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5:00 AM
this online novel is awesome - started as a romantic horror, turned into adventure
maybe it will end as a detective story ...
lua_toboolean returns 0 for true and 1 for false? :|
o.O cant be...
that would be so dumb
maybe I'm doing something wrong.
but I don't know why everything else but bool works
I check for number instead of bool.
NouKome is really funny.
aka My Mental Multiple-Choice Power Is Completely Ruining My School Romantic Comedy
5:20 AM
I miss the web world a little.
SQL, Javascript, PHP that kind of stuff.
I gotta redo some RAWINPUT stuff. ;c
And making it work for joysticks is gonna be an even BIGGER nightmare. Hooboy. @__@
So I found rextester. Useful for running VC++ breaking code.
I still like Coliru for the rest.
@MarkGarcia Cool, I haven't seen that one before.
It allows compiler arguments, but no full command line.
I considered that as well.
But I hated the idea putting restrictions.
> Compilation time: 0.79 sec, absolute running time: 0.14 sec, cpu time: 0 sec, memory peak: 3 Mb, absolute service time: 0.94 sec
5:27 AM
@StackedCrooked Coliru's flexibility comes from that, so please don't. :)
@MarkGarcia Dang.
Another one with autocomplete.
Sharing on rextester is a bit clumsy and non-straightforward. But this live cooperation is interesting.
@Rapptz WTF. I just noticed that.
Autocomplete doesn't seem to work for C++ though.
Yeah. But the C# autocomplete is great!
> Your code is compiled to native binary which runs on Windows Server 2012. Your process will be associated with job object that has LimitFlags.JOB_OBJECT_LIMIT_KILL_ON_JOB_CLOSE flag set. After 10 seconds of execution this process will be killed. This and the fact that your code will be executed on behalf of IIS application pool identity are the only security measures taken. Think you can break the service? Probably so and we'd like to hear how would you do this. Also let us know if you need some other Windows-based compilers.
^ C++ section
How fearless.
5:31 AM
I tried it with /WZ (C++/CX) and it compiled (though only in command-line, hehe).
It also uses a chroot-like mechanism.
Wow, it actually is less safe than coliru.
It doesn't even chroot.
The code is run as a user with limited permissions.
I guess it's serving on Windows.
VC++ and C#.
^ btw, this is not a big issue I think
But unrestricted access to /dev and /proc is something I never allowed.
I'll try messing with the filesystem.
Where does "Coliru" comes from?
5:36 AM
[Co]mpile [li]nk [ru]n
@Rapptz o.O TIL
@Rapptz Sudden Clarity Clarence
Sounds like the name of a bird.
I always have thought it's something from an anime.
5:37 AM
@StackedCrooked WTF! I guess I'll suggest them to go with the bug-bounty hype. Let's make money on this one!
lol, I just double checked if Coliru forbids this
(it does :))
I guess it just doesn't matter much, but that Coliru icon is pretty ugly. Can we get a new one?
I love that icon.
It's a user contribution.
By Cat.
5:43 AM
It's beautiful.
I asked the lounge for an icon and he replied in 10 seconds with this icon.
Didn't know it was that historical.
There's a lot of history.
SVN history, that is.
I should probably sleep soon.
@MarkGarcia Yeah, I should have named it One Piece
lol. But Coliru's a more special name.
I wonder what's the correct pronunciation though. Mine is the one on the right.
5:53 AM
@Jefffrey Yeah, that's about it. I pronounce the u like the German ü though (as in über)
that's almost the only thing about the german language i know
lol, same
oooh mit umlaut ?
5:57 AM
aside with "ich bin x" and "ainz, zwai, drai, fiar, funf, zecs, siben, ahct, noin, zen" or something
eins, zwei, polizei
It's "ein, zwei, drei, vier, funf, sechs, sieben, acht, neun, zehn" by the way
@Jefffrey I suppose you've heard that song :)
close enough I guess
@StackedCrooked No, but I've just searched "ein zwei" and that was google's suggestion. Now I feel like I should know that song though. :c
It was a hit here in Belgium a long time ago.
> "Eins, Zwei, Polizei" is a 1994 single recorded by Italian dance act Mo-Do.
6:01 AM
lol, never heard
eurodance was a really big thing here in the mid 90s
Wow, I just got mysticial post about recursion. I'm pretty slow (today).
Followed by trance in late 90s (like this and this etc..)
@Jefffrey :D
@StackedCrooked Not really my genre :/
My country's population considers it to be an embarrassing memory from the past.
6:09 AM
I feel embarrassed for the origins of "Mo-Do", so I guess we are even.
The 6th Gate is the most embarrassing.
Those lyrics.
The gates are OPEN!
@StackedCrooked I actually kinda liked that when I was younger >.> like 12 or so
Pick up your weapons and fight...
