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12:00 AM
@HamZa Bottom line: IMO it's less inability to learn than unwillingness to learn.
I really need a shaver too.
@ThePhD Might I suggest a more pleasant (and perhaps challenging) subject? I can't imagine that drawing shit is a very rewarding occupation. Even if you do it well, you still only have a drawing of shit.
I don't know if I'm,about to throw up or now
@JerryCoffin Maybe I should draw you, then? <3
With creative interpretation or not.
12:01 AM
@JerryCoffin It's a pleasure to code, especially when I get stuck at something and then find a solution for it. That feeling is awesome
@ThePhD Same caveats apply.
@JerryCoffin Someone has to make fonts.
Ell are you high again.
@HamZa I rather enjoy coding as well. And yes, overcoming a difficult problem can be pretty fun.
12:02 AM
I drank a lot :'(
Throwing up is good, lets you drink more.
@CatPlusPlus Used to know a girl who said (and did) that regularly.
Secretly I need more power to solve some problems on projecteuler, with php my bruteforce-fu is limited :p
try Semiconductors :D
Try jumping.
12:05 AM
@HamZa C++ runs faster, but in most cases that's of little help. Most of them are carefully designed to ensure you can't use brute force, regardless of language.
I feel awful
Solving PE problems with brute force is kinda waste of time.
@Ell Hence why drinking is bad.
@HamZa Don't bother w/ bruteforcing.
Yeah I know, but sometimes I really feel like if I had a little more speed, then I could solve the problem
Note that I try to optimise the algo
12:06 AM
If you don't like to drink, what are you doing in IT industry.
@CatPlusPlus I never drank
Who is starring everything.
Stop starring everything tia.
12:08 AM
How do you search through your thousands of answers?
the new greener checkmark still annoys me
@Rapptz bogosort!
Create an universe than has already sorted data, and replace our universe with the created universe. O(1) sorting, ho!
12:12 AM
Maybe I should have said it otherwise, I lack of speed/power
For example this https://projecteuler.net/problem=50
It's easy to generate the primes, the problem is it requires a good algo
I succeeded in that and I can generate primes under 2m in about 1s (IN PHP !!!!)
But then I though of "bruteforcing" the combinations until I find an answer
I feel like if I used C/C++ I would have been able to
Oh that one isn't so bad.
The prime problems are easy.
I assume you did these consecutively?
@Rapptz I'm using PHP, so everthing is 1 million time slower lol
The fact that I generated 2m primes in ~1s with PHP is an achievement lol
that's awesome actually.
I fixed .NET side woo.
Now time to fix RoR crap.
@HamZa Probably. And you're right; C++ will do things like that quite a bit faster.
12:15 AM
ActiveRecord is goddamn magic.
It turns out it's running ~3s
@HamZa But yes, doing a quick check with some very basic prime finding code I have lying around (in C++), it find the primes under 2_000_000 in about .03 seconds on my laptop.
depends on the primality test
@JerryCoffin lol You know, I spent days and nights to optimise it, at the point that my variable name doesn't make sense
Use Haskell.
12:19 AM
@Magtheridon96 For a job like that (find all primes up to N) you want to use the Sieve of Eratosthenes.
@Magtheridon96 You mean a generator?
Yeah you'd just use a Sieve.
@JerryCoffin I used that
Not if(isprime(n))
Never heard of that
Meet the Bin
12:20 AM
@DeadMG oops
Codewalls go on ideone.
@DeadMG I almost though you were a bot
@CatPlusPlus makes sense
@DeadMG It was instantaneously, I though "oh, I did something wrong"
everyone says that I bin things really quickly, but it's really not instantaneously
12:22 AM
You'll be inflating his binning master ego!
@EtiennedeMartel Do you speak french ? If so, maybe you have heard of siteduzero.com
If so, what is your opinion about the tutorial provided there http://www.siteduzero.com/informatique/tutoriels/programmez-avec-le-langage-c ?
Do you just keep the Move Message window open?
@HamZa Just in case you care, a C++ version.
@Rapptz No, but it's hardly a stretch to open it
@Rapptz maybe some OCR C++ program scanning the chatroom :o
@JerryCoffin thx checking on it rightnow
12:25 AM
@HamZa Oh, and if you're posting more than a few lines of code here, that's pretty much the way to do it -- a link to it somewhere else.
