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This answer helped me understand the accepted one >_< — Moak Apr 6 at 2:06
What can I do for you to unaccept it?
Don't think it'll shoot past your #1 answer
I have 30 Golden Keys.
I suddenly got 10 yesterday, for whatever reason
I logged in, and had them
Did you use any SHiFT codes?
@R.MartinhoFernandes Nothing.
@R.MartinhoFernandes Nope
@R.MartinhoFernandes This is a life-lesson: There's a consequence to everything. Always think before your actions.
user image
Better for starring ^. Still useless, IMO
@sehe Interdependencies?
@R.MartinhoFernandes flag
@sehe a web of lies.
@Xeo Directional arrows, even. Thing is, no arrows (except the outermost) are discernable
@TonyTheLion a tangled mess
@jalf it's here!
pop the champagne
and pop a second bottle as I spelled champagne right the first time!
Getting on with the French, I see.
Two sentences without spelling or grammar mistakes :O
lol, first one I learn to help me get drunk
@Xeo 1 sentence, missing capitalization
Screw capitalization, nobody needs it anyways! :P
@sehe that's just a stylistic thing ¬_¬
Nothing to see, move along.
Take a hint.
I'm getting sikh of this.
@thecoshman It's part of grammar, alright
@StackedCrooked is that a pun?
@thecoshman ...
it's a random typo
@sehe by your definition perhaps
is 'sikh' not the religion
> Capitalization or capitalisation in English grammar is the use of a capital letter at the head of a word WP
@thecoshman And in the lounge it is spam. Please, get your lounge chops up to speed
@sehe o_0
It is Friday night! I have a philosophy question: if I like chilli & horror, am I a masosadist?
oh Polar Bear is on edge today?
@Telkitty猫咪咪 depends. is the horror in the chilli?
chilli & horror returns false
move on
good question, I enjoy the hotness in the chilli, but never thought whether it is the horror ...
ergh... all this course has really taught me about JavaEE, EJBS and all that shit is how horribly full of crap it all is. We've just spent all this time letting the IDE do magic and not learnt how any of this shit goes together
@thecoshman Some dude just a few minutes ago was spamming links to a proposal for a Sikh SE
> Java EE is the standard in community-driven enterprise software.
in C#, 2 mins ago, by Johan Larsson
@Xeo posting it once in a couple of rooms is np imo
Take a hint, alright :) It couldn't really have been much more obvious
The C# guys are way too lenient.
@DeadMG ah, that makes a lot more sense
Hello everyone.
@sehe yes I know they where moved, I saw that. I just didn't care to see what exactly was movd
@thecoshman So: get your lounge chops up to speed, already! chat.stackoverflow.com/transcript/message/10707183#10707183
@JerryCoffin I hope you cut the crap after that message, all of us (besides you) were talking about C macros vs C++ constexprs, if that wasn't clear to you then I'm (not) sorry.
@sehe meh
@R.MartinhoFernandes what?
@jalf xkcd
oh right
@refp oh you go girl!
@Xeo You're German.
@R.MartinhoFernandes shit
@thecoshman just because I'm black, isn't it!? ;-)
@R.MartinhoFernandes Hey, there is or was some kind of plan to get rid of noun-capitalization in German!
@Xeo will they convert from CamelCase to noun_underscoring?
@refp no, because you pouted like a 5 year old
@sehe he's trying to untangle it ;-)
@LightnessRacesinOrbit it's ok, there are a few of them yes, just don't mention the war and everything will be ok
@thecoshman same thing really.
@Xeo nah, the plan is off, but the chat generation is writing everything in all lowercase anyway ;-)
@StackedCrooked lol
If they only wrote everything in lowercase :s
But alas, that's not where it stops.
@Xeo ofc not :P
@refp black people are like pouting 5 year olds? o_0
@thecoshman ?
I have no trouble reading all-lowercase German, really. But the massive amount of abbrevations and intentional misspellings... man.
@TemplateRex read the context ¬_¬
But the latter is not limited to German
and I half suspect lack of context will result in another temp ban for me
Whatever, I'm just rambling.
@thecoshman why would you write such a thing!?
I love making people write stuff that doesn't make sense out of context.
@refp -1, not enough interrobang.
@Xeo #!/bin/bang/boom
@Xeo ¬_¬ I should get my autohotkey script to make use of interrobang for me :D
I just realized that it's possible to blow air to your nose.
It's very ticklish and rather unpleasant.
Little children do that all the time when they got the snot running.
Hm, seems I missed out on that.
@Xeo problem with getting the snot running is that's very hard to stop
@R.MartinhoFernandes curious, why did you not make use of line numbers for code samples on your site?
someone plz change the room tag to "pouting 5 year olds with running noses"
I mean blowing air out of your mouth and aiming upwards so it enters your nose.
@thecoshman Where?
@TemplateRex you have to also point out that they are black, we do generate enough controversy
@thecoshman Because I don't think they're necessary for small code samples.
@R.MartinhoFernandes yeah, I'd agree with that. Would you use them for larger samples? I've been playing with the 'css for them
@thecoshman mhumhu
Q: How to convince a math teacher of this simple and obvious fact?

user86484I have in my presence a mathematics teacher, who asserts that $$ \frac{a}{b} = \frac{c}{d} $$ Implies: $$ a = c, \space b=d $$ She has been shown in multiple ways why this is not true: $$ \frac{1}{2} = \frac{4}{8} $$ $$ \frac{0}{5} = \frac{0}{657} $$ For me, these seem like valid (dis)proo...

