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is there a way to bind an inner property to user booleantovisibilityconverter?? For some reason it doesnt trigger the converter function. the bind im using is a Visibility="{Binding item[0].isTrue", {converter={staticconverter nameofConverterFunction}}
@LuDevGon WPF?
Yes, xaml frontend code
You don't need an extra converter, use the built-in.
        <BooleanToVisibilityConverter x:Key="BooleanToVisibilityConverter"/>
Visibility="{Binding item[0].isTrue", Converter={StaticResource BooleanToVisibilityConverter}}">
The issue is that it doesn't trigger the converter function because I an using an inner property I believe. instead of isTrue i am using item[0].isTrue
@LuDevGon You using an array?
or an ObservableCollection<>?
an inner List inside the CollectionView
Well, you need to fire OnPropertyChange somehow
@LuDevGon What control holds the List<>?
well the property comes from the item class, the list gets created in the service and sent to the view model with the bool property already set.
There is no much information. Usually you build an ObservableCollection (or a List for a read-only purposes) like: List<myModel> Items; and then you set the ItemSource property of the control to: ItemsSource={Binding Items}.
Visibility depends on item[0] only?
Yes, the end goal is to display a custom value if isTrue else just display a number (item.Count)
Then maybe better a personalized format than using Visibility, a DataTrigger or some kind of VisualState
Okay ill look into that documentation, thanks a lot for your help.
You're welcome
@LuDevGon this is typically a symptom of your INPC not raising notification. The depth of property has no direct consequence as such
if you can't figure it out after McNets direction, please share a gist wtih relevant code bits in there for us to see the interaction (or better yet, create a dummy sample project that creates the problem)
personally as McNets said, I would go with a Trigger
2 hours later…
So the issue was that i was using item[0].isTrue when i should of been Items[0].isTrue with a capital I haha. Sorry guys, thanks again for your help and suggestions I am new to WPF but I am learning.

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