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1:00 PM
ah... well how the heck do I observe a static thats running in a different thread :|
ObserveOn(<Your thread>)
see? Magic!
Rx is cool
I don't know what an observer even is...
1:01 PM
it's magic
Lol... what sort of overhead does it have? :P
I'm just scrapping the edge of it
Bart does a good talk. He talks about compiled vs. interpreted i.e. the difference between LINQ-to-objects (IEnumerable) and LINQ-to-SQL (IQueryable) and then about push/pull (enumerating vs. observing)
1:02 PM
overhead of learning? Or overhead of speed?
Overhead of Speed*
Then is like....what's in this fourth quadrant? What's a push-based, interpreted sequence in LINQ?
not much I think. I was able to observe on something firing at a rate of 30 ms
(Turns out it's called IQbservable<T>)
1:03 PM
My inrl mates and I managed to fix it
hmm.. I Gotta look into this RX Im on the MSDN Page now, since you guys say its "magic", Must be good...
@MaartenWachters Gratz I think?
anyone who's a ninja with msbuild? this is the setup i've got: gist.github.com/anonymous/e8980d2c9374259f624d
@JasonBrown you know LINQ, right?
what i'm trying to do is desploy only one project to one website but what it does is adds all the projects in the solution to that website on deploy...
I mean I sorta Know LINQ... errr I know OF Linq? Does that count D:
@JasonBrown it's like that, but instead of getting a sequence of results you can iterate over, in Rx each result executes a callback
You know Linq when you know what "Deferred Execution" and "Modified access to closure" means :p
it sais, that performance is considered
Hmm... The issue Is at this point I would have to rewrite a good portion of my code to incorporate RX... again my classes are sort of broken
I was just talking about using the Rx subject instead of custom events
1:09 PM
LINQ is lovely.
anyway if you want to learn to code, you have to write code
i wish java had linq
@DavidDV I'm not convinced there's much value to that. They're just two different representations of basically the same thing
well I prefer it, maybe he might find it easier
@SteveG saaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaame
1:11 PM
Something happens; a callback is executed. Whether it's an event or an observable doesn't really matter
@SteveG it does, all you have to do is open visual studio and rewrite your java
The semantics are nice, filtering and composing sequences is great
@Failsafe lol
but like for like replacement is pointless, imho
well java has lambdas
1:14 PM
@DavidDV last time i used java there were no lambdas
that was like 3 years ago
java has lambdas
things change
i haven't used them
i remember reading about the release of lambdas with java 8 and laughing
And now for a paragraph that makes little too no sense
1:14 PM
@DavidDV how can I do a callback though? EG:
form1.cs Instantiates WebScrape()
WebScrape Starts A background Worker Loop that Scrapes Webpages
This Background loop Adds data to a search index << this needs to fire an event that is Subscribed to in form1 so that The Data can be Searched

User Searches Data While that loop runs, gets the Current results. New Data is added, The Event Fires and Form1 Passes that Data off to the Search and adds any new results to a local variable of form1...
fucking oracle
@JasonBrown pretty easy you read some tutorials and check out some samples
Hmm... ok. Guess Theres no harm in giving it a shot
1:16 PM
Just find a presentation about it
Yeah, BackgroundWorker raises events. It's not an observable. You could wrap it in one, but to be honest, what's the point
and watch it
im not using a backgroundworker sadly... Lol im using a poorly made Queue of Tasks
no events fired there :D lol
and honestly I just need a simple tutorial Showing a working code example
Oh in that case...TPL/Rx can be a bit of a headscratcher but there are a lot of people who've tried to make them play nice together
should be plenty of material
thanks I think Lol =), We shall see how I feel about this RX Magic after a few hours of coding using it :P
By few hours I'm talking like 10-12 or so. lol
should have an ok understanding of it by then... Maybe :D
1:21 PM
Well it is not that easy
so good luck :)
Why is it never Easy :P
then again if it was easy i assume many of you probably would be in the wrong line of work heh
You have easy things, like Linq2Db and NancyFx :)
the fk i nancyFx lol
@JasonBrown it's never easy because software is an abstraction upon an abstraction upon an abstraction upon an abstraction. Would you rather implement this using an abacus?
@Squiggle yes!
