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I've just repwhored in
This question is a brilliant one. Those who voted down will understand its value in future. — Shibli Feb 5 '12 at 18:58
@BartekBanachewicz Thank god you didn't do it in . I heard it's bigger and will leave you a whole lot more sore.
I still love this comment
@Telkitty猫咪咪 That's okay
@thecoshman dragon vomiting ascii is scary enough, imagine one vomiting unicode :x
@ThePhD Oh.. I thought that was a frog...
My hopes and dreams, crushed in a single sentence!
I'll never be a good artist. ;~;
@EiyrioüvonKauyf Not really. They look more like Captain Hook's hook.
@ThePhD Not at that rate, you won't. Rule #1: if somebody doesn't "get" your art, it's always their fault. It's never that you've done a poor job of communicating -- they're clearly just too (dense | narrow-minded | cretinous | whatever) to understand your brilliance and vision.
@LightnessRacesinOrbit 8.1 is ancient. We're at 13 already
heh, I'm getting closer and closer to 10k
Guess I'd better join the dark side and ask @melak47 how he's doing text rendering. =[
@BartekBanachewicz So?
@BartekBanachewicz ever had issues with SFML's window event system?
@Pawnguy7 nothing in particular that I can remember, why?
Ah. I always seem to want it... well, in some cases - probably bad design here - once it went to upper code blocks, it stayed there. THus, I had like 5 different event catching loops. Just feels bad.
@LightnessRacesinOrbit That guy asked 91 questions.
@EtiennedeMartel Crazy.
@EtiennedeMartel wowwww
@LightnessRacesinOrbit i accidentally a word
@EiyrioüvonKauyf ;)
teach me your ways, Lounge<C++>, so I may someday be like you
@EiyrioüvonKauyf you forgot to "hook it up there"
@Crowz You'd need to learn maths, first.
@Pawnguy7 what. You can always use my window class, tee hee (jk don't use it)
@LightnessRacesinOrbit About a sixth of them have a negative score.
@ThePhD He's doing his own text rendering?
@LightnessRacesinOrbit NNNNNNNEVERRRR
also any idea for anything better than ultisnips (vim)? I want to be able to do for i i<5 i++ and have it auto complete
the tabbing is annoying
hey, SO profiles show the question list on top of the answer list iff there are more questions than answers, and vice versa. Never knew that.
@Crowz oh fuck are you still there?
@R.MartinhoFernandes No, he's using some pre-rolled ezpz solution.
@BartekBanachewicz don't make eye contact
@EtiennedeMartel Indian.
I'm always here. ALWAYS.
@LightnessRacesinOrbit Eh
I hope D2D takes unicode strings.
If it takes some messed up MBCWS char strings I will break my legs after doing a backflip and roll my own solution.
@EtiennedeMartel Nice. Where do I get it?
@kbok Still not out yet.
@FlorisVelleman LPCWSTR is fine.
@EtiennedeMartel similar to minicraft
@BartekBanachewicz You meant Bastion.
LPCWSTR implies Unicode.
36 secs ago, by Etienne de Martel
@kbok Still not out yet.
ha ha ha
@BartekBanachewicz Right, your replies are messed up.
@EtiennedeMartel that was the whole joke
I don't want to get out of bed and go to work today.
@BartekBanachewicz Your jokes are messed up.
@ThePhD Then have a wank.
@EtiennedeMartel ... How does that help anything?
.... dammit he's still in python
@EiyrioüvonKauyf it the snake eating him?
Also @Borgleader the Intuos5 is mother fuckin' gigantic. :c
I could smack bitches with these things.
hum .... ##python?
how do i tag chat rooms .....
@ThePhD How doesn't that
@kbok I'm... not sure.
@ypercube The quote does not get more precise by changing the word actually used by Tom. If you think Tom worded it confusingly, mmm. Maybe. I think he's spot on. The most confusing situations arise when '' is being implicitely converted to a VARCHAR2, such as cast('' as char(1)) is null which is... TRUEsehe 38 secs ago
@BartekBanachewicz gist.github.com/Pawnguy7/6039870 better? Splitting it up a bit, haven't changed the overall design as of yet.
