A friendly room for discussing XAML based technologies. Our Co...
Aug 1, 2022 16:04
@Steezens I looked into IMessenger.Unregister but I believe that stops the call after it done, what i want is to stop it as soon as the person logs off the job so it doesnt load the job after the user logs off.
Aug 1, 2022 16:02
Jul 26, 2022 16:40
i have a issue where is the user logs off a job the messenger calls keep going even after a user is logged off
Jul 26, 2022 16:39
using MvvmLight Messeger, is there a way to stop all calls when a user logs off? i tried using cancellationtokensource but it doesnt seem to be working for mvvmlight messenger.
Nov 3, 2021 20:52
So the issue was that i was using item[0].isTrue when i should of been Items[0].isTrue with a capital I haha. Sorry guys, thanks again for your help and suggestions I am new to WPF but I am learning.
Nov 3, 2021 18:08
Okay ill look into that documentation, thanks a lot for your help.
Nov 3, 2021 18:04
Yes, the end goal is to display a custom value if isTrue else just display a number (item.Count)
Nov 3, 2021 17:57
well the property comes from the item class, the list gets created in the service and sent to the view model with the bool property already set.
Nov 3, 2021 17:49
an inner List inside the CollectionView
Nov 3, 2021 17:45
The issue is that it doesn't trigger the converter function because I an using an inner property I believe. instead of isTrue i am using item[0].isTrue
Nov 3, 2021 17:41
Yes, xaml frontend code
Nov 3, 2021 17:34
is there a way to bind an inner property to user booleantovisibilityconverter?? For some reason it doesnt trigger the converter function. the bind im using is a Visibility="{Binding item[0].isTrue", {converter={staticconverter nameofConverterFunction}}


General discussions about the c# language, Squirrels | gist.gi...
May 26, 2022 17:48
Any idea why dapper ignores the Column attribute? data annotation
Jan 13, 2022 17:30
any idea how i could resolve this?
Jan 13, 2022 17:30
so i have 2 observablecollections of the same type and i want to combine them, but i want to check that if the string value already exists if one dont add it. I wrote 2 foreach loops but it doesnt work like i need it too
Dec 1, 2021 18:28
is it possible to access an enum that was set in a different class without passing the value through a parameter to the 2nd class?
Nov 1, 2021 19:44
is there a way to add a propery to an existing List while itterating through it?
Oct 27, 2021 19:53
how can i access a property in a List and assign it a value?
Oct 14, 2021 20:15
var int = "Hello World"??
Oct 7, 2021 19:35
var int = "Hello World"; ??
Aug 26, 2021 19:21
How do you tag a method that is using a class that its obsolete? would i still need to add [obsolete] to the method if the class is already marked as obsolete?
Aug 25, 2021 19:25
So I have a void GotFocus event method that currently has this code inside 'model.select = model.select' so the property is calling itself that is the only code inside the method. I tested it with that code and its doing the same thing no errors. How would I go about to set it up to where its not calling itself? or is having and empty method be and option?
Aug 20, 2021 14:34
that will work thanks guys
Aug 20, 2021 14:30
because if i just call the boolMethod without using the returned value (which i dont need for this void method) it might create another codesmell for the returned value not being used.
Aug 20, 2021 14:26
Yea i used (return;) but SonarQube is complaining about being an redundant jump
Aug 20, 2021 14:14
void method
Aug 20, 2021 14:13
it was like this if(!boolMethod()) return false; but I had to get rid of the return since this call is inside a bool method.
Aug 20, 2021 14:11
is there a way to call a bool method inside a void method without creating vulnerabilities? for example not using the returned value from the bool method
Aug 4, 2021 14:40
Any idea on how to log lognet to graylog? I tried searching for info but there isnt much.
Jul 15, 2021 14:36
sorry i am working with C#
Jul 15, 2021 14:34
sorry i forgot to mention is a Dictionary<char, Cars[]>
Jul 15, 2021 14:33
No if the key already exist I want to add the new value to the existing values
Jul 15, 2021 14:31
Jul 15, 2021 14:31
Its not, i want to add it to the dictionary
Jul 15, 2021 14:29
Jul 15, 2021 14:29
So i am trying to add value to a ditionary<char, Cars> cars if the key already exist like this cars[key] = value, but instead of adding the new value it just overwrites the old value with the new one. Any idea what i am doing wrong/
Jul 7, 2021 14:52
well the model is created with entities.edmx and i dont want to add another column to the table in the database to add the Price property
Jul 7, 2021 14:42
Is there a away to add a property to an existing class while iterating through the class in a foreach? for example I have my Car class and i can use car.Model, car.Miles but i want to add car.Price without adding it to the model class.
Jul 1, 2021 19:01
I have a dictionary<char, Cars[]>, I am iterating through it in a foreach. How would i add a value to Cars[] without adding also the key (char)?
Jul 1, 2021 14:17
How can I add an Array Object inside a foreach? for example var car = new Car[]{};, I dont have access to the properties inside Car when i do this though.


Topic: Anything JavaScript, ECMAScript including Node, React, ...
Mar 23, 2022 15:54
anyone familiar with karma angularjs tests?
Oct 7, 2021 18:16
Sep 15, 2021 20:39
Every time it loops i would like it to add the models to vm.Models object.
Sep 15, 2021 20:38
var value = Cars[key]; vm. models = value.Models;
Sep 15, 2021 20:37
i have for(let key in Cars){}
Sep 15, 2021 20:36
I have an object of Cars and inside there are properties of year, models. what i want is to loop through cars and extract the models into their own object. but at the moment its just overwriting the data every loop
Sep 15, 2021 19:54
is there a way to add to an existing object in a foreach without using push? I dont want to use push because it makes it into an array.
Jul 13, 2021 18:12
Anyone have an idea how to fix my issue?
Jul 13, 2021 16:58
i tried using ng-disabled="car[$index + 1].Model == 0" but that didnt work.
Jul 13, 2021 16:55
is there a way to ng disable a button in an ng-repeat based on a property from index +1?