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8:02 PM
This gonna be gud.
@Elyse play games
Rockets and cats. Nice time to play
@ElimGarak But physics!?!?!
It's already 0130hrs here :P
Hah ahha physics in Just Cause
This is a game where you can break a fall by accelerating towards the ground
8:04 PM
@Lalaland Physics has been crushing my dreams since relativity became a thing. Can't wait to ride an accelerating rocket like it is moving uniformly.
My favorite thing in Just Cause 2 was enjoying the scenery on top of a gliding airliner.
@Lalaland butt physics?
@orlp I am sure people have actually devoted a lot of time in rendering physically realistic buts.
it does not surprise me
@Elyse Contrary to the beliefs of people who been abusing "homophobe" for decades now, "X-phobe" means "has an unreasonable fear of X", not "dislikes X".
@JerryCoffin The use of "homophobe" is also political. It implies that people who hate gays are weak and fearful.
8:08 PM
Doubleplusgood newspeak.
ah well that's just improved verbal efficiency then
@CatPlusPlus Well, his hookshot has magical properties.
@Lalaland I'm not sure if political is the right term here, but I guess it wouldn't surprise me if it was (intentionally, in at least some cases) a veiled attack. There's probably also at least some assumption (or attempt at implying) that the only reason anybody could dislike gays is because of fear (which may be true--I'm not trying to guess about whether it's right or wrong).
People always love playing games with terminology.
8:12 PM
Pro-lifers are silly
@Puppy Eh, not really.
It all depends on the value you give a human fetus.
8:14 PM
Which, like most basic moral questions, is sorta arbitrary.
It's an empty system which can be far too easily replicated.
@Lalaland More accurately, quite a few people try to use connotational semantics to convince people of points that they might not be able to via denotational semantics.
@Lalaland Not really.
@Puppy Have you read a lot of pro-life philosophy?
if you place a nearly arbitrary value on a human fetus, then you gotta wonder why you don't have 15 children
you can claim to place whatever value on it you like, but preventing abortions is far from the most efficient means to produce the highest number of high-quality human babies
8:16 PM
@Puppy, do newborns have rights?
Most people would say that they do.
that clearly depends on which one and in what circumstance.
they don't have the right to smoke, drink, drive, or vote.
Then you creep up a week, and ask if they still have rights if they are a week away from birth.
What if the fetus could be given a forced birth and still survive?
so what?
8:18 PM
Survive for what? Life is pretty shit even with the best odds.
that's no metric for human beings
The analogy is that if newborns have rights, then late term fetuses should have rights.
well, firstly, that's clearly bullshit
and secondly, "rights" in general is a million miles away from this specific right in these specific situations.
@Lalaland More accurately, it depends on the minimum requirements you place on some collection of cells to qualify as a "person". Nearly everybody agrees that killing a person is murder, and should be illegal. So the only real question is the point at which "personhood" is achieved.
And also, I am specifically talking about the right to live.
8:19 PM
You are correct, I should have been more specific.
I think people in general have a right to live.
then let's skip rights generally, and focus on just living.
Rights are human assigned and therefore nobody has any by default.
the right to life for a child is not simply a right to life, children require more than that to become successful human beings with a good life.
8:20 PM
@ElimGarak So what rights to life should we assign to newborns?
which they're almost certainly not gonna get if their parents are desperate to abort them.
@Puppy So people should be allowed to kill their newborns.
even if you prevent the abortion it's gonna be a terrible life for them and they and their family will suffer terribly.
"Oops, it's a girl. Bring out the pistol and the shovel."
to a certain degree, I would argue that they should.
8:21 PM
I actually do agree with you in this case Puppy, that infants do not have a right to live.
However, many people strongly believe that infants have a right to live.
I'd say that life is not about survival. Nobody is getting out of it alive. If you can only provide to your kid bare survival (in many cases less than), it's not worth having.
yes, but those people are morons.
Most people are morons.
I mean, this issue is sorta like vegetarianism.
8:22 PM
Some people think animals have rights.
Others do not.
again with the generics.
Neither side is wrong.
animals do have rights, but "not to be eaten as food" is not one of them.
Usually, when we talk about animal rights, the primary right people care about is the right to not be harmed.
8:23 PM
Humans assign animal rights based on how cute the animal is.
Are we allowed to brutally torture animals to death, etc, etc.
what are you gonna do, eradicate every pest, disease, predator
@Puppy do you just get to decide these things?
@Lalaland That's a very different issue to consuming them for food.
