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12:02 PM
Bugs are just undocumented features
features are just documented bugs.
Bugs are features that even the programmer didn't know about.
@BenjaminGruenbaum Thanks
Computer Bugs?
how the fuck do I debugg JS on android?
12:06 PM
You dont :)
@Nexxpresso the same way you do on the pc
I mean it works on pc
i dont have a android device
12:07 PM
@rlemon "HAH! GAAAAAYYYY!"
Hey! Theif changed my name
no more Changnesia!
@Nexxpresso Same thing, only in the android emulator
@rlemon lmfao
@ThiefMaster Did you really change @rlemon 's name?
@rlemon Shog9 changed my name a week ago.
Why do mods change user names ?
someone pussied out
12:09 PM
Because we hate fun.
because I asked him too
tl;dr rlemon didn't read the rules on username changes
I didn't either.
what rules ?
12:10 PM
however I would have lived with it had Thief felt it necessary
You can't change your name more than once in 30 days.
@rlemon lol, what about the pic?
ok... I guess mods are busy every april changing back names... How many skeet impersonators ?
raises hand
12:15 PM
posted on April 10, 2013

var gaJsHost = (("https:" == document.location.protocol) ? "https://ssl." : "http://www."); document.write(unescape("%3Cscript src='" + gaJsHost + "google-analytics.com/ga.js' type='text/javascript'%3E%3C/script%3E")); try { var pageTracker = _gat._getTracker("UA-3727700-1"); pageTracker._trackPageview(); } catch(err) {} I originally did this comic for Collapsed Wavefunction. But, I thoug

