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@BartekBanachewicz No worries
Python decorators are awe-fucking-some.
@rightfold Hmm.. make sure the spec is well tightened up. My experience with 'simple customer DB with web viewer' is that feature-creep becomes a feature F1 race: "OK, it works fine! Now we need it integrated with our humungous multi-site general management system".
def create_customer(self):
@MartinJames We don't have a humongous multi-site general management system.
..speedily followed by "What's the interface?", "Oh, it's easy, it's XML'.
Heck, we use Jekyll for our website.
@rightfold Your customer/s might...
Our customers have nothing to do with this software.
Except that their data is stored in the database.
@MartinJames Did you have a follow up to that?
@rightfold Oh ! Heaven!
Okay. Sign in works.
I.e. I proved it correct.
Now let's test it.
@rightfold "I want my code to do that" => Type that
At least that's how I see it.
@rightfold :)
Reminds me of Big Rigs: Over the Road Racing.
It got a 1/10 from GameSpot. :D
The review lacks narration and is hilarious.
That time of the month
just think you all should know
in case I accidentally rip you into pieces
Game Time?
> -.- --------
No IGN rating. :(
Had this discomfort in the abdomen, for a little while I thought I had cancer and was going to die soon and panicked
I recall there was a rating site that altered their software so they could enter a negative score for this game.
then I saw a bit blood
after a few hours it is confirmed - that time of the month
@Telkitty猫咪咪 Over the interwebz ? I think we're fine.
you would think ...
We can still close the browser should danger arise.
@Telkitty猫咪咪 Look on the bright side - you are almost cetainly not pregnant.
what the fuck is wrong with imgur
> You've requested a page on a website (img.stack.imgur.com) that is on the CloudFlare network. Unfortunately, it is resolving to an IP address that is creating a conflict within CloudFlare's system.
I just got that
@not-TonyTheLion Same...
but worked when I've tried again
(i.e. uploaded again)
@BartekBanachewicz heh, yea refresh and it works
well, 2922 rep more to 10k
@BartekBanachewicz it's about time
@MartinJames but I want kids :'( ... in case I accidently kill myself while doing high risk activities, at least there is heir to the family (namely my parents) estates.
@Telkitty猫咪咪 Heh - some might say that pregnancy, and its usual outcome, is a high-risk activity:)
stackoverflow.com/review/suggested-edits/2403159 <-- this is why edit review doesn't work; too many fucking idiots (the edit is 100% valid)
@Telkitty猫咪咪 high-risk activities such as surfing the internet
@Telkitty猫咪咪 well I suppose in China
Someone is coding OpenGL in Smalltalk
@LightnessRacesinOrbit like mountain biking, extreme hiking, scuba diving and running marathons - the kind I have been doing recently
My cousin told me to not kill myself before we meet again
@Telkitty猫咪咪 How do you run a marathon? Doesn't it take too long? I can't stand running more than 3 miles (because I get bored...)
I did a half marathon a month ago
I have been jogging 50 mins every second days for the past 5 years (I did take altogether 12 months breaks in between)
Uh sport, I forgot that it existed.
my time wasn't too good though: 2h:39m - probably because I was on soup/congee diet because of my dental operation
@Telkitty猫咪咪 Do thinks like PowerAid or Gatoraid help?
Q: link lib which build by different c++ standard

jeanDoes it OK to compile an application by c++11 and link against a lib which compiled by C++98? vice versa? (Same compiler) I think it should be OK, because the name mangle, memory align should be same

never tried
@Mikhail to be honest, the 1st 3 miles is the worst. It gets better after 20mins - 30mins. For me at least
Gosh !
I pasted all the code together in compileonline.com/compile_cpp_online.php and it runs fine, are you sure you build it correctly? — Balog Pal 1 min ago
@StackedCrooked /cc ^
@melak47 Explains your missing strings?
@JBL looks like it
> Thanks for your feedback. We are rerouting this issue to the appropriate group within the Visual Studio Product Team for triage and resolution. These specialized experts will follow-up with your issue.
they better fix it then :p
I want close vote for "treats SO as debugger"
Q: What is the best algorithm for searching jokes

xff1874I want to create a algorithm for search jokes from internet.Currently,I just do it by myself.It is a little ineffective.

@R.MartinhoFernandes it can only be written in C#
"Put on hold as too broad" => He didn't specify which kind of jokes ?
@BartekBanachewicz That's what downvotes are for, not closevotes.
Personally I think Stackoverflow can be further divided into two main areas: Programming theories and programming specifics (the debugger).
I want modules.
hmmm... so HTTP DELETE request response... is ok to return the object that has just been removed, or should you just have removed the object and expect the client to have had 'GET' it first...