1:25 PM
@JasonBrown I have started to learn Rx throug coursera.org/course/reactive this one. Just it's scala implementation of Rx. So I don't recommend it
yaay, I got 20 reputation points, what's up peeps!
>D nice
Not long ago I have 500, so I can review some posts
I can see the upside to Rx, it appears to essentially let you async any long running calculations, and then fire off an event when it finishes...
am I correct?
AND much more
You can control pipelining the long running calculation
ok, Its the much more that I need to find out about..
1:27 PM
congrats ntohl! I think I'm far away from that tho :P
@ntohl Does that course cost money? heh...
I'm reading the guidelines for this chat, and I was wondering, if I had a question but already made a 'ask question' thread in stackoverflow. Do I ask and explain the question here? or can I just post a link to the thread?
@JasonBrown You can decide to hot or cold observe on the subject.
@JasonBrown No. It was free
Hmm yay free Knowledge :D
@JasonBrown Be warned! It's Scala (depending on JVM not .NET)
1:31 PM
although for now Im going to stick with Events at least until my program is functional, Since its on the verge of Working.
@Eli just post the link to the thread here?
@JasonBrown You can have it always functional on the verge of working, if You Test Driven Develop it
every function can be little working piece
@Squiggle, Ok thanks.
@ntohl I mean Its almost at the point Of doing What I made it to do, albiet its a little buggy
@Eli but if it's about WinForms I reserve the right to scold you ;)
1:34 PM
Scrape Data, Search Data, Download More Data Using the Scraped Data
@JasonBrown -> import.io :p
@Squiggle, why?
@JasonBrown well. Just do the course, and You will be suprised how immensely overcomplicated that can be >D
Lol I know how Overly Complicated it is XD
@Eli :) just personal oppinion
1:35 PM
@Eli WinForms is old and terrible and scary and it gives me flashbacks. Is that your question regarding window handles and user32.dll?
@Eli because winforms is so easy en wonderful that asking questions about it would be trolling
@Squiggle I agree
@ntohl I spent the first 2 weeks just designing the methods/functions and ui on paper XD
@JasonBrown have You seen actor implementation of that scraper thing?
1:36 PM
I wrote some stuff a while back which ran mobile emulators and manipulated the contents. It was horrible.
@Squiggle, hey I love wpf as much as the next guy. But winforms is easy to get a quick start up. It's old , and I won't recommend it for new apps. but for testing stuff, it's great!
what do you mean ntohl?
@Eli fair enough! :D
I dunno what actor implementation is
Sippy Conversation generator:
case 0 : "kek";
case 1: "rip";
case 2: "kappa";
case 3: "top"; }
1:37 PM
@JasonBrown lol. Just start the course :D. In the end You will have a working scraper in Scala
Lol, I have a working scraper in .net XD
although i will try out that course just notright now
Speaking of winforms xD (and yes @squiggle it's about window handles) I'm currently struggling getting the handle from dialog boxes. I'm running an exe in a windows forms and made a thread about it. I've done it before, but it was a long time ago and can't remember the code. Anyone has experience with this? stackoverflow.com/questions/34021151/…
got some stuff coming up in a couple days
@JasonBrown Actor implementation is using this: github.com/akkadotnet/akka.net
@Eli a quick start up of diet with mcdonald won't help you anything but ruin your health
1:39 PM
@tweray, at least I'll have a full stomach ;)
well, if you say so
Ok so no winforms questions here. Message received xD
Ok Im super confused now Im gonna take a short break, My brain has to settle in all that tasty tasty knowledge. Thanks ntohl =)
and Wooo WinForms!!!
thats just a complex question lol
@Eli 5 years ago I could have helped you, but I've since forced myself to forget all of the horrible hacks that I learned :(
so deploying one project (from a solution) to iis using msbuild. my current setup deploys all the projects in the solution to that one web application. what do i need to change? gist.github.com/anonymous/e8980d2c9374259f624d
everything i look up uses publish profiles...i don't want to use publish profiles!
1:46 PM
@Eli no, i'm not indicating that, feel free to take your chance and ppl may want to pick up your question. just don't feel so bad about everyone trying to ask you to stop using winform, they are truly all out of good will, just like persuading ppl to abandon drugs
there is nothing wrong with winforms
well, at least there no much thing right about winforms afaik
propertychanged is wrong in winforms
A part of our developers went back to winforms after trying WPF because of too much hassle/performance problems
winforms still has some uses
1:48 PM
Honestly I don't get the hatred fro winforms. Everytime I make a library I use a winform to test things out. I've seen people use Console Applications. I mean come on. There is nothing wrong with winform, I think it's pretty great. But I do admit, If I release something it's in wpf never winform.
