@Steezens I looked into IMessenger.Unregister but I believe that stops the call after it done, what i want is to stop it as soon as the person logs off the job so it doesnt load the job after the user logs off.
using MvvmLight Messeger, is there a way to stop all calls when a user logs off? i tried using cancellationtokensource but it doesnt seem to be working for mvvmlight messenger.
So the issue was that i was using item[0].isTrue when i should of been Items[0].isTrue with a capital I haha. Sorry guys, thanks again for your help and suggestions I am new to WPF but I am learning.
The issue is that it doesn't trigger the converter function because I an using an inner property I believe. instead of isTrue i am using item[0].isTrue
is there a way to bind an inner property to user booleantovisibilityconverter?? For some reason it doesnt trigger the converter function. the bind im using is a Visibility="{Binding item[0].isTrue", {converter={staticconverter nameofConverterFunction}}
so i have 2 observablecollections of the same type and i want to combine them, but i want to check that if the string value already exists if one dont add it. I wrote 2 foreach loops but it doesnt work like i need it too
How do you tag a method that is using a class that its obsolete? would i still need to add [obsolete] to the method if the class is already marked as obsolete?
So I have a void GotFocus event method that currently has this code inside 'model.select = model.select' so the property is calling itself that is the only code inside the method. I tested it with that code and its doing the same thing no errors. How would I go about to set it up to where its not calling itself? or is having and empty method be and option?
because if i just call the boolMethod without using the returned value (which i dont need for this void method) it might create another codesmell for the returned value not being used.
is there a way to call a bool method inside a void method without creating vulnerabilities? for example not using the returned value from the bool method
So i am trying to add value to a ditionary<char, Cars> cars if the key already exist like this cars[key] = value, but instead of adding the new value it just overwrites the old value with the new one. Any idea what i am doing wrong/
Is there a away to add a property to an existing class while iterating through the class in a foreach? for example I have my Car class and i can use car.Model, car.Miles but i want to add car.Price without adding it to the model class.
How can I add an Array Object inside a foreach? for example var car = new Car[]{};, I dont have access to the properties inside Car when i do this though.
I have an object of Cars and inside there are properties of year, models. what i want is to loop through cars and extract the models into their own object. but at the moment its just overwriting the data every loop