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@EtiennedeMartel Those terms need defining. My first girl was sexually violent, but I didn't complain about it.
@MartinJames Rape is sex without consent. Or at least that's how I define it. I don't know if the aforementionned research uses the same vocabulary.
@EtiennedeMartel There are ~30 people online in this room, do the math!
Well, if you didn't complain probably you didn't even report the fact. Which would actually suggest that the percentages are higher than the records say
I would add unwanted. Without consent and unwanted. Makes it more plausible. to me
That's actually an issue with rape as a whole.
@Ak_Crusader If you don't want it, you did not give consent.
Consent is never implied. That's the key point.
but you could not give consent and still be okay with it.
Perhaps in some restricted geographic area those numbers make sense
Like morning BJ's
@EtiennedeMartel It's difficult. If you've both sunk a bottle of tequila, who has consented to what?
most males in germany aren't worth raping ^^
Don't jinx it for the Germans.
@MartinJames Nobody did.
Hence why the whole thing is iffy.
Well, that article said men been sexually violated, it did not say by women
Additionally, studies sponsored by gay and lesbian studies programs at various universities suggest that 12 - 30 percent of gay and bisexual men surveyed had indicated that they engaged in sexual intercourse when they did not want to because they felt coerced to do so. Recent studies show that more than 86% of male survivors are sexually abused by another male.
@telkitty.exe that could also happen
yes, but less likely
@HamZa 60 of them are rapists
@StackedCrooked ehehehehe
Maar het begint laat te worden...
Good night
well, in which the case the unconference might not be all that safe ~_~
So yeah, I was talking with a guy that informed me that dangerous viruses hidden in .pdfs exists, that once you double click it, it encrypts your whole filesystem and tells you you have to pay in bitcoin to have it back.
not true
well, partially
embedding stuff in PDFs is incredibly old
So I said: "Well, technically speaking I don't think it's that simple. .pdf files are, generally, automatically opened with a program that reads the file expecting document data, so it's not particularly possible to run code like that".
only Acrobat Reader allows you embedding stuff IIRC
There's tons of PDF-based exploits
and it gives you a warning before hand
PDFs can also have JS in them :v
@Rapptz Yup. He read that on wikipedia in front of me.
ancient stuff
Moral of the story: you can think logically all you want, but a guy with a smartphone definitely can look smarter than you.
Every time I come up with "That would make absolutely no sense", someone proves me wrong.
For example, why would PDFs allow JS in them? God only knows.
God, and Adobe, of course.
Because stupid people actually write interactive applications based on PDF/Acrobat
also PDFs have forms
which are pretty cool
What bothers me is this though: how can acrobat reader have the access to any file and encrypt them all?
it probably doesn't
i.e. reader is the middleman
so, like.. you use it to open another malicious process of your own?
Hmm. Even then, don't you need root access for some of the files?
Probably not the ones you want to encrypt.
Encrypting the OS and apps is not really worthwhile
@DeadMG Nice :D
Oh god Jerkcity is so dumb I love it
TIL about Cristiano Ronaldo.
what's the easiest way to turn an int representing a letter in an ascii table into... that letter? I'm using python
Don't use python but use c instead? Where int & char are interchangeable ...
but python does all my work for me.
BTW, is it acceptable to do 1[&arr] as shorthand for std::end(arr) ?
Q: Convert int to ascii and back in Python

mlissnerI'm working on making a URL shortener for my site, and my current plan (I'm open to suggestions) is to use a node ID to generate the shortened URL. So, in theory, node 26 might be short.com/z, node 1 might be short.com/a, node 52 might be short.com/Z, and node 104 might be short.com/ZZ. Something...