@Ell Tell it to evolution honey
8:24 PM
@Ell Actually, yes. You'd find you can get away with a lot of stuff if you're a clever chap.
@Puppy Usually the next argument goes is that they claim that factory farming techniques are pretty much torture.
@Puppy tell what?
I'm confused
"You can't do that" while a person is doing it while you're flapping your hands around just shows how empty rights are.
did you misping me?
@Lalaland What does and does not qualify as torture for a chicken is going to be a finely detailed matter that's not really suitable for a generic yes or no.
however, farming them for food in as of itself is not wrong.
8:25 PM
meh I'd argue it's wrong
Also, you get into interesting discussions of whether human infants are really that different from other animals.
that's because you have the big-picture vision of a naked mole rat
fact is, human beings are predators who must kill other organisms in order to survive.
Like dolphin vs human baby.
eating plants doesn't change that.
8:26 PM
@Lalaland yeah exactly
@Puppy yes it does
you're just killing something where it's less easy to identify their stress
plants are organisms that don't suffer
er, they certainly do suffer.
it's just not something that's so obvious as in animals.
@Ell How do you know
@CatPlusPlus No central nervous system.
8:28 PM
you don't need a central nervous system to suffer
bacteria can co-ordinate attacks against our bodies without one.
I don't care man I'm out
@Puppy But you need one to feel pain.
maybe the kind that's readily identifiable to human beings
but if you ask some people who investigated the matter, they can tell you all about plant stress responses, including stress hormones and other reactions
defining suffering and pain to be only electrical impulses in a central nervous system pretty much directly means "I can identify pain only where I would understand it to be pain for me"
8:30 PM
@ElimGarak so far, so good...
@Puppy even taking your argument at face value, there is a difference between 'I know for sure X suffers' vs 'I don’t know for sure X doesn’t suffer'
@Puppy ...or to re-word in a way that removes the obfuscation: "I can identify pain only where I can identify pain."
@melak47 They should've added "None (Visual C++)"
8:31 PM
@melak47 Ooh, nice!
I do definitely agree with Puppy that even though pro-life philosophy can be sound, many pro-life people seem to be more focused on controlling women than any moral or ethical issues.
Meat production at the scale we'd need to feed meat to every single human would be completely unsustainable, while having everyone switch to a plant-based diet would lead to much less harm to the environment.
No 1z option, boo! .p
Animals need to evolve to be less delicious if they don't want to be eaten
@LucDanton Well, they do suffer. It's just a question as to whether you deem their suffering to meet your standards.
@JerryCoffin Well, not entirely. In the original case, it's only where you can intuitively identify pain, and in the other, it's where rigorous scientific study can identify pain.
8:33 PM
@CatPlusPlus I suspect humans are delicious as well.
Do I need to remind you guys that livestock is the second source of greenhouse gases?
Cow and pig shit is very potent.
@EtiennedeMartel That is completely true and I agree, but a different point to whether or not animals should not be consumed on principle.
@ElimGarak I doubt it
@ElimGarak Cannibalism has huge health risks.
@Lalaland really?
what like?
8:34 PM
@Puppy My feeling on that matter is this: do not eat something you wouldn't feel comfortable killing yourself.
error : expected ';' after top level declarator
1>                 typedef unsigned __int64  uintptr_t;
@ElimGarak ( Í¡° ͜ʖ Í¡°)
@Ell You are sharing body fluids with other people in a very intimate way.
Think like STDs, but worse.
8:34 PM
eh I suppose
@Lalaland I used to feed pigs with sausages at my grandma's place when I was a kid.
You cook the meat.
@ElimGarak :c
I killed a prawn by accident once
@Ell You get these horrible prion diseases like mad cow disease (en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bovine_spongiform_encephalopathy)
@Lalaland Uh, you can say the same about any meat
8:35 PM
Also, I scared a chicken to death and it actually died.
@CatPlusPlus The risk of disease transmission is much greater within a species.
BSE wasn't caused by cannibalism I don't think
@ElimGarak that seems logical :P
@Puppy Oh, nonsense. "reaction to stress" does not equal pain. The question here isn't whether plants react to stress--it's whether that qualifies as pain. Thus far, there's precisely zero evidence that most plants have any way of sensing anything even vaguely analogous to what people (and most animals) experience as "pain". In fact there's a great deal of evidence to the contrary.
8:35 PM
Cross-species transmission is also risky, but harder.
See: HIV.
@Lalaland You're also doing so when eating a pig that ate a human!
