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omg this is so cute!
Is anyone still using MacAfee anti-virus software?
aaaah, sleeeeeeepy
delivery guy woke me up :<
@AlexM. Are you a kawaii little girl in Japan?
I hope it was some shitty thief and not a weird stalker
who would stalk me anyway
There were a few articles on how murderers started by stealing other people's undies
hm, fuck. I think I really need a new keyboard now - the left control key's bumper thingy is half broken now, so the key is tilted
Sorry to ask here (which is c++ room) but meta seems dead: is asking a question on SO that does not target a specific language ok ?
too vague
If you ask questions about design patterns or generics and word the question carefully, it should be okay
what about question related to algorithms, which does not target specific langauge ....
> meta seems dead
meta chat
or to ask on "programmers" ?
@Mysticial As @melak says, std::thread copes perfectly fine with that - where's the problem?
@Xeo You can compose a struct larger_thingy { non_movable_thread t; … }; and then allocate that, avoiding fragmentation.
@Xeo good
25 years? why not just kill him >_<
a dysfunctional society throws another young person in the bin instead of addressing the underlying problem
who'da thought.
Aw fuck, apparently it's a fake article. Damn!
@Xeo It's a wrapper, that adds priorities and indexing.
It also has built-in protection for abnormal thread termination.
@Xeo do you troll us?
@Xeo damn
@Abyx Unknowingly.
I've seen the OS terminate threads at random, and if I can't detect it, bad things happen.
@Abyx a bit ... slow ... ~_~
@Puppy sacrificing one person can sway many others from doing the same thing, and save the efforts of having to fix them
or so I think
Underneath there's 2 different implementations (Win32 and Posix) with a std::thread version coming later that will simply no-op the priorities.
well, you're wrong.
The underlying problem is that people are shit and you can't change that :v
jesus there's so many clicks to get to an original size image from Twitter
dunno, I think fear is the best way to keep people in place in the end
Thumbnail thumbnail another thumbnail oh hey did you want to see this thumbnail AGAIN
and seeing a swatter get 25 years in prison would surely make lots of gamers think twice about swatting
it's not like they'd stop doing it because it's unethical and wastes police resources anytime soon
except studies show that actually, it has absolutely no effect at all.
throw some links, I'm curious
I fed my pet chooks pizza, my pet chickens love cheese, bacon & now eat pizza
I actually don't keep them to hand
not sure a single study can cover all cases (i.e. all kinds of people in all kinds of situations)
(also playing CS right now)
but from a more broad perspective, if long jail terms dissuade people from committing crime, why is there still a drugs problem in the US and UK when they lock up so many people for so long for minor drug offences?
I didn't say the problem would be eliminated completely, just ameliorated
I'm sure there would be more drug dealers if what they did was legal
but then they'd be taxed, and live/work in secure environments
I don't know how others think, but there are lots of things I don't do because I fear the police
e.g. killing my neighbor's ultra noisy dog :A
like, I dunno, all the existing drug dealers (they're called pharmacies).
or stealing someone's underwear
whoever stole my underwear doesn't fear the police
worst drug:
Desomorphine (dihydrodesoxymorphine, former brand name Permonid, street name krokodil) is a derivative of morphine with powerful, fast-acting opioid effects, such as sedation and analgesia. First synthesized in 1932 and patented in 1934, desomorphine was used in Switzerland under the brand name Permonid and was described as having a fast onset and a short duration of action, with relatively little nausea or respiratory depression compared to equivalent doses of morphine. Dose-by-dose it is eight to ten times more potent than morphine. Desomorphine is derived from morphine where the 6-hydroxyl group...
I wonder what European mass-media says about the situation in Ukraine - is government going to win the war soon?
they say Putin warned us not to mess with Russia because it's a huge power wrt nuclear weaponry
Ukraine tries to join NATO
@Abyx They were winning for a few weeks, but it seems that ever since Russia started sending them soldiers and even more tanks, the rebels are on offensive.
and the only guy protesting against the situation in Ukraine in Moscow got arrested
they should join EU
also Putin hopes Russia will still be able to hold the olympic games LOL
Romania is thinking about increasing military budgets
and possibly assist Ukraine
Finland and Sweden try to get closer to NATO
what does the Russian mass-media say about the conflict in Ukraine?
dunno I don't watch TV
that's too bad
but rebels seem to be OK
when do you think someone else will get elected, in Putin's place?
however I wonder what will happen when winter will come
your country will probably stop our gas and kill everyone
it has this advantage over everyone
how the hell did we end up here
nah, I mean in Ukraine
Russia is even selling Romania's gas back to it
Putin did a Hitler
I mean we sold our gas to Russia
he forgot why his country lost the previous war.
and Russia is selling it back to us
and also it's 1st September soon
is EU going to help Ukraine with some food and other humanitarian stuff?