I swear you're not even trying.
there's a "scariest and creepiest thing on the internet" thread on reddit
and there's nothing scary
not sure what to think about that
@Rapptz You're completely jaded.
That, or... it's a meta thing.
You know this saying, "nothing is scarier"?
Well, that's it: maybe it's just nothing. And that's the scary stuff.
@EtiennedeMartel I have to agree. Nothingness it scary as hell.
@JerryCoffin I think it's the scariest thing there is.
@EtiennedeMartel Could very well be.
The eight ring of hell: pure, unadulterated nothingness. Nothing there, so Dante didn't realize it was there at all (and it isn't, really).
nobody has ever experienced absolute nothingness
@telkitty.exe A few animals have (by having their sensory nerves severed). Some people on comas (for example) may have, but it's impossible for us to know or say one way or the other.
@JerryCoffin but their central nerve system might still be generating signals? then it is not absolute nothingness
@telkitty.exe I don't see any way to even take a guess at what (if anything) they're experiencing. For example, if I were to hallucinate, would that qualify as experiencing something? My brain thinks (so to speak) that there's an experience, but in fact that "experience" isn't real at all. You'd need to define lots of corner cases before you could say whether a particular state qualified or not.
@Mysticial You may not have known it before, but I can't quite believe it came as a huge surprise either.
10GB to run "Hello World" is more bloated than even iTunes. Not by much though, but it still beats it.
@Mysticial But as Michael Borgwardt pointed out, the JVM is just allocating a fixed percentage of available memory.
It was slow and painful, but JVMs managed to run (stumble, anyway) back when we only have a few megs of RAM.
@Mysticial Probably a good idea. I can't believe I (of all people) would be in the position of actually defending Java.
Good morning!
Is there anybody who can help me set up Android NDK so that I can test compilation of log4cplus for Android?
Software developers are fucking weird. facebook.com/notes/kent-beck/rip-tdd/750840194948847 what the hell is this
Can anyone recommend a modern OpenGL game-like engine?
@Nican unity3d?
Preferably in C++. There is a lot of stuff I must do with shaders, and I am tired of dealing with the Ogre abstractions.
Best I found so far is jMonkey and OpenSceneGraph.
You mean raw OpenGL?
If so, doesn't really exist from what I've seen.
jMonkey does seem to give the option to write raw OpenGL shaders.
There were numerous attempts though. Many of them tend to fall back on "Java-style C++"
Easily the one of worst ways to program in C++.
Wrong... site?
There aren't enough people in the tavern to get this stuff gone.
I take it you don't want to help remove spam?
Loaded question.
If I had an account there then sure. But I'm not gonna create an account on EL just to flag spam.
@Mysticial I have more than 100 accounts already
sigh Why doesn't Java automatically update yet? Wait- do not do not that, that would be the worse attack vector.
@Nican even without an infected update source, you mean?
They have been trying to secure Java as long as I have been using a computer. I figure they would have at least some idea of what they are doing by now.
@Nican Windows still have security holes as well. You can't really have bug-free software.
@Nican When Java was new, they (apparently) convinced themselves that security was actually easy, and the OS designers were all just idiots. While Sun owned it, Java stayed (sort of) secure because Sun was liked and respected, so people didn't attack it much. After the Oracle buyout, that artificial protection is long gone.
Oh, hehe, never heard that story before.
@JanDvorak Actually, bug free software is quite easy. There's just not quite enough space in this margin for me to prove it.
@JerryCoffin indeeed, but it won't be useful for pretty much anything.
Hey look. We got some 2's and 3's. :D:D:D stackoverflow.com/questions/23403366/…
@Rapptz It's Kent Beck being defensive because somebody pointed out that the emperor is really rather poorly dressed.
Well, I'm off to bed. G'night all.
is it possible to have some bot that will recognize ++var,var++ pattern in question and will automatically mark it as duplicate ? — Dabo 3 mins ago
for now, a SEDE query should do
man, since I've started programming, it changed deeply. Even the ultimate dreams in life.
