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you know what's "somewhere from here"? A giant pile of fuckin' fields.
@DeadMG How many castles?
@DeadMG You think where I live is not in the middle of a swamp?
hi everybody
there's at least one castle which would be in range
@DeadMG same here
but I'm really not a castle guy
I'm king, I like castles
@R.MartinhoFernandes Several, and none of them have the princess in it. =[
@R.MartinhoFernandes all your fault, you and your lounger 'dating' thing ... puss the wuss would be half as tempted if you did not dupe all those others into going to German to meet up with you and sometime the ape
hmm... I think I've come up with a recursive 'model' for this here JSON format we have to make use of...
@thecoshman I misunderstood that
Our Android app is finished. Our code base contains exactly one singleton!
I'm sorry, for whatever reason I thought you meant somewhere near Cambridge, cause you mentioned that the first time when asked Konrad about visiting him in Camabridge
@not-TonyTheLion where else would I invite you to? I'm not earning second home money
@rightfold a pure singleton, good good
donno, I just go by the assumption you're all much richer than me
I'm dirt poor. :D
@not-TonyTheLion I have 3k. Now you don't have to assume about me anymore.
The plan is to sneak out of Microsoft's supervision while I'm around you two.
@rightfold Thanks for the info
Meet up, give you two high-fives and hugs, stroke @not-TonyTheLion's mane, and then run back before they notice I'm gone.
I want to meet @ScottW <3
Also bask in your british accents.
@not-TonyTheLion No problem mate.
@ThePhD He's mine really. But I'll share him with you, cause I'm a nice guy.
You won't have him for long!
You'll see!!!
You forgot who you're dealing with here.
you're dealt with already
Why the fuck is there flagging in OpenGL Done Right room?
srsly, guise!
A moron.
A wild moron appears
Plenty of morons in the wild
Moron used flagging!
It's super ineffective!
Is it a song about Visual Studio themes?
it's a song about Sir Robin
Ctrl-V TAB allows me to print a tab in the terminal, nice.
I have a feeling that haltability can be proven for programs in haskell
It's wrong.
But I feel like you should be able to
> nostrils raped? how is that even...actually I don't want to know.
where that came from?
LPWSTR dwTypeData - "dw", huh (from the MENUITEMINFO structure)
@Ell not for all programs.
@Ell You're wrong.
@not-TonyTheLion It's part of the Brave Sir Robin song.
2 mins ago, by Ell
It's wrong.
haltability can't be proven for Haskell programs any more than programs in any other TC language.
@R.MartinhoFernandes When danger reared it's ugly head, he bravely turned his tail and fled.
@R.MartinhoFernandes ah I see
Exhibit ∏: you can write an x86-64 emulator in Haskell.
er, no
Exhibit A would be a Brainfuck interpreter
or one of those OIS machines
@rightfold so you can write imperative code in haskell?
Exhibit Why The Fuck Am I Doing This would be an x86-64 emulator
@Abyx You're late.
@R.MartinhoFernandes what?
inb4 Monads
well, actually I wanted to ask "would that x86-64 emulator be written in imperative code or not"
with mutability and other non-FP stuff
Yes, I know you cannot and don't want to get it. No need to keep hammering on it.
get what?
that there is a way to emulate mutable RAM without mutability?
I know you can emulate mutable registers by creating modified "copies", but meh, RAM %)
@Abyx Using a versioning system.
@StackedCrooked and it will be ... fast?
uhm... maybe it will be easier to read and maintain that Haskell source code?
What Haskell source code? You seem to be talking about context only you have.
no native emulator would use native memory directly anyway
an invalid access would bring down the emulator.
I am off to dreamland & make out with my comfy bed. Laterz <3
@R.MartinhoFernandes source code of that versioning system
although direct mutability sure would help
@DeadMG Does non-native memory exist?
managed memory?
Ah, like that.
I was thinking cloud memory or something :D
@Abyx The ease of reading and maintaining will be as much as the ease of reading and maintaining of the code that was written.
Greeat, assemblies referenced, types not found.
Friday evening. Sanity < ε
"Qt signals and sluts" WTF brain ?
