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that's the polish final exam results distribution
@EtiennedeMartel Erm, well, erm, yah.
@BartekBanachewicz That's not normal (ba-dum-tish).
@EtiennedeMartel Google translate: "There's just the wineries who fret."
@EtiennedeMartel thank you, captain.
@SamDeHaan In Quebec, "cave" can be used to refer to an idiot. And "frette" is the harder version of "froid", which means "cold".
Does that mean there were like, 30 points for free or something?
@SamDeHaan lol
vim on Windows seems useless
no easy way to configure the damn thing, also all tutorials are linux vim based
@BartekBanachewicz I'm so good.
@EtiennedeMartel guess the pass threshold :P
@R.MartinhoFernandes look at the chart again
@BartekBanachewicz that's very strange. 30 easy questions and 70 hard? Or maybe it was multiple choice pick one of three?
@BartekBanachewicz 30?
@MooingDuck no, the minimum score required to pass was 30
@BartekBanachewicz actually, that makes more sense. Teachers fudging scores up so students pass.
@TonyTheLion On Windows, ~/.vim is %USERPROFILE%/vimfiles
fudging scores
@BartekBanachewicz Standard behavior for universities.
it's high school not uni
Well, same.
@BartekBanachewicz actually, I think the chart is fake. Aside from the obvious blurb, it's far too normal.
@EtiennedeMartel Google translate doesn't seem to recognize Quebec French as a real language
@BartekBanachewicz Grades: "A", "B", "C", "I don't want you in my class again."
@SamDeHaan It's a dialect.
@MooingDuck it's perfect Gaussian curve
Haha, you don't even speak a language.
@BartekBanachewicz exactly why it must be fake. People don't make exams that good. Reality isn't that perfect.
@R.MartinhoFernandes Neither do you.
@BartekBanachewicz It's not perfect.
oh damn that robotic precision
Well, since you guys were drawing conclusions based on the curve being perfect, I thought mentioning the fact that it is not perfect would be helpful.
its source looks pretty legit anyway
It even has the expected bump at the 100 mark resulting from the tests not being hard enough to differentiate among the top students.
Fuck ti I don't udnerstand how to use any of these physics systems
what, you didn't try to write your own first ? are you ill?
@R.MartinhoFernandes it isn't that big
@melak47 he is, isn't that apparent?
I've just realized
@BartekBanachewicz It is a noticeable bump. Of course it isn't that big, this is Poland we're talking about :P
that he is just writing it
@BartekBanachewicz haha
imagine how funny it will be when he actually tries to use it
and realizes "oh my god I fucked so much somewhere at the beginning"
I can't wait for that.
Well, there's a possibility he is a genius
in which case I will say that I was totally mistaken and can't code at all.
anyway, if that happens, it will be entirely his own fault, which he acknowledges, I am sure.
^seems much more plausable to me
that's maths
the previous one was Polish language
I have no idea what it is, I just found it in the same folder as the one you linked :(
I'm trying to open the pdf report thing, but I doubt I can translate it enough to read anything
fuck it, I give up on vim
@TonyTheLion Smart man.
"The page you requested was too large to translate." :(
41 mins ago, by Xeo
Btw robot, you got me. I like vim now. :P
Now you'll never know what you're missing!
yea I thought I may like it too, but it's hard to configure on Windows
The frick? You claim this is a lanugage? it looks like a cat walked accross the keyboard! "Struktura tegorocznego egzaminu była taka sama jak w roku ubiegłym. Aby uzyskać świadectwo dojrzałości, maturzyści musieli zdać " Those are not words!
HEY! I'm trying to use these physics libraries and I'M NOT ILL
@MooingDuck Hey, it has vowels!
@R.MartinhoFernandes "w" is one of the "words" in that first sentence.
You should look at some of that crap from the Balkans.
@MooingDuck I heard "z" a word in Serbo-Croatian.
Strč prst skrz krk () is a Czech and Slovak tongue-twister meaning "stick your finger through your throat". The sentence is well known for having a total absence of vowels, the nucleus of each syllable being a syllabic r, a common feature amongst many Slavic languages. It is often used as an example of such a phrase when learning Czech or Slovak as a foreign language. Sometimes in the Czech Republic and Slovakia, the phrase is used to judge whether or not a particular person is drunk. In fact, Czech has two syllabic liquid consonants, the other being syllabic l, as well as syllabic b...
