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and now he's finishing them all
@TonyTheLion I thought I could concentrate on other things, but one of the mods decided to send me a rather disturbing email telling me why I was banned.
which kind of lured me on to meta
@thecoshman yea
@A.H. uh not that thunderbolt
@TonyTheLion he will prolly come after the summer
@BartekBanachewicz why would I want it? wtf we doing still plugging shit in all the time?
@BartekBanachewicz oh lol
@Telkitty猫咪咪 You deserved it.
@TonyTheLion or his life :O
I have this suspicion this is the real reason why I was banned from the chat:
in Tavern on the Meta on Meta Stack Overflow Chat, 2 days ago, by Telkitty 猫咪咪
C++ room is forzen, guess it leaves me no choice but to troll here, if the C++ room is like this:
Prolly when I live in London I'll have more of a life myself and therefore not spend as much time here
@thecoshman Yeah, the point is that even if, by mistake or by overzealous mods, the room was closed/locked/frozen/whateverelse it wouldn't last for more than an hour. And this is not going to ever happen anyway.
@Telkitty猫咪咪 which was?
@thecoshman thunderbolt is much more powerful than any wireless thing you can imagine right now
@thecoshman She posted gory stuff.
In clear violation of SO's ToS.
@BartekBanachewicz If he's finishing all this projects, the summer of which year do you think he'll be back?
@BartekBanachewicz I can imagine some pretty powerful wireless :D
@sehe why wouldn't they. And even so, 2025? Are you guys looking that forward?
validation of the flag warrant 1 hour ban not 2 days ban
@thecoshman thunderbold plugs directly into PCI
@Jeffrey No. Cause I'll be real old
@Telkitty猫咪咪 except you're particularly annoying troll who everyone has had enough already.
fine good bye
@TonyTheLion an old king is wiser :P
and possibly more charming
@BartekBanachewicz you do not speak for me ಠ_ಠ
@Jeffrey You saying I'm not charming?
> more
@TonyTheLion o_0 'more'
@Telkitty猫咪咪 Oh. Well, have fun! Don't forget to keep exercising and hiking!
@Jeffrey might want to rethink that 'wiser' part
@BartekBanachewicz Every time I hear that I think... that most be oooold shit. I remember seeing the first of Ubuntu around Ubuntu Dapper, so Edge must be around ~2006
@thecoshman Fuck you too
@Jeffrey it comes with age, I guess?
@BartekBanachewicz So what? His imaginary wireless thing is faster than PCI.
@TonyTheLion I knew you were gay :P
@thecoshman You know, 12 - 16 year olds make stupid gay jokes all the time. Why don't you go join them?
@thecoshman ITT the pirate is sad he "hasn't had" telkitty enough already
Oh shit, it's pissing down and the dog was outside. He was 37kg this morning, now about 40 :(( I've shoved him into the kitchen to drip/smell in peace.
@TonyTheLion I think he did
good for him
in one peace?
so friendly
@TonyTheLion For the record, if you're gay, it means I get to break legs on your behalf.
I know that. Your wanking is way too precise for that.
I wouldn't wish a broken leg upon anyone. I've had that experience and its far from pleasant.
Also, 38°C is clearly way too hot and inhumane. They should add a law that gets you an AC when the average temperature in your region is about 20°C
@EtiennedeMartel lol
@Xeo that's hot. damn
@EtiennedeMartel Plus, he has a higher percentage of showing up to women / boobs than dicks/balls ratio.
Arrgghhh! The office window was open and, while dealing with the dog, my 2TB on-site backup drive has water all over it. I've unplugged it for now.
@Xeo 20? What?
@TonyTheLion ¬_¬ fine...
I mean, I'm pretty open about things, but I know what gets me hard, and it isn't men.
@ThePhD I'm not sure if I understand this?!
@EtiennedeMartel gay people don't wank o_0
@thecoshman I'm fairly sure they do.
@TonyTheLion It just means you seem to show up more consistently and faster when Tits are in teh equation.
@EtiennedeMartel oh, just not very precisely
@ThePhD ah right
I mean Tony has very specific tastes. Namely, ladies.
@thecoshman but do they need porn ?
@thecoshman are you an expert?
It's not like you can fake things when you're alone with your right hand.
@Xeo yeah, because, you know, we can kill this planet far betterer if we really try!!!
@TonyTheLion it's what @EtiennedeMartel said
@EtiennedeMartel They seem to have hired a nice one here now that I'm leaving :/
@EtiennedeMartel Are you reading everyone's browser history or something? :c
@TonyTheLion Hahaha, get owned. :P
@TonyTheLion Papadapaw.
