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@LightnessRacesinOrbit Aero broke your app?
I mean if someone had too much aero over a long time period, then she/he crashes on you, there is a good chance you would have broken a bone or two, thus 'don't crash on me again -.-'
@telkitty.exe Ah.. OK:) OTOH, if LRIO means the Windows Aeroglass interface, I've had no real problem with it.
@MartinJames no but I could do without DWM constantly hanging and rendering my machine unusable until a hard-reboot when I had a deadline of 1-3 days for a big release
๐ŸŒ๐ŸŒ๐ŸŒ๐ŸŒ๐ŸŒ๐ŸŒ๐ŸŒ๐ŸŒ๐ŸŒ๐ŸŒ๐ŸŒ๐ŸŒ๐ŸŒ๐ŸŒ๐ŸŒ๐ŸŒ๐ŸŒ๐ŸŒ๐ŸŒ โ€” Lightness Races in Orbit 6 secs ago
@LightnessRacesinOrbit I can see why you might get a bit miffed, yes:)
yeah sure it is the DWM not your code that caused the hanging ...
Sounds like my one-and-only experience with bugfixing on-site with customer PC. It had Windows ME, so BSOD every other minute.
@telkitty.exe I didn't want to bring that up:)
@telkitty.exe My code wasn't being executed on this system. I write it on here then upload it and build it on a build server, then test it on that server.
Completely different platforms, even, therefore unrelated.
Nice try, though :)
I've gotta say I do remain generally impressed with Windows 7, and though I miss my XP work laptop that I was forced to give up last week, this new shiny W7 laptop is pretty sweet. DWM issues notwithstanding
Never had said issues on my home PC, Windows 7 since 2011 or whatever.
possibly 2010 actually. hard to believe Win 7 is almost five years old
XP & window 7 are both decent
I generally love the Win 7 taskbar and for me that is enough to offset losing the brilliant XP start menu
window 8 seems to be following the OSX - keep on trying to trick you into buying things
I always replace the shell, though that was true in XP too
when I'm forced off Win7 due to EOL I'll be very sad because I've seen no evidence that MS are going to ever improve on it
@telkitty.exe what do you mean? i haven't tried 8 myself.
@LightnessRacesinOrbit A lot of people are starting to theorize that Microsoft operate on a tick/tock cycle similar to Intel, and that Windows 8 was always destined to be the next ME/Vista and Windows 9 should be the next XP/7.
ah man, why can't I serialize this damn Dictionary
@LightnessRacesinOrbit disable the themes service and you are back in the 90' :)
[sigh] 'I'm using a Shell API where MSDN specifically says that no completion notification is given. How can I get a completion notification?'
@dutt OS X has this thing called App Store, everytime it has some sort of update, you are lured into clicking it, and it bring you to all these apps that you have to pay. Window 8 has this thing called marketplace on it ... same concept - trying to make you buy all those software
@telkitty.exe Ah, yea the appstoreification is spreading
Well, isn't that wonderful. My office chair just collapsed and dumped me on the floor. I've wrapped the worst of the gashes but there's blood all over my hands and KB :(
Dammit I'm leaking.
@MartinJames ouch :(
how did you acquire a series of gashes from your chair collapsing?
worst I've had is a few bruises
I'll have to wait for clotting and then take a shower. I daren't go out to buy a new chair looking like this!
@DeadMG The smashed plastic legs had sharp edges and I fell in an unfortunate manner:( Maybe if I was wearing more than shorts and a T I would have got away with it.
@MartinJames o darn
sounds like a bit of a design flaw
@MartinJames sharp edges can kill you
@DeadMG More like ongoing maintenance errors. Now I REALLY have to lose some weight:)
I put a bunch on since the magic of amitriptyline
OK, there will be a brief pause while I clean the arterial spatter from my drives and mobo.
@R.MartinhoFernandes I REMEMBERED
@R.MartinhoFernandes I have no idea why you say that so much. :P
@TonyTheLion FWIW, try it without restricting it to me.
@DeadMG TIL the word "gash"
@R.MartinhoFernandes well fuck
> (slang) a woman's vulva.
I have never heard it used that way before.
a gash is a nasty cut.
yes, that's what I knew
and then I saw the above
@MartinJames why are you bleeding, what have you been sitting on? >_<
frankly, if you ask Google to define practically any word, you can find that somebody somewhere used it as slang for something they considered sexual
I'm certain DeadMG means something sexual for someone somewhere.
