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@Mr.kbok do you think it is enough
@sehe Meh, mostly nonsense
Bloo bloo I have to install config files and Postgres extensions
I'm gonna crush things if this day goes on like this
@StackedCrooked I'm not very happy with it.
It has a lot of stuff I think is just bad.
Just skimmed it.
@JohanLarsson How do you deliver APIs? One code slave sits in a corner for 6 weeks and you ship it? IDGI
Also I'm running completely non-standard setup barely anyone uses and things don't work??????
@Rerito crush your computer screen with your bare hands
Didn't notice anything bad.
@Mr.kbok I could definitely do that
maybe I should make a library to fuck around with vtables and RTTI when using Itanium ABI
@sehe We have a nuget feed.
@R.MartinhoFernandes Care to elaborate a little? :)
I skipped my sport session yesterday to work, and stayed late (16h day)
@R.MartinhoFernandes It's Herbal guidance
I want PaaS but I don't use PaaS for some reason
does MinGW use Itanium ABI?
So I could enjoy today's one. My boss didn't like the fact I went to the gym, LOL
And now, I'm done and blocked since I need the other members of the team to finish their tasks (and I can't help them)
16h? do you work gamedev lol
So basically, I was totally legit to go to the gym this morning
You were totally legit. Seems legit
@sehe Exactly
Poor choice of word I recon, didnt know how to phrase it better
@Rerito So, did you tell your boss you don't appreciate him not liking you go to the gym
@CatPlusPlus I really dislike those acronyms
@sehe Yes
It looks so ugly.
In a more diplomatic way
you can work here, they're looking for someone
I told him I was on schedule and worked late yesterday so I could go this morning
@StackedCrooked I have a printout on my desk with handwritten notes. I'm planning on putting something up about it. Not as a rebuttal; I had this idea for a series of articles on API design and stuff, and I think I'll use Herb's thing to take ideas for the topics I'll write about. It will not even mention Herb's stuff, but I intend to compete with it in some points.
@Rerito Blocked? Refactoring time!
You can work on that project that I kicked off to use VS2013 but then they backpedaled and decided to use VS2005 and also do most of it in C
Or grep -R TODO .
But uh feel free to call me if you're interested :P
@R.MartinhoFernandes Oh god you don't know what you're saying here...
@R.MartinhoFernandes cool
There's so much refactoring to do it would take months or even years!
I wanna read it :)
Like cut that custom xml parser and config crap to switch to rapidxml and boost::pt
@Rerito use pugi
Use a regex.
I finally rescued my laptop from my moving boxes, so I can enjoy writing stuff now!
@R.MartinhoFernandes Fight, fight, fight, fight!
I redesigned my entire shader_parameter interface and its pretty snazzy.
And I redesigned its internals too.
I actually hadn't checked Herb's guide until my boss did and starting asking me about some of the sillier stuff in there.
I think I did a pretty great job with it, to be honest.
Wooo. Plays when I am waging battle against VS.
So, as I'm now learning,
neither OpenGL or DirectX make compatible matrices for each other.
They even have a section on concepts.
Column vs row major issues?
A company asked me to join them and help expanding and fixing a large software
No, those are all perfectly handled.
for small workloads the grid is much, much slower than local
The final derived equations themselves are just different.
@Lalaland That's. Not. A. Thing.
They said the sw is 17 million C++ lines... I hope they got that value wrong
@ThePhD The way NDC works in OpenGL is that it requires a handedness shift.
@MarcoA. why?
@MarcoA. Yeah. It's actually VB6.
And NDC in DX is not exactly NDC.
But it is NDC?
It goes from 0 to 1 with 0.5 in the middle.
Range of 1, start of 0, and I sort-of account for it in my matrix math.
@Mr.kbok I know rapidxml has some limitations, but it's such an improvement compared to our parser
And, rabid? That bad?
We should rename ours ebolaxml then!
But OpenGL's desired projection matrices straight up slap some negative signs in places and I can't even begin.
@Rerito give pugixml a try, it changed my life
In OGL, z is mapped [-1, 1], in DX it is [0, 1]. Which doesn't form a natural normalized cube, but it does evade a handedness shift. Which is the #1 cause of all newbies failing. :D
@Rerito fyi we use a custom sax parser that's actually built on top of xerces's DOM mode and also in other parts of the code we use another parser built on top of MSXML and also in another part xerces directly
What do you mean a "handedness shift". Isn't the handness going to be same regardless of where you are in the coordinate system?
@Mr.kbok Here it's from scratch
So it's pure nightmare
So I mean. My projection matrix is perfect when I have LH EXCEPT for the 3rd diagonal of the 4x4 matrix, which needs to be negative in OpenGL's headspace.
@Rerito you win :p
@Lalaland Change in handedness occurs when transforming to NDC, because the z axis reverses.
(And evil)
So I can't just use LH/RH willy-nilly.
It's called "SimpleXml" so us victims like to call it "Simplet XML" (coz it's so dumb)
And it's eating my projection coordinates
So with OpenGL I HAVE to compile under RIGHT_HANDED system
The easiest way to see where you're going wrong is to derive the equations yourself, with both APIs in mind.
Yes, yes, that one is so nice and calm. Sometimes when I work, I put on the Skyrim atmospheres (4 CDs worth of audio and just enjoy it). That song + rain ingame, wow.
Try metal
> However there are situations where it is more convenient to fetch an asset by its name instead of linking to it in the inspector. Essentially whenever it is inconvenient to assign the reference to the object in the inspector.
Thanks, Unity
Yeah, the fourth CD is really cool.
@ElimGarak NDC is a left-handed system with positive z going into the screen?
Yas. Just derive the equations from the rules imposed upon NDC. It immediately comes forth.
That makes no sense at all. Why do we do that?
Why doesn't it make sense. It's just an arbitrary convention.
It happens because the near is set to -1. That -1 slaps the z coordinate and reverses the axis (handedness, thus). Convention & consequence.
That's... not convention.
That's interference, damnit.
Ampere's little man
oooh nice
@ElimGarak Oh now. I see.