@JasonBrown :D I was overwhelmed every week while doing the assignments of the course
I'm working with winforms now
you teh man
1:51 PM
using MetroFrameworkUI
I know, some not promote the same
so the look of WPF but with decent Performance
But I have completed almost
1:53 PM
I advise everyone to use HTML for there UI if possible :)
they need a simple tesktop application
not net nothing
need to work offline
using LAN
well "if possible" :)
I think you are better of learning / doing html then WPF
especially when you already now winforms
let see yaar
I can't customize the style of MetroGrid
it is there
but some what missing
border kind of things could not work
have any Idea
2:07 PM
@DavidDV well, any developer choose to not improve because of "hassle" don't deserve to be called developer. Also regarding performance, unless you are supporting win98 or win95 machine, wpf has significant performance advancement as long as it's a DX9+ machine, since it uses gpu to render
i mean, there's no hatred, developers sometimes don't have the right to choose what he/she work with. so if you had to work with winform, you have all my good will of luck. but if you have a choice and saying "let's do winform on this new app", that's simply iresponsible
no hatred only salt
When I want to receive my e-mails from PHP or C# from a Gmail address, what is the fastest way to do it? I have like 12,500 e-mails and it's slow as hell :D
as you don't know the context and usage of that application or the developers involved, meh
In addition to my previous post, I used IMAP now.
2:15 PM
@DavidDV that's what i said, sometimes you don't have a choice, question is what will be the situation that "we have no choice but to do it in winform". none of the reason above you explained (hassle, performance) are legit reason
in our experience they are legit reasons
I don't care about explaining the stuff that we do, but it involves for example showing lots of data
nothing personal, just to get it clear so ppl who wasn't clear about the idea knows at least few things:
1. winform is a dead horse, only use it when you have to
2. the situation that you have to use it can be really narrow
again nothing is pointing directly to you
i just don't want to promote something that shouldn't be promoted
WPF is also a dead horse
Silverlight is also a dead horse
WPF isn't as dead as WinForms though.
2:20 PM
the meat is still fresh
WinForms is 10-year-old equine biltong.
is that a horse
@DavidDV i am not against you to use winform . you do have your situations that's complicated to explain, you made it clear. i just don't want unexperience guys to think that "hey, maybe i should use winform for better performance." or "hey, maybe i should use winform for less hassle". that's simply not true in general
learning curve for winforms is smaller so less hassle
especially when just starting out
well, maintaining winform code is quite much more hassle though
2:24 PM
Are we still talking about that? :P
tweray spent so much time learning WPF that he is pretty protective about it
its like stockholm syndrome
@Eli we love to complain about WinForms here.
sigh... as i said, let's try to not get into anything personal
I was just joking
you are the one with the "Omg lazy developers" BS
ok, i didn't know you feel offended about that, i appologize
2:27 PM
who me? o.O
well I don't feel offended
Question about a trace listener: Can I search for an assembly type in multiple locations?
but if you start with that you should be able to take a joke
well, i wasn't joking, i said what i meant
yeah but I was joking, omg
sorry to hurt your feeling with my joke
2:30 PM
Ie I have this <add name="CIRCULAR_LISTENER"
type="HECNetLogger.CircularTraceListener, HECNetLogger"
initializeData="LicensePlate.txt" maxFileSizeKB="1000" />
Hmm Let me try this: Anyone ever hosted an exe in wpf? :D
Where HECNetLogger is my Assembly
and I want something like
@Eli a ClicOnce deployment?
C:\HECNetLogger || C:\idk\HECNetLogger
@Squiggle to a fault!
@SethKitchen that a file path you want to compare if they are loaded from those locations?
2:32 PM
@juanvan , no like literarly having another process in your wpf. like paint or exe running in your application.