What's the difference between VARCHAR and VARCHAR2 BTW?
Also, how can I see spaces vs tabs in VS? I don't get where they are coming from.
@LightnessRacesinOrbit I suppose I'm being a dick to point it out, but the part of your answer about the older versions of the Intel compiler is wrong. At that time, the Intel compiler did not ship with the same standard library as Microsoft. It shipped with no standard library at all. You needed the Microsoft compiler already installed, and it would use those existing libraries and headers. Without the Microsoft headers/libraries, it didn't work, at least for programs that needed the headers/libs.
@kbok Absolutely no idea, but a search yielded: "Currently VARCHAR behaves exactly the same as VARCHAR2. However, this type should not be used as it is reserved for future usage." Here
@Pawnguy7 ???
@Pawnguy7 Ctrl-R, Ctrl-W iirc
Better ask my expert DBA monday
@Pawnguy7 Yeah that's pretty much what I learned in school
I am confused. Were you qouting a question?
@Pawnguy7 still kinda unreadable
Yes. But better?
still violates DRY
Bet butter?
i am hungry, stop asking me those questions
^ this is a drawer
Wasn't sure what else to call it.
fuck running tests Y U SLOW
I suppose Renderer would be ok.
Although, I am not sure what the term render means in its intended context.
@kbok Nice editing!
@Pawnguy7 this code should fit in 1/3 of what it takes now, more or less
@kbok actually, a chest of drawers
@sehe a drawer collection!
@JerryCoffin Thanks
@BartekBanachewicz should I scrap it and come up with some new design? I couldn't think of how to do it, though. So I decided to just try to clean what I had.
@BartekBanachewicz aka, it should fit in one drawer, not require a chest of three drawers.
@Pawnguy7 I though you'd base on what I wrote yesterday
@BartekBanachewicz It didn't have blending though.
@R.MartinhoFernandes Huhuhu.
Also it's increment, not incriment. incriment sounds like incriminate.
@Pawnguy7 And? my blending would be a no-op
I still don't get why are you doing it by hand
instead of using alpha channel properly when drawing
@kbok Incriment is excrement before it's excreted.
I think it is usually alpha. Though I almost want to say I have seen the first as well.
@JerryCoffin If that was true, that would be gross
@BartekBanachewicz not sure what you mean by that
1 min ago, by Bartek Banachewicz
I still don't get why are you doing it by hand
@BartekBanachewicz would std::chest<nut> be specialized to derive from std::pair<ball, ball> or as std::literal_constant<std::web::color::indian_red> (a.k.a. 0xCD5C5C)?
@sehe we all should get out more
@Pawnguy7 What you've seen is actually alfalfa. Well, I have anyway -- huge fields of it where I grew up. Never did quite know what they did with the stuff either. I know what they do with corn and wheat, but never heard of "alfalfa flour" or anything like that.
Are you suggesting, draw the second layer, then draw the first layer with increasing transparency over it?
@BartekBanachewicz what's the matter, can't do code jokes anymore :/ ?
@sehe Meh, named colors. So useless
@kbok I figured I should make it explicit, because 0xCD5C5C would probably have gone over our collective heads
@R.MartinhoFernandes lol, drugs
@sehe nope, the joke was good
@kbok Also, the "racist" implication was on-topic chat.stackoverflow.com/transcript/message/10713326#10713326
@JerryCoffin Thanks for the correction. And drop the dick dickness - you were being, and it had nothing to do with whether you were right or wrong. So get over it.
@sehe 110011010101110001011100
oh also
> #CD5C5C is Netscape named color indianred
@LightnessRacesinOrbit This is simply too funny
@BartekBanachewicz Note I already had that in the joke, right. Also: simple.wikipedia.org/wiki/Brown
@BartekBanachewicz Much clearer
> A brown dog on a brown couch with brown pillows.