@DeadMG A variant of rule 34 ;) or whichever number it was. "If something exists, there's porn made about it"
ah, that "rule" stuff is the dumbest shit ever.
the shit I did this morning was smarter
Well, as sexual positions go, 'on floor under boken chair leaking blood' is not really that high up in my preferences.
it's even dumber than Chuck Norris jokes.
@DeadMG what did you do this morning?
@TonyTheLion I went to the toilet and I did a shit.
When it comes to chairs, I prefer to be on-top.
do I try to manually serialize my Dictionary or do I just write things to a normal text file instead?
Once I tried to search for the term "fat granny" on google images ... and was stunned by the pictures I saw >_<
Is this the best PC controller?
OK, so:
EEG controller?
@telkitty.exe I want to play Mario, not go to a Star Trek convention.
I want PC to write the program after I told the PC what I was thinking :p
@FredOverflow No.
The best one is the wireless version of that one :P
@FredOverflow Also, the pic does not show the 4T superconducting magnet needed round users head.
@FredOverflow you want to play Mario, not be Mario.
Wel, yeah, fuck plumbing.
No wires is well worth the extra 5 euro.
Though the wired version has one fucking long wire.
Cool. So much for today's plan. Second doctor is closed today
bloody hell
I could as well have gone to work today -.-
I have a function called mapNullable but I don't really like its name.
function mapNullable($object, callable $function) { return $object === null ? null : $function($object); }
@rightfold mapM :P
The name's fine though
@Xeo Well, it doesn't really involve an option type.
This is weird. The release build does more than the debug build.
wait, you don't have a list involved
fmap :D
@R.MartinhoFernandes I don't like Wireless controllers.
@Xeo heh. :P
I miss function composition so much. :L
Hmm.. difficult one: 'I need to reduce my Corei7 processor to single core'. The only options I could think of, (laser cutter or diamond saw), are unlikely to work well.
BIOS maybe? Or sell your quadcore and buy a single core :)
I would write compose, but new NodeID isn't a function that I can pass in. :<
@MartinJames VM?
Hmm. ctor('NodeID') could return a function. :)
They allow you to only assign a single core to the machine
Oh yeah, good idea. You should answer it for rep:
hell naw
the next answer I'm writing is either Haskell or something with templates.
not touching the rest
@Xeo OK, I used your answer:)
WOW! Magic numberfest:
Ewwww /cc @R.MartinhoFernandes
@rightfold 'intval' is a function?
@Xeo If you call a string it calls the function with that name.
And AFAIK if you call an array [$obj, 'method'], it calls $obj->method with the arguments. :P
@Xeo if you just refer to the name of the function, it will treat it as a bare word (unless a constant with that name exists), which is a string too.
But use of bare words emits errors in our configuration.
Went to the insurer to sort out building insurance stuff but was told I have $120+ credit with them that they wanted to refund to me (I have like 2 other policies with them).
OK, the leaks have stopped. Time for a shower.
mapNullable($scopeParentID, [$this->nodeFetcher, 'findNodeByID']) works. :p
Refresh browser. See it loading stuf from troll.me. Instant clue: telkitty's here
@FredOverflow I have this for when I feel like using a wire: amazon.com/Xbox-360-Black-Play-Charge-Kit/dp/B000OYMYZQ/โ€ฆ :P
(joke; I hate wires, but it's nice to be able to charge it while using it)
@DeadMG could be
@HamZa well, turning off transparency was enough ;p I loved that old style, but it doesn't look right even on XP let alone 7
> maximum fort and endless gameplayThe
I found once more this nice story: multivax.com/last_question.html
lol "relays and circuits"
@LightnessRacesinOrbit It's old.
@R.MartinhoFernandes ya think?
> Asimov
I just find it amusing that the cleverest writers of the time imagined that in billions of years computers would still spit out data on cellulite film
and that we'd have clever computers and useful space flight by 2060
(we won't; not even close)
define "useful" space flight
@R.MartinhoFernandes very nice.
@R.MartinhoFernandes it's a great story.
Hey guys, is there an equivalent site for cpp like pyvideos, in essence a collection of good talks out that by cpp gurus?
@GamesBrainiac isocpp.net may have some
@LightnessRacesinOrbit Thanks. I mostly look out for stuff on channel9.
Also, I think its isocpp.org.
I think it's cppiso.org.
I think I don't give a flying fuck.
@LightnessRacesinOrbit you think? :P
@GamesBrainiac =)
Well, I'm always right, so...
holy shit, make_shared is awesome. When did cpp get all this shit?
@GamesBrainiac years ago
@A.H. I really need to stop thinking about C++ as an old language :P
C++98 is an old language.
