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@MooingDuck I don't know what an allocator buffer is
operator= with self-assignment checking
@SethCarnegie you also have UB if the widget_manager constructor throws during widget_managers assignment operators
@CatPlusPlus haha
@CatPlusPlus Isn't the other way to do copy-and-swap?
Is there a simple way to remove at an index at an array? I don't know why or how to use iterators.
Use = default (or maybe copy-and-swap in some extremely rare cases, i.e. not this one).
@MooingDuck Yes, this implementation was merely meant to convey the idea not be perfect
@SethCarnegie no
Rule of zero
@SethCarnegie so your code is meant to show why your code is a bad idea?
We already knew that
@CatPlusPlus You can't use the rule of zero for a class that manages a resource AFAIK
@SethCarnegie I'm still confused as to why each widget_real is 65548 bytes.
@SethCarnegie std::unique_ptr
@SethCarnegie you can with std::unique_ptr
I don't know what it does because it's called manager
It doesn't either; it's a manager so clueless.
@CatPlusPlus sorry, it just creates the widget_real when it is created, and then destroys it when it gets destroyed
So it basically does nothing?
@CatPlusPlus it's a unique_ptr but only for widget_real.
@MooingDuck It's not, that's the UBless equivalent of the zero-size struct thing
If your code is UBless, I'm going to eat my shoe.
@Zoidberg find some
@SethCarnegie char priv[std::numeric_limits<short>::max()]; itself is 65536 of those bytes
@SethCarnegie already did, copy assignment of widget_manager
@MooingDuck It doesn't get allocated
@MooingDuck Where was that?
Great code
@SethCarnegie waiiitt.... wtf
@SethCarnegie placement new of an object in a buffer not big enough for it is also UB
5 mins ago, by Mooing Duck
@SethCarnegie you also have UB if the widget_manager constructor throws during widget_managers assignment operators
@MooingDuck He said "your code" and my code doesn't throw exceptions
under normal circumstances I guess
er, that was supposed to be widget_real's constructor
You still on about that? :D
@MooingDuck Where do I do that?
@SethCarnegie widget_real is 65548 bytes. Either (A) you allocate that much memory so it's safe, and that's silly, or (B) you placement new into a buffer too small and that's UB.
widget_manager& operator=(widget_manager&& rhs) {
    if (this == &rhs) return *this;
    if (widg) widg->~widget_real();
    construct(std::move(*rhs.ptr())); // rhs.ptr() not set to nullptr, double deletion = boom!!!
    return *this;
call it that! :$
@Zoidberg he pointed out that widget_real's constructor doesn't throw
@MooingDuck Oh I see what you mean, let me see if I can find a page I got that from, it was a defect report on C++ or something
I'm seriously wondering which is more.. amount of metres I have traveled with my mouse scroll wheel, amount of meters traveled with the mouse, or amount of meters I have fapped? ._.
@MooingDuck Then why isn't it noexcept.
Anyway, good code or GTFO.
You cannot talk about efficiency without good code.
And this code is bad and FUBAR and you have to start over.
I wish C++ would automatically add noexcept to functions that threw no exceptions and used functions that did not throw exceptions.
@ThePhD halting problem!
@ThePhD calls to functions in other libraries!
@ThePhD (It's impossible to detect that.)
@ThePhD <stdlib.h> implies C.
Yeah nevermind, he said "C standard"
@Zoidberg Oh. Well in that case, the library has already been compiled. It should have noexcept information on it's functions?
Or is that a compile-time only thing?
Oh in that way.
@SethCarnegie sec, I know where in the C++ spec it explicitly says you can't do this
@MooingDuck well it doesn't really matter, I just realised that alloca memory gets deallocated when the function returns, not when the scope is exited, which makes it so much less useful as to be a waste of time
But actually it'd be nice to know anyways, perhaps you could still find it and paste the section
sec phone
@brainsfrying: Well there goes all the good solutions I was going to give you. — Lightness Races in Orbit 6 secs ago
it's a little harder to find than I remembered...
Well don't spend too much time if you're not wanting to find it for yourself, I believe you
35-50% off on Ubisoft games on Steam.
Which leads me to: should I buy AC3?
@EtiennedeMartel egoraptor says it's not worth it
Well, I've managed to move anti-aliasing on iOS to a post-process step. Seems stable in comparison to MSAA. Especially when considering it can fix things MSAA can't due to being resolved earlier in the chain.
Sounds complicated.
Tell me more. <3
@EtiennedeMartel Hmm, I guess I have the same dilemma. I'm thinking probably yes.