A successful response SHOULD be 200 (OK) if the response includes an
representation describing the status, 202 (Accepted) if the action
has not yet been enacted, or 204 (No Content) if the action has been
enacted but the response does not include a representation.
okay, my last gigs on SSD taken by vs 2013
@BartekBanachewicz you shouldn't let an SSD get to more then like 70% or 80% you know, it can nurf the performance, or so I hear
lol why is that?
@thecoshman first time I've heard that
sounds like urban legend
I can't really free much space from it :/
All my programming stuffs, libraries, IDEs must reside on it
also VM disks
@thecoshman like most things on the internet, there might be a recommended standard, but nobody follows it.
well, you know how you used to defrag a drive for faster reads, with an SSD you don't need to, fragmented access is not an issue. Instead the prefer to just slap it in the first contiguous block. Something like that I think
@Xploit it's not a standard at all, just advice on getting best performance out of them
@BartekBanachewicz why?
@thecoshman ~purrformance~
@BartekBanachewicz are you choosing the right sorts of files to get performance from. Generally OS is considered a solid choice for SSD
I guess IDEs are rather hefty, so you might want to SSD them too
@thecoshman well yes, my OS sits on it too
Pretty much all stuff that I use regularly
but libraries? you read them once every so often, they hardly need to be on SSD
@thecoshman Most IDEs start up pretty fast. Are you generalising from Eclipse?
and oh, by the way
> Software Developer Opportunity with Amazon
did anyone get a mail from them, too?
@R.MartinhoFernandes might
I suspect regular spam recruitment.
@BartekBanachewicz No, which saves me the effort of saying "no".
@R.MartinhoFernandes I am tempted to ask if they will pay for my flight. I want to visit Prague again :3
do you think it's an acceptable request?
@BartekBanachewicz you should try, why not?
@BartekBanachewicz Does it matter? Can you not make the request?
you don't have to accept even if they offer
IIRC you were pressed for money.
@BartekBanachewicz flight? isn't it like two minutes down the road from you?
I used to like to go for interviews, especially if they offer to pay for my transport
to meet new people
I do worry about having actual anger issues whenever I find my IDE being helpful in insipid ways ^
@thecoshman not really.
@R.MartinhoFernandes I can either say "no" or go for a free trip. :P
@not-sehe Should be a syntax error.
It's fugly as fuck.
You're wrong
@not-sehe R# Ctrl+E, F, fixed.
@not-sehe in Zoidlang bad whitespaces are syntax errors
@R.MartinhoFernandes Hmm?
@rightfold Wrong
@rightfold Also wrong
ok, so the first change to 2013 is that you can choose color scheme at startup
wow. amazing.
@LucDanton Code style analyser.
@BartekBanachewicz Does it have "Strawberry"?
Of course that happened after I did this in my beloved editor:
@R.MartinhoFernandes nop, light/dark/blue
lvimgrep /\<Order\>/ **/*.cs
exec "norm viB:v/^\\s*[[\\/]/-1j<CR>gv:sort<CR>gv\\tspgv:g/XmlElement/norm o<CR>dd" |w |lnfile
but FUCK YEAH color icons
I have no idea who the fuck thought that monochrome icons will be a nice idea
@LucDanton Yeah it does have an apt name. The bad kind of cop, though
"let's make them all completely indistinguishable and gray"
@BartekBanachewicz They added colours in VS2012 after backlash.
@not-sehe FxCop being the good cop?
@R.MartinhoFernandes to only some icons
Not really. Common sense being the best cop. The rest is just a cop-out
@BartekBanachewicz free trip it is :D
@R.MartinhoFernandes ^E gives me the recent files list. Also, note how I specificly want those lines aligned for ease of reference and readability (by HUMANS. for actual verification)
@not-sehe I’m looking at your code at the moment and I cannot help thinking that the kw parser should really be a function to properly encapsulate keyword creation (i.e. so you don’t need the ugly + in front of the string literal) – but obviously that doesn’t work. Is there a more straightforward workaround than taken by the distinct parser?
@KonradRudolph You could make it a parser component. Nothing too difficult, but I'm (obviously) too lazy for it
okay, VS settings in the Cloud are also a nice thing
Sign in, all your shortcuts and syntax magically appear.
@not-sehe Yeah, that’s what I feared. It’s really a pity parsers cannot be returned by value from a function
@KonradRudolph maybe (?) you can cheat by making kw a class, constructible with const char* and with an implicit conversion to the parser sub-expression type?