so express 3.1.1 build is failing ?
Atheists 0, Christians 1:
If we’d asked the customers what they wanted, they would have said “faster horses” — Henry Ford
who knew
windows command line sucks so hard
cd d: # nope
cd /D d: # :(
you need a flag to change drives
yeah, that's major BS and one of the most annoying things in the windows shell
even better: cd D:\foo\bar will apparently do nothing.
but after a d: you are in that folder
12:30 PM
yea... like wtf. do windows users not partition their drives, or even have multiple drives?
most people don't.
don't most developers?
hey, windows suggests you to throw everything on C:\ by default
developers are not the majority of users...
yeah, i have a separate partition for applications that do not need to be in %programfiles%
12:31 PM
but shouldn't the cmd console be tiered to developers/superusers?
i don't think it is.. but yeah, it should be
You can map a hard drive to a folder in another drive
I'm starting a petition
Plus, you can use bash in windows which lets you do all the stuff you're used to
@BenjaminGruenbaum not the point. cmd should facilitate me
12:32 PM
Plus, you can use PowerShell, cmd is an ancient windows shell that's just there because it's useful and basic
well bash on windows a) needs a cygwin environment and b) is still horrible because it runs inside the cli.exe terminal unless you use a local sshd
bah, it's like arguing with my cat. Every response is the same; "meow"
also, what is with the width constraints...
I would have thought in win7 they would have changed this shit
ugh, also annoying
at least you can use the X button to close a shell running something
12:34 PM
@rlemon You are not supposed to use cmd as a shell, you're supposed to use powershell...
and don't get the "windows can't close ... - press ok to close anyway" dialog
@Benjamin: powershell is still no installed by default
I'm using node.js command prompt which runs in the cmd terminal
One thing I really miss in windows is xkill
@rlemon don't, run node from git bash
and while it does have nice things... it's completely different from what people are used to e.g. from linux shells
@BenjaminGruenbaum listen, I know there are workarounds. you don't have to tell me. I'm still bitching windows got it wrong out of the gate.
12:35 PM
doesn't mean PS is bad - but why not simply port bash to windows?
^ that
get it right from the get go windows!
mingw anyone?
You mean why Microsoft doesn't port bash to windows?
Or, you can run zsh on windows...
@FlorianMargaine I think they're asking why it's not there by default
The answer is, most windows users never see the terminal, not even once, it's practically useless to them
well, any system is pointless without installing something
I mean, cool stuff you got archlinux, no gui, whatever, enjoy your web browsing experience
my boss uses windows cli... I just went and yelled at him for it.
12:41 PM
@FlorianMargaine lynx ftw
sigh checking hard drivers for errors sucks.
no one enjoys their lynx experience.. don't lie.
@rlemon I once had to get files from my university to my home, I had SSH access but FTP didn't work, I tried to send it as an attachment to an email with lynx, was a fun experience
(Solution was to create a git repository on the home computer and git push'ing to it btw :P)
yea fun because it was a challenge. but imagine using lynx daily. the pages I visit most often wouldn't hold up to a text only browser with no scripting
maybe if all I needed was docs or news..
but I need more than docs and news
lynx: no kitten pictures.... never ever. not even once
Lol, an android tablet is under 200$ today, no-body should use lynx
@rlemon Ascii kittens?
12:45 PM
not cuddly.
ghost kitten
haunting my soul
He can has cheeseburger
awww, kitteh
I wrote a program to do that a while back (2005ish) was fun. made lots of ascii art then used js to colour the lines... raped the browsers at the time.. but made for some cool stuff.
i'll have to look thought my backups to find the files.
12:48 PM
I wrote such a thing, I guess 15 years ago, when I was writting my first little C'ish appzzz for AOL and CompuServe :p
hell, that was fun
RichText inputs were shining new in windows systems
Rust looks kinda interesting .
Good morning
I must say, I look forward to trying it out in a few months when it's a bit more tested
static.rust-lang.org/doc/tutorial.html read the Tutorial. it looks cool.
I should check rust out, Branden Eich seems to believei n it
let price =
    if item == "salad" {
    } else if item == "muffin" {
    } else {
I'm sold.
12:50 PM
@BadgerGirl Lmao :P
wtf, don't suggest crap that doesn't even work...
@rlemon That's a very ugly way to do that
@rlemon It looks kinda odd.
@ThiefMaster lol
@BenjaminGruenbaum not in Rust it isn't
@OctavianDamiean I thought so as well, then I read some more of the docs. looks like it will not be so odd
12:51 PM
@jAndy So you didn't get the text message last night?
@rlemon Check out how Haskell or Scala do this sort of thing
@jAndy The game
but I wouldn't know where I have my current mobile number available, so I would be quite surprised
@jAndy Is your whois information up-to-date?
12:53 PM
on my domains floribus.com and typeofnan.com, no its outdated
this is old
that its outdated
Some poor fella might have got a text message saying THE GAME
12:54 PM
with some SE you can get it i guess
That guy must have been terrified. :D
call getrude and ask for his normal number
@OctavianDamiean its actually good, you aquired a new player
@BenjaminGruenbaum but that is how Rust wants you to do it
so if I'm interested in learning Rust it would be advised to follow their docs ;)
@OctavianDamiean so i got everything going
12:55 PM
but i cant seem to inject javascript in the webview porperly
match my_number {
  0     => io::println("zero"),
  1 | 2 => io::println("one or two"),
  3..10 => io::println("three to ten"),
  _     => io::println("something else")
@Nexxpresso Oh that works for sure.
Rust is a strange syntax. but I think I might like it
@OctavianDamiean i know it works
12:55 PM
but i think my js is shitty have to rework it
From your JavaScript code did you call it like android.yourFunction()?
i cant even get the function to run
"Variables are immutable by default"
im far from calling any android function
It's not an Android function, it will be placed in a global object called android (as far as I can remember).
So the only way to actually call your function is to access it like that.
12:57 PM
Im doing a loadurl(javascript:RANDOMCODE)
to inject it and i have a javascriptinterface binded to the webiew
which i access by window.HTMLOUT
I like that Rust doesn't have null pointers.
@Nexxpresso I assume you're following this guide? developer.android.com/guide/webapps/…
but i cant even get it to alert()
12:59 PM
Well, it seems much better than C
Hi guys

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