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oohh, that's right!
Played SR4 for a bit
Gamescom is in germany
German keyboard layout claims another victim.
4 hours ago, by Borgleader
So many people in line at the Occulus Rift booth O.o (I wonder if one of the is Xeo)
@CatPlusPlus I switched layout
I should have asked @Xeo to go to the Xbox One corner
@Jefffrey More, I guess. Here is the actual situation. My light thing was running really slow, because debug mode. Not that I knew at the time. Anyway, originally I had just downsized the power of the light to half size.
He could have met my boss and another awesome programmer there.
@Borgleader Yes, I was. How do you know about the line though?
@ThePhD Wasn't there.
Oh, "should have asked me to"
yeah, maybe
Also, my feet friggin hurt
Too much walking.
Get someone to massage them for you.
The italian keyboard is pretty badass. You have all this set of èàòé kind of letters that are just amazing. Look at the '! ... just wonderful.
@Xeo Occulus VR tweeted a picture (follow the permalink).
@ThePhD s/Xbox One/Xbone/
But in other news, being a "professional visitor" let me take a look inside the business area.
:O I'm dying of jealousy
They got massages there
But it was way full
Bastards :(
@Xeo the massage was full?
you mean... like...
The massage was people walking on each other to get there.
@Pawnguy7 lol, why would downsize the power of the light change anything? You are really just setting another color to be in a particular position...
@CatPlusPlus Oh. I should stop getting into topics I didn't follow from the start.
Well, it should be more than linear savings.
@Borgleader Ah, found it. Nah, don't think I was there at that time - the left line was for some lame racing game, the right one for Hawken
When I was there, the left side was basically empty.
A change from 3 to at least 30 FPS anyway.
@Jefffrey You're allowed to queue up 10000 massages at once, so full unlikely.
@Pawnguy7 Oh yeah, I just realized.
@Xeo What were they demoing the Rift with? Was it Eve Online Valkyrie by any chance? :3
The switch from debug mode to release was even more impressive though.
@Pawnguy7 Well, let me think about an analogy for that with boats
> the left line was for some lame racing game, the right one for Hawken
For what? Debug to release, or the lights?
@Xeo Oh I thought you were talking about other booths on either side of Occulus xD
Also, their Tweet already said that!
Duct-tape, cars.
@Borgleader lol, no
@Pawnguy7 the whole "better fix your problem rather than ignore it" thing
And was it just as cool as last time you tried it?
@Jefffrey Ok. I am still not sure what I was thinking of. Sort of like... going from a boat with a big hole to a boat with a small hole, rather than fixing the hole.
@Cat Plus Plus I understand that @Oleksiy says it is bad. My question was not if Oleksiy thought it was bad. My question was a request to detail what is bad about it. Specifically, why does Oleksiy, for example, consider bad about Color color = Color::red. — chux 12 mins ago
Reading comprehension is dead.
Ok. Here is one: Why are all zombie movies coming from the USA?
Because nobody else cares for this shit.
@wilx Because 'mericans relate to the zombies
braindead and always hungry zing
Meh. Back from the beach.
@Borgleader Oh yeah, also, the EVE booth was pathetic.
@Xeo Really? Awwww, I have much respect for them.
@CatPlusPlus countered
It was litterally an empty corner with an EVE wallscroll and two guys sitting there.
@StackedCrooked Wat is een leuke Vlaamese stad aan het strand? Ik ga daar wonen.
Geen idee.
Stack<BadQuestion> is overflowing!
posted on August 21, 2013

If a data structure uses address arithmetic to determine the location of its data, then from time to time programs will almost surely find it necessary to put data at a particular place in memory.

Daar wonen alleen domme mensen.
Echt iets voor jou :P
@StackedCrooked Wat verwacht je dan van Vlaanderen?
Maar hee, beter dan Wallonië!
@Xeo Why go to the booth? That's wasting Space Corporation time and money!
Why isn't Wallonia a separate country Jesus.
@not-rightfold Zowiezo niet veel.
@StackedCrooked I'm smarter than the average software developer. Oh wait, that says nothing.
So, I tested the 1080p @oculus Rift at #Gamescom today - it. was. awesome~. Also had a nice chat with one of the Oculus Design guys.
Man. Yello is great.
And that chat also got me his business card.
Thinking of getting a new job? ;)
Which reminds me, I should probably get me some business cards for my current work.
@Borgleader Nah
Sean Parent will give a talk at #GoingNative2013 entitled "Inheritance Is The Base Class of Evil." Yes! Go value semantics!
@CatPlusPlus had to delete my answer, someone found a garish unfixable bug in the concept w.r.t. octals. :/ Maybe they thought yours also had an error with octals?
@wilx First thing that comes to mind is zombies -> plotless guns and explosions -> only Americans watch it
Use Java.
@Xeo All your polymorphic bases are belong to us.
@Pawnguy7 yeah, kinda. No better analogies will come up anyway.
@StackedCrooked (bases moet in enkelvoud, vlaming)
@Xeo Heh, @FredOverflow must like that talk.
in Functional Programming, Apr 28 at 19:13, by FredOverflow
@rightfold In my experience, even the wildest uses of goto cannot do 10% of the harm inheritance can do.
From my experience, there's a definitely a lot of ways to go wrong with inheritance. Since it's mostly easily abused for "over-engineering".
Go and Haskell ftw.
@EtiennedeMartel ^ new thief screenshots. so pretty :3
And Yard. :>
@Jefffrey you think I should go with that?
Less fancy graphic, better gaming experience please
@Jefffrey Cant gauge gaming experience from a screenshot.
But from the gameplay previews I've seen. The game seems quite fun
@Borgleader I wasn't really focusing on that game in particular.
As a general statement then I agree. But fancy graphics are always a bonus.
I wonder whether it's possible to pass pointers to Haskell values to a C library using the FFI.
Maybe through functions.
They're going to be opaque anyway.
I just read about as-patterns. I find them confusing, maybe I'll get used to them.
@Borgleader s@(c:cs)?
yeah those
foo :: String -> IO ()
foo s@(c:cs) = putStrLn s >> putStrLn [c] >> putStrLn cs

