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3 hours later…
want to know: Is there a way can let me show a dialog on the frontend to ask user how to do in next stage when something is processing in backend?
Browser |  NET  | Server
PostSth.   =>     Processing
AskDlg     <=     How to do
Answer     =>     Continue
Result     <=     Complete
it may will use on rollback or commit transaction, or some else processing decision
determined by the user
Uh I haven't found any useful result on google yet.... or just I don't know how to search it..
That's means the task may will be hang out and wait users selection, and than continue
I want to learn this solution, or some else workaround
3 hours later…
you mean you want a manual approval or confirmation from the user?
Morning all
Is there a possibility to prevent the app closing - whilst there is a async command executing ?
you await it
        public AsyncCommand<string> CreateRecordCommand
                return new AsyncCommand<string>(async x =>
                    await SendEmail();

                }, x => CanSubmit());
and the email method
Sorry had to pop out urgently
        private async Task SendEmail()
            var users = DatabaseService.GetEmailings();
            if(users.Count() != 0)
                MailMessage mail = new MailMessage();
                SmtpClient SmtpServer = new SmtpClient("smtp.office365.com");

                mail.From = new MailAddress("fromemail");

                foreach (var user in users)

                mail.Subject = $"New Concession added by {UserData.FirstName} {UserData.LastName} at {DateTime.Now.ToStr
I have the await at the bottom of the method.. is this what you mean?
this method returns a task, which needs to be awaited
It's awaiting within my command await SendEmail();
your property returns a task... kinda, which needs to be awaited
your property should probably be a method as well
a property where the getter actually sends an email?
big ew
that is like a method "DoNothing()" that actually closes your application
no, it is hideous
because if I do
var a = stuff.CreateRecordCommand;
var b = stuff.CreateRecordCommand;
var c = stuff.CreateRecordCommand;
I actually sent 3 emails
        public DelegateCommand<string> CreateRecordCommand
                return new DelegateCommand<string>(x =>
                    var task = SendEmail();