@R.MartinhoFernandes wtf people. I mean, English is bad, but.... no vowels?
wh nds vwls nw
@TonyTheLion did you run vimtutor
@ThePhD oh.
@BartekBanachewicz yeah, translating the document bit by bit looks official :/ That's a remarkable exam they made.
@melak47 >.< I totally typed that in google translate. I noticed before I hit the button though.
@MooingDuck I didn't quite get that.
Bullet is unruly...
maybe I can try another physics engine.
@ThePhD Havok is good.
@BartekBanachewicz the graph of scores looks legit. I'm impressed by the administrator's ability to create an exam that resulted in a distribution so amazingly close to normal.
@BartekBanachewicz And costs an arm and a leg.
@MooingDuck haha
@MooingDuck Well, at least it has "r" working vowel-ish. The Nuxálk language I mentioned yesterday doesn't even bother faking the vowels. It has words made entirely of obstruents.
@ThePhD it has indie licensing plans
@BartekBanachewicz I don't have any funding. At all.
So anything that costs in 50 cents is a no-go.
that's lame.
Find funding if you need onme
I don't want funding.
Also, I thought you want to learn
Right, learn, not make money.
@R.MartinhoFernandes "for instance the Nuxálk word xłp̓x̣ʷłtłpłłskʷc̓ (IPA: [xɬpʼχʷɬtʰɬpʰɬːskʷʰt͡sʼ]) meaning ‘he had had [in his possession] a bunchberry plant’ has thirteen obstruent consonants in a row with no vowels." >.<
in this case, getting hands-on on industry standard will be beneficial
@R.MartinhoFernandes in that case, Havok is just free.
Bullet is used Commercially, Open Dynamics Engine as well, and so is Havok.
Difference is, Bullet / ODE are a bit more liberal with their licensing.
And are not going to charge me an arm and a leg if I release my game.
Havok is used for AAA titles.
and is, simply speaking, the best one.
Yes, it is the best one.
you can get a free binary thing :/
But ti still costs money.
> Havok’s Intel® sponsored free binary-only PC download includes all of the standard features and functionality of the Havok Physics and Havok Animation SDKs and can be used during development to evaluate, prototype, and even commercially release any PC game. PC titles sold for a retail value of $10.00 USD or more require a zero cost license to be executed.
@Borgleader Yeah, I saw that too.
I like the game, but man, so much marketing bullshit.
Now I cannot use RC4 and I cannot use any CBC based encryption because of the BEAST attack?
What is left? :)
Hey. I'm interested in templatizing a class which has some of its big methods defined in a separate source file. The template type would be used for a pointer member which is accessed only by methods defined in the header.

Is there a way that these other methods, which don't use the templated member, can stay in the source file?
@Sidnicious pimpl
@Sidnicious I was going to say make a nontemplate base, and a template interface around the base. But pimpl is good.
zero-cost license?
> One timelapse video shows a city thriving with 200,000 residents, despite those people having no places to shop or work in the entire region (at least they have nice parks and low taxes...).
I wonder what that means
@ThePhD only if you sell for >$10
@ThePhD A license that costs zero?
@R.MartinhoFernandes My guess? SimCity was rushed to release, and they hoped nobody would notice.
@MooingDuck More than or less than?
@EtiennedeMartel That's a guess?
@ThePhD it says more than
> PC titles sold for a retail value of $10.00 USD or more require a zero cost license to be executed
I thought "rushed to release" was kinda standard these days.
@ThePhD "PC titles sold for a retail value of $10.00 USD or more require a zero cost license" chat.stackoverflow.com/transcript/message/8270270#8270270
.... Why would a zero-cost license need to be executed if it implies you pay nothing?
@R.MartinhoFernandes I mean, the game was largely unfinished.
That's confusing as hell.
Is any proprietary software not rushed?
What do they actually mean?
@ThePhD so they know who's using their stuff I assume, and can charge if/when you get big.
Yeah.... no thanks.
@Pawnguy7 Blizzard does good work. But they take their sweet time.
