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@Pawnguy7 v3index or Coord?
It started doing it at arbitrary times when I had no FB activity. Turns out my fiancée has FB open and her account logged in, and she has chat on and sound notifications on. D'oh
@BartekBanachewicz v3index
@Pawnguy7 it should be usable in the current state, no?
@LightnessRacesinOrbit Instead of arguing about who's a dick, consider this: the "macro asssembler" I used on a Control Data mainframe, long before C++ existed at all provided macros that were much closer to what C++ provides with constexpr than to what the preprocessor does. This definition of "macro" predates C++ by at least 20 years (and almost certainly longer).
@JerryCoffin Lisp macros, anyone? They predate C.
@JerryCoffin I wasn't "arguing about who's a dick"; it's categorically you. :)
@BartekBanachewicz Already mentioned those too.
I have heard a lot about Lisp macros. I have never seen one. Let alone written one.
@JerryCoffin The history of the term "macro" doesn't seem entirely relevant when you're talking about C++. If you wish to introduce it as a more general term then that's fine.
Lisp can...go away.
IMO that could have been clearer from the get go, though.
@BartekBanachewicz not sure, perhaps I misunderstood the usage. I was making one that would be used in place of the 3D vector. Currently I have: gist.github.com/Pawnguy7/6039333
@JerryCoffin oh sorry. I kinda went in in the middle
@Pawnguy7 that's a wrapper
Wasn't that the intention?
I mean if you really wish to go down this route, then any program with more than , say, thirty lines of code is a "macro". Because, hey, you know what? The prefix makro came about CENTURIES ago.
v3index is for something else
Oh. Did it just translate, but not hold?
You need clear delineations if you're going to remove contextual information for terms.
lol "Never manage multiple resources in a single class, this will only lead to pain." Sounds like it was written from experience.
vector<int> v;
v3index<2,2> i;
v[i(1,1,1)] = 5;
@Pawnguy7 ^
TIL (painfully): Oracle treats empty string '' as DB null:
A: Why does Oracle 9i treat an empty string as NULL?

BrianTom Kyte VP of Oracle: A ZERO length varchar is treated as NULL. '' is not treated as NULL. '' when assigned to a char(1) becomes ' ' (char types are blank padded strings). '' when assigned to a varchar2(1) becomes '' which is a zero length string and a zero length...

@LightnessRacesinOrbit What could have been clearer than "something that happens at compile time, not run time"? I provided a definition that made it entirely clear what I was talking about, and refp (and more recently you) tried to say I was "wrong" and "a dick" based solely on refusing to acknowledge that definition.
@kbok on your point's + and - operator, shouldn't you take the arg by value since you're copying it in the body of the func anyway?
@BartekBanachewicz Why is depth not part of the template?
@LightnessRacesinOrbit It's getting old and squeaky
@JerryCoffin Nice strawman but, no, I didn't call you "a dick" "based solely on refusing to acknowledge that definition". I called you "a dick" based solely on your initial rebuttal of "you clearly don't know what you're talking about".
@Pawnguy7 because vector can grow infinitely in one direction.
I don't have any particular problem with your technical assertion — I was just trying to explain why refp might have responded how he did.
Now I do kind of wish I hadn't bothered...
@Tuntuni other is not copied?
@kbok you're right, nvm, forgot about *this
@BartekBanachewicz Ah. True. Was the design of World decent besides this?
@Tuntuni hint: @kbok (usually :)) knows what he's doing
Except today, though I did not make any obvious mistake yet
@BartekBanachewicz ofc, i never thought otherwise :) my bad here :P
@Pawnguy7 sf::Vector3i shouldn't be used there. Don't constrain yourself to SFML in code that's not related to it. (but that's just being picky)
also why do getColor return by value?
@LightnessRacesinOrbit Seems to me that you tried to defend somebody who was wrong by repeating pretty much the same clearly-incorrect arguments he used. Now that their error has been made obvious, you try to retroactively change from making those arguments to merely "explaining" his position. And still accuse me of being a dick simply for stating what's now obvious to all as a simple fact.
more importantly, why do setColor set by value.
@BartekBanachewicz do you mostly pass your variables by reference by default?
@JerryCoffin *sigh* You have a good day now.
@Chemistpp when I don't need to copy them, yeah.
I suppose setColor passing by reference would be valid, since they are only set to static, unchanging variables. Why getColor though?
@BartekBanachewicz more importantly, why setters >.<
Damn, something they never taught us in school. Is it faster since you don't have to allocate any new memory to create a temp var?

I like setters and accessors. They give more control to read write access as well as bounds checking of the values.
@LightnessRacesinOrbit I suspect "dirty" flag here.
@BartekBanachewicz Do you suggest making a new class that is the same, or? Yes, it isn't relevant, but I don't know what would be much better.