I hope so
I mean I hope we won't have to help them with men and weapons
but that's unlikely to not happen
I mean Russia sent thousands of troops in Ukraine already
lolwut? no, Russian government didn't send "thousands" of troops. only a few military advisers. rest of the troops went voluntary.
yeah, and some official from Russia said "those satellite pictures are taken from a video game"
or something like that
if the EU and US are so sure that Russian troops are fighting in Ukraine, they should just send their own bombers/whatever to bomb them.
Do you go to jail if you say negative things about the Russian government?
seems like you do these days
a guy who protested sure was taken by the police for "unauthorized protesting"
@AlexM. yeah, from Flaming Cliffs 2. did you see those? it's hilarious
@AlexM. That is not necessarily the same thing.
we have a crime/law here about authorizing protests.
it's necessary for public safety- in case they turn into riots or something.
yeah but it was just one guy
@AlexM. so? there is a law.
anyway, time for a shower brb
yeah I guess that's true
^ that's why you shouldn't watch TV
> As real facts stand the shot was taken in April of 2014 in the course of combat exercises of Russian Federation Armed Forces in Volgograd region.
has this guy never heard of "stock photos"?
> No evidence of existence of such a column and its destruction has ever been granted.
only the NATO satellite images, buddy.
hi people told me to go to Lounge<C++> help desk and here I am
@Puppy yeah and then you show an enlarged image of the plate number as a "proof"
I want help now!
@Moderateur yeah, it's here. ask @LightnessRacesinOrbit
Lightness is the help desk operator
@LightnessRacesinOrbit I have a coupon, do I pay less for a ticket?
Nice guys, you're very experienced in this field
@Puppy ah, right those new satellite images - "vehicles move in an organized column - that's the proof that it's no amateurs but Russian professional army"
@Abyx No, it's the part where they're not just "vehicles" but "tanks" and crossing from Russia into Ukraine, so unless you guys have amateur tank drivers, it seems rather unlikely that it was amateurs.
@Puppy "crossing"? like the head of the column is in Ukraine and tail is in Russia? and where are those photos?
all over our Western media.
> since Ukrainian units have not yet penetrated this far into separatist controlled territory.
- oh yeah, "not yet"
@Abyx Troll much?
@Moderateur Hi roach/lobster
@Abyx Not in Russia, for sure. Also, arguably not in most other countries, but it's really interesting how countries with less of an interest in the Ukranian/Russian conflict somehow manage to find slightly more objective sources
@Moderateur current wait time: 3215 minutes
This never happened before
We appreciate your patience and apologize for the inconvenience
oO, the troll is gone
why as soon as the troll is gone, sehe is here ...
aaaaah fuck, I can't stop sneezing
Q: Why is std::vector<char> faster than std::string?

user3992511I have written a small test where I'm trying to compare the run speed of resizing a container and then subsequently using std::generate_n to fill it up. I'm comparing std::string and std::vector<char>. Here is the program: #include <algorithm> #include <iostream> #include <iterator> #include <ra...

@chmod711telkitty you're still here, right :)
@Xeo facepalm
@sehe yeah like the Janes News which says whatever Kiev says
std::string takes the minimum amount of size, no? As opposed to std::vector whose capacity might be much bigger than what it contains.
@Abyx yeah, I meant it when I said "less of an interest".
@Jefffrey Nothing is stated about std::string's allocation logic
Both types likely use the same strategy
I used this: coliru.stacked-crooked.com/a/0c29bea5e7b43862 and got 39021ms (String) versus 39039ms (Vector) on my i7/32GiB box. That's 0.05% faster for String at N = 1,000,000,000 — sehe 1 min ago
@Xeo I see.
apparently putin said the thing with the nuclear weapon stuff in front of some students
so it was not an announcement
the site/press said it was in front of students but immediately after they used words like "announcement" to make it look like it's official
You know what. A president is always well aware of the fact that the press is in front of the students. He is well aware of impact that certain allusions are going to have. This is very much on purpose.
Now, let me find out what it is he has not announced :)
@AlexM. that's what the thief said
I like how I've never approved any updates in months
and my Phone just feels compelled to auto-update all the software without asking my permission.
If my question is put on hold and I edit the question (to fit the rules in the help center), are the admins automatically reminded to recheck the question?
@mirgee yes, they get an SMS message reminder.
@BenjaminGruenbaum Haha.
Publication Date:
Filing Date:
No really, they do, it's in the FAQ - Stack Overflow is a serious business and they take your revision history very seriously. They have a team that handles these edits and even training programs in several cities.
If the Patent was successfully published
Does that mean it's in effect?
Does that mean it was granted?