Let me try ODE before I bite the Havok bullet.
@DomagojPandža doesn't blizzard make WOW?
> Does anyone really want to literally simulate shit flowing through the pipes?
@Pawnguy7 Yep.
@Pawnguy7 There's a difference between "shipping because you know you can't make it any better" and "shipping because the investors want their money".
@ThePhD ...
@ThePhD "There’s no fee for non-commercial educational and academic uses because the license fee has been covered by Intel under a commercial agreement with Havok."
@Pawnguy7 Warcraft, Starcraft, World of Warcraft, unnamed new titles...
@DomagojPandža 50 titles that nobody remembers...
@MooingDuck Rock 'n' roll racing, baby! :D
@MooingDuck I'm not doign this educationally or academically.
I plan on releasing this. Even for 2 dollars.
So, no, Havok won't work for me.
@ThePhD are you even reading what we are telling you?
"PC titles sold for a retail value of less than $10.00 USD do not require a Havok distribution license to be executed.
PC titles sold for a retail value of more than $10.00 USD or more do require a Havok license to be executed but at no additional cost.
Please click here to request a license if your title will retail for more than $10.00 USD."
He either isn't reading, or doesn't understand.
@BartekBanachewicz I'm not super familiar with the pimpl pattern but I just read up on it a bit. How are you thinking I can use it here?
@DomagojPandža Also Diablo.
@Sidnicious read up about it, and you'll know the answer
@EtiennedeMartel true. I was thinking of investor scenarios, but I can see the other as well.
I do not want to obtain a license from havok, because I do not know what that license will lock me into.
@ThePhD we just told you.
@Sidnicious nontemplate base with functions, template interface uses pimpl and holds the base.
@BartekBanachewicz You know the exact terms of their Zero-Cost license?
Why are you asking questions and ignoring the question whatsoever?
@ThePhD so don't get a license, sell for less than $10. Otherwise read what a license entails
Urrerehgehgehgghghhh okay, thank you.
@ThePhD I am not going to answer any of your questions before you start reading my and @MooingDuck's answers
and if you aren't going to read them, then shut the fuck up
@MooingDuck Ah! I didn't realize he meant combining pimpl with a nontemplate base. Thanks.
I understand that I do not have to get a license if I sell for less than 10 dollars on the PC. But I plan to put this game on consoles and other things if its successful on the PC. The end game might cost more than 10 dollars. I do not want to use Havok, sell for more than 10 dollars, and then say "Damn, I don't like what they're asking me to do for the zero-cost license, I need to abandon Havok"
And then subsequently have to rewrite all my goddamn code.
then... read the license?
@DeadMG The license isn't listed on the site, as far as I can tell.
I keep getting redirected to budgeting.
@ThePhD if you are going to sell your game for more than 10$ and it's actually successful, you can negotiate
@ThePhD then... contact them?
So what is the fucking problem
@DeadMG I think you have to apply to see the contract :?
god he is so stubborn
I was quite like him when I was dunno, 16? 14?
@R.MartinhoFernandes What is the picture showing? Has the driver dropped their tables or was the system clever enough to read the car's license plate through the obstruction?
@DomagojPandža It's physically painful to read some of these discussions
... So. Back to browsing other physics libraries.
@wilx it's a joke
@ThePhD btw how many released games do you already have?
Steam says I have over 200 released games.
2 hours ago, by Rapptz
mathematical vector classes are piss easy to write and there's not much efficiency to be gained by adding a dependency :|
@R.MartinhoFernandes You're productive.
somebody hold cat.
this is gonna get ugly.
We like Cat.
No, I have better things to do than to thoroughly comment on every retarded discussion on the Lounge
mumble anyone?
Like ordering food
Cat has his priorities right.
:thumbsup: is all you get
Cherish it
@BartekBanachewicz None.
@ThePhD :thumbsup:
Because everybody who's making video games starts out with 10 released, well-received titles.
Please kick me out of the room next time I will try to help ThePhD
Logic, at its finest.
or reason with him.
@ThePhD Yes. Definitely.
I don't try to reason in this room anymore
it's pointless
I have to rewrite simplex noise to 2D
from.... JAAVAAAA

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