Ugh, bad teachers ahoi :(
@Xeo maybe she wants a constructive proof of all counterexamples, not just a single one
I have an entire afternoon meeting, please kill me
@Xeo lol, 'more mathematical proof'
bang bang
@DeadMG !!
Reminds me of Crowz and his idea of what is and what isn't mathematics.
@TonyTheLion Did you see what ThePhD said about coming to England?
Whoa, MS didn't sell as many Surface RTs as they expected! Who could have expected that?!
@R.MartinhoFernandes Nice answers there, though.
@DeadMG I did. I had a discussion with him and its basically not really real for me to drive for two hours one night and have a few hours of chatting time to then drive two hours back.
@R.MartinhoFernandes but that was simple, maths is anything he doesn't understand
Which is what I told him
Q: C++ Windows form Visual Studio 2012?

user2599301I wonder what is the Microsoft's answer for removing this thing? I've found some workarounds but isn't it annoying? I would really like to hear the answer if someone from here has already contacted them and asked...

@TonyTheLion I basically said something similar- London is just too far away to visit during the evening.
Its a bit far and I don't want to take a day off work for it either
What the fuck.
where is the boy heading too, of London
So no one is meeting him?
What a bunch of pussies.
@Xeo That's an unbelievably bad math teacher.
Essentially, we're all scumbags
@R.MartinhoFernandes A bit expensive and time consuming for the little amount of time we'd spend together
@R.MartinhoFernandes If you wish to send me the money for the train ticket, I would meet him.
@Magtheridon96 -1 flag ¬_¬
it's a shame my 'witty' comment will never get the publicity it deserves as that question will soon be deleted :(
@thecoshman Asking for a cupcake is witty?
@R.MartinhoFernandes boy did you not see my quote marks
> press any button to continue
> press the power button
> pc turns off
My first thought was, if you make velocity equal in all directions, the effective velocity becomes 0. — sehe 52 secs ago
@Xeo It continued its due course
I find it ironic that a site about css looks so ugly
@TonyTheLion lol
@TonyTheLion That measurement device reminds me of baseball.
@thecoshman so pretty
Ok, Sun CC compiler peculiarity: It considers pointers to extern "C" functions different from extern "C++" function pointers.
> utilsexc.cpp
it's not a peculiarity, it's Standard.
GCC has something similar.
It is a peculiarity because there is really not platform where free functions in C and C++ would have a different calling convention.
there are some
Also, Sun CC is the only compiler that complains about this.
it simply depends on how obscure the platform is, and how long ago the functionality was implemented.
Yes, hence the word "peculiarity".
3 mins ago, by DeadMG
it's not a peculiarity, it's Standard.
Q: How to extract Date Info from within a text using c++

FE RYSo the problem is i am writing a code which detect all the American Addresses within a text. I come across the problem that cases like 10.08.2013 can potentially be house numbers since in my algorithm i simply use isdigit() to look for numbers and those which have less than 5 digits get marked as...