@LightnessRacesinOrbit Oh, whew.
So Microsoft is just putting in a lot of applications to, essentially, patent programming languages.
@LightnessRacesinOrbit I mean, someone with the power the remove the "on hold". I found the answer to my question and it's on hold, so I can't answer it.
I edited it so it meets all the criteria in the help center and got even more downvotes. Life's not fair.
@mirgee There is a community voting system. Members of thee community, by and large, are not "admins".
When you edit a closed question it goes into a review queue.
Let's have a look at your question.
The problem is that your testcase is hardly minimal. You haven't finished your debugging yet.
Though personally I reckon that one's a little borderline and I'd not have voted to close it.
Also, your edit did make the question marginally better, so there's that.
@LightnessRacesinOrbit OK, I will wait for people to vote to reopen it
You also have two excellent answers there.
@LightnessRacesinOrbit OMG is that you? O:
@Moderateur Yes; why?
Going to a wedding today yippee! Time to find a nice dress
@LightnessRacesinOrbit Going to Dovefest today, yippee! Time to find some beer money
Shittles. I only have £10, the nearest ATM is 6km away and I don't want to use my car. Guess I've got no choice. I'll have to drive the 12km just to get beer money, come back home and then walk to the festival I just drove past:(
@LightnessRacesinOrbit cause you're so... beautiful °_° Yes marry me please! <3
@Moderateur She is engaged already. Put that penis back in your pants.
@MartinJames Well that kind of sucks.
Monogamy is a bitch.
@Jefffrey No problem I practice polygamy
I'm like that candy shop video of 50 cent
Cleaning done shopping done 4 hours lost
I'm glad that I came just in time for the new episode of chat creeps
I farted twice
OK, I found another £10 and I've taken the three pound coins I used to prop up the corner of my box where the plastic foot came off. OK, I have the leaning tower of Intel but I also have enough beer money.
why on earth would you prop up a case with money.
@Puppy It was leaning and rattling and, in a rush, the coins in my pocket were the only thing I could quickly lay my hands on. I then sorta forgot about the money:)
Speaking of which, I am losing a couple thousand a month because drafts man took 7 weeks to do the drawing, another month to fix it up and the council is taking forever (9th week and waiting) to approve the plan for the secondary dwelling. But alas I am back to my happy mood again!
the only real sad part is that I really want to do the overnight bushwalking trip this weekend. why didn't I be more prepared!!!
So far I have spent 5 months waiting for shitty, slow people
@chmod711telkitty They all named 'Ruby'?
javascripts .. real life javascript written by newbie gods
Anyway, I gotta go shower and change, (unless some idiot has stolen my underwear).
I tripped over my headphone wires today
should we look at Bailey?
@chmod711telkitty He only steals female underwear.
I wish I was more experienced ... at dealing with slow, shitty people
Throw them candy
If I spent a bit more money at start and doing a few things at the same time, I might avoid all these problems. I am inexperienced, that's the main problem here.
@deadmg there are so many people asking for game cheats for such ridiculously low prices its unreal
I think it might just be the same guy posting the same job ten times.
I've seen that often on the jobs websites.
:lol: someone bid on that nonsense
The saddest part is that, I am paying nearly $10,000 for the paper work (drawings, approvals, section 149 co-contribution fee - another extortion by the council), for the paper work that already took 5 months and counting.
at least criminals aren't shitty and slow
> 56+ years experience developing software
I'll apply
What a terrible typo, do these HR people even proofread their offers
The answer is no
56+ years ... was C invented back then?
yes it was commonly used as a letter of the alphabet why do you ask
great, then people can comment with //Crap this is a quick fix to the random crash
COBOL is almost 56 years old
<mom joke>
Yo momma is a COBOL programmer.
yo momma is so old, she can be a COBOL programmer?
In that case my mum can be a COBOL programmer
@dolan are you really 13 years old? are you an alias?
I found it hard to believe that 13 yo would apply to full time programming jobs
u jelly
yes I like jelly
I like fat ducks ... when roasted well ...
there are too many aliases around nowadays, are they ashamed of their real identities?
@Moderateur Also you are everything that is wrong with our industry, regarding women.
@Moderateur Hey get the hell out of here, she's mine.
I remembered where I have seen the flag in Moderateur's avatar - isn't that the one used by the cloning attack troll?
I'm trying to think about how I should make this work...
When in doubt, use UB.
My coworker's VM provisions with a wrong version of ElasticSearch
It's so weird
It clones, but clones an older version of itself?
Also apt-get takes so much fucking time it times out
There's no elasticsearch package in official repos though
And the repo provisioning adds is one with newest version only ._.
