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@JerryCoffin a cosntexpr function is to function macros what templates are to type macros - looks similar but is completely different in terms of all the crap that makes macros so ugly
yeah, and a constexpr will be evaluated to any calls to it replaced with the constant value
@thecoshman same with macros
@refp The only thing that happens at compile time with a macro is text replacement -- but the only thing that happens with macros is text replacement.
@refp nah, I'll leave that to my fiance after sports this evening :P
@JerryCoffin trying to be funny? I'm not amused.
@ArneMertz but what about the milk man, why are you not paying him?
@refp his fiance pays him :)
@JerryCoffin the only thing that happes at compile time with a macro is nothing, because it has been replaced already. That's basically all the PITA that is caused by using macros instead of compileable code
@refp One of those wonderful times that a simple statement of the facts also happens to be funny -- and if you don't agree, that's your loss.
@StackedCrooked ah of course
@JerryCoffin congratulations sir, you just lost one Internet.
@ArneMertz Macro replacement is defined as part of compiling -- has been for years.
@StackedCrooked no, a macro swapped with a function will not be evaluated, it will still be run at run-time
buttom line; saying that macros are like constexprs is a load of bull
can we discuss something that's actually interesting now?
@refp I lost an Internet? No, it's not lost. It's right here in this box.
@refp but macros are like constexpr
@JerryCoffin please, do not drop it.
@StackedCrooked are you serious? I'm not going to be part of this discussion.
@JerryCoffin Love that show.
@refp You have a terribly...narrow view of macros. Try (for one example) some Lisp macros to expand your view a bit.
@JerryCoffin we are talking about C/C++, not lisp. cut the crapiblux
@JerryCoffin well yes and no. Macro replacement is one of the "phases of translation" defined by the standard, while the actual tranlsation of each TU is another phase. With "compileable code" I am referring to the part of the tool chain doing that actual translation. If you define translation as all the phases together, then yes, macro replacement is part of the translation, but then linking is as well.
@JerryCoffin what? someone in the lounge has a narrow ignorant view on something? never
@ArneMertz If you mean "phase 7 of translation (or most of it anyway)" feel free to state that directly. At least with most typical compilers, the same executable does phases 1 through 7, so unless you want to dissect the code in that executable, you're going to have difficulty finding separate parts of the toolchain to carry out those phases of translation.
@refp We're talking about macros. Cut the idiotic attempts at inventing words.
@JerryCoffin My guess is that different people were talking about different kinds of macros. Some assumed from constexpr and the C++ topic that the discussion was specifically about C++ macros, while you refering to lisp macros seem to talk about what is called a macro in meta-language talk, wich would include C++ constexpr functions and C++ templates
@StackedCrooked Still can't figure out the habanero pepper, after a cutting a few of them i am scared to urinate for a day.
@Mikhail phf, wimp
TIL you can't have two questions with the same title O_o
@Rapptz Per account or globally?
Q: [only equal operator]what are the fast algorithms to find duplicate elements in a collection and group them?

TriumphantSuppose we have a collection of elements, and these elements only have equal operator. So, it's impossible to sort them. how can you pick out those with duplicates and put them into each group with least amount of comparison? preferably in C++, but algorithm is more important than the language. ...

try editing the tag out of the question
@thecoshman tiger-balm.co/wp-content/uploads/2012/08/tiger-balm-red4.jpg Not to be confused with Steve Balmer's little known trucker handle
oh the excitement
what happens at 4k rep again? :|
@Rapptz Damn. I thought he was going to sort the elements.
@Magtheridon96 No exciting privileges. :(
Rep capped. Cool.
ooh, they updated the privileges, much better now
I was rep capped 7 hours ago, and I'm already 65% done with my rep for the day :P
Do you guys also get emails like these? :|
Luc Danton must be on a really long vacation.
@rightfold How did he get your e-mail address?
@MarkGarcia It's probably on GitHub.
You can also see it in my commits.
How does Gmail know what emails are promotion?
@Rapptz Five hundred billion emails of experience.
@rightfold Why would it go through their mind to leave the site and ask you via email?
Or maybe Google doesn't know what emails are promotional or social. Could be just the companies that sends those mails let Google know first.
out of desperation?
desperate idiots are the worst
Desparated. Sounds like a cool name for an Trigun-like anime movie.
Or maybe Google has contacts to NSA mail readers.
When I was desperate to get something working for my summative, I didn't even ask SO, I just tried harder, since the question would have been terrible.
@MarkGarcia They implemented the observer pattern for the NSA :P
@chris Because they're idiots.
@StackedCrooked Cool. The NSA observer pattern in the Gang of Four (Google, Facebook, Yahoo, Microsoft).
Q: [only equal operator]what are the fast algorithms to find duplicate elements in a collection and group them?