@Abyx If you want to discussed imagined code, I would say the answer for the code you imagined is "no", and the answer for the code I imagined is "yes".
Yay, time to go home
@Abyx There's a reason that a lot of otherwise pure functional languages still have some sort of mutable array type.
@JerryCoffin and other imperative features, right?
@JerryCoffin Like how priests have their secret stack of dirty magazines.
@Abyx Well, the ability to manipulate the data in those arrays, anyway, yeah.
@not-TonyTheLion For now.
@RolandSams Hmmm?
@StackedCrooked Was it ever really a secret?
Where would I have to be when, @R.Martinho?
@sbi We can meet at U Gneisenaustraße at 21, maybe? It's one block away.
@R.MartinhoFernandes 21:00? That's a bit late for dinner, innit?
what's with all these regulars posting answers as comments lately
@R.MartinhoFernandes Well, I can deal with it, of course, but it's still surprising.
@sbi Well, that's when it starts.
In Portugal most people have dinner at 20-ish.
The more meridional, the later the dinner.
@R.MartinhoFernandes And the place is close enough to the subway that we don't need to meet 15mins ahead, is it?
@sbi Yeah, just two minutes away.
how can IEnumerable<Tuple<T, U>> be less accessible than "public" if T and U are also both public?
@R.MartinhoFernandes But you have siesta, too. Here, we don't need to sleep through the day's hot hours, so we sleep more at night. Late dinners would screw that.
No, that's a Spanish thing.
I wish we had that :(
Siesta is awesome.
The state of software development would be better if programmers had siestas.
@R.MartinhoFernandes Turns out that T and U were nested classes of Z, which was not public.
not that I really see how this matters
@sbi Anyway, I'm not saying Germans should do the same, just explaining why it doesn't seem weird to me.
@DeadMG Since metadata gets exported and shit, you cannot ever have any private thing in a public interface (it would mean exporting private metadata, and that kinda makes it public).
Oh right, today there's gonna be that Herb presentation.
Anything special?
Probably not.
@R.MartinhoFernandes And I was explaining why here this seems weird. :-/
About 'erb's innit
MSVC marketing, at least
> Will the talk cover the awkward question to “what happened to the promise of out-of-band compiler updates”? You were pretty vocal a year ago about how we all should just “wait and see” all the C++11 improvements that were going to be delivered out-of-band for VS2012. ;)
> Still no C99 to speak of in MSVC. Hate, hate.
lol, people these days.
Who wants to write C for Windows.
@R.MartinhoFernandes s/ for Windows//
I implemented brace matching and it actually kinda works first time.
that I was not expecting
FFS the guys in the company next door are throwing a party again.
@R.MartinhoFernandes Bah!
@LucDanton What?
More seriously btw, treating optional as a range is awesome for concat_map.
@LucDanton You mean like maybeToList?
Conflating !o and empty(*o) then?
Not just that, a bona fide range. pop_front mutates and so on.
concat_map([](auto x) { pred(x) ? make_optional(x) : nothing; }, r) is filter then.
Ah, so it is like maybeToList (i.e. range of zero or one).
Oh fuck, I was thinking of concatMaybes. Sorry.
Hi, anyone know how I can get an answer that i made deleted when its accepted?
@LucDanton Surely you mean function returning optional?
I don't really see how optional itself could be a range.
@DeadMG What's the difference between std::vector<int>{1} and std::vector<int>{} vs optional<int>{1} and optional<int>{none}?
@DeadMG Erm. none is {}, and optional(x) is {x}...
1 + A = 1 + A x 1
@R.MartinhoFernandes Right, but that's not really a range, more of a tuple, since it can't be more than one element.
Erm, what.
One-element ranges are perfectly serviceable as ranges.
what is going on
Are specializations of std::array ranges?
What about T[N]?
@LucDanton Hm, gonna add that.
It's sad how people try to be leaders.
@LucDanton Sometimes, it feels liike you're trying to find "abuses" for concat_map :p
I think that allows to translate comprehension syntax into a flurry of concat_map with some pred(x) ? make_optional(x) : nothing for the predicates.
@R.MartinhoFernandes Yeah, but what Luc wrote was filter for any range type, no?