@JerryCoffin Yeah, a bad habit of mine ^^'
@HamZa As long as you realize it's a bad habit and work at improving, I doubt anybody will hold it against you (much).
@JerryCoffin Only thing I understood, including some libs, var primes is unsigned long and cout aka echo in php. Ah need to learn it !
@HamZa I think I have more than 2000 posts on the SdZ's forums.
It's been a while since I've been there, though.
@EtiennedeMartel wow, I actually started learning from there :p
12:33 AM
The SdZ's C++ tutorial is kinda weird, though. It used to be much worse, as it was originally just the second part of the C tutorial.
Then, it was reworked to be a bit more stand alone.
i see
But it the end, it's not that good, like any Internet tutorial.
@EtiennedeMartel (except for SO)
They take way too long to introduce the standard library, they introduce pointers too early...
@HamZa SO isn't a tutorial.
A tutorial usually tells you how to handle a task. That approach doesn't make a well-rounded C++ programmer.
12:35 AM
Oh, and the final half of the tutorial is about Qt.
Do you guys even use Qt ?
Why would we?
Some of us. I don't.
@HamZa I have used, but neither much nor recently.
12:36 AM
I've handled code that used it, but it seems smelly to me.
lol someone just told me that they hacked sonys ps3 servers with c++. Somehow I don't believe that's possible
Remember, I use HTML/CSS as a php coder :D
@moonbeamer2234 I would have thought they've done it with a keyboard.
@etiennedeMartel exactly
12:38 AM
The SdZ's tutorial is: Basics (syntax, mostly, but also pointers) > OOP > Qt > Standard library > "Advanced concepts" (templates and exceptions).
I'm telling you, it's the "historical approach". And nothing about C++11.
@EtiennedeMartel Gotta buy that book then, I feel like it's a waste of time
Pure object oriented != Object Oriented Programming
POO is the French variation
12:39 AM
POO is the French version of OOP
Xeo and I are good listeners ;_;
We should marry Etienne
if(POOP == OOP){ FLIP(FlipDesk, FlipTrailor, FlipMobileHome, TRUE);}
@Magtheridon96 Sorry, but he's marrying Cat.
I really need a face razor.
I usually use electric but it broke and I haven't found anything since.
@moonbeamer2234 The fuck is that shit?
12:42 AM
@ThePhD Easier if you open your eyes, and go where they sell such things.
I refuse to program in anything that sounds like poop
@JerryCoffin I tried a local superstore but they didn't actually have it.
Though, they specifialized in mostly food, so.
I have to walk a bit father, scout out a general store.
French fuckers had to go and ruin OOP for me e.e
I guess I'll do that right now, actually.
OOP is not great
12:43 AM
@ThePhD Either that or grow a beard!
@JerryCoffin I like head hair, but I don't know how to effectively grow a beard. =[
I just get this face-eating mat of hair.
@moonbeamer2234 Ohio, eh? That explains it.
Meh. Last episode of this UHC season was kinda disappointing.
Welp, almost 3am, time to sleep.
@Xeo G'night.
12:46 AM
@Xeo gnight
@Xeo night
Good night everyone
@Magtheridon96 Careful with that -- it's not night here. In fact, I haven't even eaten supper yet.
im jk of course. If theres anyone we should hate it's Antarcticans, theyre clearly the reason behind all of our programming related pains
and they get to have penguins for pets. everyone wants a pet penguin
Instead of "good night" I would say later guys
And thanks for your support
12:57 AM
@HamZa Later. And have fun.
I would say keep on Pooping.
I better get a star for that. It took me like 3 months to come up with something that clever e___e"
1:01 AM
I prefer a chicken burger from the local snackbar.
Allahu Snackbar!
It's not designed to be good. I mean, it's KFC, for fuck's sake.
KFC is shit.
Chicken-shaped shit.
That said, I could go for a burger right now. But the only nearby that's still open is McDonalds.
Might as well crap in my mouth.
Go to a snackbar.
Much better and much less unhealthy.
McDonald's is army food that stays edible for thirty years.
1:04 AM
why don't you just eat some metal shavings?
or some code.
When I hear "snack bar", I think of that.
Awwww yeah FP!
@EtiennedeMartel better than Burger King anyway.
@JerryCoffin Indeed.
@rightfold To stay edible for 30 years, it'd have to start out edible.
1:12 AM
@JerryCoffin Well, you have to define "edible".