I can extract the vtable offset of a virtual function given its member pointer
That sorta makes sense.
@Mr.kbok that's a lot :|
@R.MartinhoFernandes Yes, but we use right handed coordinates in our world space, so it would make more sense if it stayed consistent.
In a right handed system, or view space... The further away an object is, the smaller the z (negative). It is reversed in NDC. Hence, reversed handedness.
@Lalaland Who's "we"?
We could just flip our projection matrix around and keep right handedness.
Seems like a very minor change.
@ElimGarak But the NDC doesn't reverse handedness when you have [0, 1].
@ThePhD Because viewspace in DX is z forward. :P
Actually, no, that probably won't do what I want.
There is no sign reversing of the z-coordinate (therefore, no handedness shift).
Throws hands up.
Whatever, #ifdef OPENGL it is
Positive -> positive (z), handedness stays. Negative -> positive (z), handedness "reverses".
@Lalaland Change of basis?
OpenGL wanted to have a normalized cube. DX went for the simpler representation, at the cost of not having the normalized cube. They thought, the closest could be 0, right in your face. And furthest 1. Which kinda makes sense.
The handedness being reversed when going to the graphics card is not helping me.
You can set your own rules for coordinate systems, but you need to be very sure about them and respect them at all times.
@ElimGarak until you consider the top left is (-1,-1)
@ElimGarak If you still need to do that if you don't set them. See what's happening above :D
@thecoshman It's (-1, 1, 0).
I still don't understand NDC :(
or the w component
@R.MartinhoFernandes fine, bottom left, either way my point is, why do those have -1 as their extreme low, but depth into screen has 0 as it's minimum?
@Ell Get yourself a shot of linear algebra.
> error: destination for this 'memcpy' call is a pointer to dynamic class 'base'; vtable pointer will be overwritten [-Werror,-Wdynamic-class-memaccess]
Good idea
dammit clang
@thecoshman The center point of the screen is the origin.
that's exactly what I want to do!
@Ell Seriously, just learning bare linear algebra, even without any relation to computer graphics will get any confusion out of the way.
If you want to do graphics, you need to get some linear algebra under your belt. At least some. The divide by w occurs because of the non-linearity of the perspective transform, so one separates the projection into its linear part (matrix encoded) and the subsequent non-linear divide.
@R.MartinhoFernandes That's good. I think I will be doing linear algebra this year probably maybe?
If my calculations are going to include stuff for the NDC, then I have to either #ifdef OPENGL, OR I have to use the base equations before derivations so that the effects of the NDC can be proliferated and not do things like have hardcoded 1 / 2 in it.
@Rerito switch to an xml parser lib instead! (pugi, xml2)
And have the sign baked in as well.
Maybe I could just derive and then define some kind of parameter for this...
What do I call it.
@sehe And boost:pt to store the parsing results right?
Albet, it's from Pearson.
@Rerito why would you? I mean, sure I suppose you could
I'd think a custom recursive variant would be a no-brainer and much more to the point.
Yeah but at the very least we could use a real XML parser :|
Yeah. Been there. Done that (ripped it out and used libxml2. Yeaaars ago)
Jesus fuck, that's a lot of money.
I borrowed it from the university library when I was studying.
300 BUCKS?
@sehe I can tell you we're suffering... A lot
This parser is real torture
can a pointer to member function point to a destructor?
@Rerito How did it initially grow? Why even write an xml parser in the first place.
Because XML is so easy to parse man
@R.MartinhoFernandes I found out our uni library had a lend limit :\ it took the lib staff a moment to realise that's what was wrong with the system as I tried to checkout the pile
@R.MartinhoFernandes Yeah, usually going down 1 edition level cuts the cost practically in half.
Also, if you are genuinely interested in graphics, I suggest taking up calculus, vector calculus/analysis and signal processing at the very least.
@CatPlusPlus Aren't there like a million edge cases though?
@Lalaland I don't even know, it was there long before I was
Uuuugh calculus.
@Lalaland Sarcasm
It's so necessary but I don't like it. ;~;
@ThePhD Paperback.
oh meh, can't
@R.MartinhoFernandes That didn't seem to have a GREAT effect on mine. Just ended up chopping... 20ish dollars off the price?
@CatPlusPlus It's good they didn't call it SML. They called XML.
Really, what else would we expect if a consortium designs something and the first letter is "eXtensible". Right up there with "Universal"
Also, you might want to look into Grassmann and afterwards Clifford algebra. There are some fascinating insights which completely integrate a lot of things you may now think is separate.
@ElimGarak Listen. Listen, man. I like things in their separate boxes.
Don't go ruining it for me, alright?
@Lalaland lel - you missed it :) That's cute.
The worst thing is XMPP with its weird stream model
He's cat, and all
You have to wrangle with existing parsers to do that
@ThePhD It's also the 4th edition. Just a paperback and not for sale in the US.
@R.MartinhoFernandes Oh.
Bah. Whatever. I'm sick of trying to derive this and then insert the right signs and equations for NDC bullshit.
@elyse I have long given up trying to understand Scala collections. FUCK THEM!
#ifdef, I welcome thee.
@R.MartinhoFernandes wt-a-h
well met
lol Scala
Scala tends to be a tad over-complicated.
Even when compared to C++.
is there a flamewar going on?
Apparently Scott Meyers has called Scala the C++ of the Java world.
So. I'm not surprised if its qualified for overcomplication.
@Ven There's always a flame war going on.
@ThePhD Much better than that
This lounge was made with very flammable materials.
Someone should file a complaint to OSHA.
@Lalaland fair enough
@ThePhD Once you go black, you can never go back. :D
I'm gonna try to be sysadmin now, expecting huge pain and zero progress
@ElimGarak That's racist. I'm offended
@Rerito But "racist" is my trigger word! How could you possibly come here, and tarnish this safe place!
The line between "newbie" and "moron" is a thin one
Q: Receiving an "Error: expected an identifier" on C++ for "=="

