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Hmmm. You have managed to confuse yourself using just your own cell formulas :) If you wanted to recursively evaluate cells, you should have thought of that! http://ideone.com/ExnufJ (I must be crazy for doing this) — not-sehe 44 secs ago
@KonradRudolph ^ officially diagnosed as help-happy now. BTW did you have a look at "large pull requests"? :)
No it's not. This is so simple. Drop it into a compiler and try it for yourself. It outputs {1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9} exactly like the OP wanted. Is there some court for SO? I think I need to take this to court. I'm being abused. — raxman 29 mins ago
Downvote him more, maybe he'll quit.
@thecoshman Keep in mind that RMS has always maintained the position of "free as in freedom", not "free as in beer". He's never objected to people charging for free software, as long as it included source and a license to modify (and distribute the changes to other users).
Also why the hell is that question tagged with python-2.7.
@raxman ow sorry man. Are you saying that my making a mistake deserves, what, capital punishment now? Geez. Of course, you're right (perpaps this in an odd way demonstrate the issue with formatting, thought). Deleting that comment :/ — not-sehe 14 secs ago
I can't treat anyone invoking Linus rant seriously.
@CatPlusPlus s/invoking Linus rant// ?
2 days ago, by Xeo
Hi @not-sehe. Your "not-" license has expired today. Please change back to @sehe.
Y u still @not-sehe :<
Why you guys keep moaning about that?
@R.MartinhoFernandes That's not the sense I meant it in. There is a multitude of compiler warnings about comparison of signed/unsigned values which make it easy to use the right type everywhere. Of course, fancy for loops using integers instead of iterators can still be buggy, but that's a whole other order of pain.
Because polar bear > paper clip.
Well, use a user script! I won't be in more often, anyways
@Xeo He switched for a moment when he needed owner powers! SOCKPUPPETRY I TELL YA.
Guilty as charged. Your fault twice, for (a) being a renowned humorous bunch[*] (b) not removing my owner powers
[*] yeah my sense of humor is skewed too
We're all mad, here.
As hatters
Too much Mercurial.
@not-sehe My pull requests aren't that big stop making fun of me it wasn't my fault hg rename is terrible and it sucks q___q
I had no clue. Thanks for outing yourself as the subject of that undisclosed ridicule!
(I was referring to my own PR https://github.com/klmr/streampunk/pull/1)
... Oh.
Ahem, well. Then.
Well, you managed to include indentation diffs too.
@CatPlusPlus That's on purpose. I have described the important diffs, which are only in the last commit. My OCD prevents me from working on unformatted spirit code (certain libraries don't afford any more noise than inherent)
Collapse/amend tsk tsk.
@not-sehe Ass hatters? :P
@CatPlusPlus What part of That's on purpose did you not get? It's not like I don't know how to. I don't want to! I'm not contributing, I'm demonstrating. Including good formatting :/
Tsk tsk.
Tsk tsk opportunity cannot be missed.
See, I just did! <derogatory onomatopoeia placeholder> <derogatory onomatopoeia placeholder>.
Now that's just hard to pronounce.
I agree, the 3-letter variant is a lot more wrist-friendly
I now proncounce it "man and wife" and be gone. See you later!
@not-sehe, you're an idiot. — raxman 7 mins ago
^ woah. the vitriol!
You gotta take this to the SO court.
Wow... that went downhill fast.
Let's not link that question or anything he posts ever again, please.
flagged the comment, downvoted the answer
It's that type of person who you can only yell at, and hope they take a hint and stop posting.
It never works, either.
So don't yell.
So I don't.
I shouldn't even care. Why do I care.
@CatPlusPlus you cannot not care
Guess I have brain problems.
Wow it got an answer
A shitty one at that.
If depression is a disease, why can't extended happiness for an intelligent person be a disease
@CatPlusPlus this guy has score of around 60 in C++ and all his answers are in C
he knows a lot about intrinsics and optimizations, but heck he doesn't know shit about C++
surely if you are intelligent, and you are always happy when you should not be is not normal?
I wish I wasn't.
Must be a slow day. Shitty questions like those usually get closed quickly.
one more CV
you show traits of a real room owner, @Rapptz
Binning is hard. :(
actually his question would be closed on SO for too localized
I didn't even read it.
Hi guise
Whoa, it's 3:41 AM.
I'm sitting here awkwardly in a café with just my physics teacher :S
@Ell and us <3
Haha of course <3
How are you guys?
@Ell exquisite
my GF woke me up today at 7am to prepare for her exams
she has 8 hours of painting and drawing today
I would reopen just to close it again as "useless"
2 messages moved to bin
Hi there !
I've changed my mind, I don't want new people.
8 hours of painting? :o
Can we abandon SO and move someplace else.
Ah my friend is here, in A bizzle
@CatPlusPlus but message editing!
@CatPlusPlus I'm all for it!
Also, marning
@LucDanton XMPP extensions!
That exists?
@BartekBanachewicz brace your self, cranky GF incoming :P
@Ell 4hrs of painting and 4hrs of drawing
I don't know about those in particular, but it can be done within the framework.
Is my point.
Mmmh, I think I've barely scratched the surface of XMPP. Looking at it in more depth I don't know any of this stuff.
@CatPlusPlus alright, you make the chat thing. when it works, we'll consider moving there? :p
So we're moving. Yay!
@CatPlusPlus I had thought that setting up a 'lounge' site that is more or less just a private chat would be a good idea for us. But I would miss the random new people who get to join us
@LucDanton I've kinda rediscovered XMPP recently.
1 message moved to bin
@CatPlusPlus I know I looked at it for an internship, but it wasn't the focus. From what I remember I treated it as a container for UTF-8 :s
I am kinda afraid we will be on Cat's mercy on the new chat.
that for one.
Also chat here has still a lot of nice stuff, like oneboxes, direct links to SO and so on.
Nobody will move anyway.
You'll lounge it up.
Hi all
@BartekBanachewicz That's all implementable.
I'm popular today
@CatPlusPlus but takes time and effort
@BartekBanachewicz and a nice stream of new people, sadly coupled with many idiots
@raxman if by popular you mean "downvoted to hell and laughed at publicly" then yes
Oneboxing isn't a particularly sophisticated feature.
i don't regret the downvotes
@raxman Hi. You're bad at C++.
"bad" doesn't cut it
it's the first answer/question i have ever been down voted for
I am bad at C++.
22 mins ago, by Bartek Banachewicz
he knows a lot about intrinsics and optimizations, but heck he doesn't know shit about C++
how do you know that?
i have been using C++ for several years now
by your answers to tag
You unironically link to Linus' rant.
at CERN and Fermilab
@raxman I haven't seen a single C++ line in your answers
@CatPlusPlus wha?
because people insist that I cannot use C in a C++ answer
did I break a rule?
you can, but it will be considered bad and downvoted
Generally C answers aren't seen as acceptable in modern C++.

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