Ahh I see you want it to listen to both folders
ya - I have winrar do some things on another thread
hey guys, anyone familiar with BSON syntax? Getting a syntax error on the boolean field added to my doc
@DavidDV again, i am not against you or your framework choice, i'm against the mentality that's like "hey, i'm using winform so everybody join me". if you didn't mean that, i apologize and let's end the conversation here. none of your existing argument about the good of winform seems to be generally legit, and you seems to not willing to discuss in detail, that's all i wanted to point out.
no more like I want to reference both locations
the type specifier is related to docs.mongodb.org/manual/reference/operator/query/type/… it's the boolean type specified for Mongo docs
2:37 PM
@SethKitchen What is the framework? could not find anything on HECNNeLogger
@juanvan Basically if I have my config file in a different place than the .dll it can't load my trace listener. And we're not sure where the .dll will be stored finally. HECNetLogger is my own assembly
should set it then to the AppDir folder and point back to it for the config file
@tweray, yes I don't want to spent time explaining my arguments so you won!!!! WPF is the winner, so everyone use WPF !!!!
Basically CircularTraceListener is a debug tool which writes my debug statements to a text file. It only allows the text file to get up to 1000 kb then it restarts
sigh... i am not promoting wpf, i am just discouraging uses of winform, since i myself and a lot ppl i know suffered from it. again, since you doesn't seems to be willing to hold a serious discussion, let's end the conversation.
2:41 PM
I put that class in my debugger assembly
and try to load the tracelistener in a config file
that works if the assembly is in the same directory as the config file
omg you suffered from winforms :'(
that is really sad :(
but my assembly could be in multiple locations
so I want the config file to look in all those locations
@SethKitchen you can change your csproj file to give multiple hint path for a single reference
stop being a dick
Power mode from the @codeinthedark editor has been ported to @AtomEditor by popular demand: https://github.com/JoelBesada/activate-power-mode https://t.co/befaJMOCnm
2:47 PM
the problem is it is a config file
not being compiled
@CharlieBrown lol
hmm. SO chat doesn't inline videos :(
SO chat doesn't do anything well
2:49 PM
@SethKitchen w8... how can you do a reference in config file only?
JK it does block me from typing too much
and it does that VERY well
@CharlieBrown what IDE does that work in
type="HECNetLogger.CircularTraceListener, HECNetLogger"
2:49 PM
This references the HECNetLogger .dll
what up
oh i should read more
Perhaps we'll see it ported to VS Code soon
This references the CircularTraceListener class in the HECNetLogger namespace in the HECNetLogger assembly
2:50 PM
or VS
ugh, work laptop running so slow
Can you not do:

<td>@Html.DisplayFor(customer => String.Format("{0} {1}", model.FirstName, model.LastName))</td>

I keep getting:

Templates can be used only with field access, property access, single-dimension array index, or single-parameter custom indexer expressions.
stupid OS locking processes while waiting on VPN connections ugh
thats one of the things I hate about Windows
2:52 PM
are you not in office
I'm at the clients
it's fun, they stick us in a windowless basement room of a hundred year old building
@SethKitchen so you mean the HECNetLogger dll file can be in multiple places?
2:53 PM
and that's not just us, even the software developers on-site work down here
why dont people value us
that being said, it's still an amazingly cool company, which I can't give away the name of
but they manufacture an extremely popular line of two-wheeled vehicles
Kool Kids Klub Inc.?
they also have clothing and accessory lines, much of which involves denim and leather
and chrome
2:54 PM
so you work for occ
@Failsafe incorrect
or harley
I'm not at liberty to say
okay so its harley
def harley lol
2:55 PM
I can't say it
but you can say if it's not
some confidentiality bullshit or something
47 secs ago, by Shotgun Ninja
you are in WI right?
2:56 PM
I'm in WI
yea def harley
i actually heard their HQ is pretty nice
so is OCC too
the client I'm consulting with, hereafter referred to as Client, does have a pretty sweet HQ
the show was filmed where i live
in NY
I think
2:57 PM
doesn't OCC stand for Orange County Choppers?
as in Orange County, California?
seems kinda weird for their headquarters to be in NY
@SethKitchen can you add that line to the config Lib loads
doesn't it
i pass by it on the NY thruway constantly
going to NY to see the lights next weekend :
2:58 PM
@juanvan that sounds good how do I do that
they probably have a NY office there. What part of the state? City, Long Island, or Upstate?
the City
@ShotgunNinja Newburgh, NY
definitely not the city
@SethKitchen is there an App.config to the project? you can add
they are pretty much in the middle of nowhere

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