                }, x => CanSubmit());
Something like this?
Does anyone know what the *nuget SQLite dot-net 5* equivalent of SQLite for mono is?
I am moving a project from mono to dot-net 5. I used Microsofts SQLiteRAW, but it does not have SQliteDataAdapter.
I am unfamiliar with the devexpress stuff
not sure how you can await it
with threading, you use daemon threading,
with async, you use await
[Captain Obvious] Morning plebs
@Wietlol uh... yes?
The points:
1. Suspend the HTTP request being processed
2. Send/return a something to browser in some way during the current http request to ask user how to do
3. The user answer/confirm it and submits it to the server
4. The server continues the unfinished http request based on the information submitted by the user
5. Return the http response
Even do not use http but socket or some other form protocol
Maybe can I do something around keep-alive?
@Wietlol Daemon :D
Can anyone access this website: dapper-tutorial.net
@Mr.Squirrel.Downy dont pause in-memory
keep it as an asynchronous process
store the state in a database or a cloud file store
in the database, in a process table, you insert a record for the request with the references for the state and the status "awaiting approval"
then, when the user approves, queue the process for the next step
you do **not**
- pause the original http request
- keep the state in-memory
@Squirrel.98 Server Error in '/' Application.
@Wietlol Yes same
@Wietlol Uh... well. Although I have already thought of this... But it seems that there is no other choice...
what if the user that needs to approve went to the toilet?
or if he only responds the next day
you cant keep http requests open for that long
(you can... but you can't)
you said, but you said not.
1 hour later…
C++ shit
"oh no a spoder"
-gets bit-
"mayb i becum spoderman"
"nope is cansur"
ur slowly getting infected
.rdlc may actually be the bane of my existence
navigating rdlc, hbu??
Done with exams until september, now trying to code fulltime except I seem to be in Meetings 80% of the time suddenly. What's an rdlc?
rdlc is a horrible report-generation system
So dynamic carrying primitive data, nay or nay technically impossible?
it's possible, but barely
Anyone seen this error before?
  Source=<Cannot evaluate the exception source>
<Cannot evaluate the exception stack trace>
lol what's going on there
How are you receiving this exception? Debugging in a catch block?
watch list?
immediate window?
One second haha
I'll replicate it again
Have you used DevExpress for WPF before?
Exception are independent from DevExpress though
I'll explain it to you, with images too
I mean, what's the technical path the exception goes from its origin to your screen
Ah in your debugger then
Well the problem is, a stackoverflow can't really be debugged
You got yourself an endless loop somewhere
What does stackoverflow mean?
I'm not even sure you can catch these in a catch block
Do you know what stack and heap do?
Not a clue
Basically, your RAM is divided into two categories: stack and heap.
Each time you create an object, like `new object()`, that object is written to a spot on the heap, which is a big pile of memory and you get a spot wherever there is free memory.
For parameter and call stack management though, you use the stack.
Each time you call a method, the parameters and the return address (where in your code you were when you called) are written to the stack. The stack is a certain amount of memory reserved only for your application and gets written in order, with a pointer pointing at the currently f
Let's pretend your application gets 1MB of stack. Let's pretend that is one million byte. Let's pretend each address is one byte. So if you call a method that calls itself, it can call itself almost one million times until the stack is full.
When the stack is full and the method tries to call itself, the system goes "no no no you used too much stack you're gonna get killed now" and, from deep down in the system, throws a StackOverflowException to let the runtime know it fucked up.
Since there is no more stack for you to use, you can't run any code that would analyse the exception.
Since the stack is really big by now, it's pretty hard to make enough calls to fill it up. So it only really happens with endless recursion.
Okay let's say I had a bigger RAM - is it possible the application can continue running compared to a smaller RAM PC? Just curious... I am not very knowledgeable about RAM or any other parts of the PC, just know code :D
Theoretically yes
Is it worth learning such information ?
Practically it would continue running for a few more milliseconds until the endless recursion fills up the bigger RAM too
Or just keep learning code..
Not really, all you need to know is that StackOverflow == endless recursion
Also OutOfMemoryException happens when your heap is full, so basically your actual RAM is completely full (or the part not reserved by the OS), which usually means some endless loop building more and more objects.
How do you know this?
Basically, we have so much RAM nowadays, the only reason you will ever make it full is through endless loops somewhere
I studies electrical engineering fir 2 years
These are basics you learn with assembler and C
Does it affect the way you code, with the knowledge you taken from the electrical engineering?
I think not
Just helps to understand why something happens sometimes, like a stackoverflow
But more aware of the exceptions etc...
Also helps to understand pass-by-reference stuff because I know what those and pointers do below the surface
Okay, that's solid information - learned something new today
If I wanted to learn more about computers (RAM etc...) - what's a good starting point?
Basic Electrical engineering ? :D
Probably more likely this... uopeople.edu/blog/…
C programming probably, if you don't want it to be completely academical :D
@Squirrel.98 Looks like a good starting point
Not even electrical engineering, more computer science
I think edx has a free course on that if you got that kind of time
C programming? What's it mainly used for?
Microcontrollers probably
If you wanna go that route, try to find a short youtube tutorial I'd say
Not too much sense it learning too much C other than why it does the things it does
i.e. C uses pointers instead of references, which are like the precursors to references.
Doubt I'd go to that route... prefer to create desktop applications that interact with databases, API's etc.. rather than connecting and interacting with microcontrollers.
Technically they build desktop apps in C too^^
Wouldn't be a real choice to build one nowadays though
But more in depth I guess.. like interacting with a smart car or something..?
Maybe, but even that would probably use a more high level language
What about C++
What's the use of that