never thought i would dream of something, like, being member of IEEE
You'd expect IntelliJ to have basic functionality such as running a shell script as a build system. :|
passthru('./configure.py && ninja');
But I can run PHP as build system!
... well, plus points for creativity at least :p
Oh Hi, Windows. I haven't missed you in the last 8 weeks.
BashSupport works, nice. :)
We don't do the or thing. Not by policy, at least.
(exceptions do exist)
@sehe not even spam fighting?
Yeah, spam is a good cause. However, that wasn't clearly stated. And the pattern just gives the wrong impression ("standard procedure" / "don't think")
If we want to hunt spam, we do that ourselves.
No need to spam us with spam.
I happen to have a script that catches a lot of spam, but I need someone to cast the flags.
Well, I don't mind (being alerted) if it's genuine spam. However, my experience is that flagging something as spam usually results in mod attention < 1 minute
@sehe not on smaller sites. Spam, even if flagged, can survive hours there.
@JanDvorak Why don't you create a room ("Fire Brigade") so all users who share this interest can opt-in?
@sehe so far we're using the tavern, and it works quite well. Are you willing to join us?
@JanDvorak TIL. Well, then. I no longer object to your posting it here. But keep in mind that is something from other rooms. I /think/ it's generally frowned-upon here (for good reason, IMO)
@JanDvorak Perhaps. Maybe I'll find the way later
@sehe what do you suggest as a notation? I can go with just "SPAM [link]".
No. Just don't post it here at all.
This isn't the PHP room. Most of us don't care.
Sounds good to me. We usually do "Oooh. This is a good one:" or "Yup. That'll work on SO:" :) But yeah, as long as it clearly states why post the link, and make it easy for us to know what to look for in order to validate the claim etc.
@rightfold I don't think that's true for spam.
@sehe Yeah.. Apparently decompressing a zip with lots of files is slower on SSD than on HDD.
@Nican WAT. I haven't found that kind of hilarity before xD
@sehe well, the kind of spam you meet in the waves I'm talking about is pretty obvious. Literally just a wall of text that is posted over and over again, trying to advertise us a premium fee phone line that is supposed to solve everything through black magic.
@rightfold I'll check if the PHP room cares about spam, then. Thanks for the suggestion.
for those who care, here's some obvious spam: webapps.stackexchange.com/questions/60163/…
@JanDvorak One thing you might want to realize is that not everyone here is a janitor. Most of us have better things to do than to go out of our way to flag spam. If it's right in front of us on SO, fine. It's just 2 clicks. On another site where we don't have an account? Nope... Our time is worth more than the extra X minutes it may stay up on some other site.
@Mysticial define "X". I've seen spam stay up for more than two hours until it was wiped by a moderator.
As for having an account... it's only once per site. Then it's just two-clicks like on SO
but yeah... it seems @rightfold was right that the locals just don't care about spam.
@Mysticial So, watched NGNL yet? :P
@R.MartinhoFernandes Where exactly in Berlin is the unconference going to be held? If that's not decided yet, what are the options? Near somebody who lives there, I presume?
@Xeo None of the good fansubs have it yet.
I'm waiting for FFF. I refuse to watch HorribleSubs.
I started with Underwater/FFF too, but they're so much slower :<
@Mysticial Eh, both use the same translation
in C#, 42 secs ago, by user3313264
hello guys, quick question: how can i check for all labels in the form?
@FredOverflow Does it matter where? You can get anywhere in Berlin pretty quickly. But it'll likely be close to Pankow / Prenzl Berg
Though we have yet to decide what we actually want to do
11 hours ago, by Cat Plus Plus
So if you want to try out Slack for Unconference stuff or whatever, gimme your mail
@Xeo I don't know. Never been there.
Also, give Cat or Robot your mail
XML configuration. :(
Solr y u no Groovy or Clojure. :(
<!-- Set the accuracy (float) to be used for the suggestions. Default is 0.5 -->
<str name="accuracy">0.7</str>
Dat data type.
@rightfold Whoa, rightfold? I didn't recognize you until now.
Since when are you into Spongebob?
I always liked SpongeBob.
> Record 2341 of 5130: Corrupt File "<0x1,0xb923f>" ... no corruption found.