@Xeo Yeah no. I read a paper about validating and optimizing Linq queries and the 'typical' query was a comprehension: binding + filtering.
omfg i just learned that volatile doenst mean atomic in Java... im tempted to quote STL and say that it isnt exaggeration to say that everything java does is wrong :)
hmmm, this is annoying
@NoSenseEtAl It doesn't mean atomic in C++, either.
@NoSenseEtAl What.
compound statements and types brace match differently, even though I have done exactly the same thing for them.
@NoSenseEtAl TUL.
@NoSenseEtAl FWIW, you learned wrong.
ScopedHex. I wonder why std::hex doesn't work like this.
@R.MartinhoFernandes guy works at google, so he must be right
@NoSenseEtAl He is. You still learned wrong.
++ is not atomic.
volatile variables are stronger: they establish happens-before relationships.
@StackedCrooked if (os_ptr) *os_ptr << std::dec; -- what if I did std::cout << std::bin << ... << ScopedHex << ...;?
@StackedCrooked if (os_ptr) ?
@LightnessRacesinOrbit Yeah, I forgot to initialize it in the constructor.
@StackedCrooked Why does it exist?
@R.MartinhoFernandes so it is not atomic, what is wrong with my statement
@StackedCrooked Oh, in case you didn't use the ScopedHex. Okay.
@NoSenseEtAl Lemme quote what he says: "If you want an atomic increment (or decrement),"
@Xeo Assuming std::dec is the default state. Not sure if this affects std::bin though.. Wait does std::bin even exist?
@NoSenseEtAl It is.
The ++ operation is not atomic.
Access to volatile variables is.
@NoSenseEtAl What is wrong with your statement is that it overgeneralises into wrongness.
@R.MartinhoFernandes that is super useful :P BTW std atomic doesnt suffer from this retardation, right ? my_atomic+=66; is atomic, right ?
ah, good, i was affraid that another thing i knew for sure was not so. :)
@R.MartinhoFernandes as a theroretic Q is it then safe to spinlock on volatile bool in Java ? I guess it is since it is just 1 write, not 2
@NoSenseEtAl Granted, he does the same overgeneralisation in his title (but explains it right in the text)
I think it's strange that gcc doesn't warn about uninitialized member variables (for non-pod types).
@NoSenseEtAl That needs CAS, no?
If you are new here, please read the newbie hints and keep the acronym list under your pillow. Thank you.
@R.MartinhoFernandes ok, what is then useful usage of volatile.? can i use it to signal thread to shutdown (boolean cancelation token ) ?
@NoSenseEtAl Yes, that's one possible use.
@R.MartinhoFernandes tnx, i thought C++ atomic == Java and C# volatile
Most uses should be confined to building blocks, though.
@R.MartinhoFernandes btw do you know if C# volatile is like java or Cpp atomic ?
@NoSenseEtAl It's more like Java java.util.concurrent.atomic.Atomic* and C# System.Threading.Interlocked.
@NoSenseEtAl Like Java.
@R.MartinhoFernandes ok, i see, tnx
@LucDanton Why didn't I think of that... given for(auto&& x : o) :)
Can I omit defaulted args in partial specialisations?
I think so?
I just got my first paycheck.
This feels pretty freakin' awesome. :D
@ThePhD gratz
Also I need security envelopes. =[
@ThePhD It's going to feel awesomer when you get the money.
@R.MartinhoFernandes OH BBY WHEN I PUT IT IN THE BANK~~~~
I could opt into the Direct Deposit program, but then I don't get these nice envelopes and stuff. =[
... Oh wait.
I can't put it in my bank just yet. =[
I need to split this check into cash, and then deposit the cash directly after splitting that up into a Gift Card and then some other thing.
> error: template argument '...' involves template parameters
@R.MartinhoFernandes I need to make an untied payment to someone across the globe. Or something like that.
@R.MartinhoFernandes wat
@ThePhD Are you buying drugs?
Is the associated parameter non-type?
@R.MartinhoFernandes Nah. I'm trying to fund something without it being traceable to me.
@LucDanton Nope.
Because in my mind I associate this error with things like template<int N> struct foo<N, (N > 0)>
Oh, wait it is.