TriumphantSuppose we have a collection of elements, and these elements only have equal operator. So, it's impossible to sort them. how can you pick out those with duplicates and put them into each group with least amount of comparison? preferably in C++, but algorithm is more important than the language. ...

@StackedCrooked I need to watch that sometime.
Also, morning.
The recent (already a few years old) Trigun movie is good.
@Telkitty猫咪咪 hey hiii good afternoon
Meow etc
@NipunGogia hey hey
@rightfold Nope. But we don't do PHP, Ruby, ... (troll)
@sbi Nope. And I can't remember any meetup that where both Konrad and I were supposed to take part in at the same time, tbh.
@ThePhD you totally need to give the puppy a warm, tight, long hug, it would be sooo .... umm ... interesting
@Telkitty猫咪咪 You just want me to get my bones broken. :c
@ThePhD I saw your messages about coming to London next week
well he can't break your bones if you hug him really tight and for really long perid of time ... unless he has a very flexible, strong head
Are you down?
@sehe It's about ASP.NET. I've never done anything with it.
And I don't have Visual Studio.
@ThePhD Not sure if its worth for me to drive to London for one evening, because the drive is 2hrs min, which would mean I'd get there around 7ish and have to leave again by 11pm latest.
If there's no traffic.
@rightfold it's a gullability check. If you respond, you're on the list for nigerian-style scams
@TonyTheLion Hmm...
Also, I'm driving to London Sunday
and driving back Monday night
I'll be in Cheffield then. D:
A: LINQ - Full Outer Join

seheUpdate: providing a truly generalized extension method FullOuterJoin Edit Added FullOuterGroupJoin (ideone). I reused the GetOuter<> implementation, making this a fraction less performant than it could be, but I'm aiming for 'highlevel' code, not bleeding-edge optimized, right now. See it live ...

