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@MartinJames hey how are the gashes?
@StackedCrooked Clean, not aparrently infected or painful, slight itch. Nothing to worry about health-wise, but I had to swap to another KB 'cos blood and pizza-crumbs form a kind of glue that sticks keys down:(
good to hear that :)
@Martin i know. but at the same time i dont want to lose the good parts of SO. call me sad but it matters to me and gives me enjoyment
sorry about your loss
(the keyboard)
i achieved nothing today other than that whole odr use thing which cheeredvme up so much somehow
@StackedCrooked It was missing a key anyway, well past it's scrap-by date.
> Int value 'j' is getting weird results when i keep trying to debug it
The solution is so painfully obvious...
What is the difference between preprocessor and linker? (yes, it's an SO question).
I mean, that's gotta be a troll, surely?
a better question would be what's similar between them.
firefox wiped my preferences or someshit
@StackedCrooked That's easy - I get big problems from both.
my stop/refresh/forward buttons.. they're all gone.
Did it update?
Chrome autosync ftw.
Because if yes, that's the new layout! :D
orly? I should try it.
well, there are significant differences.
To begin with their man-pages.
yeah.. musta downloaded the update in the background
mine was auto-updated as well
it's not that I genuinely care about that rounded tabs bullshit
Bastard Browser From Hell
Mine's blissfully the same
Jan 25 at 3:44, by StackedCrooked
User interfaces undergo major changes every few years because there is always some fuckhead that manages to enforce his ideology about how things should be.
the stop/refresh button isn't even in the Customize list anymore.
and Firefox still autocompletes the address bar to only the domain and not the subpage I want.
and I certainly don't need "Customize" eternally sitting there.
I can't close the trolls fast enough:
build.buildSteps.view.map(_()).dropWhile(_ == 0).headOption.getOrElse(0) yay a build runner.
that puts the reload/stop back where they were, and makes forward permanently visible
screw that
I'm just gonna reinstall Chrome instead.
goodbye Firefox
I'm simply not updating at home, done
meh, the stop/reload fubar is the only thing i've disliked about australis
@DeadMG Also, who needs buttons for that?
not me
Ctrl-R / F5 for refresh, Esc to stop it
backspace to go back
though if you're on Linux you need to go to about:config to enable that
@Rapptz I wish I could turn that off.
you can
In Chrome?
go on about:config and put the integer number to 2
Oh no. I don't know how to there.
I use swipe to go back and forward.
I actually go back with that button on my mouse, usually
@DeadMG Oh wait. Not Chrome? Ahahaa. ^R, Alt-{Left,Right} still appear to work. ^L sta{down}{Enter} still completes and loads to http://chat.stackoverflow.com/rooms/10/loungec.
Does this mean I don't have the update?
@sehe Yeah, the page-complete thingy always stopped at the toplevel domain for me, IIRC
Also, thanks for Ctrl-L, only knew about F6
which is a bit annoying
I have F5, F6, F7 and F8 all run my unit tests at work.
@Xeo Alt+D works too, that's the only one I knew
So, when you head-desk, your test cases run?
@Praetorian Doesn't for me
That just puts me in the menu bar
@Xeo Oh, i don't have menu bar showing
me neither
but Alt shows it
@Xeo I do.
that's odd, both Ctrl+L and Alt+D select all text in the address bar for me
Do you not use keyboard shortcuts puppy?
also, I reinstalled Chrome and man, I forgot how annoying that giant search thing is on the new tab page.
@Xeo Don't let go of Alt
reminds me of why I swapped from Chrome.
maybe I'll try IE11?
@Praetorian I'm not.
@Rapptz Not especially.
Ah, maybe because I have a German FF
cut and paste are pretty much the only ones.
and Alt-D is for "Datei"
oh and alt-tab
@Xeo No clue then, some about::config difference then probably
and alt + ctrl + delete.
but that's about it.
It all makes sense now.
Anonymous classes are so nice for unit testing.
I wouldn't want to work without my shortcuts
It's annoying to switch to the mouse for every little thing
hm, not really.
switching to the mouse is only a loss of time if the work you're doing is bottlenecked by your typing speed.
A: If null is evil (and it is) why do modern languages implement it?

Jack AidleyBecause programming languages are generally designed to be practically useful rather than technically correct. The fact is that null states are a common occurrence due to either bad or missing data or a state that has not yet been decided. The technically superior solutions are all more unwieldy ...

so what if you spend extra time switching to the mouse? you can just spend that time thinking, which is what you're really spending your time doing anyway.