foo "foo" -- prints "foo", "f" and "oo"
For VS (2012, if it matters), if I put something in Project Settings -> C/C++ -> Preprocessor -> Preprocessor definitions, is it basically the same as putting it at the top of every source file?
s in s@(c:cs) is the entire list, c is head and cs is tail.
@not-rightfold Oh I understand the concept but like, it takes me a while to process what's going on. Like making the substitutions in my head takes a while.
@Jefffrey As if better graphics made a game less engaging.
@EtiennedeMartel engaging != enjoyable
@Jefffrey Actually...
Yeah, you're right.
Spec Ops: The Line is engaging but not enjoyable.
Good. I like to be right.
Anyway, same thing applies: better graphics don't make a game less enjoyable.
@EtiennedeMartel yup, but it doesn't even make it more enjoyable (for what I consider enjoyable)
muh graffix
The "fun" part is mostly a game design thing, while the "good looking" part is mostly an artistic thing.
So you can have both.
I agree.
So, I say, why ask for less fancy graphics?
@EtiennedeMartel If that helps the company to focus more on the game design part, why not?
@Jefffrey Doesn't work like that.
he hasn't even defined "better graphics"
@EtiennedeMartel And how does it work then?
@Jefffrey The designers work on higher level stuff like gameplay mechanics and art direction.
The the programmers and artists make it so.
Pouring less resources in the art side of things won't affect the actual design.
You'll just get an uglier game that still plays as bad.
@EtiennedeMartel If you have to finance one side more than the other, yes it does.
Hmm, Foreign.StablePtr.
@Jefffrey Design is basically free.
The amount of designers is very small compared to the amount of artists.
It does affect the rest of the pipeline, though.
And too many designers would ruin the design
A bad design decision can (and will) impact the entire project.
But fewer artists won't.
You'll still get the same game, gameplay wise.
@EtiennedeMartel You are comparing designers that make bad choices with the number of artists?
That doesn't sound like a fair comparison to me.
can anyone tell me what I'm doing wrong? ideone.com/zezzip
What kind of graphics are you guys even talking about
am I supposed to say std::forward<T>?
Because atm it seems another dreaded muh graffix argument
@zneak yes
@Jefffrey What I'm saying is you can't get a better design by throwing more money at it.
But you can get better art and/or better technology that way.
I just said that if I had to decide whatever to focus more on the game mechanics or the fact that a game looks real, I'd focus on the first.
@Jefffrey It's not a slider than you can move.
so it is muh graffix
You can't just "focus more" on the game mechanics.
@EtiennedeMartel I can't name names or anything, but I watched this first hand happen here.
And anyway, those two oncepts (mechanics and aesthetics) are orthogonal.
A big project that felt amazing was shoehorned by a lead designer to have mechanics that it wasn't supposed to have.
The art was amazing, the look was great...
@EtiennedeMartel Of course not. But if you invest less money, you get less resource to work on and it's likely that you get less.
.... But the whole concept failed miserably because of that lead designer's choice in gameplay and mechanics.
@Jefffrey Again, no.
Are you even listening?
Funding dropped, project flopped, everything went to hell. =/
@EtiennedeMartel You watch extra credits don't you?
@Borgleader Yes. I also happen to work in games.
I know the latter, I was referring to your use of mechanics/aesthetics (which ive only heard on extra credits)
@ThePhD I'm just gonna say: Prince of Persia. The 2008 reboot.
Fucked up because the designers couldn't decide what to do.
@EtiennedeMartel Maybe the problem is not that I'm not listening. Have you considered that?
@EtiennedeMartel At least that one made it out the door.
@ThePhD Where do you work, by the way?
Come on, I'm fairly sure your employer's name wasn't part of your NDA.
@Jefffrey A game project's budget is mostly spent on its marketing, not really its graphics or gameplay because the thing that sells is actually marketing. When you put that aside you have x amount of money to work on your game which includes a plethora of things such as writing, graphics, designing, music, etc. Of those things the most important one to marketers (the people who actually get the most money) is aesthetics or graphics. So that'll be the part where more of the budget goes to.
@EtiennedeMartel MSFT.
@CatPlusPlus I see.
FT isn't quite right.
I'm not FullTime.
@Rapptz Ok. I understand and I agree with that.
MSi, sure. :D
More than agreeing I'm just trusting you with that information.
@Jefffrey What, so all this time you were simply not believing me?
Hmm. Never said anything like that.
Not even implied.
@Jefffrey I don't think realistic graphics are important, but some people find graphics to be the most enjoyable aspect of the game and other people find the fun factor of the gameplay to be bonus, etc. This is all a personal preference. Arguing over it is meaningless. I don't think games should spend so much money on aiming to be the most realistic as possible but at this point it's a dick waving contest.
I'm just saying that it makes sense.
@Rapptz Of course it's personal preference and of course arguing over that is stupid (like any other preference).
I'm pretty sure we were not arguing about that though.
You were talking about wanting to spend more money on gameplay aspects
ideas and mechanics are really cheap (not really designers...)
As I said, you can't make a design better by throwing more money at it, and likewise, you can't make it any less good by taking money away from it.
lol I forgot about my university fees all summer.
Now they're due on Monday.
I stated that you can financially focus more on either the graphic department or the "design/mechanics" department.
(Up to a point, of course)
@chris lol
@EtiennedeMartel Financially sustaining graphics or mechanics doesn't mean you obviously get more out of it.
I'm just saying that's it's more likely.
People want to pass uncanny valley, I don't know if they think if it's possible but I sure as hell don't think so.
Having 10 people thinking on good mechanics rather than just 1 makes the difference.
@Jefffrey Not necessarily.
@Jefffrey probably idealistically but nah.
@EtiennedeMartel Hmm. Like I said, it's more likely. It's obvious that if you engage 10 stupid ones and the genius, it's more likely that the genius comes up with a good idea.
Statistically speaking it's likely that 10x people have more ideas (good and bad) than just one.
So it's likely that 10x people have a shitload more bad ideas, but more good ideas than a single person.
@Borgleader Again?!
Sorry, gotta go.
@sehe Yeah =/ He's a persitent one
@Borgleader I'm getting an impression, this is "someone" else, just littering xdotool into it though. Apparently there is big money to be made by getting traffic to the xdotool site
@sehe Wanna make a meta post about it? I'll give you all my upvotes.
Nah. Thanks
Well, finding out how to pay everything was super easy.
It's pretty much all done except for a few clicks, finding a couple papers, and a visit to pay.
Procrastination (or forgetfulness) wins again.
No more allowed for 5 years.
> template <class A, class B> struct add : mpl::plus<A, B> {};
> -- "When someone reads the code, how can he tell, that add is a metafunction, not just a simple template class?"
> -- "Metamonad provides the MPLLIBS_METAFUNCTION macro that helps readability here:"
MPLLIBS_METAFUNCTION(add, (A)(B)) ((mpl::plus<A, B>));
Wait. What! Somebody give me back my C++!
@nightcracker You're slow. Very
asked 3 mins ago