@A.H. in what way? I am sure they do not die if they don't get a flash of cock
@EtiennedeMartel Thankfully my left one tends to be around as well.
@thecoshman You turn to stone if you see a penis that isn't yours.
This conversation is going gayley
Judge me now I'm gay of peril~
@thecoshman i ment while wanking
@EtiennedeMartel I do :O christ... I best be careful from now on
@EtiennedeMartel That would turn gym locker rooms into statue gardens.
@TonyTheLion it has been gayley for quite some time already
@A.H. I sure as hell don't... why would they?
Unless it's for porn, because porn videos use special technology to prevent that.
@R.MartinhoFernandes :O suddenly medusa makes sense!
@thecoshman eww you wank without porn ?
@Jeffrey the worst part is that I instigated this conversation.
This conversation went off the rails.
@thecoshman Wasn't snakes on her head, I tell ya.
@ThePhD no rails please
@A.H. ... yes?
@EtiennedeMartel oh man.
@A.H. The power of Imagination.
@EtiennedeMartel That put a really gross image in my head.
@EtiennedeMartel legless lizards :P
@thecoshman then like what do you use the internet for
Thanks, Etienne. Now I have to shower with that image in my head. =[
@A.H. he has a mirror. Works when offline!
@ThePhD Make sure you give some attention to Herman the Hairy Snake.
@A.H. I don;t only wank without porn. Stop jumping to conclusions.
I quit.
What have I done?
@A.H. The Lounge, duh.
Holy shit, my boss just came in with donuts.
> Lastly, my sincere apologies if a mustache, trench coat and wire frame glasses happen to be your look. David Veldt
@EtiennedeMartel Are you a policeman?
@EtiennedeMartel grumble grumble ¬_¬
@R.MartinhoFernandes No, but I sure like donuts.
@TonyTheLion are you trying to change the topic?
@EtiennedeMartel Is there a difference?
By the looks of it, looks like two boxes of 12 donuts.
@R.MartinhoFernandes >lol<
Donut friday.
Oh, it's friday.
@Jeffrey shhh
with a high level of probability, yes
@R.MartinhoFernandes Of course.
You have to stop it with thse American stereotypes.
I'm not even American.
(inb4 continent-related joke)
@Jeffrey no, he's retreated to reddit but is a compulsive link cross-poster
@EtiennedeMartel pubic wigs?
@TonyTheLion thankfully it worked
@EtiennedeMartel it's not an American stereotype, it's a al cops the world over who like donuts
@sehe I haven't been doing it as much, I'll have you know.
@EtiennedeMartel You mean, you're not from Chile or Mexico?
@Jeffrey what, stopping us talking about tits?
@thecoshman you were talking about penises
@TonyTheLion We know, otherwise you would be dumping all that shit here.
we were talking about tits?
@TonyTheLion Is this why you are looking for another job?
@sehe I've stopped looking.
@EtiennedeMartel You know I don't forgive that.
Wait, what
You're going to be a monk? And try not eating anymore?
What do you mean what?
@Jeffrey well, if you insist :S
I don't need to carry on looking when I've got something
> $32,003,499,661.21
you gotta be kidding me
@TonyTheLion may as well start looking for the next one
@TonyTheLion I missed that. Where? Is it the VB6/Ruby gig?
@thecoshman uncalled for
@sehe huh?
You know what FUCK YOU TOO.
@sehe I would seriously prefer writing in VB6 than in Ruby
@thecoshman no please, go on with tits
what the fuck o_0
In a company. In the UK. Dingbat
@TonyTheLion you are missing the dot inside
@BartekBanachewicz Oh boy, you truly have no idea what you are choosing between, do you?
@BartekBanachewicz damn.
@BartekBanachewicz Something in your head is broken.
@R.MartinhoFernandes VB6 was my second language. Or wait, maybe it was VB 4.
Still better.
@BartekBanachewicz hmm. I wouldn't know. I'd probably vouch for Ruby because it removes some friction (inb4 Luby) and I don't know it well, yet
@sehe No. C++ gig. Fuck Ruby and VB6
> It is practically impossible to teach good programming to students that have had a prior exposure to BASIC: as potential programmers they are mentally mutilated beyond hope of regeneration.
@TonyTheLion Where? (IYDMMA)
@sehe London
I guess that explains a lot.
@TonyTheLion Rocket science? (inb4 financials/trading)
@EtiennedeMartel what part of "second language" you didn't get, huh?