Can anybody explain to me why there is a need for iterators?
To separate algorithms from containers
@Pawnguy7 Context?
@SethCarnegie wow good one!
@Pawnguy7 For iterating
Well, I just wanted to use a vector to store something, but I cannot simply remove an element...
@GamErix Even a blind nut finds a squirrel every once in a while
one does not simply...
I have no idea how iterators work, though.
@CatPlusPlus Look @SethCarnegie aswer lol xd
Never mutate the container you're iterating on
@SamDeHaan I mean, I know it's probably the weakest in the series, but it's 30$ now, so, I'm wondering if I'll at least get 15 hours of enjoyment out of that.
You mean, never iterate after you have mutated it?
That sounds incredibly silly.
Unless you're talking about the container itself.
(I got really low standards when it comes to games)
Come to think of it, I have really low standards, period.
@SethCarnegie § 5.3.4/14 "[ Note: when the allocation function returns a value other than null, it must be a pointer to a block of storage in which space for the object has been reserved. The block of storage is assumed to be appropriately aligned and of the requested size. The address of the created object will not necessarily be the same as that of the block if the object is an array. —end note ]" :(
I like everything.
Especially Polish cats.
Just don't use container functions which invalidate your iterators. fucks up everything if you continue.
@EtiennedeMartel Yes you do
Nothing wrong with Polish cats.
@SamDeHaan you mean Drunk cats?
My situation of this: I have a vector of strings. I have a remove function with index, which I want, in turn, on correct indices to remove them from the vector.
@MooingDuck I don't see how that is relevant though
My attempt to do this lead to about 7 errors.
@SethCarnegie yeah, I thought it was absolutely required that the space was big enough. But it's in a nonnormative note that the space is assumed to be big enough.
@Pawnguy7 show your "attempt" code? :P
@Pawnguy7 v.erase(v.begin() + index);.
Does that work?
no, I posted it because it totally doesn't work.
@Pawnguy7 yes that's the way you have to use .erase
wait, is it UB to "default inititialize -> no initialization" of memory that's past the end of an array?
also, I don't know C++, instead of being the foremost expert in the room.
@MooingDuck Well I mean, isn't it talking about the return value from an allocation function? It doesn't appear to be saying anything regarding placement new
@SethCarnegie placement new is an "allocation function" that simply returns it's parameter.
@DeadMG like anyone else in this room? :P Especially Misticial.
@DeadMG So you're trying to be the C++ of me?
@MooingDuck Ah, I didn't know that
In The Netherlands trains dump shit from the lavatories on the rails.
Does that happen in all countries?
It's fucking nasty.
@DeadMG Aaah, the faint smell of bullshit.
@DeadMG ah, that was simpler than I had thought. Thanks. Me and the STL don't get along well.
@Pawnguy7 Me + STL too, slept with the problems, fucked them, now we get along just fine.
@SethCarnegie yeah. normal new allocates with void* operator new(size_t size) {stuff;}. placement new allocates with void* operator new(size_t, void* b) {return b;}
@EtiennedeMartel hilariously convenient timing on that message, if someone were to actually (scandalous) read Lounge sequentially.
@SamDeHaan Yeah, it's uncanny.
@EtiennedeMartel I think you mistook "bullshit" and "sarcasm".
@Zoidberg My boss tells me they do it in France as well.
Apparently, you cannot really create an iterator, the container gives it to you...
@MooingDuck Ok, well then it does go back to what you said, it's a non-normative note
@Pawnguy7 Yup, no way to get an iterator except to have the container give it to you.
@ThePhD It's done in image-space, on the final pixels of the image. Since it is for mobile devices, I just developed a small technique comparable to FXAA which compares local luma for relevant edges that require smoothing. But since a lot of the stuff is not available in OpenGL ES 2.0, within GLSL, there's quite a bit of workarounds. So, performance wise, it's FXAA > my solution >> MSAA.
@Pawnguy7 you can create some iterators
@EtiennedeMartel you know, I don't mind if they do it on rails near meadows or something like that, but they do it on stations. T_T
@SethCarnegie that's true, thus the :(
@MooingDuck but it's immaterial as I said
@MooingDuck thanks for the time though
@DomagojPandža Sounds pretty complicated...
@Zoidberg you pay big money for traveling on shit XD
hmm, I wonder if it's in the area on constructors...