MoeIm receiving an error on the " if (f_in); std::ifstream == int NULL);" code, where the "==" is underlines as the error and is saying "Error: expected as an identifier". I'm not sure on what to do and I am stuck :/. Here is the code: #include <iostream> // For cin/cout #include <fstream> ...

int main()) { (( int a = (3; } y no compile?
At least it's not void main
Could be worse.
I like your optimism
There is a bit of a lost story / historical perspective to linear algebra, which dates back to Hamilton and his work with hypercomplex numbers, like quaternions which emerged after his grueling work of trying to do rotations with 3-tuples. And transforms in general afterwards. It was quite popular early on with the Brits, but also notoriously difficult and counterintuitive to noobles of the world. And early linear algebra (vectors and matrices as we know them today) caught on because it simplified all the stuffs.
Quaternions came before rotation matrices?
@MarcoA. Looks like a random C++ keywords dumping algorithms
> Failed connect to github.com:443
@Lalaland Actually, they were motivated by quaternions annoying formulation which confused almost everyone. Grassmann and Clifford algebras were basically a full circleish later on, incorporating complex numbers and generalizing/fixing a lot of concepts in LA.
Like eliminating "pseudovectors" which you may know from physics. But people are still afraid of those aspects, so they're not used a lot outside of expert circles.
lots of meaningful questions today
Q: How to fix window on desktop, always on desktop like widget

Milan SolankiHow to fix window on desktop, "always on desktop" like widget, is it possible using programming c#/c++, any software, window API. making windows explorer always accessible. it is like extending desktop, and embed window on desktop.

@ElimGarak Hmm, quaternions seem relatively straightforward to me. You have a rotation around an axis of a certain magnitude.
The proof that rotations around an axis are a closed set under multiplication is a bit beyond me, but the general idea makes sense.
Yeah, the technical aspects and the unease of understanding the derivation of the notion is what drove most people away. And general transforms with quaternions usually take a rather weird shape.
@elyse what did that poor compiler do to you anyway?
what's +lambda?
oh, converting it to a ptr

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