Y'know back when Mortal Kombat films were a thing?
@Borgleader this was a hit in Belgium (reached #3 in the charts). also produced by Belgians.
6:13 AM
WTF? 7am, are you serious?
I gotta sleep. Bye ladies :)
I'm gonna watch some anime then.
NouKome :)
@StackedCrooked Canada produced Justin Bieber, I guess I win lose huh?
I don't know his music. I only know about him from reddit posts.
So I can't blame Canada.
Canada produced New Pornographers.
The band that made a song named Stacked Crooked.
Which I started using as a nickname in 2007.
So you win!
6:35 AM
What the FUCK. Windows' disk cleanup said it could free 24GB temp files on C:, so I let it...
@StackedCrooked heh, your typo is not corrected on this PC
only on my laptop
And then ut also deleted random applications' .exe files! WHAT THE FUCK WINDOWS
lol, what happened?
it did what it said it would do
Visual studio's devenv.exe? Gone. PhotoShop 64bit? Gone. 32bit still there...
6:38 AM
This is hilarious.
It didn't even stop at C:, sone of the executables it deleted were on different partitions and physical drives
Google doesn't seem to find any similar complaints.
First I thought "so this is what it looks like when an SSD fails"
It only seems to have deleted files which were pointed to by a shortcut. Other exe files in the same folders are untouched
@StackedCrooked My wife liked it and posted it on facebook
6:45 AM
Oh well, since windows decided to break random shit, and I haven't done a clean install in over a year it seems...
@melak47 I've never heard of such a thing
@melak47 The perfect opportunity :)
was ist los was ist das
Well, g'night guys
Bwahahaha xD
7:09 AM
@melak47 That's pretty hardcore fails. o.0
I'm essentially link dumping, but I think this question deserves more attention: stackoverflow.com/q/20172089/1619294
Oh! The 90s were the peak of the music awesomeness. Then it all went into a gutter with drum'n'bass.
Oo gosh, someone please tell me when utf8 & utf16 chars are used and whether it is programming language dependent ...
7:37 AM
@MarkGarcia The OP simply doesn't understand the mechanic at work here. A basic familiarity will show that the correct way is the only way it can be.
as Nawaz accurately points out
@DeadMG Still is a good question. And an assurance to some (including me).
alright well fair enough
I'm not gonna make the case that everyone should be as familiar with that as I am
8:03 AM
Hi I downvoted you
75 pounds lost now
and that was with my slippers on.
@DeadMG You're feeling better?
I'm bored and hungry.
8:36 AM
at least you're not horribly sick.
I had to turf poor Daisy off my lap
9:42 AM
hey guys
I was wondering if there was an alternative to self pointers in asio connection handlers
This is what they do in the docs:
void connection::do_write()
  auto self(shared_from_this());
  boost::asio::async_write(socket_, reply_.to_buffers(),
      [this, self](boost::system::error_code ec, std::size_t)
        // ...
Q: GCC consumes too much Memory!! graph-tool

varantirWhile Compiling graph-tool the gcc-compiler consumes more than 7 Gb of memory and after consuming more and more nothing happens anymore and I am forced to stop the compilation. I tried to embed a compiler suffix: CFLAGS="$CFLAGS --param ggc-min-expand=0 --param ggc-min-heapsize=8192" but I was...

^^ How the heck do you get GCC up to 7GB of memory?
Template masturbation?
9:57 AM
With graph-tool? I reckon it's C
> extensive use of metaprogramming wikipedia
¬_¬ note to self... next time you knowingly download a zip bomb, don't forget you did so and then later attempt to open it.
zip bomb?
zips are always zip bombs by convention
Note how windows treats the zip file itself as a directory
Hey Tony, what's up?
10:11 AM
Lua's API difference is dumb
this is pretty miserable
API difference?
from < 5.2 to 5.2
5.2 is bad
5.1 better.
Oh still ranting on setfenv
10:13 AM
Yeah, had to do stupid workarounds for the lua lib
@BartekBanachewicz I don't see how it qualifies to "rant" when I merely mentioned that 5.1 is better than 5.2.
especially when someone else brought up a comparison.
I'm gonna try doing some opengl again
Okay, okay. You just never let go of that topic, I guess.
LUA_GLOBALSINDEX being removed bugs me
I don't know what the equivalent for that is and the reference manual isn't helping
There's getglobal
10:14 AM
@BartekBanachewicz Why would I let go of it? The facts haven't changed.
Poor @Ell
@DeadMG I only have 5.2 so I'm just worrying about that.
One guy at meetingcpp mentioned an adapter for the Windows API that translates error codes into exceptions and out parameters into return values. Does that ring a bell?
@BartekBanachewicz I meant the pseudo-index.