@not-sehe that would also require returning by value, wouldn’t it? Or maybe by reference works …
I’ll check that :)
@KonradRudolph They can in the future. And they can, now (e.g. qi::lit("my_keyword") is not a problem; this is because "my_keyword" is a static constant reference; it won't be dangling))
@BartekBanachewicz Hmm, I thought I already had that.
@KonradRudolph You know, by value/by reference should make a difference as long as you're combining parser expressions inside an expression template. The temps stay around till the end of the full-expression, right?
As long as you don't store the kw(...) temp the conversion should be equally fine
@not-sehe Oh. Hum. I was actually going to do just that ;)
as in, auto for_ = kw("for");
derp, I just got a call
"Are you 100% positively sure you are happy at Intel?"
Ah, wait, you mean for the purpose of the conversion. Yes, there it should be fine.
@BartekBanachewicz What
@BartekBanachewicz Sounds like a trick question.
@R.MartinhoFernandes from other company obviously
@BartekBanachewicz Let me guess: It wasn’t from Intel?
@KonradRudolph Well, that's ever going to be a "problem" with SpiritV2 (mostly due to Proto). Wait for the next versions of everything and be happy (ProtoV5 is fully reference aware and auto-safe)
@KonradRudolph it was one of the companies I sent my CV to earlier
@BartekBanachewicz TF kind of recruiting process is that.
24 secs ago, by Bartek Banachewicz
@KonradRudolph it was one of the companies I sent my CV to earlier
I half-heartedly wanted to shout "no I want heck more cash dammit"
Maybe they want you to feel unhappy so you will be fooled into a not-so-great contract that touches a couple of the pain points.
@R.MartinhoFernandes fuck it, I like what I do at Intel, and they won't change that.
And I pretty much agree that till I finish my studies I shouldn't be paid more just because I can't put enough into my work.
See? I am not even raging at my uni now.
~/app [ ls                                                    master ] 12:54 pm
client       constants.pl readme.md    server
~/app [ sl                                                    master ] 12:54 pm
client       constants.pl readme.md    server
Heh, oh-my-zsh is neat.
If nobody has any more observation to add to my question, I'll accept an answer pretty soon now.
@not-sehe Ah well, doesn’t compile. Could you just have a look whether I made a stupid obvious mistake before I start doing it the “proper” way? gist.github.com/klmr/40f349bb171d1e84581e
I'd appreciate if you could give David's answer an upvote, though, because it's good, and IMO the only reason he didn't get upvotes is because he only wrote it 25mins after I asked, by which time those who actually read the question and the answers before they vote had long since moved on.
@KonradRudolph Why isn't it a function?
@KonradRudolph mmm. apparently there's no context triggering such a specific conversion. You might have luck defining a templated friend operator>> (assuming you won't be combining keywords with other operators)
@rightfold We talked about this above, I cannot return this parser by value from a function, and returning by reference from a free function would result in a dangling ref … uhm, exactly like here :/
@KonradRudolph Dangling refs only become dangling after the class ceases to exist, though, which in case of temps is not the issue inside a parser expression template
@KonradRudolph Just leak it :P
return *new T(); does wonders :P
@not-sehe Maybe true but still incredibly dirty
Yeah I cheated using static const .... kw in my quick&dirty too :)
@KonradRudolph Huh. If that's dirty, reject Spirit V2! Or Proto, for that matter
Use Flex and Bison.
@not-sehe My code is worse, it returns a reference-to-local from the conversion function, and if anyone ever accidentally wrote rule_t& for_ = kw("for"); all hell would break loose
Use Coco/R or ANTLR
Use Haskell. Enjoy your orgasm.
@KonradRudolph Oh, I didn't look at any bodies. Just the interface. Yeah, you should be storing the rule inside the class. Wait, rules may get aliased. Mmm. proto::deep_copy might save you.
yup … of course that doesn’t change the fact that this doesn’t compile ;)
Why doesn't it compile?
What is Iterator?
Because it doesn't. Try it
@rightfold (the iterator type. sheeesh)
Where does it come from?
Boost.Dispatch is also just a hack for concepts / constraints, huh?
I don't see any template<typename Iterator>.
@rightfold It’s a tiny fragment from my code (which sehe knows), I just wanted to get some quick feedback on this small fragment
C++ needs the comefrom statement.
Let's write a proposal!
@Potatoswatter because suckage
@rightfold Basically you have it if you rebind a std::function or something.
@Potatoswatter because C++
@KonradRudolph besides, it's prototypical Spirit code, so anyone versed in Spirit would know
@rightfold That's the opposite. C++ rulez because everything movez.
Not everything :0
I don't even particularly need it to, I'm just so perfectionistic that I won't use it unless it does.