Oh aha. Sorry. You're quick
A: How do you deal with legitimate questions from a troll?

Brad LarsonI've dealt with many of this user's accounts, and tried to figure out a way to handle them, so I can explain my approach so far. First, I should comment that this user has been an ongoing nuisance since the start of the year, and we've probably deleted something like 100+ of their accounts since ...

lol the university is trying to ruin my sleep schedule right before I start.
The week of orientation has activities ending at the time I go to sleep.
^^ some of this stuff is pretty funny
> i tried this but the apache returns...` internal server error` – user2419463 May 25 at 3:19

oh wait, it's working again. – user2419463 May 25 at 3:19
lol, a badge that I'll never get.
Along with "Stellar Question".
vmCallStack %= \(sf:sfs) -> (sf & sfProgramCounter %~ succ) : sfs
I wonder if it's possible to get rid of the lambda and the cons.
I need a head lens.
@Xeo Famous Question? lol
I got 5 of those
So, I'm missing... Legendary, Electorate, Steward.
The other 2(3) are pretty unrealistic.
Especially unsung hero
I'd have to cheat for that
reversal is doable but it just requires the right time with the right circumstances
I got reversal and populist at the same time once
pff legendary
I don't even have epic
legendary requires full-time rep whoring
@Xeo gratz
> earned at least 200 reputation on 90 days
maybe I should put an effort to getting that
but effort
@nightcracker Yup.
@Xeo You did the world a favor with that question Xeo. The badge is well earned.
@Xeo does that mean repcap for 90 days straight?
I remember really making the effort to go from 136 days to 150
@sehe fulltime repwhorer you
@Borgleader Nope
@nightcracker former me
the lowest rep Legendary user has 54k...
@nightcracker See, it means nothing
I've been on this site for 2.5 years
and I have 28k rep
@sehe Oh its an avg of 200 for 90 days
@Borgleader No. It's exactly what it says. 90 days of 200 rep
So... hit 200 rep on 90 different days, not required to be consecutive?
@nightcracker @Mysticial could do it
@Borgleader It's not stated, so it's not a constraint

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