^ Ha my answer now equals the accepted answer - I answered 1.5 years late :)
@ThePhD Its not that I don't want to meet with you. It would be nice, but it has to be worth it
@TonyTheLion !
@sehe Ha now its higher D:
making indecent proposal now? ... isn't a hug enough :x
@FlorisVelleman Yay. Thanks. It's just that I ran into the problem myself and didn't think the solution was generic enough to be worthy of my code base (at work). So... in good old SO style, you add a new answer :/ This one took a while though
It crashes on destination = *resolver.resolve(query); Throw_exception.hpp get opened and then a arrow get on the following line #ifndef BOOST_EXCEPTION_DISABLE throw enable_current_exception(enable_error_info(e));computergek92 1 min ago
^ I lauged at his username too.
@Telkitty猫咪咪 What? Stop trolling
@MarkGarcia gek = crazy in dutch
> then a arrow get on
@TonyTheLion Yeah, I understand. 4 hours round trip is a pretty hardcore way to go around for just a few hours of talking.
@sehe Oh. Much funnier!
@MarkGarcia Not really. In dutch it would be pretty normal to say "katten gek" ("fond of cats") or "voetbalgek" (soccer loonatic) etc. It's daily idiom.
@ThePhD Yea
Maybe you and DeadMG should spend the night~
hahaha. I doubt that Puppy will do that or even be able to pay for that. Also, not sure if I'd want to take another day off work. I'm running out of days, and I need some for later this year
@ThePhD depends on the quality of the conversation and the means to travel ;)
Oh no. I meant in my Hotel Room.
I'll be a gracious host~~
If I lived in London, I would definitely come find you
but that isn't the case yet
I'm working on it
If a country could default, why not a city?
banks can default, governments can bankrupt
I suppose yea
@TonyTheLion It was either that, or sell the city outright, setting the stage for Robocop.
@JerryCoffin what's included in the city?
@JerryCoffin Oh I see.
@Telkitty猫咪咪 I haven't a clue, to be honest.
I assume taxes revenues, local government owned lands, social security payouts (outlay not income), public expenses(outlay) etc?
@JerryCoffin and they chose not to go the Robocop route? That's a shame...
@jalf but how do we choose which cop we get to shoot to near death?
Does a code point have to fit into a certain code unit?
or can a code point be split over several code units if the are larger than said unit?
Anybody got a good, concise explanation of move semantics flying around?
move semantics: things are moved.
^ there you go
@JerryCoffin So we don't get to see robocop?
I just realized I've never seen the movie either.
someone reminds me why Einstein is considered a genius?
is this a riddle?
No ... I understand why the likes of Newton & Edison are considered genius
their works are used every where
@TonyTheLion how do you think UTF-8 works? You have 8-bit code units. Good luck fitting 20-bit code points into those. :)
Which is why UTF-8 encodes most code points as a sequence of code units. It's also what UTF-16 does with surrogate pairs
so yes, a code point can be split across several code units
@jalf That's the point, I don't really know how it works. I wouldn't ask otherwise.
Thanks for the answer
I think unicode is the most boring thing ever.
More boring than Neighbours.
okay, that reddit/C++ discussion just became more sinister – the person also doesn’t use exceptions :(
> /r/cpp
@StackedCrooked lol poor @R. Martinho Fernandes ... stuck with unicode all day long
@rightfold actually /r/gamedev
> /r/
I can say "computationally inexpensive", right?
> let inline ignore _ = ()
> Ignore is computationally inexpensive.
I've seen some people use the phrase "practically free"
"completely optimized out"
Maybe a nop - with a link to this (or whatever is more proper)
Q: Queries related to computer language and apptitude

user2445107I am in need of your help. I have some questions in my mind which on solving can be of great help for my project work and its documentation. My question are: Technology is for domain but domain is not for technology. Is comparison sort reliable? What is language? Comment on Chompsky. NLP compi...

> My question are: NLP Compiler
MLP compiler FTFY
@sehe as you seem to be the goto 'host random shit' guy, are you hosting a 'Discourse' ~forum~ yet?
Q: strtok for UTF-8 documents in Linux

YavuzI am using strtok for tokenizing UTF-8 texts. It's working correctly in Ubuntu 32-bit but in Ubuntu 64-bit it can't tokenize some words, for example "bölen". strtok thinks there are two words: "b" and "�len". My code sample is below. I want to know how can I solve that issue in 64-bit Linux, and...