> A programming language is low level when its programs require attention to the irrelevant.
Is eating yourself considered cannibalism?
@Elyse That would require the disease to survive in the pig.
8:36 PM
@Elyse Technically yes, but it doesn't have any of the moral, health, or other issues.
Fun-fact: eating your own limbs is forbidden in Judaism because you're not allowed to eat limbs that come from a animals that are still alive.
Eh, the Old Testament is full of all sorts of silly rules.
@Lalaland Most of those rules made sense back then. They aged poorly.
I want to try human flesh one day.
@EtiennedeMartel True. Supposedly the kosher rules actually make a deal of sense back then.
8:37 PM
Not to mention the slavery and rape rules.
@EtiennedeMartel Manure (cow, pig, or whatever) doesn't really change much--the same plant rotting without having been eaten first produces roughly the same amount of Greenshouse gases. Eating/digestion just 1) concentrates a large amount of plant matter into a smaller amount of manure, 2) happens to be the reason a lot of grass, grain, etc., is raised in the first place.
@Elyse Uh.
@Lalaland Population control yo
@ElimGarak well, so far, so good. stuff works, debugging works, variable templates work. What should I try? :D
> One man's constant is another man's variable.
8:38 PM
> I ate a human and I liked it.
@melak47 Did your Intellisense survive the update?
ghosh whats going on in here?
@Nooble ?
@TonyTheLion Philosophy
do y'all need some love? <3 <3
8:38 PM
@TonyTheLion Cow shit
We're hatching a plan to capture a Lounger and eat him.
@ElimGarak it complained the first time, but after relaunching it seems fine.
@CatPlusPlus how smelly
Eat cheese
And cows
Brahmin shit
8:39 PM
posted on November 30, 2015 by Ramkumar Ramesh - MSFT

In Visual Studio 2015 RTM we announced Edit and Continue (EnC) support for both X86 and X64 C++ in the default Debug Engine with the VC++ 2015 toolset (v140) . Over the past couple months, we’ve been working on improving the experience and supporting...(read more)

@ElimGarak thats sounds horrifying
@GregorMcGregor is the Higgs boson haram?
@Elyse It's probably not possible, dunno where you can get human meat.
Fun fact: I never managed to make Edit and Continue work in any situation
@Nooble Right, eating human meat is impossible.
8:40 PM
C++ or C#
Just like it is impossible to cut a piece of flesh out of a human and put it in your mouth and chew on it.
@Nooble lol
@CatPlusPlus I think it worked in C# for me, once
@CatPlusPlus I did years ago, but it's been totally broken for a while.
@Elyse It would be difficult.
8:40 PM
@JerryCoffin Even then we wouldn't need as many plants to feed humans, so it wouldn't as bad.
It's quite easy, actually.
Just get a knife, stab Etienne, and bon appetit.
Let's eat Etienne, he's all "for the people".
@JerryCoffin Also, corn-fed livestock produces more methane than if it had been fed with grass.
8:41 PM
@EtiennedeMartel Yep. I think you only get like 10% energy effeciency when you go through the cow. Versus eating the food directly.
Anyway people won't stop eating meat, even if the planet boils because of it
Martel is Dutch word for torture.
Hence appropriate.
@CatPlusPlus Some people appear to manage.
Meat is the only thing making life worth living.
8:42 PM
exceptions also work. I'm never going back :p
Meat is amazing
Great OoC.
oh my guts
Most people are shit cooks with shit imagination, so the only way they get to taste anything is by shoving a slab of meat in their mouths.
I shouldn't have eaten these pears.
8:42 PM
@Lalaland So how old is vegetarianism and how's the progress on converting everyone again
most veggies aren't on a quest to convert everyone
tumblr is weird
@CatPlusPlus In the US, government subsidies on corn means meat is cheaper than vegetables.
just saying
8:44 PM
You might as well wait for people to stop killing and exploiting each other
And even if you want to keep eating meat, then fair enough, but you're probably eating way too much as it is.
@CatPlusPlus I'll be here, waiting ....
@TonyTheLion Tumblr is fun.
@EtiennedeMartel Yes, eating the plants directly instead of having cows (or whatever) concentrate it first would theoretically increase efficiency. In reality, however, quite a bit of what's fed to cattle (and pigs, chickens, etc.) either isn't digestible by people at all, or tastes/smells nasty enough the people wouldn't eat it even if they theoretically could. Many of the plants needed for direct human consumption are much pickier about where they live as well.
