is there a way to bind an inner property to user booleantovisibilityconverter?? For some reason it doesnt trigger the converter function. the bind im using is a Visibility="{Binding item[0].isTrue", {converter={staticconverter nameofConverterFunction}}
The issue is that it doesn't trigger the converter function because I an using an inner property I believe. instead of isTrue i am using item[0].isTrue
There is no much information. Usually you build an ObservableCollection (or a List for a read-only purposes) like: List<myModel> Items; and then you set the ItemSource property of the control to: ItemsSource={Binding Items}.
@LuDevGon this is typically a symptom of your INPC not raising notification. The depth of property has no direct consequence as such
if you can't figure it out after McNets direction, please share a gist wtih relevant code bits in there for us to see the interaction (or better yet, create a dummy sample project that creates the problem)
personally as McNets said, I would go with a Trigger
So the issue was that i was using item[0].isTrue when i should of been Items[0].isTrue with a capital I haha. Sorry guys, thanks again for your help and suggestions I am new to WPF but I am learning.