But it somehow installs version 1.1.1 instead of 1.3.2
Oh nice, with Fire Aspect any animal you kill that drops meat drops cooked meat.
and the dropamount gets multiplied with a looting sword
Of course that's because he's not running the daemon on the VM that's getting provisioned :cripes:
Why isn't there an hook after contrib.auth signals are lunched so that I can hook my own signals and create default groups.
Use fixtures
Or get_or_create if you don't care about their IDs
If I want really, really good texture rendering
Font rendering
@CatPlusPlus I can't use fixtures because i don't know the IDs of the automatically generated permissions before hand.
I mean, I have the freetype system set up
my only cnceptual problem is how to get things to the graphics card properly
Freetype provides coverage-data bitmaps, which is great
use a variable
@chmod711telkitty I'm LGBT but I used to be VGA
@Jefffrey Make fixtures for the permissions too
Didn't know LGBT was a video connector
@dolan now you do.
but I would have to put each glyph in its own texture or pack it all together...
Or use a data migration
Signals are really not the right tool for this
I'm thinking about becoming LCD, because you know. 2014.
(There is post_migrate signal from South, but data migration is better)
I think the most efficient would be Textures, that are really large, and then make them dynamic. That way, I can dump all the data I want into the texture, set up the texture index, and then draw as much as I possibly can.
@CatPlusPlus post_migrate is exactly the same as post_syncdb which is what I'm using right now. It's literally an alias.
@ThePhD I think you should use pango and render blocks of text into a texture
nahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh this isn't really it I came and join chat and they make me use this avatr dunno why
Also post_migrate is a signal.
That works fine until you want to start doing arbitrary transformations.
@ThePhD what like?
Do it on SIGSEGV.
Like individual letters flying off the screen, or something.
Let's try with fixtures, hopefully avoiding name clashes.
To accomodate all of it you'd have to create a texture the size of the screen.
You also lose the ability to transform on a per-character basis if you're doing something like dumping it all into a single texture, and then rendering that texture.
if you want to apply arbitrary transforms to the individual characters, you'd have to make sure your texture doesn't do something dumb like be too short or too narrow to visual your character flipping its shit.
(I.E. the thing is now the size of the screen.)
I think you're going to have to write your own layout engine
FreeType does that for me.
I'm just doing the rendering bit now.
@Jefffrey Yes I'm aware thank you
Data migration is better than signals
@ThePhD freetype only does font rendering doesn't it?
Freetype does no rendering
Well, to a bitmap
FreeType has no layouting whatsoever
I know I'm like a piece of meat being waved near a hungry bear mouth
Freetype gives you all the glyph metrics you could ever want.
here in the chat room :D
@ThePhD how do you know where to put the glyphs
Only very very very basic "render entire string" but it doesn't account for anything
@ThePhD Yes, to do your own layouting
Oh, you mean a system that contrains it to like a box or something.
You have to do your own kerning
That's piss easy. I've written like ten of those. :v
and putting accents in the right place
etc. etc.
Yeah no it's not if you want it to be correct :v
Accents are taken care of by free type.
Ask robot
is there a mod here?
I want him to suspend me so I can get back to work because I can't contain myself
cool story
@R.MartinhoFernandes I need your sagely wisdom.
Use Pango
Or HarfBuzz if you really like reinventing shit and dealing with low-level crap
it's ThePhD.
Pango has a working FT backend
HarfBuzz is going to be integrated into FT soon, ro at least teh author is trying to.
If it doesn't support per-glyph transformations/alpha and if I can't put in my own shaders and stroke/outline things easily, I'm rolling my own.
Why the hell do you want per-glyph transforms
Are you drawing every glyph separately
You ever played Paper Mario?
Also Pango is higher-level than HarfBuzz anyway, even if it'll be integrated into FT
Oh. Well it has some pretty nifty per-glyph text effects with layouting.
I want that.
@Moderateur you want mod, attention, we get it. well, I got someone better @Shog9
Why was this question so heavily downvoted? it deserves upvotes!
Q: What to do when you have a Stack Overflow Stalker

ThesisDesignI'm dealing with someone that notoriously answers questions on a topic with criticisms and no help at all. I flagged his comments on my last question because as per usual none of them were helpful and he seemed more interested in arguing and his comments were removed by the moderator. He is now...

Wonder if I can fit text to circles with Pango...
@chmod711telkitty thank you I'll ping him too. Hey @Shog9 I love you, please don't sleep, it's time to work
Ah, so HarfBuzz does layouting.
So if I stick FreeType and Harfbuzz together, I can make something beautiful myself.
And then render it however the fuck I like.
@ThePhD I thought HarfBuzz did shaping
Shaping, whatever.
It does STUFF.
You forgot your colons.
HarfBuzz is licensed under old MIT.
Sounds about right.
I can use this!

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