This question is a brilliant one. Those who voted down will understand its value in future. — Shibli Feb 5 '12 at 18:58
@BartekBanachewicz That's why binary literals would be great.
I don't know what I expected.
@Shibli You just gave me a compelling reason to downvote: I want to understand the value of this question in the future. And your promise sounds like the only way to get there. — sehe 8 mins ago
Rosé Champagnes with chinese style hot spicy pickles together is probably not a good idea
Rosé Champagnes never was a good idea
But it is my favourite
[ABRIDGED] You weird
Just tastes?
@sehe Fixed.
These ideas are so goddamn cheesy. xD
is regular expression the same in all languages?
@kbok Rosé in general are a bad idea -- just don't mistake a Blanc de Noir champagne (which can be quite good) for a Rosé. A Blanc de Noir can look slightly pinkish, but is an entirely different sort of thing than a Rosé.
@Crowz They stay more-or-less the same but some details are different, you have to refer to your implementation's docs
@Crowz For the most part, but there are subtle differences.
@Crowz No -- in fact, many of them aren't even regular.
pink Champagne on ice <3
why Qt complaining about missing libraries while I have already had them installed and configured in the E.V.
@Tiina because you suck.
or maybe because Qt sucks, hard to tell.
Damn I'm hungry and that makes me angry
@Bartek see link I edited in, with respect to the "offsets" thing.
hungry man is an angry man ... that goes to kids too
@R.MartinhoFernandes oh I believe I've read it already, or perpaps scheduled to read one day
I am hungry but I should not be eating at this hour of the night
now that we have std::bind and lambdas their syntax and idiosyncracies seem much less useful
@Telkitty猫咪咪 Have some fruit, that would be okay?
@BartekBanachewicz Wait, what
@ThePhD vegetables are okay, fruits are not
Oh, talking about Qt?
but veges need preparation
ignore me I'm hungry
I have a few unhealthy food but I rather not look like a piglet
Aren't piglets cute?
Hey guys does any1 know how to do cppunit testing?
Yes, especially when they're in my stomach.
@ThePhD lol
@JoelSeah use Catch instead
I'm a carnivore, but I like to my meat to be adult.
I wonder if piglet tastes different from pig.
Adds to list of things to try once have sufficient piles of money.
is it?
That's not a piglet.
For science.
Oh, okay.
I don't have to try it then. :D
I prefer pig. Most people I know seem to prefer piglets. They're food pedophiles.
@Telkitty猫咪咪 You just made me look really akward with that picture :(
@JerryCoffin I like some rosés like this one, but champagne rosés, meh
@BartekBanachew What? I have to use cppunit to do testing on my functions.
CppUnit is that one where you have to make classes?
I don't discriminate against animals, I love them all ... just need different cooking methods of course (neighbourhood birdies won't come begging for food any more if they read and understand this :x)
@JoelSeah why do you have to?
@R.MartinhoFernandes Yeah. To make classes to test out the functions of a program
That awkward moment you realized you turned off wireless capabilities. Anywho.
@FlorisVelleman why, it is a pig ...
@BartekBanachewicz kinda like a homework?
@JoelSeah You share the same surname as my mother
@JoelSeah then use Catch and write "cppunit is a piece of crap thus I didn't use it"
And get a A! Uni is so easy
Hipster hacker here ... getting on the groundfloor now before c++ becomes hip again.
You need a mentor or a tutor! — danielb 7 mins ago
@LaughNowButWe'llBeInCharge what
Is there a bandwidth overhead when using SFTP?
@LightnessRacesinOrbit so tempted to write "no, you!"
@BartekBanachewicz I suppose you don't happen to still have that gist?
@LightnessRacesinOrbit You're a towel!
@kbok There always is, no? The protocol needs some metadata.
Isn't that obsolete, though?
@R.MartinhoFernandes Sure, but since all protocols have them, my question is more along the lines of "is it significant compared to other options"
@BartekBanachewicz thanks for that -.-ll
@R.MartinhoFernandes I'm all for better ideas
Oh. Secret. That is why I couldn't find it in search :D

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