@kbok Hey. I'm alright. You?
10:15 AM
@deadmg dunno maybe you've came to peace with it or something
@BartekBanachewicz Haha. I'm using oglplus
@BartekBanachewicz Nope.
I think it's pretty good so far really
@TonyTheLion I'm good, freezing as fuck though
10:17 AM
@rapptz > LUA_RIDX_GLOBALS: At this index the registry has the global environment.
In the registry
see, I don't get that. Why would they make such a useless change?
I've totally forgotten how to load a texture into opengl memory :S
Because the whole attitude towards scope and friends changed
So i guess that was in line
Never really got into the reasoning though
@Ell look at ogl+ examples then. It is pretty good, but some constructs are weird as heck
I wonder if dsa is on master already
GNU GPL... is that basically "you are free to use and derive from this, but you must give notice about the original work and carry this licence too"?
And open your code
So it's like a virus
10:29 AM
@BartekBanachewicz open the code that uses it? Isn't it just open any changes you make to it?
// set the uniform values
(prog/"TexUnit") = 0;
This is pretty weird syntax
Yeah that
I think GPL means open all the code
@BartekBanachewicz ... what if 'my code' is a redistribution of of things? ie mod pack?
10:45 AM
Then read everything carefully
@BartekBanachewicz nah :P
I think ima have to start my oglplus thing again
Yeah let's all make more oo crappy gl wrappers
No, I mean, start my thing using oglplus again
It's a big mess in a single main.cpp atm
Oh ok
You can always use webgl :D
10:51 AM
haha no thank you ;)
I want to use c++
can't get this damn dog off my lap.
I just did a smelly fart hopefully that will help
Oh i thought you wanted to make an opengl program
@BartekBanachewicz I want to make an opengl program with c++ :)
10:52 AM
Using any crappy languages as requirement wasnt mentioned
what non-crappy language would you use with webgl?
Whatever, really. I was talking about webgl api
Not sbout the language of application
FWIW TS WebGL bindings work well for me
I think I will try ro work on some patches to lua.vm.js in the upcoming future
A few changes and it could really be usable
11:14 AM
I don't even know what webgl is.
@DeadMG lol
@DeadMG Isn't that just going to make it sniff your ass? Oh wait. That does accomplish the task of getting it off your lap.
Very motivating poster
user image
@StackedCrooked Basically a JS binding to OpenGL ES 2. That's simplifying a little but not enough to care much about.
@TonyTheLion I suspect that's from Australia.
11:23 AM
@TonyTheLion It's rendered upside-down on his box:)
you've lost me
@TonyTheLion UK - Oz is often described as 'down under' in friendly banter. Of course, there's not much friendly banter ATM with a test match on.
It's unusual this year. Year-by-year, UK/Oz relationships are cordial except for one period of unmitigated hatred lasting five days. This year, there have been two such periods.
11:36 AM
I love Andrea Morello
@Ell Does he make cherry pie?
He is a quantum physicist :P
But maybe he does make a mean morello pie
11:37 AM
@Ell OK, wrong sex, wrong profession. I was close, though.
sex is always wrong
Morning :)
Heh - g'day mate!
I want to play The Legend of Zelda: Phantom Hourglass but I have no idea where the fuck my NDS is.
lol. mine's in the shops
11:41 AM
@rightfold 'Phantom Hourglass' sounds like any one of my project calendars:)
And will be for another year :) Sinterklaas shopping has closed yesterday(*)
(*) that is, assuming we won't buy my mom a N3DS
I also have a nice RTS for the NDS but I don’t know what it was called.
I have no time for good games - I need to stop my snake from disintegrating.
I would like to make games but I can’t graphics.
@rightfold I've got no graphics skills either.
11:45 AM
@rightfold you can still make games with placeholders
as soon as people realise your game is fun, they will make graphics for it
I mean graphics programming in general.
Oh right
you should try to learn :)
learning something new is always good
I tried many times.
@Ell I learnt some SQL. It wasn't good.
But sooner or later they start talking about matrices and vectors and I have no idea what to do.
11:47 AM
Never got those things in high school and I don’t understand shit about them.
I understand them, but don't know how to use them efffectively. Kinda like a 747 - I know somewhat how it works, but it would be a really bad idea for me to try and operate one.
I'm creating a dreamspark account
I tried Allegro once and I liked it.
the website doesn't work :/
I’d like a C++ library, though.
11:52 AM
@rightfold sfml? libgosu?
Oh cool, Gosu supports Ruby.
yah, that's how I started out with it
@MartinJames You should at least try.
I can get visual studio professional for free :D
Also I'm thinking about how I can separate simulation from rendering in a game :S
@StackedCrooked Maybe with the graphics, yes:)
11:59 AM
I guess I should look at how physics engines do it

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