It'll take less time for Sun to burn Earth
8:44 PM
Tumblr is the best place to get high-quality porn.
@Elyse I guess you spend a lot of time on it?
A few minutes per day, really.
Sometimes more, sometimes less.
@EtiennedeMartel t o u g h
@CatPlusPlus To be fair, this time of history is one of the most peaceful times ever.
8:45 PM
@Lalaland And what does that say
A steak is about twice the amount of meat you should be eating per day.
> should
Says who?
I guess what I'm saying is.
You're all lazy asses
Damn right we are.
Thanks I love you too <3
8:46 PM
No, we simply don't give a shit.
That too
I'll be dead in probably less than 50 years
For me, my well-being is more important than anything else, and eating meat improves it.
Like I'm going to care that I'm enjoying food too much
How Cat sees the future: I'm dead already
@EtiennedeMartel pff
8:47 PM
@CatPlusPlus RIP
It's like one of the few things that are unconditionally enjoyable
@EtiennedeMartel "A steak" varies anywhere from around 6 ounces to 48 ounces or more. How can all of these be twice the amount of meat I should eat per day?
Food is nice
you can't deny it
If planet dies because I eat too much meat then
fuck the planet
A good meal is everything
8:48 PM
@TonyTheLion Tautology--if it's not nice, it's not food.
@EtiennedeMartel holy shit, you've almost caught up with puppy with you oh-so-superior batshit insane ego attitude
Good riddance and all
@JerryCoffin lol
OK, I give up. Pizza it is.
8:49 PM
Damn it, Tony. Gimme some.
@TonyTheLion I'd rather have eternal gavage.
And I ate a lot of meat today
@CatPlusPlus I guess you aren't planning on leaving a legacy with children?
Never be hungry again.
@ElimGarak bby, you can have all my love and more <3 <3 :)
8:49 PM
@Lalaland lol no
gavage: the administration of food or drugs by force, especially to an animal, typically through a tube leading down the throat to the stomach.
doesn't sound very nice
Children are expensive.
And annoying
And legacy. Legacy is never good.
Two of the worst things
8:50 PM
Grump grump
And there's so many legal obligations that running a fucking business is actually less of a liability
I guess I know who's never having children :P
(preemptive HA HA fucking yes good joke)
@BartekBanachewicz I'm just saying: eat less meat. Eat more not-meat. Vary your diet.
If you see it as an attack, well, I don't really know.
8:52 PM
Eat cheese
And then fart.
Yes, eat cheese.
Cheese is love. Cheese is life.
Cheese is Cat.
I farted amazingly earlier
Potato is murder
@TonyTheLion You have a schedule?
@CatPlusPlus What about cheese on potatoes?
8:53 PM
@CatPlusPlus hahah no
Cheese smells when combined with potato derived products.
mashed potatoes
om nom nom
@EtiennedeMartel You should play SanctuaryRPG
8:53 PM
@EtiennedeMartel Somehow I knew it was going to get to poutine pretty soon! :-)
I'm so happy right now :D
Y'all need more poutine in your lifes.
@melak47 :D
8:54 PM
@EtiennedeMartel Good point. I found a restaurant here that serves Poutine, but I haven't had a chance to try their take on what Poutine should be yet.
lounge needs more butts
I am downloading Update 1 and loading GTA Online (Nooble is playing) :D
also, this finally means no more warnings from VS internal bullshit :D
@JerryCoffin If they're Russians, be careful.
8:54 PM
I've never had Poutine, but it looks good
@EtiennedeMartel Given how far this is from the center of the Poutine world, I probably need to be careful regardless of nationality.
(Vladimir Putin's name is "Poutine" when transcribed in French)
@ElimGarak alright, we've got clang front-end with MS codegen. Who's gonna open the petition to replace the codegen with llvm? :v
Steak in shape of Putin's face
@CatPlusPlus Way too much meat.
8:58 PM
@EtiennedeMartel Microscopic steak in the shape of Putin's face.
@Borgleader @jaggedSpire Awww
@TonyTheLion is that a nuke?
Why must high-yield explosions be so cool
8:59 PM
@Elyse Probably not.
@Elyse doubt it
Where is it from?
a nuke would be a much bigger explosion
@Elyse reddit
where else
link to thread
@TonyTheLion A nuke would be illegal.
8:59 PM
If it was a nuke the cameraman would be evaporated
@melak47 That would be pushing it :D
@Nooble I quit, semi-gf calling
@EtiennedeMartel As is drowning prisoners, so what?

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