@EtiennedeMartel very funny
@sehe Yea rocket science. (Finance/Trading)
> How much hypothetical money will you pledge to donate to this totally real thing on Aug 26 2013?
@TonyTheLion LAWL. I'm good at the guessing game
@EtiennedeMartel there are several versions of that quote
@Jeffrey I took the one on Wikiquote.
Because I'm lazy.
Lazy like a Tony.
> a Tony
@Jeffrey BASIC, BASICA, GWBASIC, Amiga Basic, Turbo Basic, PowerBasic, Quick Basic, VBA etc.
Are you implying there is more?
@TonyTheLion I work with one.
Although he's French.
"I work with one / although he's French" - you know, that's so fucking nobel of you :)
We named one of our releases "My Little Tony" because of him. Then also photoshopped our faces to each of the Mane Six (I ended up on Fluttershy, believe it or not) to go with it.
@sehe I have mostly seen Ruby, C, C++ but yeah, the point is that you can just replace BASIC with the language you hate
@sehe You left the best for the end, huh?
@R.MartinhoFernandes I never tried programming in etc. yet
@Jeffrey Erm, all those are misquotes.
@sehe Dude. I work with so many French people, it's fucking downtown Paris over here.
@R.MartinhoFernandes Yup. It's Dijkstra, so it's all well-defined. Dijkstra has all his quotes cataloged as scientific publications.
@R.MartinhoFernandes never really searched for the original quote
because lazy
give me strength
@LightnessRacesinOrbit If you think that pun sucks, don't watch the show, your brain will explode.
@EtiennedeMartel lol
2 oz. enough?
(inb4 imperial units rage)
@sehe I still use ounces and pints when dealing with alcoholic beverages.
@sehe He's also the best.
@EtiennedeMartel :3
@EtiennedeMartel If you're going to be racist, do it right -- get in slams on (at least) 3 groups. For example: in heaven, you have a German car, a French chef, an italian lover and an English butler. In hell you have a French car, a German lover, an English chef and an Italian butler.
@JerryCoffin I ain't racist. Or at least the French guy next to me insists it isn't racism when I blast France.
> Yes, we've reached our goal, but there's no limit to the wealth gap between you and me. Keep donating so that I can reach my life long goal of being too big to fail! Please spread the word! Thank you.
Can we organize a blitz and go kill him?
@Jeffrey You might be taking this a bit too seriously.
@JerryCoffin mmmmmulti-kill
@EtiennedeMartel Because 31 billions more than the goal are not serious enough?
Oh wait.
@Jeffrey It's a joke, by the way. Jon Lajoie is a well known Internet comedian.
@EtiennedeMartel Depends on whether you mention their food and wine. In all honesty though, if you want good French food, you're better off in Belgium than France.
Yeah I'm taking this way too seriously
@EtiennedeMartel Yeah, I realized that the moment I read the amount of money.
@JerryCoffin I prefer Italian food, by the way.
Although, drink-wise, yeah, Belgian beer. Yum yum.
There we go, fixed the UDL info~
@EtiennedeMartel Given your taste for beer, I guess I should have expected that. :-)
@JerryCoffin What's that supposed to mean?
@EtiennedeMartel Lack of taste in both respects.
Belgian beer is underestimated
@Jeffrey Uh.
Belgian beer is awesome
@TonyTheLion You're too partial.
@Jeffrey It sucks just as much as the rest.
@R.MartinhoFernandes I'm gonna have to teach you stuff.
He doesn't like beer
It's an acquired taste.
@R.MartinhoFernandes you don't like beer, do you?
(i.e. it's poison so you have to teach your body to not give a shit and enjoy it)
it's a trap
@EtiennedeMartel That's "It sucks" in the words of people with bad taste.
@nightcracker Welcome :)
Hmm, I wonder if I still have some Dominus Vobiscum in my fridge or if my brother drank it all.
@MohammadAliBaydoun nope
@MohammadAliBaydoun Oh sorry, you already edited them. Then yes. I was looking at the fixed version
@sehe :D
I'm so proud of myself ;_;
You're entitled to it. Not because heroics, but because of effort and public good!
ITT the robot defending the taste of beer?
Q: Delphi Command and MoveFile delphi cop file not working in windows 7 with uac disabled

Gutierres Santana da Costaminha aplicação utiliza o comando movefile e copyfile do delphi em minha máquina utilizando o windows 8 esta funcionando, mas na máquina do cliente nao esta funcionando quando executo o comando ele nao move nem copia todos os windows estão com o UAC desabilitado obrigado

^^ How did the guy manage to write only the title in English?