@DeadMG I never said it was 'a loss of time'
I said it was annoying
and personally
tabbing through windows to get to the right one is slow enough that virtually every interaction I do already involves using the mouse to bring the appropriate application into focus
Alt-Tab + arrow keys
here's something I think is a waste of time with a mouse
deleting an entire line
@Xeo two words for you; Maybe monad
I used to always waste my time dragging through the entire line :v
until I learned a keyboard shortcut for it a few weeks ago
@Xeo It's still like, 6-7 applications away.
Windows Key + number
@Rapptz teach us
Windows shows 7 applications per row for me.
@Rapptz oh cool
if it's 7 away, that's just the down arrow and left to get to it
@Rapptz I don't like those. Too annoying to figure out which number is what, and I have my taskbar hidden
@LightnessRacesinOrbit are you there?
@StackedCrooked In ST3 it's Ctrl + Shift + K
@RenanGemignani now I'm curious. What part of the answer helped? — sehe 5 secs ago
@rightfold err, that's the exact opposite of what he's saying
@Xeo I don't really have a hard time counting
and in reality, I never move stuff in my taskbar
@Xeo I am sorry.
so I just memorised the numbers
like #1 is firefox, #8 is ST3 and #6 is Qt Creator, #9 is skype
I have 12 apps in my taskbar, including 2 that are not open. The interesting ones, besides FF, are at 10+
#0 is Windows Explorer :v
I have no taskbar.
@LightnessRacesinOrbit remember the ODR usage we talked about earlier; Richard Smith stepped in llvm.org/bugs/show_bug.cgi?id=19643
@DeadMG ^ you can take a look too
I have Z shell, htop and a tiling WM. :3
I could do, but why would I?
arguing with you the first time was like battering my head against a brick wall covered in iron spikes.
@DeadMG Psst: You were wrong, according to Richard :P
@DeadMG because now you are not arguing with me
well, there's Windows Key + T too
@sehe lol, his comment.
@Rapptz Why does that not allow arrow keys :<
uh it does
@FilipRoséen-refp Great, so I'll go argue with some randomer instead?
I suggest you remove everything but the first line from the answer.
let the language lawyers lawyer it out.
I give a fuck even less what they say than what you say.
@Rapptz Oh wait, if I let go of the Winkey
Are you guys arguing about arguing?
Unit testing functional code is depressing.
14 lines of test code for one line of code. :v
static members are the worst part of C++
I avoid them like the plague.
I think they're weirder in Java than in C++
but alright
I'm willing to bet Java does it sanely.
@rightfold well, it happens :)
Beh, static methods.
Make classes objects and make “static methods” instance methods on their metaclasses.
@ScarletAmaranth ? how so
@JerryCoffin I love the elitism reasoning:
> I fortunately was raised in a programming culture like this,
because my code was on punch cards that you delivered to the
operator for queuing up to the machine and then you gathered
your output 24 hours later
@JerryCoffin Still a good piece. I like this more though: david.heinemeierhansson.com/2014/…
Even better: have only hash tables, make types merely conventional and not special in any way, and have predicate dispatch on functions.
I should really implement that one day.
been done 1000 times
@sehe I'm not sure that really qualifies as elitism, but....
Link pl0x.
Today on the bicycle I was thinking of a Funciton-like language based on streams and with sane syntax.
@sehe Hmm...looks interesting. I'll have to read it when I get a chance. A lot of the functional code I've written is structured pretty much as an inductive proof in executable form, which tends to render a lot of testing nearly irrelevant.
@JerryCoffin Not per se, but it sure reeks of it. And the number of times he praises his, supposedly (?!?!) rare advantage... well it irked me
@filip will take a look at home thx
@LightnessRacesinOrbit wicked!
@sehe Struck me more as a "kids nowadays" kind of thing than anything else...
How would I test my code if I don’t unit test it?
@JerryCoffin A lot of my code deals with externalities. I usually test my assumptions about them - and keep the tests as insurance against changes
I want to see whether it works or not, and writing a main function and changing it to affect my latest change and then changing it back to see whether the other things was still working is a waste IME.
@JerryCoffin Ah. Closely related knee-jerkisms, in my book
It is extremely cumbersome and boring to do that.
> Testing can’t replace good development: a high test failure
rate suggests you should shorten development intervals,
perhaps radically, and make sure your architecture and design
regimens have teeth
You cannot have a high test failure rate.
I don't even know what TDD is
I just write unit tests.
@rightfold although you can have a significant amount of work refactoring/adapting tests
My knowledge of TDD basically comprises of "It stands for Test Driven Development"
@sehe I suppose you could see it as a form of elitism, but it doesn't seem like it to me. When I was in grade school, I never thought of myself as particularly smart--I always assumed I was about average, and most of my class-mates were stupid. I think this is a little the same way--he's not claiming he's all that great, only that a lot of kids are covering for nearly complete ignorance.