@DeadMG I think you mistook me being serious with me being an idiot.
well space marines game won't run faster than 20fps, so I shut it down immediately
@ThePhD Edge detection, qualify edges, march through edges, attack perpendicular pixels, filter. Complete. :D
@EtiennedeMartel Yeah, but you're always an idiot, so it's hard to know the difference :P
now I can't see how sucky it is because the FPS is too low to play it ;>
I feel like the STL was made less for ease of reading and more for sharp inefficiency.
@GamErix lol
STandard Library. :D
@DomagojPandža stl IS standart library
@Pawnguy7 say what now? Oh, that vector doesn't have erase by index? Yeah, I wish they'd added that
@ThePhD use "std" instead, nobody argues about that.
How often do you erase elements from vectors.
Except rarely.
@DeadMG Uh, I'd guess it wouldn't be that hard to always assume I'm an idiot.
using namespace std; fuck everyone who does that ;F
@MooingDuck it's a namespace not a library!
@GamErix No thank you. :c
@GamErix It's not bad per se. Doing it in headers is bad.
stdlib, plx.
@EtiennedeMartel ok in headers XD
@Zoidberg there's plenty of stuff that made it in the library that nobody ever uses
stdl ? :D
Erase by index can be a free function, though.
I think I would prefer to never use using namespace, if only for consistency among files.
Hm, is there a stats page where the least and most used STL functions are listed?
@Zoidberg far more often than I use std::valarray.
@DomagojPandža "standard library", plox.
@GamErix unlikely
@MooingDuck lol :P
@MooingDuck :/
How often are varargs used?
@Zoidberg That too! :D
@Pawnguy7 on a scale from printf to 10, printf.
I.e. vary rarely in C++.
Use variadic templates instead.
@GamErix std::vector() and std::gslice_array::operator|| probably.
I don't know what variadic templates are.
I like printf, though.
Except it's not generic. :L
@Pawnguy7 basically just printf
@Pawnguy7 templates with variadic number of parameters.
@Pawnguy7 at least you won't be raging that VS does not support them
seen enough of those posts in this room
IMO printf is fine in non-generic situations. It's type unsafe but if your compiler doesn't emit warnings you could just as well kill yourself.
@GamErix VS11 supports them as a beta-ish-thingy
@EtiennedeMartel You're not an idiot. <3
@MooingDuck when VS will support C++11 fully, C++17 will just be in GCC
How do you have templates with a variable number of parameters? Also, I would think that would add more code bloat than different sizes of arrays.
@DomagojPandža You're too sexy for me.
@GamErix when will GCC support C++11 fully?
@Pawnguy7 template<typename... T>
@EtiennedeMartel Well, if you're going to pass up good meat...
@MooingDuck faster than VS? XD
@Zoidberg this is not with varargs though?
@GamErix they never even got C++03 down.
@Pawnguy7 take a look at std::tuple.
@Pawnguy7 thank God it's not.
@LightnessRacesinOrbit The tag is empty, just like your looks.
@MooingDuck ;o oki
@ThePhD ;-(
@GamErix (gcc never had static template classes)
Ah. I am enlightened... I think.
@ThePhD dang man
@GamErix also VS had nullptr LONG before GCC did.
You need to relax.
@MooingDuck well I don't do much in linux, I don't even know how to use those make stuff properly or gmake or whatever shit always comes
@LightnessRacesinOrbit But it's okay, because your beauty is in your intelligence, which draws me to you like the warmth of a fire in the cold night. <3
and I totally hate it when I download something and there is no .vcxproj but stupid MAKE's
I'm irked that only clang supports rref qualifiers of member functions still.
@ThePhD [tag:]
@Rapptz It was a set up. :P
@MooingDuck cpprocks.com/…
If anyone wants to have a go at a Java programmer, hop on stackoverflow.com/q/15413840/961353.
@Rapptz oooh
@GamErix yeah, stupid portable build systems that aren't tied to your specific IDE ...
Wow, Clang is shitting on all the other compilers.
So many no in the MSVC column. :(
It's probably good of Clang, because they started later and don't have legacy shit to support.
@DomagojPandža heh, it's the only one with the GC part though :D
plus the intelligence to delete that message
^ what the fuck
@Useless Well No-one-EVER cared to include a readme on how to build make projects on windows properly without errors, setting that shit up etc ...
@Zoidberg already reported.
@Zoidberg it's a bug in an awful feature that came out of nowhere today
fucking morons can't test code apparently
@LightnessRacesinOrbit You have baggy eyes.
SE y u no test before release.
but I g2g to school, yes I know, it's 18:45 and I have to go to school.......
Are there 3 close votes?