When I need to copy, I copy in the interface.
@Pawnguy7 if it's your logical coordinate system, yes.
I use ctrl-c
@Chemistpp yep. It's equivalent to passing a pointer, more or less.
@BartekBanachewicz fag*
@BartekBanachewicz It's a good thing I'm still in the the starting phases; I can change those and see if it improves performance.
@LightnessRacesinOrbit lol pointer to a fag?
@BartekBanachewicz that look still frightens me
her face is perfect for such posts.
@BartekBanachewicz I don't know so much that I have one. Before the vector change anyway, and I don't know why it would change things.
Juliet was such an annoying character.
@Chemistpp what are you using to profile?
It's maniacal
@R.MartinhoFernandes I like her.
I'm in S3E15~
lol, my eyes. Well, I'm just learning that quads is a waste of time. I was writting a joke program and was passing to integers (x/y value) into a render function on loop and it was kind of, surprisingly slow.
is this Lost
so it oculd be the quads
@Aboutblank yes.
@Chemistpp what are you using to render?
@Pawnguy7 you should create your own tagged coord (e.g. copy the one from minicraft) and use it instead of (int x, int y, int z).
@Chemistpp indeed, GL_QUADS are deprecated
I was testing lambda functions passing [this] into a looped function so it incremented a counter. Then my render funcion would draw counter#s of quads.
That was it. It's like 15 cycles persecond if i had to estimate based on watching it
@Chemistpp also can you elaborate on "passing x/y into a render function on loop"?
void KText::Modify() {
std::function<void()> func = [&]() {
this->FSize = this->FSize + 1;
why are you using this->?
I was testing something
It's not for real, but this was a little test script
Kill it with fire.
I didn't know if I could just use FSize in the lamda function
And you were surprised it's slow?\
well it's tiny
how can it be so slow
because it's dumb
it's a lot of dumb things packed in tiny code.
I w*ould never do this for real
then stop doing it.
I wanted to know if lamda functions could assess class members
I'm curious about how can someone modify a class member with a registered callback
so I'm testing
it's not slow because of lambdas
if the pass a function to a class function, can that function access private variables
@BartekBanachewicz Ha, things haven't altogether stopped making sense yet, then.
@R.MartinhoFernandes mhm. so far so good.
@Chemistpp technically it's inlined class inside the function, and inline classes can modify their parents' members that are part of the outer scope (they are simply like "global" for them) IIRC
@Chemistpp lamdas can assess my class member, if they are hot
@BartekBanachewicz That's probably because things haven't started making sense yet.
@BartekBanachewicz I see. Well, I'm going to rewrite it to be more applicable to my question and remove quads anyway. I guess I would have to capture [&object] when define the callback lambda function probably. Then I could use the object inside the lamda
@Chemistpp remove fixed pipeline alltogether
@sehe hot lambdas. Okay, I'll go use google on that
lamda, otherwise it wouldn't function
@BartekBanachewicz lamda gets squiggles.
oops, wrong poitner
no problem. It gives me the giggles
@Chemistpp class C { int x; void foo() { [this]{ x++; } (); } }; <- simple example
@Chemistpp are you sure you want to say oops for that?
@sehe I'm not sure, I'm nervous.
Ah. That explains
Dammit, doesn't render properly.
@R.MartinhoFernandes ahahaa, nice
@sehe As expected, you miss the reference.
@BartekBanachewicz how would I set the templates with the size? Or do I have to finally settle for a compile time size?
that one? ^
@R.MartinhoFernandes always happy to fulfill those
@BartekBanachewicz lol
It's earth symbol
1 message moved to bin
I wish chat wouldn't onebox images
@Feeds does a good job of keeping us up to date
@Pawnguy7 just move them from template to inside of the class :F And don't write a constructor, just use brace initialization after.
@Aboutblank You did. Don't blame chat
PSA: xkcds are now pretty much always a repost, because Feeds posts them pretty soon after they go live.
@BartekBanachewicz Does it render properly for you?
λ functions from now on for you sehe
@R.MartinhoFernandes is that what it's suppose to be?
@R.MartinhoFernandes it renders like this on wikipedia
here I see a square
@Chemistpp Capital lambda with ring above.
Does brace initialization work with classes?
" introduced using the keyword lambda, and anonymous functions are often referred to as lambda functions."
But here it renders with a ring above slightly to the right
wiki taught me wrong
or it's really lambda
4 mins ago, by Bartek Banachewicz
user image
@Pawnguy7 yep.
oh I see
Stargate SG-1's symbol for Earth.
4 mins ago, by Bartek Banachewicz
It's earth symbol
My computer gives a crappy capital Λ
@R.MartinhoFernandes Wait, are you working on rendering stuff?
no halo
@EtiennedeMartel No.
For a second there I thought we lost one of our lasts beacons of sanity in the Lounge.