@Rapptz When do you write them?
Right after I finish. Like, I finish writing a change and then I write a test for it.
With TDD you write 1~2 lines of tests just before writing the 1~2 lines of code that have just been tested.
Sounds retarded.
@Rapptz The idea in TDD is that you write tests first, and everything is extremely incremental. Write the smallest test you can that fails. Then write the minimum code to make that pass. Repeat indefinitely and refactor mercilessly.
@rightfold Because whenever I design something, the API is really not final/possible. I have an API in mind and how I want it but sometimes it just isn't possible. So writing a test for it first in hopes that this is how I want it just ends up in me rewriting the tests.
and becauae some people need that structure in order to do testing right at all
i sometimes work in a way that resembles tds
1) Write no production code until you have a failing unit test.
2) Write no more of a unit test than is sufficient to make it fail.
3) Write no more production code than is sufficient to make the currently failing unit test pass.
4) Improve the code you have just written.
5) GOTO 1
other times, i do not. when you are a fucking genius like most of us, "patterns" are not required
@LightnessRacesinOrbit this
just write the code; get it right the first time; ship it
@Rapptz The point of TDD is having the tests direct the design of the API.
Hence “test-driven.”
gimme repz baby
@rightfold My point is, it's not possible for me to do so.
(Always assuming common sense and use of brain, but that should be obvious.)
@Rapptz Have you tried?
sometimes you can write a great API without writing cose to test it
I always design my APIs first (I don't write tests for the design) and then I try to implement it
@rightfold good question
Most of the time I have to make small changes
i love designing apis. i very rarely write tests at that point but i usually have intuition as to what they will be
shit developers lack that intuition and need to write out the tests to compensate
@LightnessRacesinOrbit I don't write unit tests too, but your statement sounds like excuse for laziness
@Rapptz But why is not possible for you to not do so? Company policy?
He didn't say he doesn't write unit tests
Just wondering.
@JerryCoffin Rereading it it irks me much less than the way I remembered it. And I largely concur. Just seems a tad one-sided. I see many "spoiled" youngsters with some mean skills. And yes, they might not fit the bill for algorithm design, and yes they might require more iterations to get where they wanted, but they will still outperform me in their favourite areas (like UI development...)
@rightfold Because I'm lazy and don't like changing my tests. I'm a hobbyist, not a professional.
@LightnessRacesinOrbit Same here for the most part.
@mrpyo I write unit tests when the design is implemented.
well I'm still studying, not working yet so I have a comfort of implementing only what I invent myself
I really like the points that Kent Beck was - ironically - making in this article: facebook.com/notes/kent-beck/rip-tdd/750840194948847
"Over-engineering" part is because of OOP
In particular, I find that I can help my self past creativity blocks by focusing on the tests.
> * Feeling overwhelmed. I'm really going to miss how, using TDD, even if I couldn't imagine an implementation I could almost always figure out how to write a test. I need to find a new way to take that next step up the mountain.
@sehe I probably notice some of it less simply because I've been though (minor variations of) the same. I think I probably dismiss it almost subconsciously, simply because I have all too clear a memory of Fortran IV that was just as bad of cargo-cult programming as anything I see today.
it discourage extensibility, so you try to write for future
Hmm, David Heinemeier Hansson.
For some reason I never really liked that guy.
Don’t know why.
I think both of them have good points.
DHH was only saying that TDD doesn't always work. He is still in favor of testing.
And Kent Beck's retort makes it seems as if DHH is against all testing.
@JerryCoffin I've been through that myself. I've had people hand me printed answers to mailing list questions that I had them ask on my behalf. That would take ~2 weeks. And I literally sat in the backyard, reading program listings, to learn from them and writing programs so I could maybe run one of them when I visited someone who had a PC.
I wonder how cppreference implemented Coliru on the site
@StackedCrooked Not IMO. In fact, he flirts with the idea of dropping TDD, so the contrast makes it clear where he'd miss that, and why.
the editor is actually better than Coliru's :v
You only need to do an HTTP request.
You don’t need to embed Coliru.
I meant the editor aspect
@StackedCrooked Seems to me that Kent Beck has become so close to synonymous with unit testing as a religion that any attempt to even suggest that it might have limitations or there may be useful alternatives he takes as pretty much an attack on himself personally and feels obliged to do whatever is necessary to ridicule it mercilessly.