It won't kill you right away, so...
@EtiennedeMartel Edible: is not (and does not contain) poison.
@JerryCoffin Yeah, but there are multiple kinds of poisons.
Some are fast acting, others are more subtle.
edible |ˈɛdɪb(ə)l|
fit to be eaten (often used to contrast with unpalatable or poisonous varieties): the shrub has small edible berries.
@EtiennedeMartel Emphasis on "right away" (and should add, "assuming you eat it in small enough quantities."
You can eat McDonald's food, it's designed to be eaten and it won't make you sick or die if you eat normal proportions.
1:14 AM
@JerryCoffin So, I would define McDonald's food as "edible enough".
But yeah I knew somebody would say that to be funny.
@rightfold It it wasn't, they wouldn't make a lot of money.
@EtiennedeMartel Pff.
Kentucky Fried Cat
1:16 AM
@EtiennedeMartel indeed.
> ew i hat this stupid shit death metal all i hear is emos crying fujckn pussys get a life you sad nerds listen to somethin that is less inclined to giv u a headache lolol fags
Oh YouTube comments.
This is more hilarious than Stack Overflow.
@rightfold Nice
It was a comment on Hybrid Theory, by the way.
1:18 AM
@rightfold Linkin park?
> death metal
Oh gawd
It's even more close to Schnulze than to death metal.
I don't have a single clue on what Schnulze is...
> sloppy love song
German kind of music.
1:20 AM
It's terrible.
@Jeffrey Easy distinction: Death metal is stupid. Schnulze is worthless.
Death metal isn't stupid.
@rightfold Did I get those backwards? My apologies.
Death metal is fine.
I like it.
1:22 AM
Actually, they're both worthless and stupid, but as I've always said, I never let reality get in the way of a good joke.
(or probably even a lame one).
@rightfold I always considered metal to be more about showmanship than actual musical skill.
Which isn't a bad thing, it's just means that, while metal is incredibly enjoyable live, it's a bit bland on a disc.
I like it on disk more than live, actually.
You just have to like it otherwise you don't like it. :P
Woohoo i got an accepted answer
@rightfold Gotta love that templated stuff.
1:32 AM
How often have you heard it?
Guys im kinda bored with c++. Ive learned all the basics and I don't know where to go from here im kinda bored :P
I think you mean techno.
@rightfold That has nothing to do with electronic (not techno, that's a different thing) music. It's mostly about pop stuff.
@moonbeamer2234 The first thing every person new to C++ should learn is always template meta programming. Yeah.
1:33 AM
i.e. "by the numbers" music.
@moonbeamer2234 Time to write programs!
template meta programming?
@moonbeamer2234 Learn Haskell.
@moonbeamer2234 C#.
Also, define "the basics".
1:36 AM
I hope not cplusplus.com's tutorial. :v
@moonbeamer2234 I also support Luc Danton's suggestion. Time to use learned knowledge for the greater good.
@rightfold 1) Is c++tut bad? and 2) WINAPI, GUI, Networking, DirectX, I mean I understand the language to the point where I could follow most code and not really have any questions about how anything works on the code level or the execution level
cplusplus.com is absolutely horrible.
Idk where to write programs? What programs would I write
@Mysticial Oh hello. I'm surprised I've never asked you before, but do you use some tools or environment to perform numeric stuff?
1:39 AM
@rightfold how so
It contains wrong and outdated information.
Really outdated.
@LucDanton Depends. But I usually just print the numbers out.
Like, about twenty years old.
When the datasets get large, I'll throw in some sort of algorithmic error-detection. That way I don't even need to look at the data.
1:39 AM
@moonbeamer2234 Apparently they have subtle mistakes in documentation that confuse people and they have badly written examples.
I learned from c++.com than picked up a few books. Current books. so meh.
@Mysticial Does that mean you do everything on paper before implementing it?
@moonbeamer2234 Sit back and think for a few minutes to come up with the single thing about your computer that you find most annoying/distracting/gets in your way/causes you grief. Then think about how that could be better, and write some code to make it so.
yeah theyre examples on pointers a probably a big reason people don't understand them lol
Cant think of anything. My computer is perfect.
I finished working!
1:40 AM
@LucDanton No. I'll do rough prototypes in Mathematica and like. Then once it looks good, I'll transfer it to C.
It's not that they are not understandable.
It's the information itself which is wrong.