Hahaha, poor sod.
Ah the comment is "awaiting moderation"
@sehe waaaat
I mean, sure, doing pair-programming full-time is pretty stupid, but the occasional pair-programming is really nice.
@sehe I was wondering why I couldn't find the comment you were linking to
> Pair programming is a new method in which two programmers share an office and a terminal and take turns coding while the other watches and comments
'Cricket Coding'
> Single coding speed in LOC per hour:
This is the metric?
> There are a total of 116 occupation groups employed by large companies. As many as 50 occupations work on large systems. It is unknown why only programmers were selected to be doubled.
there's a guy in the comments claiming that LOC/hour is malpractice for studies.
Given the difficulty of designing and debugging, who cares much about actual coding?
there are no other jobs where you work in pairs? ever? -.-
@DeadMG And of course it is.
@DeadMG Best session is when LOC/hour is negative
@melak47 The study gives some in other areas- pilots, police, scuba divers. The author actually means, "At large software companies".
@Xeo I have successfully enforced that when working at system test :)
@sehe Ik kan er niet tegen als er iemand in mijn nek loopt te hijgen.
> terminal
The author is an oldie.
@DeadMG Now I'm confused.
@DeadMG It's the author.
What the fuck.
I wonder if anyone actually pays for "analyses" as shoddy as this
Someone must be paying - management companies always seem to have new Audis/Mercs/Beemers in the car park.
@MartinJames but does this one?
@jalf 'Take the bus'
> REFERENCES AND ADDITIONAL INFORMATION references to his own work follow
@R.MartinhoFernandes LOL - I can do that!
@R.MartinhoFernandes what the
Must be a joke or something
I like how he uses the battle of Cannae to make arguments that pair programming is a bad idea.
> Only code bugs are shown in table 4: requirements and design bugs are hard to remove by either static analysis or by testing.
WTF is a code bug?
It's a stupid idea. It's even stupider than the Australina review of Watson's LBW just before lunch at Lords, and that's pretty stupid.
Management consultant: "I've had this brilliant idea! Our customer has loads of cash for this project, so we'll suggest 'pair programming'. Our agency business can provide the extra staff and it'll double development time and so our per-hour management fees".
Your last paragraph makes no sense. They could just have provided overloads for std::string and const chat*. — Xeo May 12 '11 at 0:57
@Xeo You're a failure.
@LightnessRacesinOrbit Ow, one of the typos that keeps getting me.
chat* heheh..
@R.MartinhoFernandes Bugs that aren't strictly design flaws or technical debts. Such as: potential buffer overruns, uninitialised variables, missing return statement in some paths of execution, the wrong variable updated, a precondition broken, a typo in output, etc
@rightfold that's not what it is, you know. It's more like "sparring" to me. Sparring of the type where you end up spending 2 hours at the same computer without your boss throwing you angry looks saying "get back to your own coding"
@R.MartinhoFernandes Yup I rechecked and rechecked. It's confusing as hell
Why would my boss throw me angry looks if I'm helping a colleague?
You are confirming my suspicion: you didn’t need any research to arrive at your obvious conclusion.

Your whole hand-wavy response to a request for references seems to mean “everybody knows pair programming doesn’t work”.

Also, in the comments you seem to be stressing that any ‘good results’ with pair programming must be in smaller projects. It’s no accident that PP originates from the Agile world of software development.

Now, have you considered whether productivity in your “large” (cruise vessel scale) projects could be improved by making the process more Agile?
@rightfold Perhaps you're helping him wrong, or being a total dick about it.
@rightfold Perhaps you're being too loud.
lol too loud
@rightfold Perhaps your colleague has mentors of his own and you're supposed to be concentrating on your own work.
^^ There's my comment in reply to his (still awaiting moderation). I have a feeling the author is only licking his way up with his "massive clients" /cc @R.MartinhoFernandes @Xeo @DeadMG
@LightnessRacesinOrbit I'm not.
@LightnessRacesinOrbit Nope.
@rightfold Why's that funny? We had a project manager who would waltz in, plonk himself at someone's desk, then listen to all his voicemails on loadspeaker. The cunt
People are trying to concentrate
@LightnessRacesinOrbit transparency of management!
The way to pass non-resizable sequences that puts the least requirements on the interface is neither to take a std::string nor a const chat*, but to take a pair of iterators. — R. Martinho Fernandes 1 min ago
@R.MartinhoFernandes const chat* ^_^
@R.MartinhoFernandes :(
@melak47 inb4 you're a failure too
@sehe just saying...that would be one boring chat.
Gunnerkrigg Court = teh awesome
@melak47 ça ç'est un chat ennuyeux!
> I appreciate that you don’t need a pair to flip burgers, but you do need a pair to conduct code surgery.
Greatest comment.
Let me through, I'm a code surgeon!
> It is easy to build a row boat. Not so easy to build a 75,000 ton cruise ship.
> Your description of your environment is typical for small projects.
^ his attempt to incapacitate that commenter. In no less than 2 replies.
You can almost smell the PANIC
you people are seriously engaging with the guy?
@jalf Nope. We're seriously discussing that article.
@jalf Reading the comments of people that tried to.
And yes, I have a comment awaiting moderation. That's not really engaging, allthough it would surprise if he didn't try to muffle my voice with 1 or 2 deadly replies as well
@R.MartinhoFernandes haha
@R.MartinhoFernandes I love the ambiguity of "a pair" in that comment
So "Write your comment here" is now "Request clarification or suggest improvements". I know that this was always the network's intention, but it's quite vexing to be told right up-front that I shouldn't be commenting merely to mock and deride people. *sigh*
> I have non disclosure agreements with my clients. However if you read any of my books the front matter acknowledges the clients that provide the data in general forms.
That's his data.
"Buy my books; no, you won't find the data there; just buy the damn books"
Buy the front matter!
That comment is thrice in a row...
@R.MartinhoFernandes inb4 "I live the real world" or "and I expect to be told in straight terms"
> Pair programming is a new method
This is not starting well
> One issue with pair programming is that an off shore outsource vendor might arrive and convince a CEO that the work could be done for less than half the cost. How do you defend against that?
IOW pair programing sucks when you have stupid people leading.

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