@Rapptz Hehe. The editor of Coliru plain doesn't work in Opera :) Coliru is the sole reason I sometimes use Chrome
@JerryCoffin I'm reading the first few pages of this, and what it sounds like is, "Waaah programs today so complex".
            if (line.indexOf('☘') == 0) {
                is_compile_output = true;
                line = line.substring(1);
            } else if (line.indexOf('☢') == 0) {
                line = line.substring(1);
lol. Are we reading the same piece? :L
what is going on here
lounge is going on
@sehe He complains about not being able to run the code in his head. Isn't that going to be true of any non-trivial code?
@Rapptz splitting by unlikely delimiting characters!
@Rapptz hoping that coliru will never output these symbols
but why is he checking for it..?
if I could run the program in my head I wouldn't need a computer.
    this.cmd_run_normal = ' 2>&1 | sed "s/^/☘/"; if [ -x a.out ]; then ./a.out | sed "s/^/☢/"; fi'
    this.cmd_run_share = ' && ./a.out';
@Rapptz if the delimiter is in, he doesn't want to show it
@Rapptz Ah it looks more like he's using those chars like a "BOM" but to indicate the type of fragment.
Oh well. UI hacks
@DeadMG Can't say it struck me that way at all, but I guess I can sort of see how it could seem that way. To an extent I even agree--I think quite a few systems would be drastically improved if their developers were more constrained so they had to concentrate a bit more on simplicity, eliminating redundancy, etc.
man I hate JavaScript.
This is about the worst song I have ever heard. youtube.com/watch?v=rDgQlSqzaas
@JerryCoffin Well, I certainly agree that system complexity should be as low as possible.
but "So low I can run it in my head" seems like an unobtainable goal for any system of non-child-play complexity.
@rightfold title translated is "princess' red rose". I'm so proud!
@DeadMG Perhaps. I think on at least a conceptual level it should be possible for a lot more systems than it currently is though.
@rightfold yep, it's pretty bad
well, alternatively, he just has the wrong kind of head.
@Rapptz Way better.
comparing polymorphism to goto seems like he just doesn't understand what polymorphism is.
I need some entertainment
A few years ago, there was a month (or so) while people wrote their own implementations of Reddit (I think it was Reddit, anyway) in a page or so of code. I haven't looked at Reddit, but I have looked at a couple of systems on about that scale. One widely used web site contains over 200 million lines of code. Given what it does, I can see it's being larger than most people expect, but its size still nearly astonished me--and looking through the code, the redundancy level is ridiculous.
@StackedCrooked Way better too.
sittin in the back seat!
@DeadMG I think we can say with reasonable certainty that James Coplien understands polymorphism adequately. amazon.com/Advanced-C-Programming-Styles-Idioms/dp/0201548550/…
Fuck. Friday night, my close-vote finger is tired and I'm 'designated driver' for Anne's darts meeting, so no beer.

My life sucks.
you know, I will endeavour to read the book before forming a final opinion, and I was barely born when the book was written, but I thought that the predominant opinions in the early-mid 1990s were all "USE POLYMORPHISM TO SOLVE EVERY PROBLEM, EVER".
@MartinJames Anne plays darts?
@DeadMG Some might have said/thought/felt that. Coplien pretty clearly didn't, and much of the book explores alternatives, as well as various ways of extending beyond what C++ supports directly.
@StackedCrooked Yeah, for the 'Old Swan'. They've just been promoted for 2nd year running and so they're spending the leftover subs on bowling, meal and beer.
She’s a Dart programmer.
@MartinJames nice :)
@rightfold nerd
@StackedCrooked For me, not so much:(
for those who like link expansion-thingie-dingie
A: Is a constexpr array necessarily odr-used when subscripted?

Richard SmithFirst use of A::a: int a = A::a[0]; The initializer is a constant expression, but that doesn't stop A::a from being odr-used here. And, indeed, A::a is odr-used by this expression. Starting from the expression A::a[0], let's walk through [basic.def.odr](3.2)/3 (for future readers, I'm using t...

Richard Smith replied.
@JerryCoffin I found quite a few people professing a love for the book, but pretty much nowhere to get it.
should I feel bad that I don't know who Richard Smith is : - /?
I asked blizzard to remove my authenticator after I changed my phone, and they replied in less than 30 mins
(he apparently deserves to be italicized at least according to Filip)
that's... sorta nice
some guy who works on Clang.
@DeadMG Yeah--it's been out of print for quite a while, so pretty much the only chance of getting a copy is going to be used. I doubt I'd bother, to be honest. It's really good in some ways, but C++ has changed enough since then that it's horribly out of date.
21:41:40  edoceo`$ V-ille: btw, is Richard S on the committee?