Actually used today, for desktops applications too although someone knowing both would probably prefer C#
It's like a mix of C# and C: There are both classes and structs, but they don't use references but pointers, and you have to clean up your memory yourself.
Also RAII is nice
Question. I'm trying to send mail to localhost using System.Net.Mail.SmtpClient.Send and I'm getting this error. Most of the answers do not apply to my situation because the firewall definitely doesn't block smtp, and I definitely have a service listening on the smtp port. I know this because I have a Python script that sends email to localhost perfectly.
Resource aquisition is initialisation - you don't have empty references. You declare a variable and it gets initialised right there.
@Kevin Let's have a look at your method
Is there something specific about System.Net.Mail.SmtpClient.Send, or the .NET environment, that would cause smtp requests to be rejected by a perfectly functional smtp server?
@Squirrel.98 I'll try to compose an MCVE. In the meantime, if anyone has any wild guesses like "check such-and-such obscure submenu in IIS", I will be happy to oblige
Check win+r -> optionalfeatures
IIS -> WWW services -> App Dev Features -> Websocket protocol
You know a lot you
No idea if those "sockets" from your error message need websocket protocol enabled, but there's a small chance
@Squirrel.98 Just because I built my own project and needed to host websockets from IIS: stackoverflow.com/questions/61371964/…
I'm just good at websearching when I have motivation^^
Ok, I think I see the menu. I'll try it out.
Got so much to learn :D
So rigth after putting "model age type" into the search bar, I wondered if I would get any usable results at all when i realized models can be people doing modelling jobs. Turns out though, a result about cars was indeed first.
so much chattering
So how would you guys model an "Age" type in C#, something that throws when the passed age is out of range?
Would like to make a struct implicitely converting to and from int
age is volatile
pls dont make a type for it
because it is volatile
"What age do you want this insurance to end"
the stone age
You better not pass "200"
use end date?
or duration/period in combination with start date
We've had this conversation too many times with the domain experts
I'm just gonna model what is in front of me for now
I would gladly fly over to england to clap your domain experts in their face
Oh actually it's "What age do you want this insurance to start?"
the feudal age
shit usually starts happening in the feudal age
better be insured
Do it, except you would have to then turn around and go to germany to actually get to me.
I would gladly ship germany to england to clap your domain experts in their face
starting to worry I'm going to mutter "dumbass" under my breath when calling a client and then I'll be slapped on the wrist c:
generally speaking, you would create a type to represent stable data
if the data is volatile, use a different data to model it to and compute the volatile values on the spot
@Freerey Always have the mute button ready^^
and validate your data (throwing exceptions when stuff is out of range) separately
@Wietlol It's not volatile though, it's a number the user types into the GUI
for example, you dont have an int that has a limit of 200
You 2 brothers separated from birth?
you have an int
and a validator to assert it is less than 200
@Squirrelkiller then just use int
or decimal, if you want to be fancy
Then who validates it? The business logic has to, and do I just do if(input.Age > 0 && input.Age < 200) into the service? Instead I could make a nice value type called Age checking itself.
I have an age, I can be sure it's a legit age
how do you validate your other stuff?
to see if someone's date of birth is in the past and not too far in the past
to see if someone's name is not empty
No idea our codebase is a clusterfuck
you validate your model on the entry point and/or exit point
your services assume a valid model
So when i put the validation into the model, the service gets a valid model
imo, you want to be too fancy
just use int
save yourself some trouble
Fair enough
@Squirrelintraining Found the recursion ...
Just don't understand why it does it...
Although the other one is in training lol
So i am trying to add value to a ditionary<char, Cars> cars if the key already exist like this cars[key] = value, but instead of adding the new value it just overwrites the old value with the new one. Any idea what i am doing wrong/
@Squirrel.98 Well now you know the spot, you can debug the spot without crashing it
@LuDevGon sounds like you did what you wanted
@LuDevGon You mean you want to add another car to that dictionary entry so if there was one, now there are two?
Its not, i want to add it to the dictionary
@Squirrel.98 This doesn't look like the source, try looking at the call stack
Where is that
you want to add and if you already had the key, you want to overwrite?
@LuDevGon Then your dictionary needs to hold multiple cars as one value, like Dictionary<char, Car[]>
@Squirrel.98 I think the window is caled call hierarchy there
No if the key already exist I want to add the new value to the existing values
I see it
@LuDevGon In a dictionary, each key has exactly one value associated with it.
If you want multiple cars to one key, the value in the dictionary must be a list
sorry i forgot to mention is a Dictionary<char, Cars[]>
dictionary.ComputeIfAbsent(key, k => new List<Car>()).Add(car);
Get that java outta here
it has to be Dictionary<char, IList<Cars>> tho
But other than that, Wietlol has the right idea here
sorry i am working with C#
you cant add to arrays
this trash is C# :D
Only because you built your own extension method to mimic java
public static V ComputeIfAbsent<K, V>(this IDictionary<K, V> dictionary, K key, Func<V> supplier)
    if (dictionary.ContainsKey(key))
        return dictionary[key];
        var value = supplier();
        dictionary.Add(key, value);
        return value;
(my implementation is much nicer, but would drag a whole jungle with it instead of just this banana)
banana > jungle
@Squirrel.98 Turns out the window I meant is indeed called call stack
Looks like this:
Image Not Found
ah blocked by our IT
I'll request to unblock it
lol damnit
But you can see yours on i.stack.imgur.com?
I can see my images, but the link you just provided with "i.stack.imgur.com" - it's blocked lol
Very strange
Hope no-one is monitoring my chat here
"From our company"
If I was to remove the column from the Grid Control
All works fine
But if I add it in, try editing it, it shows that error
I'll contact DevExpress.
Time for some Feierabend, have a nice day guys 👋
3 hours later…
OrdersResultModel orders = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject<OrdersResultModel>(response.Content);