@Xeo That's not how I recall.
Just allocate every object on the heap and copy pointers.
Like every sane language does it.
@KonradRudolph See here for a place where I used boost::proto::deep_copy to avoid UB when returning expressions by value:
A: Generating Spirit parser expressions from a variadic list of alternative parser expressions

sehe Thank you for a quick hint! I've just tried your code and unless I do something wrong ... I get this output: Syntax error:abc 8.81 Parsed:-a atoken Syntax error:-b btoken Syntax error:-c ctoken Syntax error:-d dtoken – G. Civardi 2 hours ago Okay, so, I couldn't leave it alone :/ Turns out ...

@rightfold I'm scared to think some Asylum denizens could take it seriously.
@KonradRudolph also look at the "toy" command line option parser I linked to: it generates rules at construction time (using rule factories), very related: gist.github.com/sehe/2a556a8231606406fe36#file-test-cpp
I’m constantly in awe of this … Boost.Spirit is without a doubt the most complex API I’ve ever used, and I only understand tiny fragments of it
@Potatoswatter in standard or in MSVS?
> Despite an entire publishing empire being dedicated to the mistakes of this one man
@Potatoswatter Congrats. I think you're like at least 60% of C++ programmers. Any sane individual just uses C# or Python anyways
@BartekBanachewicz Standard. I have no plan to use VS.
> You can be confident there will be C++ 11 improvements in VS 2013. I’m also confident that it won’t include everything everyone wants. I don’t think it’s hard to say that our C++ compiler is further behind the standard than we want and we are discussing what we can do to change that.
@Potatoswatter suckage.
@KonradRudolph Me too. I'm also very very happy that C++11/C++14 continue to make 'heroic efforts' like Proto/Spirit so much more simple. As it should be. I mean, some day we might only need 10x the amount of code as in Haskell. And only keep in mind 1/100th of the dreadful traps that lurk :)
I stopped at Fusion, it's weird enough.
which reminds me I'll need to get back to it soon
@not-sehe Fine, you've convinced me to go and use it anyway: It's better to be in the minority.
If you're in the minority you always feel elite.
unless you are a cripple
Good point.
the elite legless grandma $
Look at those chumps with their silly legs.
oh, someone left us (work) today
I missed the cake.
You should write an angry email about that.
inb4 binned
tony you puss!
Tony wuss the puss!!!
@Telkitty猫咪咪 The kitty is calling the lion a pussy…
it takes a pussy to recognise another pussy
cat fight!
@R.MartinhoFernandes Hehe - been doing exactly that, (in Delphi), for decades. It's just not a big problem, even with no GC. Yes, I know C++ is a different language :)
Oops - wrong time of the blog.
> Display name may only be changed once every 30 days; you may change again on Jul 25 at 10:26
what? comefrom in delphi?
that's such a silly restriction
@not-TonyTheLion because you are a newb and has never changed displayed name? >_<
whine on meta
@not-TonyTheLion that's why you had to create a new account and not rename this one
I will support you with my trolls
Urgh whatever
I'll just leave it
So if i become not-Martin, I'm stuck in antimatter for 30 days?
@MartinJames try it
I'll support you with my trolls
I like my not-not-name as it is.
@not-kbok really?
another one.
@MartinJames Wait, come from?
@StackedCrooked Look at those chumps with their silly chumps.
@jalf You know Trajan? We're playing it tomorrow.
Board game?
@MartinJames No
@sbi You still up for tonight?
@StackedCrooked Yes.
@not-TonyTheLion Change your name on meta and copy it network-wide
@R.MartinhoFernandes robor & cicade under a tree, K I S ...
then the ape came ...
Maybe I should rename myself to QueuedCrooked.
@R.MartinhoFernandes Delphi is, (a bit:), like java re. objects - all descended from TObject and all heap-allocated, but with no GC.
@MartinJames I think you are missing context then. Or I messed up a reply somewhere.
@R.MartinhoFernandes Actually I just became up again for tonight 4hrs ago. Until then it was planned that I wouldn't even have been in Berlin... I hadn't thought about this yet, though.
@sbi Something worrisome?
@R.MartinhoFernandes Meh - it's probably me. I'm a bit hung over, TBH.
@MartinJames Oh I see. You replied to the wrong message I guess. In this context chat.stackoverflow.com/transcript/message/10268249#10268249 it makes sense.
@Telkitty猫咪咪 Actually, when it comes to this room, "the ape came first" is a pretty good bet. Except for the lion, the pirate, and the wasp, I can't offhandedly think of someone who's been here longer.
@StackedCrooked StackQueued
@sbi a wasp? who is it?