21:41:44  V-ille$ yes
21:42:06  V-ille$ he's the project editor
21:42:14  V-ille$ and a google representative
@ScarletAmaranth ^
Java + native + CLR all in one process? Risktaker! — Mooing Duck 8 mins ago
@FilipRoséen-refp Again?!
@sehe need more Parrot.
And V8.
@sehe we are talking about different replies here, one was to the bug report, the other to the SO question
@sehe Zend :0
@FilipRoséen-refp Oh, I noticed both at the same time
@rightfold Nah, that's "death-wish", not "risk-taker"
To go or not to go.
what is unconference?
This is a pretty powerful slide
Whey is the type b in this code implicitly converted from type B to type A.
When I use std::vector<A>
Damian walks into a bar. Bartender says "wtf - do we look like a helpdesk"?
Gin and tonic please..
@Damian Well, you wrote the two conversions
the iterator is also a conversion?
Nope. `B::operator int` and `A::A(int)`
Make either one `explicit` and you're good
@JohanLarsson A thinly-veiled pissup.
@sehe where is operator int?
@rightfold this beast? B(int n = 0)
That’s int-to-B, not B-to-int.
@rightfold hehehe. I'm blind. I imagined it. Huh
Q: Is using the phrase "... is left as an exercise for the reader" considered good style in academic papers/theses?

JanPossible arguments: Pro For brevity for trivial deductions Contra Looks like the writer could not be bothered to write an extensive explanation Definition of what is trivial to which reader and what not

the worst phrase of all time
A has an implicit copy constructor.
It takes an A const& and B can be implicitly converted to A const&.
@MartinJames why the name unconference?
@JohanLarsson Some of us may put it down as a 'business conference' for the purposes of taxation.
@Rapptz Nah "Is beyond the scope of this paper" has got to be worse
@JohanLarsson .. but it's not really, it's beerCentric.
@JohanLarsson You wanna come?
Maybe I could have phrased that differently.
@rightfold OK, got it now, and because I declare vector<A> it will implicitly convert from B to A by using the implicit copy constructor A const&. I will try to implement that conpy constructor and see when it is called..
Beware of slicing.
@sehe Thank you!
@sehe You’ve been sitting like that for a few years now. Isn’t that bad for your spine?
@sehe As given, this is basically meaningless. Since they're citing raw numbers of papers by decade, you need to know how many papers they have for each decade before it stands any chance of meaning anything. Could be a (nearly) constant percentage of papers use the phrase, and Google just doesn't have very many papers from 1910-1920.
Come on, don't spoil the party! Or I'll be back to spamming silly benchmark results from Dietmar's ACCU2014 talk :)
@rightfold Yes, correct! the A implicit copy constructor was called.
@MartinJames Maybe, I don't like humans irl much though :)
@mc_hankins @guyleech @annegalloway Would it give the # of papers with another word/phrase, which could serve as a surrogate denominator?
Someone is on it!
@sehe My sincere apologies. Maybe I should go home and start drinking heavily.
I just found a bug where we implemented undo as save, #minor :)
makes sense, if the action was "document file deletion"
@rightfold I hate slicing. Especially my finger. Hurts like hell.
Not sure what to do if a build step throws.
I could rethrow implicitly or report it as a failed build.
Or I can document that a build step may not throw any exception.
I’ll go with implicit rethrow. I consider an exception not to be a failed build, but rather a bug in the implementation of the build step.
those two are not mutually exclusive
I have no sausages. I want to eat sausages. I will go buy sausages. I WILL eat sausages!
Build failure is signalled by returning non-zero.
@MartinJames Sounds like a plan.
And optionally (but recommended) writing messages to the build log.
@JerryCoffin I'm tired of curry and pizza. Difficult to believe, I know.
Reminds me to Google for 'Indian restaurants near Alexanderplatz'.
@sehe Well, if a build step throws an exception it’s more like the build runner failed rather than the build itself.
Time to take a massive glorious shit.
in English Language & Usage on The Stack Exchange Network Chat, 6 hours ago, by CodesInChaos
Flagging the automatic feed makes no sense
@MartinJames It is. Now that you mention it, I think I need to (try to) find a good curry place around here for supper tonight...
You must be British... What's your usual order?
he's not British.
@DeadMG ...not unless you go back several generations (to Tristram Coffin, who came from England to the colonies in the 1640's or so).
@sehe LOL
My lovely T-shirt arrived today.
didn't go well with the drugs today
what happened?
I used drugs today.
I drank Coca-Cola.
I've been prescribed 50,000 IU of Vitamin D and 1 mg of Vitamin B12.
Hey Rapptz, you’re good with biology right?
I hope so.

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