Record 2342 of 5130: Corrupt File "<0x1,0xb9240>" ... no corruption found.

Record 2343 of 5130: Corrupt File "<0x1,0xb9241>" ... no corruption found.

Record 2344 of 5130: Corrupt File "<0x1,0xb9242>" ... no corruption found.

Record 2345 of 5130: Corrupt File "<0x1,0xb9243>" ... no corruption found.

Record 2346 of 5130: Corrupt File "<0x1,0xb9244>" ... no corruption found.

Record 2347 of 5130: Corrupt File "<0x1,0xb9245>" ... no corruption found.
Stop harassing me then I love you too, Windows
@rightfold Too bad only the first 3 seasons are available on DVD here :(
Fuck you Solr.
Enabling spelling correction broke suggestions.
@FredOverflow I've only been once - for a gig and beers with robot. You can get 'tourist tickets' for the S/U-Bahn that last one or three days and allow unlimited travel. I found getting around quite easy, though I did get on one train that was going in the wrong direction - not much of a problem to get off and come back.
TIL about on/o‌​ver.
Typical usage: sortBy (compare `on` fst)
@rightfold I knew about that!
I didn't! :D
lambda 1 : 0 spongebob
One of the nicest snippets of code in our code base IMO: gist.github.com/rightfold/6d56611ff8c2970d7be3
Although IMO I should split it into two functions, one which returns the filter and one which does the actual filtering.
@FredOverflow sortBy (comparing fst) :P
(where comparing f = compare `on` f, defined in... Data.Ord IIRC)
Meh, gonna remove filter-query and just call query-filter later.
@Xeo Pfft, that's for pussies. comparing = (compare `on`).
Might aswell go comparing = on compare then
Oh did I mention I didn't miss Windows the last 8 weeks?
@Xeo Do you use fmap f x or f `fmap` x?
@rightfold f <$> x
Nice. I use <$> only with <*>, otherwise I use `fmap`.
Everyone lunching?
I'm here
will lunch soon though; the family's doing the traditional May 1st bbq
@sehe but why do you have to update the license if it doesn't expire for another ~6 million years? :/
@melak47 that doesn't sound like a good idea
what, giving out my super secret email in chat? :p
too late anyway :p
what the fuck did you do to your avatar
it's some yellow blob thing
so using “queer women” instead of lesbian just erases nb and otherkin people who don’t identify as “women”
@DeadMG It no longer is.
@Griwes Tumblr and its 'otherkin' obsession fascination
would it be useful to provide stuff like "find all references" on the command line?
Never had the need with C++.
@Jefffrey rly o_O?
yeah, but none of the C++ tools actually work, as far as I can tell.
which is a bit of a downer on finding uses for them.
@ScarletAmaranth How could it be useful?
they kinda work in VS
@Jefffrey if you want to see... all references? (to something...)
as a simple example, I've used it to estimate the difficulty of refactoring a thing.
if you find all refs and there's like, 1-2 hits, then you're like, "Whatever, I can refactor easy".
JetBrains sent me an email saying the toolchain I use is yet unsupported by their IDE and so I can go fuck myself
so I'm cool with VS
same here
for the time being, vOv
I believe it's more of an IDE job to have such a feature.
the only way they can implement it is by re-implementing the compiler.
so it's kinda dumb to not have the feature built in
There you go. You got your answer.
just had to explicitly std::move a return identifier; in VS.
that kinda inhibits RVO
(congrats) :)
@ScarletAmaranth Can't RVO anyway because the return type was unique_ptr<Base> and identifier was unique_ptr<Derived>.
Is it a factory function?
what do you need the std::move there for, then?
VS just said that it couldn't bind the lvalue identifier to the rvalue reference in unique_ptr's constructor.
maybe it's a VS bug or maybe the Standard wording just can't cope with that situation.
MSVC doesn't do auto-move in returns
er, it does.
it's not terrifically reliable IME, but it certainly does in most cases.
Is identifier a local by-value variable?
oh wait
but like I said, it's not actually of the return type, so I could see the Standard wording not applying here
yeah, standard's fault here
auto-move only happens if copy-elision could happen, but doesn't