@R.MartinhoFernandes Nope. Just a question of when my mother's hand is healed enough so that she can drive, then I'd go with her to drill some holes into her walls, and put screws in, in order for her to hang things from. It's now been put off to Sun/Mon.
@Abyx A yellowjacket.
huh? I still don't get it
@sbi !
lounge before your mother
I am touched
Q: What’s purple and commutes?
A: An abelian grape.
@sbi oh, I didn't know it's a wasp
@Telkitty猫咪咪 Touched, huh? By insanity, I suppose. (FWIW, it's been put off because she doesn't want to drive tonight yet.)
@Abyx You what? I mean, what did you think it is?
@R.MartinhoFernandes I hate those jokes
@BartekBanachewicz Have some more.
@sbi for some reason I thought it's a ladybug, or another bug
my friend bugged me with Abelian Lemon for like a month straight
Q: What’s an abelian group under addition, closed, associative, distributive, and bears a curse?
A: The Ring of the Nibelung.
@BartekBanachewicz I hate jokes I do not understand:)
> #SexTIP Sticking your finger into your partner's bellybutton for longer than 5 seconds will reset them to factory settings. — Lisa
In abstract algebra, an abelian group, also called a commutative group, is a group in which the result of applying the group operation to two group elements does not depend on their order (the axiom of commutativity). Abelian groups generalize the arithmetic of addition of integers. They are named after Niels Henrik Abel. The concept of an abelian group is one of the first concepts encountered in undergraduate abstract algebra, with many other basic objects, such as a module and a vector space, being its refinements. The theory of abelian groups is generally simpler than that of their ...
> Q: What’s yellow, linear, normed, and complete?
A: A Bananach space.
that one's good :D
@LightnessRacesinOrbit tee hee
@R.MartinhoFernandes yeah, I googled it. Read it a bit, closed the tab. My maths not that good.
@MartinJames Well, "In abstract algebra, an abelian group, also called a commutative group" is enough to get the joke. (not necessarily to find it funny, though)
@sbi The lounge is fully transcripted - here is a list of people who came before you & still frequent this room: Abyx(987 days ago), Ell(985 days ago), then there were gman, ereon, && wuss the puss came a few hours before you
Uh. Is imgur down?
I have a Bananach space now. I will fill it appropriately.
@sbi The img was nuked or something
@sbi it's doing weird things today
@MartinJames I hope you got that one.
@sbi we have a wasp?
@BartekBanachewicz Yes, though I had to peel it back a bit.
6 mins ago, by sbi
@Abyx http://www.gravatar.com/avatar/d8962238339d771f0348967be6f97b1b
@Telkitty猫咪咪 Of those, I only know @Abyx, @Ell, and @GMan, and the latter only showed up again here a few days ago, after having been absent for years.
> Here, again, the jokester reveals a lack of understanding of either mathematics or anatomy.
is TCP not ISO?
oh yeah, posting huge pictures in chat = not a good idea
@sbi wuss the puss = Tony the Puss
@sbi Those beautiful pixels
he's here all the times
@BartekBanachewicz IIRC it's described by some IETF RFC.
@KonradRudolph Mine's bigger!
wasp porn
@Telkitty猫咪咪 I never met him.
@BartekBanachewicz L2/L3 are sort of slurped together in TCP.
he did try to quit once, then came back in 8 hour because his life was meaningless without us >_<
I only know Tony the Lion, but he used to be Tony the Tiger back then.
inb4 Tony The Pony
@BartekBanachewicz Wait till you get to "Why did the chicken cross the road?"
Fermat's answer is great.
fuck it. this chat really needs a window which will pop every 30 minutes and say "GO BACK TO WORK, YOU FUCKEN PROCRASTINATOR"
@BartekBanachewicz All I get is an error message from CloudFlare.
@R.MartinhoFernandes Why did the chicken cross the Möbius strip?
also SO is collapsing
@BartekBanachewicz: I'm getting lazy :) — Andy Prowl 6 mins ago
Lounge or unicode shit, lounge or C maintenance. So many difficult decisions...
Gotta love the artwork. (From an anime called Kobato.)
> I refuse to hide being female online, but I did write a chatbot. When a guy asks for pix, I plug it in. I don't want to talk to idiots. — @MicroSFF
@BartekBanachewicz SO still up for me.
Nice try
Apparently I had had a premonition about my impending 'clippy' incarnation and subsequently totally forgotten about that... o.O — not-sehe 5 secs ago
@AndyProwl 'bout time you gave everyone else a chance to answer ;) — Jonathan Wakely 7 mins ago
I had just decided _not_ to quote that here :/
I opted to just upvote that instead

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