@ThePhD GCC 4.8 > Clang 3.3
In terms of support apparently, which is weird.
Yeah, but does Clang lift?
That's the real question.
@Rapptz hmm, MSVC is listed as "yes" in type traits, but it's actually missing several of them.
@MooingDuck You can leave a note to the author (this was posted here earlier today)
What is the relationship when an object has a reference to but does not own an object? Like, a school refers to teachers, but when the school dies, the teachers do not.
Is there a font that has every Unicode character?
@MooingDuck Which ones?
Also, STL seems to be working on a complete overhaul of the type-traits.
@EtiennedeMartel Nope.
I've searched high and low.
For free and commercial.
haven't found one that encompasses the entire BMP.
There are free ones that do a good job but the quality is... ... not the best.
@Xeo I couldn't recall, now that I look it up, it appears that in MSVC10 typetraits related to rvalues lied. Fixed in MSVC11. (is_rvalue_reference, is_reference)
guys, am i banned from chat?
Well ok, several of their type-traits will likely lie because they don't have constexpr or = delete, or noexcept.
Hey David. I feel like I saw you yesturday.
@David19801 Yes.
@Xeo oh, here they are: is_trivially_copyable is_literal_type is_constructible/is_default_constructible is_assignable is_copy_assignable is_destructible is_trivially_constructible is_trivially_default_constructible/is_trivially_copy_constructible is_trivially_assignable is_trivially_destructible is_nothrow_constructible is_nothrow_default_constructible is_nothrow_assignable is_nothrow_destructible has_virtual_destructor + copy/move variants.
yes i think i got banned
because i was asking questions...thats not allowed on chat i think
added in MSVC11 though
Like, a period of time to elapse before you can chat again?
i think i just cant use chat
Q: Pointer increment and decrement

AntaresI was solving a question my teacher gave me and hit a little snag. I am supposed to give the output of the following code:(It's written in Turbo C++) #include<iostream.h> void main() { char *p = "School"; char c; c=++(*(p++)); cout<<c<<","<<p<<endl; ...

im not sure
> c=++(*(p++));
^ Why?
Aren't you using chat right now?
@ThePhD How many unicode characters are there?
@Rapptz 2 million and change? Or was it 1 million and change...
Enough that it needs 21 bits.
@MooingDuck And still very likely to lie. :)
ooh man
@ThePhD Wasn't 21 bits the whole space and only some 100k were actually used or so?
@Xeo I thought every codepoint was a character of some sort.
I feel totally tired, but it was a good day
Giant Steak and 3 hours of lazor tag.
@FredOverflow you mention that line and not cout<<p<<","<<++(*(p--))<<","<<++(*(p++))<<endl;?
Is there any documentation on libwoman available?
@ThePhD It's 98,884
But thanks anyway
@MooingDuck I seriously stopped reading at the line I quoted. Which seems to be a good thing :)
@Rapptz o_0
@ThePhD many of the codepoints are modifiers, and there's the "magic" codepoints to make utf16 easy, so... not even close.
@BartekBanachewicz I have seen that spelled "laser" and "lazer", but never "lazor"...?
@ThePhD Oh that's for Unicode 5.0
@ThePhD yeah, I thought it was 65k < used codepoints < 100k
@Pawnguy7 you must be new here
About a million too many.
It's 109,242 for Unicode 6.0
EA got pwned. Again.
Still not "2 million"
@BartekBanachewicz yes, that is why I was asking haha
anyway, these lazor guns are borked
Well then, look for a font that supports 100K charas then. :D
Too random for me.
I think I prefer paintball.
also, i have countless bruises from falling of the stairs and running into walls
@ThePhD Closest one is GNU Unifont which supports 63,446 characters
So close enough
I guess
@BartekBanachewicz why is it spelled like that?
@Pawnguy7 why is what spelled how
Why would you need such a font?
@DomagojPandža I have no idea
Those are the ones you'd support for basic deployment around teh world.
Yeah but you don't need 60k chars for that :|
Personally, to me, localization is bullshit. If you can't read English, you shouldn't use a computer.
@BartekBanachewicz lazor
But if someone were to explicitly demand it in a contract, I'd oblige.
oh good job with fixing that code @Zoidberg. However, VAOs are meant to store the bindings for attributes, so you don't have to repeat them every time
I have to admit the GNU Unifont isn't that bad looking.
A bit pixelated but it isn't bad.
@Pawnguy7 it's just a joke way to spell it
My rendering API on my graphics device is too sexy. <3

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