there's an NB comment about that, though
because it's stupid
IMO the Standard is way over-restrictive on this stuff.
it should simply always move
the copy elision rules are too restricted
eh, how would you make them less restrictive?
@Xeo You mean it should never copy elide?
I think they are fine, it's just that auto-move shouldn't depend on them
well, I would permit the compiler to elide wherever as-if would apply.
so if I did, I dunno
f() { std::string s = something; g(s); } then elision here would be legal.
I don't think you can reliably do that
you can't under the current Standard.
that would need crazy amounts of analysis
references etc
what I'm really saying is
who gives a fuck?
it's not for the Standard to prevent optimizations because the Committee can't see how they can be implemented.
the people that want to keep C++ implementable
it's the implementor's problem to define what optimizations can and cannot be implemented.
making elision legal is different to making it required.
Hah!!! Did I mention it already?
How I did not (NOT) miss Windows in the previous 8 weeks?
Guess what Win8 just did for me
@sehe Geez, we got it, you hate Windows.
@sehe Crashed?
It took 1h40m to boot after enabling Wcf activation (windows feature). Only during the last 2 seconds I got any sign of progress!
At least, the progress from 0% to 100% was extremely fast!
@Xeo What does he usually use?
@Xeo I don't. I'm just surprised how badly things work, even if you know the pitfalls inside out. It's not like I'm doing anything special. And it's not like I didn't have patience enough.
@Jefffrey Valium
@sehe That makes you crash.
Yeah. At least that part I understand
oh man
just realized I'll have to refactor all this ABI stuff.
why did I ever think this was a good idea.
Did you ever?
Anyways. You know you're screwed when your fiddler trace includes
    <a:Action s:mustUnderstand="1">http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/ws/2005/02/trust/RST/SCT/Cancel</a:Action>
I probably didn't consider how much effort it would be to refactor practically everything.
And it's something you're gonna support in Java/.NET
@sehe s#/# #
what is "Java .NET"? Do you mean J#?
He sounds like he's on repeat
there's a slash.
you know.
anyways, rightfold had the disambiguator, I take it you can apply it
@sehe That's some remarkable patience
@DeadMG Why?
@TonyTheLion I thought it was Spolsky, lol.
@sehe I already did. My question was post-rightfold. Once you apply his regex you end up with "Java .NET" which, as far as I can tell, does not exist.
Hence "what is \"Java .NET\"?".
It's not a regex.
It's a substitution.
It's a ed/sed/perl substitution using regex, yes, fine
Still doesn't address the question
I wish LiveScript had an s/// operator.
(.replace(/[^a-zA-Z0-9]/g, '')) is fugly.
I always quite liked Perl's =~
@LightnessRacesinOrbit The long and short is because I'm stripping out my codegen stage, which had a bunch of ABI details in it, and instead I'm moving it to be part of my semantic analysis stage.
@DeadMG ok
you may proceed
I think that when I'm done, I will have an analyzer that is not a glorified interpreter.
@LightnessRacesinOrbit I googled it before deciding whether to kill it. Some people reported it just running for a good night. So, I figured it was probably best to leave it for at least 12 hours in case things would only get worse :( (They usually do with Windows)
@LightnessRacesinOrbit Nobody is going to
What company was this, so that I never apply? — Filipe Gonçalves 12 mins ago
The closest I can get is s = (r, t, a) --> a.replace(r, t) which can be used as remove-nonalnum = s /[^a-zA-Z0-9]/g '' and then remove-nonalnum 'foo-bar'.
@sehe It's the Lounge and it was a sensible question; of course nobody's going to answer it.
@sehe heh, fair enough. I might have resorted to a hammer by then
This is clearly a "How can I catch you out?" interview question. — DeadMG 4 mins ago
This is clearly a "How can I get downvotes?" SO question. — Lightness Races in Orbit 1 min ago
can I get away with replacing the existing constructor initializer list with member := expression?

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