Hmm, Brazilian.
@R.MartinhoFernandes Oh it's Portuguese?
@R.MartinhoFernandes I like how you don't call it "Portuguese".
@EtiennedeMartel I'm being precise.
I know what you mean.
@Mysticial how did you manage to link it here just before it got nuked :/ (again)
I wish Mugabe would just die already
I guess it's a false hope that his replacement would be any better
@sehe Because he's quick, and it's dead.
@DeadMG that would surely help the stability of the country
> deleted by Brad Larson♦ 2 mins ago
That was fast.
There wasn't much to see though.
It was a terrible question, to be honest.
@Mysticial my Portuguese/Brazilian isn't much, but todos os windows estão com o UAC desabilitado looks odd to me (desabilitado?)
My guess, Portuguese: My app uses the Delphi 'movefile()' and 'copyfile()' procedures/functions and, on my W8 OS, they work fine. On client site, however, neither call works. All Windows OS UAC disabled. Many thanks in advance...
That was quite good.
Google translation:
My application uses the command MoveFile and copyfile delphi on my machine using windows 8 is working, but the client machine is not working when I run the command it does not move or copy

all windows are with UAC disabled


So, poorly asked, and off-topic on Meta anyway.
You forgot obrigado
@R.MartinhoFernandes Too much time in Portuguese bars :)
@MartinJames You and me need to drink together at one point.
@sehe Until I read the translation, I was considering posting the translation, but knew enough to leave that off...
@EtiennedeMartel Heh - I'm always in favour of beer, but a booze-cruise to Canada may be a tad expensive:)
He should come to Europe.
I know the perfect city. cough
@JerryCoffin Your apparent lapse of logic baffles me there.
@R.MartinhoFernandes LOL! Can't imagine..
@Mysticial I have wondered, do you have like a screenshot script?
@TonyTheLion Yes, but I use it only for long screenies.
Your lowly spam removal operator
You removed that link? lol
@sehe I'm an illogical person. What's baffling about that?
Wait. That must be a rhetorical one.
Was I right?
> [tag:goobye-zoidnok]
^ did something happen to him?
I hope so
@sehe You were right
Rhetorical overload
also fuck morkdown.
@TonyTheLion Thank you for making mine seemingly non-rhetorical in retrospect
You're welcome :)
If I can help in any other way, than please press 1.
If you want to be trolled, press 2.
Oh, quick question for those in Europe. Does one of you have an XBox, and is willing to send me a picture of it saying you can't play some game on XBox live because you're outside the US/in the wrong zone/whatever wording it uses?
For all other inquiries, use Google.
@Abyx He disappeared.
@JerryCoffin is it for a bet? or something?
@JerryCoffin Wait what.
@JerryCoffin I can try, but I don't know if I will have said game?
@TonyTheLion I think it's broken
@StackedCrooked Or something. Actually, for work, believe it or not.
time to feed the dog
Just taking trash out
ITT Jerry makes XBox games
@JerryCoffin Sounds like a scam, friend
@R.MartinhoFernandes ouch
room topic changed to Lounge<C++>: ITT: Puppies bounce for foodses! [c++] [c++11] [c++-faq] [no-helpdesk]
@R.MartinhoFernandes now you almost completely erased him from the history.
ITT: Rightfold is erased from history.
@Abyx /cc @TonyTheLion
Now I know that the day I leave, you guys will have forgotten about me in the next 48hrs. Thanks guys :(
Zoidberg is gone?
Welcome to reality
@TonyTheLion That we got rid of the reminder doesn't meant we forgot.
@TonyTheLion no we won't. you're not thatnok after all.
> thatnok
If anything, you should take it as the opposite: we can remember by ourselves, no need for reminders.
@sehe No, pretty sure it's not a scam. I just need to show evidence that there's at least one game on XBox live that's region-locked -- e.g., when I try to play it here in the US, it works but when somebody tries to play it in some other region, it won't let them.
@JerryCoffin ah. reparse: "(a picture of it) (saying) (blablabla)" vs. "(a picture of ((it) (saying) (blablabla)))" - I get it now
Who is 'Tony The Lion'?
@MartinJames a Tony?
some douche
@JerryCoffin Sadly, I'm not convinced people in Europe own XBoxen. I personally wouldn't know someone who does
I own Xbox
@sehe Ah -- yes, I guess my original question was somewhat poorly phrased.
Prob. another one-day-member about to drive-by link.
@JerryCoffin And I'm a real talent in literally misunderstanding
@MartinJames who the fuck are you, btw?

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