C++11 is at least somewhat new.
@DeadMG I did not know about make_shared though. I always had to use *_ptr to get the job done.
@GamesBrainiac o_O? what?
@ScarletAmaranth unique_ptr, auto_ptr and shared_ptr stuff like that
auto_ptr has been in the language forever
and is broken as fuck
@DeadMG time flies eh ?
@ScarletAmaranth thats the thing man. I feel like the cpp I know is rubbish.
oh btw I heard that you are finally cured !!! CONGRATZ ! :)
@A.H. Dead has been cured?
its what I heard
he's not cured per se...
but they know what the problem is and manage it with pillz
oh :(
but he can eat and such right?
not exactly cured, but it's much better now
(but it will supposedly go away; at least according to Puppy)
@ScarletAmaranth I'll ask you about puppy next time I want to know how he's doing :P
well, I'm off to study
@DeadMG good to hear man
then I'll be like: what a fucking waste of my time
congrats :)
thanks; but it feels like 3 years wasted
Todays C laugh 'this code corrupts something', I wonder why:
@MartinJames sorry my brain refuses to go over that stuff
@GamesBrainiac lolzombies
@Jefffrey I was thinkin the same :P
Fuck it. I'm downvoting for writing utter shit with complex, multi-dimension, single-letter array-indexing and then expecting someone else to debug it.
that's almost at the obfuscated c-competition level
+1 just for looking at the code. โ€” Martin James 1 min ago
Nononono, don't reward such answers :(
The question is a horrible cesspit of fugliness and should just be cast into oblivion.
Fuck you, PHP.
Why must I fully qualify all function names that are not in the global or the current namespace. :<
@rightfold starbait!
But class names can be imported using use!
@Xeo OK, I used that as a close reason.
@NikiC fix pl0x.
@MartinJames lol
@MartinJames haha
@Xeo BTW, I got two upboats for your 'use a VM with only one core assigned' answer.
one of those is mine
-1 for answering questions like this and feeding SO's inevitable and continuing demise. โ€” Lightness Races in Orbit 7 secs ago
@Xeo I guessed:)
Run-Time Awful Stack Overflow Question #3,042,598 - your notion of this website was corrupted โ€” Lightness Races in Orbit 22 secs ago
@NikiC oh nevermind I see it'll be there in 5.6.
please help me find out what goes wrong No. Ask a concrete question. SO is not for mentoring or "guiding". โ€” Lightness Races in Orbit 7 secs ago
inb4 jalf comes in an yells at everybody for downvoting
@LightnessRacesinOrbit Oh, that fucker gets -1 straight off.
@MartinJames :D
at every thunder strike my internet connection goes down :c
* timeout *
Mine only goes down at the first roll of thunder. That's 'cos I power everything off and unplug mains, phone, router.

I've had one close strike already in my life. The result was 'fire, smoke, complete destruction of every item of computing equipment'.
I had a modem short out once. That's about it
Wokay. We don't know trolls. Yet. TIL: jalopnik.com/โ€ฆ
Anne and I had to use shovels to take the burning equipment outside. The exploded wall-warts were the worst.
> build's
definitely a troll
I don't think this answer is related to the question. At all. Feels to me you're just dumping something you've once used, because you, once, had a similar error message. โ€” sehe 14 secs ago
> That money could have gone to pay for schools, firemen and urban blight
@EtiennedeMartel if you want to put it that way
@sehe Well presumably he once had the exact same error message, seeing as that answer is a self-answer
I don't really mind that stuff at all
@LightnessRacesinOrbit It is :/ Well, it can't logically solve the issue :)
@sehe ik
let me be more thorough here in my analysis:
@sehe: To be fair, he posted the question too. So now it's doubly weird. โ€” Lightness Races in Orbit 1 min ago
meanwhile, "komal kadam" is a funny name and lol @ tibet
@R.MartinhoFernandes ITT Tesla drivers are drug addicts and sex maniacs
Boy, herb sutter gets really emotional when it comes to performance :P
WTF is up with our doge? He hasn't got up yet. Lazy sod, time for some physical abuse with a yardbrush:)
sed best refactoring tool.
I also love the whining about how Tesla cars are less reliable than the GM cars produced in the same factory beforehand. Nothing to do with the technology being new and immature, of course.
@MartinJames He was here earlier
last seen:
45 mins ago, by DeadMG
C++11 is at least somewhat new.
unless you mean your doge. in which case stfu nobody cares :)
@GamesBrainiac like a woman
@LightnessRacesinOrbit lol

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