@R.MartinhoFernandes Besides, drugs are mega expensive for very little enjoyment.
They're also destructive and addictive, so.... the payoff for those kinds of things is really bad.
Vidya games, however...
Jun 5 at 3:00, by Luc Danton
Told you I'm a psychic.
template <typename T, bool = foo<T>()> struct a {};
template <typename T> struct a<bar<T>> {};
@ThePhD So, guns?
@R.MartinhoFernandes Yep. Can't do that. Even if doing the default 'by hand'.
@R.MartinhoFernandes Lol, no, my family members are trying to get gun licenses legally to protect themselves.
To protect themselves
Plus, uh. I'm the last person you'd want to give a gun. I'd probably end up shooting myself.
I do remember I used to do SFINAE on bool = true though, but can't remember what the specializations matched on :s
stop not fitting in to my stereotypes
all Americans are gun pornographers and can't sleep without daddy assault rifle
The only problem I have with guns is that they're a tool, and I know for a fact that the people that would try to hurt me know how to use one, whereas I'm far less trained, so..
In the end, I'd probably get shot first. :D
I call my assault rifle "mommy" for what it's worth.
Or fuck it up and get shot.
I would much prefer a knife.
It's much less fuckupable and takes less training and less licenses -- everyone cooks.
Everywhere you go, you can find some kind of knife. It's not a bad thing to know how to use properly.
^ hey, look at that! @Rapptz
Not interested :v
let's say I have T = vector<vector<map<string,vector<int>>>>
can I somehow break it into parts?
T myT;
myT[0][0]["Arf"][0]; // Nice.
like T = Head<Tail>, Head = vector, Tail = ...
@ThePhD that's obviously not meant to be used like that
@BartekBanachewicz Do you really need that type directly or is it a consequence of template parameter substitution?
@rightfold The latter, I think
I am just getting T, I want to get Head of it and specialize for particular head types (vector, list, map, set, maybe more), then recursively traverse Tail
@Rapptz Why not? :c
I thought you liked ST2.
I think the guy developing ST is ridiculous.
Use Vim.
I think the price tag for ST is ridiculous
Oh. Really?
Has he done off-the-wall things?
@rightfold +1
Yeah. He made people pay a high price for ST2, didn't update it often, and then released ST3 while making people pay a high price for that too even if they paid. :|
... Lolwat.
He doesn't make people pay.
People pay if they want the software.
They don't have to pay; there are many free alternatives.
Like Vim?
@rightfold Well, yes. Definitely not what I was going for but if you want to be pedantic then sure.
@ThePhD :3
@Rapptz Lounge<Pedants>
Or Emacs.
I still haven't quite got my head around Vim.
@ThePhD vimtutor
I tried Emacs once. And only once. I got lost immediately and nothing made sense.
hi guys! Does anyone know if I can use the CobraToolbox with Octave?
33 mins ago, by thecoshman
If you are new here, please read the newbie hints and keep the acronym list under your pillow. Thank you.
@ThePhD Emacs isn't difficult.
lol. I just opened Emacs and hit I to go into insert mode.
@BartekBanachewicz well, thanks, I promise I will behave well ;) If someone could help me out I would be very grateful. I tried searching but can't find any information regarding compability between Octave and the CobraToolbox
I have little to no idea what Octave is
GNUMatlab, basically.
It's similar to matlab
GNU Octave is a high-level programming language, primarily intended for numerical computations. It provides a command-line interface (CLI) for solving linear and nonlinear problems numerically, and for performing other numerical experiments using a language that is mostly compatible with MATLAB. It may also be used as a batch-oriented language. As part of the GNU Project, it is free software under the terms of the GNU General Public License (GPL). History The project was conceived around 1988. At first it was intended to be a companion to a chemical reactor design course. Real develop...
What is Matlab anyway? Something like Mathematica?
@rightfold yep ;)
I will say this, fuck matlab
@rightfold well, sort of
Mathematica is nicer.
I heard Matlab was good with matrices.
Sometimes I wish I had a dedicated artist wtih me. =[
@Borgleader I never worked with matlab either, but I will need it for a course
In the eyes of the user anyway.
> MATLAB (matrix laboratory) …

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