Just saw people mentioning lambdas and the idea of making the Earth chevron popped up in my mind.
wait, you've used a combining mark here?
There's no precomposed lambda with ring above.
I am amazed that Wikipedia actually found it, then.
@R.MartinhoFernandes (PSA: I mentioned that 3 lines above) :/
@R.MartinhoFernandes Ah, Boris.
@BartekBanachewicz you want it tp be vector<sf::Color &>?
@EtiennedeMartel Hmm, I only now realised I picked a clip from the start of the movie.
I wanted the one at the end :S
@R.MartinhoFernandes Right before everything explodes?
ffs... I edit the live html to test out what happens when I have double or triple digit line numbers, it messes up the css. Spend some time trying to fix the css to handle it. Turns out if I actually generate the content and have line numbers that high, it works it out for me...
@Pawnguy7 ugh, no, you don't want that
@R.MartinhoFernandes I get the same
@Pawnguy7 Can't have vectors of references.
@BartekBanachewicz I wouldn't think so, but I am confused why the getters and setters would pass by it.
@R.MartinhoFernandes Oh. True.
@thecoshman At least it renders right in Babelmap (no idea which font that is and too lazy to check)
Or, just for theoretically slightly faster passing?
@BartekBanachewicz OMG
... Lolwat.
@StackedCrooked You can't be srs. That code snippet is #3 most visited? ._.
> I am trying to remove characters from a char pointer
√ ΔLounge(C++) ®telkitty
Questions that start with hopelessness make me sad.
@R.MartinhoFernandes sigh
I am more and more annoyed by SO lately
All I want to say is "char pointers don't have characters"
I still have yet to implement grapheme clusters...
yeah, something like that.
or simply "y'all dumb fuckers"
... I'm not sure if I have the werewithalll to implement unicode properties. :c
@Pawnguy7 fuck "faster", really. Stop thinking about performance.
> People will move mountains to earn a gold star by their name on the Internet. - rules of the internet
@ThePhD You need that for a game engine?
@BartekBanachewicz Well, if not that, why? It is going to copy the color one way or another.
Client wants me to reverse engineer a database structure after DB was lost. I still have the original code. Original code contains schema-creation script. Win.
@R.MartinhoFernandes he thinks he does.
Are you doing text rendering by yourself?
I haven't come across the need specifically, except when it comes to iterating over text.
@Pawnguy7 but you can copy it once or twice
@R.MartinhoFernandes >.>
@ThePhD Here there be dragons!
This answer was really helpful, but I accepted Igor's because he needs the XP more :) — japreiss 11 mins ago
One of two options: 1) you'll never be finished; 2) it will suck tremendously.
@R.MartinhoFernandes thanks robot, now I've shown his posts and now I want to bang my head against the wall again.
Hey guys, thanks
@R.MartinhoFernandes no, both.
@R.MartinhoFernandes it can't be both?
But my neck still hurts like a bitch
@BoltClock erm... you're welcome?
hi @BoltClock
@BartekBanachewicz Is that not performance?
Thanks for the flags I mean
probably NSFW ... but this is hot :p
@BartekBanachewicz What do you mean?
@AndyProwl lol tell him you need only a little bit more to level up
@Telkitty猫咪咪 ಠ_ಠ
@R.MartinhoFernandes you can copy directly from the value or copy from the temporary.
@FlorisVelleman yeah that might work :P
@BoltClock Was it somebody here doing the flagging? All the messages I saw were in other rooms (but we don't get told who actually flagged).
@BartekBanachewicz Ever heard of copy elision?
@JerryCoffin You did flag them as well didn't you?
@BoltClock SO qustions or chat pots?
I validated most of them.
 \ \,_____
         ~      ~~~--__            **              ***
               ______  (@\   *******  ****    *******    ******
      \       `--____******************************************
     / ~~~--_____    ~~~/ ***************************************
                 `~~~~~         ******************************
                                      ****    **************
                                        ***       ***********
@thecoshman chat. There were tons of them building up in a minute or two
@ThePhD dragon vomiting ascii?
@Telkitty猫咪咪 ooooh
@BoltClock Good lord no. I clicked the "yes" button when the question came up -- I find anything that reminds me of C# or (especially) PHP offensive.
"My life, my health..."
She really wants to say "my great looks" here, but knows she can't.
"... everything."
It would probably be better if it was vomiting Umlauts or something.
@JerryCoffin Oh. My bad - I was referring to them as "flags" in the loose sense of the word
@LightnessRacesinOrbit you can search for Jessica Gomes if you want to see more of her swimsuit pictures
@BoltClock Ah, I see -- fair enough.
pfft i vomit cedillas, much harder to get out and they look like captain hook
@thecoshman purple as default url color, ouch
@Aboutblank you've read it all already

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