morning :)
xkcd is getting really sloppy with the update schedule :(
@R.MartinhoFernandes why he's getting sloppy? Or what do I base the observation on?
new strips used to be posted at 6am sharp, my time
@jalf I've noticed that feeds posts them here a while before rss readers see it. But that could be the service I use taking time to poll the sites
@jalf Today is Thursday, FWIW. No xkcd.
It's friday :|
Welcome to Friday Robot :)
Best thing I heard all day.
Internal Robot clock error.
TIL It's Friday.
ITT robor has been bored out of wits by unicode
> (...) the Department for Work and Pensions (DWP) accepted that deaf people should not be forced to use the phone to make a claim for the new Personal Independence Payment (PIP) benefit.
> Why do you guys call it "CV"? "Curriculum Vitae"? Always trying to be posh and smart. Just speak English, for fuck's sake: it's a "resumé".
here we use both: cv & résumé ... life's work on 2 pieces of paper
It's "résumé"
omg it's Friday
I lost track of time 3 weeks ago
It's a boy
@R.MartinhoFernandes what can vegetables do then?
How do I strike out text on SO?
my point stands - Yanks can drop the high horse about "CV"
@wilx <strike>xxx</strike> on the main site, ---xxx--- here.
Hi there.
umm ... ^^ was expecting more magical stuff appearing, apparently not
@R.MartinhoFernandes lolwat
going to visit the WGP again today
nope, why would I?
We don't need another place for people to "be wrong on the internet", do we.
Sounds fun
@R.MartinhoFernandes I had that same painful realization this morning. Mainly, when I was forgetting I should get up and go to work, whereas the rest of the household was sleeping in because summer holiday started.
@LightnessRacesinOrbit I never knew there was such a thing.
@DeadMG Don't fall asleep on the train :P
@jalf perhaps it is because you switched from GR to another feed reader (just guessing of course)
^ @DeadMG
@sehe No, today's comic is totally missing in action.
Microsoft recruiter e-mailed me.
Everything makes sense now! Lotus Notes is written in Java! Yes, I get it now.
@R.MartinhoFernandes Hmm I wouldn't be able to detect that, since there is no obvious timestamp on the post. Anyways, perhaps he's joked about NSA one times too many
@R.MartinhoFernandes Wait. About XKCD?
No, about job opportunities.
I heard microsoft is hiring a lot of software engineer in testing nowadays
good luck robor :')
SCNR It made me laugh
@sehe nah, I'm visiting the site directly. :)
I'm supposed to read and sign my new contract until next week.
So I'm not taking that.
Another AIX peculiarity: I have to add -lg to linking command line together with -g so that the resulting binary runs or I get 4 unresolved symbols __db*.
Just in case anybody cares. :)
@R.MartinhoFernandes haha.
@R.MartinhoFernandes oh? New job?
@R.MartinhoFernandes You could always decline and ask them for an open interview if you care about options
@R.MartinhoFernandes cool. Where, and doing what?
@jalf Berlin, brainwave imaging and stuff.
Brace yourself for QA hell though
@wilx You're the lone wolf. I'm really curious why IBM keeps their compiler suite alive. They do have an up-to-date openmp though (since, I believe, IBM actively participates in the openmp specifications body?)
@jalf Hell in what way? Too strict or too sloppy?
medical imaging -> loooots of paperwork and meaningless QA procedures
@R.MartinhoFernandes Could easily be both. Too strict about pointless stuff, too sloppy about things that could actually matter
@R.MartinhoFernandes Mmm. Who else on here reported to work in this field. I'm not sure if lounger.
@jalf we are such an optimistic bunch
@sehe @jalf is in some medical imaging thing, IIRC.
@sehe: Because of prestige and backwards compatibility? Because they use it to compile AIX itself?
@jalf You just defined life
@sehe From now on I'll remember to not sleep in the subway. Thanks.
@wilx All three, probably
@sehe yeah, that's probably me.
@sehe just curious
@StackedCrooked Or you'll end up with songs like that. Really chilling to think about it
@thecoshman Ok. Curiosity killed. Comprehensively
@jalf :)
ugh, worst edit ever
@jalf morst edits
@sehe o_0
I worked in Medical once
but not imaging, more data management
But yeah, we do all sorts of medical imaging. Not the hardware/scanning side, just displaying and handling the images once they've been generated
@R.MartinhoFernandes sounds cool though. Good luck with it :)
@R.MartinhoFernandes Apropos, did you manage to talk to your current boss yet?
@Nican congratz on your outspoken badge
@Xeo He'll be back in the office next week. Anxiety is killing me.
He's been OOO all week? Wow.
@R.MartinhoFernandes What's up?
@Xeo OoO o.O
@Xeo He's got PDF standardisation meetings and conferences and shit.
I quit my job two times. Anxiety was bad each time when I had to tell my boss.
Ah. I think I may have discovered the real reason why I never quit my job.
@DeadMG I need to tell my boss I'm quitting.