return orders.Orders;
Anybody know how to return items that only ends with specific condition?
as an example: EndsWith("RBPS");
Maybe something like this:

 return orders.Orders.Where(x => x.Items.All(i => i.Sku.EndsWith("RBPS"))).ToList();
by the end of the day somebody will be dead
theres actually a 2nd part to "alice in wonderland" @Squirrel.98
I've just found out yesterday
ofc I've instantly bought it on amazon
Through the Looking-Glass, and What Alice Found There (also known as Alice Through the Looking-Glass or simply Through the Looking-Glass) is a novel published on 27 December 1871 (though indicated as 1872) by Lewis Carroll and the sequel to Alice's Adventures in Wonderland (1865). Alice again enters a fantastical world, this time by climbing through a mirror into the world that she can see beyond it. There she finds that, just like a reflection, everything is reversed, including logic (for example, running helps one remain stationary, walking away from something brings one towards it, chessmen...
thats what she said...
@Hans1984 that one was also made into a Disney movie, and it wasn't very good
Yeah well
the book might be great though
probably is
Its somewhat darker mood possibly reflects changes in Dodgson's life. His father's death in 1868 plunged him into a depression that lasted some years
a quote
disney movies are watered down movies of the original context
I still can't believe disney waited 6 years to do a sequel to the 2010 AiW when nobody was asking for a sequela nyway
we all know that
I just read its the total opposite from the first part
therefore the mirror
its as if you expect movies to be good
everything turned to shit and became dark in wonderland
that sounds very promising
have you guys ever played the alice video games ?
they are great too
those platformers by THQ?
return to madness?
Alice: Madness Returns is a psychological horror hack and slash action-adventure platform video game developed by independent studio Spicy Horse and released by Electronic Arts for Microsoft Windows, PlayStation 3 and Xbox 360. It is the sequel to American McGee's Alice (2000). American McGee, a video game designer who is most famous for working on the Doom series, was involved in the development. Alice: Madness Returns follows Alice Liddell, a girl suffering from trauma caused by the death of her family in a fire. Alice was discharged from a psychiatric clinic and now lives in an orphanage for...
oh wait..EA made them
American McGee's Alice is a 2000 third-person action-adventure video game developed by Rogue Entertainment under the direction of designer American McGee and published by Electronic Arts (EA). The game was originally released for personal computers running Microsoft Windows and Mac OS. Although a planned PlayStation 2 port was cancelled, the game was later released digitally for the PlayStation 3 and Xbox 360. The game's premise is based on the Lewis Carroll novels Alice's Adventures in Wonderland (1865) and Through the Looking-Glass (1871), but presents a gloomy, cruel and violent version of the...
there you go
oh wow!
@Hans1984 How did you find it?
looks like fun
@Squirrel.98 I've found it when I was googling for the original
Super excited? :D
of course
All these years and now found part 2 :D
Let me know if it's good !
I will
also looking forward to the game
novel published on 27 December 1871
Mad that humans back then had such imagination.
Even before that..
i think they had more imagination than ppl nowadays
since our brains are always on an overstimulation
Probably because of technology
Easy access to everything
alright leaving now

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