is annoying
How can a commentator be so obnoxious?!
@Xeo because it's his channel and he has the power to do so.
@Xeo Ask Don's inner self.
@DonLarynx That's hardly a valid reason.
Is there some library that allows me to run code before main.
@рытфолд static bitch
Instead of creating a named (ugh) class with a ctor and a named (ugh) static instance.
@Xeo is everyone moe in here
@рытфолд static int stuff = (some_fun(), 0);
or something like that
@рытфолд Or how about just running it at the start of main?
@Xeo That's leaking an implementation detail.
That sounds horrible, tbh
@рытфолд lolwut
TIL: Youtube likes to continue your video on to some totally random shit.
"Yeah go ahead and use my library but don't forget to call this function at the start of main that initialises some stuff used by this library's internal function."
@рытфолд Sounds reasonable.
better than "go ahead and use my library and oh by the way I run code before main just to really fuck up your day"
(Fuck LLVM.)
perhaps you've never heard of raii
@DonLarynx kay, I can't handle that. He's doing nothing but screaming.
Right, because RAII is relevant.
I mean, initialisation code is fine if it's basically one line.
this crap makes me uncomfortable
maybe I am more normal than I think
> 00115 /// It is legal for a client to make multiple calls to this function.
Oh, that also solves the problem. :D
@Xeo If you were expecting logical comments, then yes he's not the best commentator.
I was expecting him to not be non-stop screaming, like a normal person.
God I fucking love Clang
@Puppy what now?
@рытфолд I know. They have a lot of global variable stuff.
@sehe Using Clang's error messages to find the problem so I can then compile with MSVC.
Can I call InitializeNativeTarget after creating an execution context
If not then I'll have to fight with initialisation lists. :(
… or use = and call it a day.
@рытфолд Surprisingly
namespace {
    std::once_flag initialize_llvm;
void Wide::Util::InitializeLLVM() {
    std::call_once(initialize_llvm, [] {
then I call that in the constructor of various classes that need to use LLVm.
> return new(0) Function(Ty, Linkage, N, M);
dat null pointer
LLVM does some seriously crazy shit internally.
I've quoted here the destructor that assert(false)
"Why do so many women have to talk so fucking loud on flights? Yap yap yap. Never shut up. Had to stop listening early on because of the women blabbing. I bet she talked the whole 12 hours. Fucking cunt"

o ok shots fired
what fired
@AlexM. The flight sheriff killed the blabbermouth.
Seeing people attempt my modified FizzBuzz is interesting
lol segfault in getPointerToFunction
probably didn't call finalizeObject.
@Rapptz what modified fizzbuzz?
I wonder how coke tastes with lime and mint
Great, executionEngine is nullptr.
@Puppy mod 3 and 7 instead of mod 3 and 5.
don't really see how that changes anything
Yesterday I asked for a decent way to weed out liars.
It doesn't.
@рытфолд It's fairly... shaky. You have to include the MCJIT header somewhere or it doesn't link the magic global variable that initializes someshit somewhere so that they can make an MCJIT.
I meant in general seeing people attempt this stupid small program is interesting.
Yay it works.
So far 66% of them have fencepost errors.
yay the new LLVM-VS can handle Boost headers.
Q: Writing FizzBuzz

Mare InfinitusFirst of all, I came up with that question on SO already. But I am offered different solution which are "better" in some ways. The goal is to improve this specific version, not to create another one. Here is what it is about: Reading Coding Horror, I just came across the FizzBuzz another time...

Also, basic blocks with empty twines seem to work now.
IIRC they didn't work in the past.
@JerryCoffin I more so meant the badlets and the noobs attempting.
searching for tsundere catgirls in this game is futile
I'm the tsundere character here
this is a game for -1 * Alex M.
@Rapptz I figured. I just thought it would be an interesting take on it (that would make the conversion to 3 and 7 truly trivial).
coke and weed discussion @AlexM. @Rapptz
Are the answers in that question meant to be serious?
anyway, I was going to make myself that mojito
Some of them seem ridiculous lol
@JerryCoffin That functional answer isn't actually bad.
@DonLarynx you have two more lives left
ergh, so is pirate bay totally wankered now? I got so used to it being a one stop shop, where to now?
@thecoshman google
<something here> torrent
check each result
check comments, # of seeders
or use private trackers when possible
but pb was so good
it was
I'd usually end up there from google
thepiratebay was a great source of books
for some reason people like to comment on them there
@Puppy You mean Oskar Sjöberg's? Yeah, he uses LINQ to real advantage.
so I'd know exactly what pdf was shit
and what wasn't
@thecoshman isohunt or kickass seem to be the new Pirate Bay.
you got link for kickass?
it's pretty slow though, might want to Google for a better proxy
¬_¬ fucking isp in the way
does your isp filter sites or sth?
¬_¬ yes
court order
that sounds bad
I hope it never happens here :(
@AlexM. can you copy/paste me the magent link from this please.
I think the proxies are mangling the link

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