Well, except the first one, where I (surprisingly) ended my 'proeftijd' (probation) just before it expired.
But I was basically maltreated, that made it much easier to tell them. Still I felt the need to bring someone to back me up to the exit interview.
What. The. Fuck.
Coliru NSA page
It's #3 most visited post this week.
Spacing style looks like @ThePhD's.
> struct Tomalak : public Benefits<ThePhD> {
Ooh, this week I got 14 unique visitors from Nagoya.
Oooh, director of Children of Men has a new movie, with the same photography guy.
Jul 15 at 21:24, by ThePhD
@DeadMG Yep, it works alright /cc @LightnessRacesinOrbit
@StackedCrooked Batam or Japan :)
Japan I hope.
The Indonesian village would speak a lot better to your internet penetration, though
My internet penetration huh?
Opera: why do you suggest Internet as a spelling correction for internet...
Hi stranger with the nice avatar
Yup. a lonely pander :D
Hi bear!
Reminds me of someone.
reminds you of not-sehe?
reminds me of sogekingu
@billz Pretty qt
@billz Nah. The username which I can't remember Vinayak something.
@LightnessRacesinOrbit redundant public; not mine
Found him
@LightnessRacesinOrbit rofl. You suck. Andy had that in ~5 months at SO!
@sehe That's just copied from Kungfu Panda.
Is there anywhere I can demangle VS symbol names?
it ships with a demangler
@billz I knows, right
Linker error just gives me the mangled name :/
@R.MartinhoFernandes It should give the unmangled name too
It doesn't.
@R.MartinhoFernandes There used to be a tool in the 'External tools' menu that you could use to demangle MFC backtraces. Maybe I'm conflating (bad) memories
Oh wait, I'm blind.
there should be a tool called undname or something like that around
@R.MartinhoFernandes I believe jalf.dk/links/filt can do it
hotlinking FTW
@R.MartinhoFernandes Wine's implementation of undname. Only 1529 LoC
> maintainability, ease-of-writing (...) much more important to them than a low LoC count
I'm sure having a high LoC count means both maintainability and ease of writing are high.
@R.MartinhoFernandes well, if you have a lot of code then obviously it must've been easy to write. Otherwise you wouldn't have so much of it.
@R.MartinhoFernandes Generally, making your code as short as possible makes it more obfuscated.
@R.MartinhoFernandes If ease of writing -> 0, then LoC -> +inf
He also goes on to give an example.
I suspect that f(LOC)=maintainability has more than one local maximum.
Somebody make a study to find out!
@KonradRudolph ewww
Do you also have the lack of motivation to do anything more after you have solved a hard problem?
@KonradRudolph I'm surprised that you are still on it.
@wilx Yup.
Not any more, now. I’ve given up.
It’s simply too time-consuming for no reward
Guy himself admits he has no idea what he is on about ("I've never been able to grok the idea that unique_ptrs can "own" a dynamically-allocated object within function scope.")
@jalf yeah, that was uber-useful in that resolution
@KonradRudolph reddit
@sehe I know :(
@jalf Can't that be laid out better? The circular layout makes it more complicated than it should be.
@wilx probbly. I didn't generate it :p
Yeah, I have realized that.
(a higher res version would also be helpful)
@wilx Of course.
@jalf There's a win app coming, IIRC. He posted a screenie before (no graphics there)
@wilx You mean svg. PDF sucks at interactive vector graphics. And also browser support is lacking
That too.
Bit I have been playing with LaTeX lately and generating PDFs using LuaLaTeX, so PDF FTW, too!
@sehe: You can view PDF's in Firefox and Google Chrome, what else do you need? :)
And my -1 (for lack of research) was your other ASAP — sehe 3 secs ago
@wilx Browser support. Interactiveness.
ugh. turns out a bug that's been open for months without update was actually fixed weeks ago — and the quietly code held in one developer's working directory — because our manager didn't want sales to know a fix was imminent until it had been fully tested. fuck this shit
@LightnessRacesinOrbit manager fail
@KonradRudolph Typical case of "It took me a long time to learn how to do it wrong; not gonna learn how to do it right now that I got doing it wrong working".
SO confuses me. my rep hasn't changed in ages, then I post an answer yesterday. Now today I get +20 rep from random upvotes on old and crappy questions of mine, all at the same time...
@R.MartinhoFernandes Cognitive Dissonance
@melak47 God works in mysterious ways
@sehe but I don't want rep for those crappy questions. it feels dirty ._.
@melak47 People like to look around your profile.
@wilx Usable viewers.
@R.MartinhoFernandes and vote up my crappiest questions to make me feel bad? :(
@melak47 Hey, don't mention that. @Xeo accepted a crappy answer of mine so I couldn't delete it. It is now past +100 :(
7 upboats to 150
The other is missing 7 to 200
> Maritime fishermen tie up boats
@Xeo Oh fuck, it's my #2 answer now :<
@R.MartinhoFernandes Awesome!

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