@moonbeamer2234 Which books?
Because besides cplusplus.com, most C++ books are also terrible.
Charles Petzold WINAPI and Idk the names, Just c++
I understand how the language works for the most part rightfold
1:42 AM
@Mysticial Ah I used to have a license via school. I quite liked the fast prototyping it allows you to do, no matter the problem domain. I'm shopping around though because I'm not fond of the fact that it's proprietary (not to mention license prices).
@moonbeamer2234 Your standards are too low (IMO).
wanna quiz me? Maybe im ignorant and just think I actually know how the language works when I don't.
@JerryCoffin I was jk.
@moonbeamer2234 You don't want to mess with C++ language lawyers, trust me.
@LucDanton Have you tried Octave?
@moonbeamer2234 How do you create an array of variable size in C++?
1:43 AM
@JerryCoffin Briefly.
@LucDanton Yeah, it's kinda expensive.
You dynamically allocate a variable and use it in place of the constant value.
Code example?
@LucDanton I take it you didn't like it too well then. What about scilab?
1:44 AM
@JerryCoffin This week-end I'm checking out julia. It's been on the back of my mind ever since it was announced and I figure it may be time to give it a go.
uhh one sec
Hmm... I cast a NAA flag 20 hours ago and it still hasn't been cleared.
@JerryCoffin I don't think I really have any opinion on it actually, I didn't spend much time on it. It is meant to be generalist, isn't it? That is something I would value, because things like scilab and R are much more domain-oriented. Correct me if I'm wrong.
Also, you don't know how C++ works. Nobody knows how C++ works. It's the PHP of less-terrible-than-PHP languages.
int z; int * p; cin >> z; p = new int[z]
1:47 AM
How so :X
@moonbeamer2234 You make my class sad.
You use std::vector<int> p(n);, not int* p = new int[n];.
ohh true. ok.
@LucDanton At least originally, Octave was intended to be an opensource re-implementation of Matlab. I.e., In theory, Matlab source code should work with Octave. I'm really not sure how close it currently is to that though -- when I tried it a few years ago, even the fairly simple bits of Matlab code I had lying around didn't work. I never really tried to use it on its own terms though.
1:50 AM
This is why cplusplus.com is bad. It teaches obsolete practices that have far superior alternatives right now.
Matlab is pretty general purpose though, so if it's even in the same general league, Octave should be pretty general purpose as well.
@rightfold Have had superior alternatives for years.
That includes "right now". :)
Ya, julia also attempts to 'snipe' Matlab users.
I should buy the cplusplus.com domain name. I wonder how much they ask for it.
@rightfold It does -- I think it's worth emphasizing that this really isn't new though. For example, it's not a new thing with C++11 that looks/sounds great, but some compilers don't support yet.
1:54 AM
I flagged this answer 21 hours ago... still sitting in the queue... lol
I don't think I've ever had a flag last that long outside of meta.
hmm well you said ARRAY not linkedlist or vector
A vector is an array.
Array is a general concept which vector maps to.
I don't directly consider a vector an array because its size can be changed during runtime :P
1:55 AM
array |əˈreɪ|
2 an ordered arrangement, in particular:
• Computing an indexed set of related elements.
In computer science, an array data structure or simply an array is a data structure consisting of a collection of elements (values or variables), each identified by at least one array index or key. An array is stored so that the position of each element can be computed from its index tuple by a mathematical formula. For example, an array of 10 integer variables, with indices 0 through 9, may be stored as 10 words at memory addresses 2000, 2004, 2008, … 2036, so that the element with index i has the address 2000 + 4 × i. Because the mathematical concept of a matrix can be represented as...
ok ok. jesus Christ.
I have a good idea.
Let's all cry till we die. No more bad code!
1:57 AM
@moonbeamer2234 Hello, you seem to know my name. Who are you?
@Jeffrey pardon?
Welcome to Lounge<bad jokes dot com>
@moonbeamer2234 If I have to explain it, it was bad.
I sucked Jesus' penis.
1:59 AM
I win.
inb4 ban
oh I thought you knew who I really am. :P
@BoltClock In the flag queue for mods, do you see the comments below each post? Or do you actually need to click through to see any comments? I've been wondering whether it's better to:
1. Do a custom flag explaining why something isn't an answer.
2. Leave a comment and flag as NAA so that everyone else can see the comment and it'll show up in the 10k queue.

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